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小说: danbrown.angels&demons 字数: 每页4000字

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feet in an instant。 Nausea and light…headedness were not unmon。 Double vision; double over; he reminded himself; quoting the archivist's mantra。 Langdon felt his ears pop。 There was a hiss of air; and the door spun to a stop。
 He was in。
 Langdon's first realization was that the air inside was thinner than he had anticipated。 The Vatican; it seemed; took their archives a bit more seriously than most。 Langdon fought the gag reflex and relaxed his chest while his pulmonary capillaries dilated。 The tightness passed quickly。 Enter the Dolphin; he mused; gratified his fifty laps a day were good for something。 Breathing more normally now; he looked around the vault。 Despite the transparent outer walls; he felt a familiar anxiety。 I'm in a box; he thought。 A blood red box。
 The door buzzed behind him; and Langdon turned to watch Vittoria enter。 When she arrived inside; her eyes immediately began watering; and she started breathing heavily。
 〃Give it a minute;〃 Langdon said。 〃If you get light…headed; bend over。〃 
 〃I 。 。 。 feel 。 。 。〃 Vittoria choked; 〃like I'm 。 。 。 scuba diving 。 。 。 with the wrong 。 。 。 mixture。〃
 Langdon waited for her to acclimatize。 He knew she would be fine。 Vittoria Vetra was obviously in terrific shape; nothing like the doddering ancient Radcliffe alumnae Langdon had once squired through Widener Library's hermetic vault。 The tour had ended with Langdon giving mouth…to…mouth to an old woman who'd almost aspirated her false teeth。
 〃Feeling better?〃 he asked。 
 Vittoria nodded。 
 〃I rode your damn space plane; so I thought I owed you。〃
 This brought a smile。 〃Touchй。〃 
 Langdon reached into the box beside the door and extracted some white cotton gloves。 
 〃Formal affair?〃 Vittoria asked。
 〃Finger acid。 We can't handle the documents without them。 You'll need a pair。〃
 Vittoria donned some gloves。 〃How long do we have?〃
 Langdon checked his Mickey Mouse watch。 〃It's just past seven。〃
 〃We have to find this thing within the hour。〃
 〃Actually;〃 Langdon said; 〃we don't have that kind of time。〃 He pointed overhead to a filtered duct。 〃Normally the curator would turn on a reoxygenation system when someone is inside the vault。 Not today。 Twenty minutes; we'll both be sucking wind。〃
 Vittoria blanched noticeably in the reddish glow。
 Langdon smiled and smoothed his gloves。 〃Substantiate or suffocate; Ms。 Vetra。 Mickey's ticking。〃 

 BBC reporter Gunther Glick stared at the cell phone in his hand for ten seconds before he finally hung up。 
 Chinita Macri studied him from the back of the van。 〃What happened? Who was that?〃
 Glick turned; feeling like a child who had just received a Christmas gift he feared was not really for him。 〃I just got a tip。 Something's going on inside the Vatican。〃
 〃It's called conclave;〃 Chinita said。 〃Helluva tip。〃
 〃No; something else。〃 Something big。 He wondered if the story the caller had just told him could possibly be true。 Glick felt ashamed when he realized he was praying it was。 〃What if I told you four cardinals have been kidnapped and are going to be murdered at different churches tonight。〃
 〃I'd say you're being hazed by someone at the office with a sick sense of humor。〃
 〃What if I told you we were going to be given the exact location of the first murder?〃
 〃I'd want to know who the hell you just talked to。〃
 〃He didn't say。〃
 〃Perhaps because he's full of shit?〃
 Glick had e to expect Macri's cynicism; but what she was forgetting was that liars and lunatics had been Glick's business for almost a decade at the British Tattler。 This caller had been neither。 This man had been coldly sane。 Logical。 I will call you just before eight; the man had said; and tell you where the first killing will occur。 The images you record will make you famous。 When Glick had demanded why the caller was giving him this information; the answer had been as icy as the man's Mideastern accent。 The media is the right arm of anarchy。
 〃He told me something else too;〃 Glick said。
 〃What? That Elvis Presley was just elected Pope?〃
 〃Dial into the BBC database; will you?〃 Glick's adrenaline was pumping now。 〃I want to see what other stories we've run on these guys。〃
 〃What guys?〃
 〃Indulge me。〃
 Macri sighed and pulled up the connection to the BBC database。 〃This'll take a minute。〃
 Glick's mind was swimming。 〃The caller was very intent to know if I had a cameraman。〃
 〃And if we could transmit live。〃
 〃One point five three seven megahertz。 What is this about?〃 The database beeped。 〃Okay; we're in。 Who is it you're looking for?〃
 Glick gave her the keyword。
 Macri turned and stared。 〃I sure as hell hope you're kidding。〃

