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〃And I assume;〃 he said; 〃that you are now looking for this missing camera with all available resources?〃
Olivetti shook his head。 〃No; signore。 Locating that camera could take hundreds of man hours。 We have a number of other security concerns at the moment; and with all due respect to Ms。 Vetra; this droplet she talks about is very small。 It could not possibly be as explosive as she claims。〃
Vittoria's patience evaporated。 〃That droplet is enough to level Vatican City! Did you even listen to a word I told you?〃
〃Ma'am;〃 Olivetti said; his voice like steel; 〃my experience with explosives is extensive。〃
〃Your experience is obsolete;〃 she fired back; equally tough。 〃Despite my attire; which I realize you find troublesome; I am a senior level physicist at the world's most advanced subatomic research facility。 I personally designed the antimatter trap that is keeping that sample from annihilating right now。 And I am warning you that unless you find that canister in the next six hours; your guards will have nothing to protect for the next century but a big hole in the ground。〃
Olivetti wheeled to the camerlegno; his insect eyes flashing rage。 〃Signore; I cannot in good conscience allow this to go any further。 Your time is being wasted by pranksters。 The Illuminati? A droplet that will destroy us all?〃
〃Basta;〃 the camerlegno declared。 He spoke the word quietly and yet it seemed to echo across the chamber。 Then there was silence。 He continued in a whisper。 〃Dangerous or not; Illuminati or no Illuminati; whatever this thing is; it most certainly should not be inside Vatican City 。 。 。 no less on the eve of the conclave。 I want it found and removed。 Organize a search immediately。〃
Olivetti persisted。 〃Signore; even if we used all the guards to search the plex; it could take days to find this camera。 Also; after speaking to Ms。 Vetra; I had one of my guards consult our most advanced ballistics guide for any mention of this substance called antimatter。 I found no mention of it anywhere。 Nothing。〃
Pompous ass; Vittoria thought。 A ballistics guide? Did you try an encyclopedia? Under A!
Olivetti was still talking。 〃Signore; if you are suggesting we make a naked…eye search of the entirety of Vatican City then I must object。〃
〃mander。〃 The camerlegno's voice simmered with rage。 〃May I remind you that when you address me; you are addressing this office。 I realize you do not take my position seriously…nonetheless; by law; I am in charge。 If I am not mistaken; the cardinals are now safely within the Sistine Chapel; and your security concerns are at a minimum until the conclave breaks。 I do not understand why you are hesitant to look for this device。 If I did not know better it would appear that you are causing this conclave intentional danger。〃
Olivetti looked scornful。 〃How dare you! I have served your Pope for twelve years! And the Pope before that for fourteen years! Since 1438 the Swiss Guard have…〃
The walkie…talkie on Olivetti's belt squawked loudly; cutting him off。 〃andante?〃
Olivetti snatched it up and pressed the transmitter。 〃Sto ocupato! Cosa voi!!〃
〃Scusi;〃 the Swiss Guard on the radio said。 〃munications here。 I thought you would want to be informed that we have received a bomb threat。〃
Olivetti could not have looked less interested。 〃So handle it! Run the usual trace; and write it up。〃
〃We did; sir; but the caller 。 。 。〃 The guard paused。 〃I would not trouble you; mander; except that he mentioned the substance you just asked me to research。 Antimatter。〃
Everyone in the room exchanged stunned looks。
〃He mentioned what?〃 Olivetti stammered。
〃Antimatter; sir。 While we were trying to run a trace; I did some additional research on his claim。 The information on antimatter is 。 。 。 well; frankly; it's quite troubling。〃
〃I thought you said the ballistics guide showed no mention of it。〃
〃I found it on…line。〃
Alleluia; Vittoria thought。
〃The substance appears to be quite explosive;〃 the guard said。 〃It's hard to imagine this information is accurate but it says here that pound for pound antimatter carries about a hundred times more payload than a nuclear warhead。〃
Olivetti slumped。 It was like watching a mountain crumble。 Vittoria's feeling of triumph was erased by the look of horror on the camerlegno's face。
〃Did you trace the call?〃 Olivetti stammered。
〃No luck。 Cellular with heavy encryption。 The SAT lines are interfused; so triangulation is out。 The IF signature suggests he's somewhere in Rome; but there's really no way to trace him。〃
〃Did he make demands?〃 Olivetti said; his voice quiet。
〃No; sir。 Just warned us that there is antimatter hidden inside the plex。 He seemed surprised I didn't know。 Asked me if I'd seen it yet。 You'd asked me about antimatter; so I decided to advise you。〃
〃You did the right thing;〃 Olivetti said。 〃I'll be down in a minute。 Alert me immediately if he calls back。〃
There was a moment of silence on the walkie…talkie。 〃The caller is still on the line; sir。〃
Olivetti looked like he'd just been electrocuted。 〃The line is open?〃
〃Yes; sir。 We've been trying to trace him for ten minutes; getting nothing but splayed ferreting。 He must know we can't touch him because he refuses to hang up until he speaks to the camerlegno。〃
〃Patch him through;〃 the camerlegno manded。 〃Now!〃
Olivetti wheeled。 〃Father; no。 A trained Swiss Guard negotiator is much better suited to handle this。〃
Olivetti gave the order。
A moment later; the phone on Camerlegno Ventresca's desk began to ring。 The camerlegno rammed his finger down on the speaker…phone button。 〃Who in the name of God do you think you are?〃
The voice emanating from the camerlegno's speaker phone was metallic and cold; laced with arrogance。 Everyone in the room listened。
Langdon tried to place the accent。 Middle Eastern; perhaps?
