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小说: preston&child.thecabinetofcuriosities 字数: 每页4000字

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in the dark。 Why? Now that was a question worth asking。
 He swore again。 Pendergast was asking a hell of a lot; but he wasn't giving anything in return。 Why was he wasting a fine fall evening tramping around the Dakota; looking for clues that weren't there; for a guy who didn't want help?
 Cool it; O'Shaughnessy told himself。 Pendergast was the most logical; methodical guy he'd ever met。 He'd have his reasons。 All in good time。 Meanwhile; this was a waste。 Time for dinner and the latest issue of Opera News。
 O'Shaughnessy turned to head home。 And that's when he saw the tall; shadowy figure e into view at the corner。
 Instinctively; O'Shaughnessy shrank into the nearest doorway。 He waited。 The figure stood on the corner; precisely where he himself had stood only a few minutes before; glancing around。 Then it started down the street toward him; slowly and furtively。
 O'Shaughnessy stiffened; receding deeper into the shadows。 The figure crept down to the angle of the building; pausing right at the spot where Pendergast had been assaulted。 The beam of a flashlight went on。 He seemed to be inspecting the pavement; looking around。 He was dressed in a long dark coat; which could easily be concealing a weapon。 He was certainly no cop。 And the attack had not been in the papers。
 O'Shaughnessy made a quick decision。 He grasped his service revolver in his right hand and pulled out his shield with his left。 Then he stepped out of the shadows。
 〃Police officer;〃 he said quietly but firmly。 〃Don't move。 Keep your hands where I can see them。〃
 The figure jumped sideways with a yelp; holding up a pair of gangly arms。 〃Wait! Don't shoot! I'm a reporter!〃
 O'Shaughnessy relaxed as he recognized the man。 〃So it's you;〃 he said; holstering his gun; feeling disappointed。
 〃Yeah; and it's you;〃 Smithback lowered his trembling arms。 〃The cop from the opening。〃
 〃Sergeant O'Shaughnessy。〃
 〃Right。 What are you doing here?〃
 〃Same as you; probably;〃 said O'Shaughnessy。 Then he stopped abruptly; remembering he was speaking to a reporter。 It wouldn't be good for this to get back to Custer。
 Smithback mopped his brow with a soiled handkerchief。 〃You scared the piss out of me。〃
 〃Sorry。 You looked suspicious。〃
 Smithback shook his head。 〃I imagine I did。〃 He glanced around。 〃Find anything?〃
 There was a brief silence。
 〃Who do you think did it? Think it was just some mugger?〃
 Although Smithback was echoing the same question he'd asked himself moments before; O'Shaughnessy merely shrugged。 The best thing to do was to keep his mouth shut。
 〃Surely the police have some kind of theory。〃
 O'Shaughnessy shrugged again。
 Smithback stepped closer; lowering his voice。 〃Look; I understand if it's confidential。 I can quote you 'not for attribution。' 〃
 O'Shaughnessy wasn't going to fall into that trap。
 Smithback sighed; looking up at the buildings with an air of finality。 〃Well; there's nothing much else to be seen around here。 And if you're going to clam up; I might as well go get a drink。 Try to recover from that fright you gave me。〃 He snugged the handkerchief back into his pocket。 〃Night; Officer。〃
 He began to walk away。 Then he stopped; as if struck by an idea。
 〃Want to e along?〃
 〃No; thanks。〃
 〃e on;〃 the reporter said。 〃You don't look like you're on duty。〃
 〃I said no。〃
 Smithback took a step closer。 〃You know; now that I think about it; maybe we could help each other out here。 Know what I mean? I need to keep in touch with this investigation into the Surgeon。〃
 〃The Surgeon?〃
 〃Haven't you heard? That's what the Post is calling this serial killer。 Cheesy; huh? Anyway; I need information; and I'll bet you need information。 Am I right?〃
 O'Shaughnessy said nothing。 He did need information。 But he wondered if Smithback really had something; or was just bullshitting。
 〃I'll level with you; Sergeant。 I got scooped on that tourist killing in Central Park。 And now; I have to scramble to get new developments; or my editor will have my ass for brunch。 A little advance notice here and there; nothing too specific; just a nod from a friend…you; for instance。 That's all。〃
 〃What kind of information do you have?〃 O'Shaughnessy asked guardedly。 He thought back a minute to what Pendergast had said。 〃Do you have anything on; say; Fairhaven?〃
 Smithback rolled his eyes。 〃Are you kidding? I've got a sackful on him。 Not that it'll do you much good; but I'm willing to share。 Let's talk about it over a drink。〃
 O'Shaughnessy glanced up and down the street。 Despite his better judgment; he found himself tempted。 Smithback might be a hustler; but he seemed a decent sort of hustler。 And he'd even worked with Pendergast in the past; though the reporter didn't seem too eager to reminisce about it。 And finally; Pendergast had asked him to put together a file on Fairhaven。
 Smithback smiled。 〃Are you kidding? The best bars in New York City are just one block west; on Columbus。 I know a great place; where all the Museum types go。 It's called the Bones。 e on; the first round's on me。〃
 THE FOG GREW thicker for a moment。 Pendergast waited; maintaining his concentration。 Then through the fog came flickerings of orange and yellow。 Pendergast felt heat upon his face。 The fog began to clear。
 He was standing outside J。 C。 Shottum's Cabinet of Natural Productions and Curiosities。 It was night。 The cabinet was burning。 Angry flames leapt from the first… and second…story windows; punching through billowing clouds of black; acrid smoke。 Several firemen and a bevy of police were frantically roping off the street around the building and pushing curious onlookers back from the conflagration。 Inside the rope; several knots of firefighters arced hopeless streams of water into the blaze; while others scurried to douse the gaslights along the sidewalk。
 The heat was a physical force; a wall。 Standing on the street corner; Pendergast's gaze lingered appreciatively on the fire engine: a big black boiler on carriage wheels; belching steam; Amoskeag Manufacturing pany in gold letters on its sweating sides。 Then he turned toward the onlookers。 Would Leng be among them; admiring his handiwork? No; he would have been long gone。 Leng was no pyromaniac。 He would be safely ensconced in his uptown house; location unknown。
 The location of the house was a great question。 But another; perhaps more pressing; question remained: where had Leng moved his laboratory?
