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小说: danbrown.angels&demons 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Future of science?〃 Vittoria turned on him。 〃Do you really plan to escape accountability by never admitting this antimatter came from CERN? Do you plan to ignore the people's lives we've put in danger?〃
 〃Not we;〃 Kohler countered。 〃You。 You and your father。〃
 Vittoria looked away。
 〃And as far as endangering lives;〃 Kohler said; 〃life is exactly what this is about。 You know antimatter technology has enormous implications for life on this planet。 If CERN goes bankrupt; destroyed by scandal; everybody loses。 Man's future is in the hands of places like CERN; scientists like you and your father; working to solve tomorrow's problems。〃
 Vittoria had heard Kohler's Science…as…God lecture before; and she never bought it。 Science itself caused half the problems it was trying to solve。 〃Progress〃 was Mother Earth's ultimate malignancy。
 〃Scientific advancement carries risk;〃 Kohler argued。 〃It always has。 Space programs; genetic research; medicine…they all make mistakes。 Science needs to survive its own blunders; at any cost。 For everyone's sake。〃
 Vittoria was amazed at Kohler's ability to weigh moral issues with scientific detachment。 His intellect seemed to be the product of an icy divorce from his inner spirit。 〃You think CERN is so critical to the earth's future that we should be immune from moral responsibility?〃 
 〃Do not argue morals with me。 You crossed a line when you made that specimen; and you have put this entire facility at risk。 I'm trying to protect not only the jobs of the three thousand scientists who work here; but also your father's reputation。 Think about him。 A man like your father does not deserve to be remembered as the creator of a weapon of mass destruction。〃
 Vittoria felt his spear hit home。 I am the one who convinced my father to create that specimen。 This is my fault! 
 When the door opened; Kohler was still talking。 Vittoria stepped out of the elevator; pulled out her phone; and tried again。 
 Still no dial tone。 Damn! She headed for the door。
 〃Vittoria; stop。〃 The director sounded asthmatic now; as he accelerated after her。 〃Slow down。 We need to talk。〃
 〃Basta di parlare!〃
 〃Think of your father;〃 Kohler urged。 〃What would he do?〃
 She kept going。 
 〃Vittoria; I haven't been totally honest with you。〃
 Vittoria felt her legs slow。
 〃I don't know what I was thinking;〃 Kohler said。 〃I was just trying to protect you。 Just tell me what you want。 We need to work together here。〃
 Vittoria came to a full stop halfway across the lab; but she did not turn。 〃I want to find the antimatter。 And I want to know who killed my father。〃 She waited。
 Kohler sighed。 〃Vittoria; we already know who killed your father。 I'm sorry。〃
 Now Vittoria turned。 〃You what?〃 
 〃I didn't know how to tell you。 It's a difficult…〃
 〃You know who killed my father?〃 
 〃We have a very good idea; yes。 The killer left somewhat of a calling card。 That's the reason I called Mr。 Langdon。 The group claiming responsibility is his specialty。〃
 〃The group? A terrorist group?〃
 〃Vittoria; they stole a quarter gram of antimatter。〃
 Vittoria looked at Robert Langdon standing there across the room。 Everything began falling into place。 That explains some of the secrecy。 She was amazed it hadn't occurred to her earlier。 Kohler had called the authorities after all。 The authorities。 Now it seemed obvious。 Robert Langdon was American; clean…cut; conservative; obviously very sharp。 Who else could it be? Vittoria should have guessed from the start。 She felt a newfound hope as she turned to him。
 〃Mr。 Langdon; I want to know who killed my father。 And I want to know if your agency can find the antimatter。〃
 Langdon looked flustered。 〃My agency?〃
 〃You're with U。S。 Intelligence; I assume。〃
 〃Actually 。 。 。 no。〃
 Kohler intervened。 〃Mr。 Langdon is a professor of art history at Harvard University。〃
 Vittoria felt like she had been doused with ice water。 〃An art teacher?〃
 〃He is a specialist in cult symbology。〃 Kohler sighed。 〃Vittoria; we believe your father was killed by a satanic cult。〃
 Vittoria heard the words in her mind; but she was unable to process them。 A satanic cult。
 〃The group claiming responsibility calls themselves the Illuminati。〃
 Vittoria looked at Kohler and then at Langdon; wondering if this was some kind of perverse joke。 〃The Illuminati?〃 she demanded。 〃As in the Bavarian Illuminati?〃
 Kohler looked stunned。 〃You've heard of them?〃 
 Vittoria felt the tears of frustration welling right below the surface。 〃Bavarian Illuminati: New World Order。 Steve Jackson puter games。 Half the techies here play it on the Internet。〃 Her voice cracked。 〃But I don't understand 。 。 。〃
 Kohler shot Langdon a confused look。
 Langdon nodded。 〃Popular game。 Ancient brotherhood takes over the world。 Semihistorical。 I didn't know it was in Europe too。〃
 Vittoria was bewildered。 〃What are you talking about? The Illuminati? It's a puter game!〃
 〃Vittoria;〃 Kohler said; 〃the Illuminati is the group claiming responsibility for your father's death。〃
 Vittoria mustered every bit of courage she could find to fight the tears。 She forced herself to hold on and assess the situation logically。 But the harder she focused; the less she understood。 Her father had been murdered。 CERN had suffered a major breach of security。 There was a bomb counting down somewhere that she was responsible for。 And the director had nominated an art teacher to help them find a mythical fraternity of Satanists。
 Vittoria felt suddenly all alone。 She turned to go; but Kohler cut her off。 He reached for something in his pocket。 He produced a crumpled piece of fax paper and handed it to her。
 Vittoria swayed in horror as her eyes hit the image。
 〃They branded him;〃 Kohler said。 〃They branded his goddamn chest。〃

 Secretary Sylvie Baudeloque was now in a panic。 She paced outside the director's empty office。 Where the hell is he? What do I do? 