〃I am a messenger of an ancient brotherhood;〃 the voice announced in an alien cadence。 〃A brotherhood you have wronged for centuries。 I am a messenger of the Illuminati。〃
Langdon felt his muscles tighten; the last shreds of doubt withering away。 For an instant he felt the familiar collision of thrill; privilege; and dead fear that he had experienced when he first saw the ambigram this morning。
〃What do you want?〃 the camerlegno demanded。
〃I represent men of science。 Men who like yourselves are searching for the answers。 Answers to man's destiny; his purpose; his creator。〃
〃Whoever you are;〃 the camerlegno said; 〃I…〃
〃Silenzio。 You will do better to listen。 For two millennia your church has dominated the quest for truth。 You have crushed your opposition with lies and prophesies of doom。 You have manipulated the truth to serve your needs; murdering those whose discoveries did not serve your politics。 Are you surprised you are the target of enlightened men from around the globe?〃
〃Enlightened men do not resort to blackmail to further their causes。〃
〃Blackmail?〃 The caller laughed。 〃This is not blackmail。 We have no demands。 The abolition of the Vatican is nonnegotiable。 We have waited four hundred years for this day。 At midnight; your city will be destroyed。 There is nothing you can do。〃
Olivetti stormed toward the speaker phone。 〃Access to this city is impossible! You could not possibly have planted explosives in here!〃
〃You speak with the ignorant devotion of a Swiss Guard。 Perhaps even an officer? Surely you are aware that for centuries the Illuminati have infiltrated elitist organizations across the globe。 Do you really believe the Vatican is immune?〃
Jesus; Langdon thought; they've got someone on the inside。 It was no secret that infiltration was the Illuminati trademark of power。 They had infiltrated the Masons; major banking networks; government bodies。 In fact; Churchill had once told reporters that if English spies had infiltrated the Nazis to the degree the Illuminati had infiltrated English Parliament; the war would have been over in one month。
〃A transparent bluff;〃 Olivetti snapped。 〃Your influence cannot possibly extend so far。〃
〃Why? Because your Swiss Guards are vigilant? Because they watch every corner of your private world? How about the Swiss Guards themselves? Are they not men? Do you truly believe they stake their lives on a fable about a man who walks on water? Ask yourself how else the canister could have entered your city。 Or how four of your most precious assets could have disappeared this afternoon。〃
〃Our assets?〃 Olivetti scowled。 〃What do you mean?〃
〃One; two; three; four。 You haven't missed them by now?〃
〃What the hell are you talk…〃 Olivetti stopped short; his eyes rocketing wide as though he'd just been punched in the gut。
〃Light dawns;〃 the caller said。 〃Shall I read their names?〃
〃What's going on?〃 the camerlegno said; looking bewildered。
The caller laughed。 〃Your officer has not yet informed you? How sinful。 No surprise。 Such pride。 I imagine the disgrace of telling you the truth 。 。 。 that four cardinals he had sworn to protect seem to have disappeared 。 。 。〃
Olivetti erupted。 〃Where did you get this information!〃
〃Camerlegno;〃 the caller gloated; 〃ask your mander if all your cardinals are present in the Sistine Chapel。〃
The camerlegno turned to Olivetti; his green eyes demanding an explanation。
〃Signore;〃 Olivetti whispered in the camerlegno's ear; 〃it is true that four of our cardinals have not yet reported to the Sistine Chapel; but there is no need for alarm。 Every one of them checked into the residence hall this morning; so we know they are safely inside Vatican City。 You yourself had tea with them only hours ago。 They are simply late for the fellowship preceding conclave。 We are searching; but I'm sure they just lost track of time and are still out enjoying the grounds。〃
〃Enjoying the grounds?〃 The calm departed from the camerlegno's voice。 〃They were due in the chapel over an hour ago!〃
Langdon shot Vittoria a look of amazement。 Missing cardinals? So that's what they were looking for downstairs?
〃Our inventory;〃 the caller said; 〃you will find quite convincing。 There is Cardinal Lamassй from Paris; Cardinal Guidera from Barcelona; Cardinal Ebner from Frankfurt 。 。 。〃
Olivetti seemed to shrink smaller an