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小说: preston&child.thecabinetofcuriosities 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃I'm afraid we don't have any;〃 Pendergast murmured。
 CUSTER WATCHED BRISBANE unlock his office door; open it; then step irritably aside to allow them to enter。 Custer stepped through the doorway; the flush of returning confidence adding gravity to his stride。 There was no need to hurry; not anymore。 He turned; looked around: very clean and modern; lots of chrome and glass。 Two large windows looked over Central Park and; beyond; at the twinkling wall of lights that made up Fifth Avenue。 His eyes fell to the desk that dominated the center of the room。 Antique inkwell; silver clock; expensive knickknacks。 And a glass box full of gemstones。 Cushy; cushy。
 〃Nice office;〃 he said。
 Shrugging the pliment aside; Brisbane draped his tuxedo jacket over his chair; then sat down behind the desk。 〃I don't have a lot of time;〃 he said truculently。 〃It's eleven o'clock。 I expect you to say what you have to say; then have your men vacate the premises until we can determine a mutually agreeable course of action。〃
 〃Of course; of course。〃 Custer moved about the office; hefting a paperweight here; admiring a picture there。 He could see Brisbane growing increasingly irritated。 Good。 Let the man stew。 Eventually; he'd say something。
 〃Shall we get on with it; Captain?〃 Brisbane pointedly gestured for Custer to take a seat。
 Just as pointedly; Custer continued circling the large office。 Except for the knickknacks and the case of gems on the desk and the paintings on the walls; the office looked bare; save for one wall that contained shelving and a closet。
 〃Mr。 Brisbane; I understand you're the Museum's general counsel?〃
 〃That's right。〃
 〃An important position。〃
 〃As a matter of fact; it is。〃
 Custer moved toward the shelves; examined a mother…of…pearl fountain pen displayed on one of them。 〃I understand your feelings of invasion here; Mr。 Brisbane。〃
 〃That's reassuring。〃
 〃To a certain extent; you feel it's your place。 You feel protective of the Museum。〃
 〃I do。〃
 Custer nodded; his gaze moving along the shelf to an antique Chinese snuffbox set with stones。 He picked it up。 〃Naturally; you don't like a bunch of policemen barging in here。〃
 〃Frankly; I don't。 I've told you as much several times already。 That's a very valuable snuffbox; Captain。〃
 Custer returned it; picked up something else。 〃I imagine this whole thing's been rather hard on you。 First; there was the discovery of the skeletons left by that nineteenth…century serial killer。 Then there was that letter discovered in the Museum's collections。 Very unpleasant。〃
 〃The adverse publicity could have easily harmed the Museum。〃
 〃Then there was that curator…?〃
 〃Nora Kelly。〃
 Custer noted a new tone creeping into Brisbane's voice: dislike; disapproval; perhaps a sense of injury。
 〃The same one who found the skeletons…and the hidden letter; correct? You didn't like her working on this case。 Worried about adverse publicity; I suppose。〃
 〃I thought she should be doing her research。 That's what she was being paid to do。〃
 〃You didn't want her helping the police?〃
 〃Naturally; I wanted her to do what she could to help the police。 I just didn't want her neglecting her museum duties。〃
 Custer nodded sagely。 〃Of course。 And then she was chased in the Archives; almost killed。 By the Surgeon。〃 He moved to a nearby bookshelf。 The only books it contained were half a dozen fat legal tomes。 Even their bindings managed to look stultifyingly dull。 He tapped his finger on a spine。 〃You're a lawyer?〃
 〃General counsel usually means lawyer。〃
 This bounced off Custer without leaving a dent。 〃I see。 Been here how long?〃
 〃A little over two years。〃
 〃Like it?〃
 〃It's a very interesting place to work。 Now look; I thought we were going to talk about getting your men out of here。〃
 〃Soon。〃 Custer turned。 〃Visit the Archives much?〃
 〃Not so much。 More; lately; of course; with all the activity。〃
 〃I see。 Interesting place; the Archives。〃 He turned briefly to see the effect of this observation on Brisbane。 The eyes。 Watch the eyes。
 〃I suppose some find it so。〃
 〃But not you。〃
 〃Boxes of paper and moldy specimens don't interest me。〃
 〃And yet you visited there〃…Custer consulted his notebook…〃let's see; no less than eight times in the last ten days。〃
 〃I doubt it was that often。 On Museum business; in any case。〃
 〃In any case。〃 He looked shrewdly back at Brisbane。 〃The Archives。 Where the body of Puck was found。 Where Nora Kelly was chased。〃
 〃You mentioned her already。〃
 〃And then there's Smithback; that annoying reporter?〃
 〃Annoying is an understatement。〃
 〃Didn't want him around; did you? Well; who would?〃
 〃My thinking exactly。 You've heard; of course; how he impersonated a security officer? Stole Museum files?〃
 〃I've heard; I've heard。 Fact is; we're looking for the man; but he seems to have disappeared。 You wouldn't know where he was; by any chance; would you?〃 He added a faint emphasis to this last phrase。
 〃Of course not。〃