 There was a tremendous; searing crack; roof timbers collapsed inward with a roiling shower of sparks; an appreciative murmur rose from the crowd。 With a final look at the doomed structure; Pendergast began threading his way through the crowd。
 A little girl rushed up; no older than six; threadbare and frighteningly gaunt。 She had a battered straw broom in her hand; and she swept the street corner ahead of him industriously; clearing away the dung and pestilential garbage; hoping pathetically for a coin。 〃Thank you;〃 Pendergast said; tossing her several broad copper pennies。 She looked at the coins; eyes wide at her good fortune; then curtsied awkwardly。
 〃What's your name; child?〃 Pendergast asked gently。
 The girl looked up at him; as if surprised to hear an adult speak to her in a solicitous tone。 〃Constance Greene; sir;〃 she said。
 〃Greene?〃 Pendergast frowned。 〃Of Water Street?〃
 〃No; sir。 Not…not anymore。〃 Something seemed to have frightened the girl; and; with another curtsy; she turned and melted away down a crowded side street。
 Pendergast stared down the foul street and its seething crowds for some time。 Then; with a troubled expression on his face; he turned and slowly retraced his steps。 A barker stood in the doorway of Brown's Restaurant; delivering the bill of fare in a loud; breathless; ceaseless litany:
 Biledamancabbage; vegetaybles…
 Pendergast moved on thoughtfully; listening to the City Hall bell toll the urgent fire alarm。 Making his way to Park Street; he passed a chemist's shop; closed and shuttered; an array of bottles in diverse sizes and colors decorating the window: Paine's Celery pound; Swamp Root; D。 & A。 Younce's Indian Cure Oil (Good for Man and Beast)。
 Two blocks down Park; he stopped abruptly。 He was fully attentive now; eyes open to every detail。 He had painstakingly researched this region of old New York; and the fog of his memory construct retreated well into the distance。 Here; Baxter and Worth Streets angled in sharply; creating a crazy…quilt of intersections known as the Five Points。 In the bleak landscape of urban decay that stretched before him; there was none of the carefree revelry Pendergast had found earlier; along Bowery。
 Thirty years before; in the 1850s; the 〃Points〃 had been the worst slum in all New York; in all America; worse even than London's Seven Dials。 It remained a miserable; squalid; dangerous place: home to fifty thousand criminals; drug addicts; prostitutes; orphans; confidence men; villains of all shape and description。 The uneven streets were broken and scored into dangerous ruts; brimming with garbage and offal。 Hogs wandered about; rooting and wallowing in the fouled gutters。 The houses seemed prematurely aged; their windows broken; tarpaper roofs hanging free; timbers sagging。 A single gas lamp threw light into the intersection。 On all sides; narrow streets marched off into endless darkness。 The doors of the first…floor taverns were flung wide against the summer heat。 The smells of liquor and cigar smoke issued forth。 Women; bare…breasted; lolled in the doorways; exchanging obscene jeers with whores in the neighboring saloons or soliciting passersby in lurid tones。 Across the way; nickel…a…night flophouses; riddled with vermin and pestilence; sat between the shabby cow…sheds of fencers of stolen goods。
 Pendergast gazed carefully around at the scene; scrutinizing the topography; the architecture; for any clue; any hidden link that a mere study of historical records could not provide。 At last he turned eastward; where a vast; five…story structure sat; decayed and listing; dark even in the light of the gas lamp。 This was the former Old Brewery; at one time the wors

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