 It had been a bizarre day。 Of course; any day working for Maximilian Kohler had the potential to be strange; but Kohler had been in rare form today。
 〃Find me Leonardo Vetra!〃 he had demanded when Sylvie arrived this morning。
 Dutifully; Sylvie paged; phoned; and E…mailed Leonardo Vetra。 
 So Kohler had left in a huff; apparently to go find Vetra himself。 When he rolled back in a few hours later; Kohler looked decidedly not well 。 。 。 not that he ever actually looked well; but he looked worse than usual。 He locked himself in his office; and she could hear him on his modem; his phone; faxing; talking。 Then Kohler rolled out again。 He hadn't been back since。 
 Sylvie had decided to ignore the antics as yet another Kohlerian melodrama; but she began to get concerned when Kohler failed to return at the proper time for his daily injections; the director's physical condition required regular treatment; and when he decided to push his luck; the results were never pretty…respiratory shock; coughing fits; and a mad dash by the infirmary personnel。 Sometimes Sylvie thought Maximilian Kohler had a death wish。
 She considered paging him to remind him; but she'd learned charity was something Kohlers's pride despised。 Last week; he had bee so enraged with a visiting scientist who had shown him undue pity that Kohler clambered to his feet and threw a clipboard at the man's head。 King Kohler could be surprisingly agile when he was pissй。 
 At the moment; however; Sylvie's concern for the director's health was taking a back burner 。 。 。 replaced by a much more pressing dilemma。 The CERN switchboard had phoned five minutes ago in a frenzy to say they had an urgent call for the director。 
 〃He's not available;〃 Sylvie had said。 
 Then the CERN operator told her who was calling。
 Sylvie half laughed aloud。 〃You're kidding; right?〃 She listened; and her face clouded with disbelief。 〃And your caller ID confirms…〃 Sylvie was frowning。 〃I see。 Okay。 Can you ask what the…〃 She sighed。 〃No。 That's fine。 Tell him to hold。 I'll locate the director right away。 Yes; I understand。 I'll hurry。〃
 But Sylvie had not been able to find the director。 She had called his cell line three times and each time gotten the same message: 〃The mobile customer you are trying to reach is out of range。〃 Out of range? How far could he go? So Sylvie had dialed Kohler's beeper。 Twice。 No response。 Most unlike him。 She'd even E…mailed his mobile puter。 Nothing。 It was like the man had disappeared off the face of the earth。
 So what do I do? she now wondered。 
 Short of searching CERN's entire plex herself; Sylvie knew there was only one other way to get the director's attention。 He would not be pleased; but the man on the phone was not someone the director should keep waiting。 Nor did it sound like the caller was in any mood to be told the director was unavailable。
 Startled with her own boldness; Sylvie made her decision。 She walked into Kohler's office and went to the metal box on his wall behind his desk。 She opened the cover; stared at the controls; and found the correct button。
 Then she took a deep breath and grabbed the microphone。
 Vittoria did not remember how they had gotten to the main elevator; but they were there。 Ascending。 Kohler was behind her; his breathing labored now。 Langdon's concerned gaze passed through her like a ghost。 He had taken the fax from her hand and slipped it in his jacket pocket away from her sight; but the image was still burned into her memory。 
 As the elevator climbed; Vittoria's world swirled into darkness。 Papa! In her mind she reached for him。 For just a moment; in the oasis of her memory; Vittoria was with him。 She was nine years old; rolling down hills of edelweiss flowers; the Swiss sky spinning overhead。 
 Papa! Papa! 
 Leonardo Vetra was laughing beside her; beaming。 〃What is it; angel?〃 
 〃Papa!〃 she giggled; nuzzling close to him。 〃Ask me what's the matter!〃
 〃But you look happy; sweetie。 Why would I ask you what's the matter?〃
 〃Just ask me。〃 
 He shrugged。 〃What's the matter?〃
 She immediately started laughing。 〃What's the matter? Everything is the matter! Rocks! Trees! Atoms! Even anteaters! Everything is the matter!〃
 He laughed。 〃Did you make that up?〃
 〃Pretty smart; huh?〃
 〃My little Einstein。〃

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