 The internal organization of Archival Vault 10 was not as intuitive as Langdon had hoped; and the Diagramma manuscript did not appear to be located with other similar Galilean publications。 Without access to the puterized Biblion and a reference locator; Langdon and Vittoria were stuck。
 〃You're sure Diagramma is in here?〃 Vittoria asked。
 〃Positive。 It's a confirmed listing in both the Uficcio della Propaganda delle Fede…〃
 〃Fine。 As long as you're sure。〃 She headed left; while he went right。
 Langdon began his manual search。 He needed every bit of self…restraint not to stop and read every treasure he passed。 The collection was staggering。 The Assayer 。 。 。 The Starry Messenger 。 。 。 The Sunspot Letters 。 。 。 Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina 。 。 。 Apologia pro Galileo 。 。 。 On and on。
 It was Vittoria who finally struck gold near the back of the vault。 Her throaty voice called out; 〃Diagramma della Veritа!〃 
 Langdon dashed through the crimson haze to join her。 〃Where?〃
 Vittoria pointed; and Langdon immediately realized why they had not found it earlier。 The manuscript was in a folio bin; not on the shelves。 Folio bins were a mon means of storing unbound pages。 The label on the front of the container left no doubt about the contents。
 Galileo Galilei; 1639 
 Langdon dropped to his knees; his heart pounding。 〃Diagramma。〃 He gave her a grin。 〃Nice work。 Help me pull out this bin。〃
 Vittoria knelt beside him; and they heaved。 The metal tray on which the bin was sitting rolled toward them on castors; revealing the top of the container。
 〃No lock?〃 Vittoria said; sounding surprised at the simple latch。
 〃Never。 Documents sometimes need to be evacuated quickly。 Floods and fires。〃
 〃So open it。〃
 Langdon didn't need any encouragement。 With his academic life's dream right in front of him and the thinning air in the chamber; he was in no mood to dawdle。 He unsnapped the latch and lifted the lid。 Inside; flat on the floor of the bin; lay a black; duck…cloth pouch。 The cloth's breathability was critical to the preservation of its contents。 Reaching in with both hands and keeping the pouch horizontal; Langdon lifted it out of the bin。
 〃I expected a treasure chest;〃 Vittoria said。 〃Looks more like a pillowcase。〃
 〃Follow me;〃 he said。 Holding the bag before him like a sacred offering; Langdon walked to the center of the vault where he found the customary glass…topped archival exam table。 Although the central location was intended to minimize in…vault travel of documents; researchers appreciated the privacy the surrounding stacks afforded。 Career…making discoveries were uncovered in the top vaults of the world; and most academics did not like rivals peering through the glass as they worked。
 Langdon lay the pouch on the table and unbuttoned the opening。 Vittoria stood by。 Rummaging through a tray of archivist tools; Langdon found the felt…pad pincers archivists called finger cymbals…oversized tweezers with flattened disks on each arm。 As his excitement mounted; Langdon feared at any moment he might awake back in Cambridge with a pile of test papers to grade。 Inhaling deeply; he opened the bag。 Fingers trembling in their cotton gloves; he reached in with his tongs。
 〃Relax;〃 Vittoria said。 〃It's paper; not plutonium。〃
 Langdon slid the tongs around the stack of documents inside and was careful to apply even pressure。 Then; rather than pulling out the documents; he held them in place while he slid off the bag…an archivist's procedure for minimizing torque on the artifact。 Not until the bag was removed and Langdon had turned on the exam darklight beneath the table did he begin breathing again。
 Vittoria looked like a specter now; lit from below by the lamp beneath the glass。 〃Small sheets;〃 she said; her voice reverent。
 Langdon nodded。 The stack of folios before them looked like loose pages from a small paperback novel。 Langdon could see that the top sheet was an ornate pen and ink cover sheet with the title; the date; and Galileo's name in his own hand。
 In that instant; Langdon forgot the cramped quarters; forgot his exhaustion; forgot the horrifying situation that had brought him here。 He simply stared in wonder。 Close encounters with history always left Langdon numbed with reverence 。 。 。 like seeing the brushstrokes on the Mona Lisa。
 The muted; yellow papyrus left no doubt in Langdon's mind as to its age and authenticity; but excluding the inevitable fading; the document was in superb condition。 Slight bleaching of the pigment。 Minor sundering and cohesion of the papyrus。 But all in all 。 。 。 in damn fine condition。 He studied the ornate hand etching of the cover; his vision blurring in the lack of humidity。 Vittoria was silent。
 〃Hand me a spatula; please。〃 Langdon motioned beside Vittoria to a tray filled with stainless…steel archival tools。 She handed it to him。 Langdon took the tool in his hand。 It was a good one。 He ran his fingers across the face to remove any static charge and then; ever so carefully; slid the blade beneath the cover。 Then; lifting the spatula; he turned over the cover sheet。 
 The first page was written in longhand; the tiny; stylized calligraphy almost impossible to read。 Langdon immediately noticed that there were no diagrams or numbers on the page。 It was an essay。
 〃Heliocentricity;〃 Vittoria said; translating the heading on folio one。 She scanned the text。 〃Looks like Galileo renouncing the geocentric model once and for all。 Ancient Italian; though; so no promises on the tran

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