 〃Of course not。〃 Custer returned his attention to the gems。 He stroked the glass case with a fat finger。 〃And then there's that FBI agent; Pendergast。 The one who was attacked。 Also very annoying。〃
 Brisbane remained silent。
 〃Didn't much like him around either…eh; Mr。 Brisbane?〃
 〃We had enough policemen crawling over the place。 Why pound it with the FBI? And speaking of policemen crawling around…〃
 〃It's just that I find it very curious; Mr。 Brisbane 。 。 。〃 Custer let the sentence trail off。
 〃What do you find curious; Captain?〃
 There was a motion in the hallway outside; then the door opened abruptly。 A police sergeant entered; dusty; wide…eyed; sweating。
 〃Captain!〃 he gasped。 〃We were interviewing this woman just now; a curator; and she locked…〃
 Custer looked at the man…O'Grady; his name was…reprovingly。 〃Not now; Sergeant。 Can't you see I'm conducting a conversation here?〃
 〃You heard the captain;〃 Noyes interjected; propelling the protesting sergeant toward the door。
 Custer waited until the door closed again; then turned back to Brisbane。 〃I find it curious how very interested you've been in this case;〃 he said。
 〃It's my job。〃
 〃I know that。 You're a very dedicated man。 I've also noticed your dedication in human resources matters。 Hiring; firing 。 。 。〃
 〃That's correct。〃
 〃Reinhart Puck; for example。〃
 〃What about him?〃
 Custer consulted his notebook again。 〃Why exactly did you try to fire Mr。 Puck; just two days before his murder?〃
 Brisbane started to say something; then hesitated。 A new thought seemed to have occurred to him。
 〃Strange timing there; wouldn't you agree; Mr。 Brisbane?〃
 The man smiled thinly。 〃Captain; I felt the position was extraneous。 The Museum is having financial difficulties。 And Mr。 Puck had been 。 。 。 well; he had not been cooperative。 Of course; it had nothing to do with the murder。〃
 〃But they wouldn't let you fire him; would they?〃
 〃He'd been with the Museum over twenty…five years。 They felt it might affect morale。〃
 〃Must've made you angry; being shot down like that。〃
 Brisbane's smile froze in place。 〃Captain; I hope you're not suggesting I had anything to do with the murder。〃
 Custer raised his eyebrows in mock astonishment。 〃Am I?〃
 〃Since I assume you're asking a rhetorical question; I won't bother to answer it。〃
 Custer smiled。 He didn't know what a rhetorical question was; but he could see that his questions were finding their mark。 He gave the gem case another stroke; then glanced around。 He'd covered the office; all that remained was the closet。 He strolled over; put his hand on the handle; paused。
 〃But it did make you angry? Being contradicted like that; I mean。〃
 〃No one is pleased to be countermanded;〃 Brisbane replied icily。 〃The man was an anachronism; his work habits clearly inefficient。 Look at that typewriter he insisted on using for all his correspondence。〃
 〃Yes。 The typewriter。 The one the murderer used to write one…make that two…notes。 You knew about that typewriter; I take it?〃
 〃Everybody did。 The man was infamous for refusing to allow a puter terminal on his desk; refusing to use e…mail。〃
 〃I see。〃 Custer nodded; opened the closet。
 As if on cue; an old…fashioned black derby hat fell out; bounced across the floor; and rolled in circles until it finally came to rest at Custer's feet。
 Custer looked down at it in astonishment。 It couldn't have happened more perfectly if this had been an Agatha Christie murder mystery。 This kind of thing just didn't happen in real policework。 He could hardly believe it。
 He looked up at Brisbane; his eyebrows arching quizzically。
 Brisbane looked first confounded; then flustered; then angry。
 〃It was for a costume party at the Museum;〃 the lawyer said。 〃You can check for yourself。 Everyone saw me in it。 I've had it for years。〃
 Custer poked his head into the closet; rummaged around; and removed a black umbrella; tightly furled。 He brought it out; stood it up on its point; then released it。 The umbrella toppled over beside the hat。 He looked up again at Brisbane。 The seconds ticked on。
 〃This is absurd!〃 exploded Brisbane。
 〃I haven't said anything;〃 said Custer。 He looked at Noyes。 〃Did you say anything?〃
 〃No; sir; I didn't say anything。〃
 〃So what exactly; Mr。 Brisbane; is absurd?〃
 〃What you're thinking…〃 The man could hardly get out the words。 〃That I'm 。 。 。 that; you know 。 。 。 Oh; this is perfectly ridiculous!〃
 Custer placed his hands behind his back。 He came forward slowly; one step after another; until he reached the desk。 And then; very deliberately; he leaned over it。
 〃What am I thinking; Mr。 Brisbane?〃 he asked quietly。
 THE ROLLS ROCKETED up Riverside; their driver weaving expertly through the lines of traffic; threading the big vehicle through impossibly narrow gaps; sometimes forcing opposing cars onto the curb。 It was after eleven P。M。; and the traffic was beginning to thin out。 But the curbs of Riverside and the side streets that led away from it remained pletely jammed with parked cars。
 The car swerved onto 131st Street; slowing abruptly。 And almost immediately…no more than half a dozen cars in from Riverside…Nora spotted it: a silver Ford Taurus; New York plate

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