八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > cw.blackalibi >



小说: cw.blackalibi 字数: 每页4000字

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masonry supporting a boulevard that crossed the former river bed at a height equal to its sides。 You had to go through an arched passageway tunneled through its base to get over to the other side。 It had always; even before now (now being that rumor); given her the creeps to have to pass through there late like this; when there was no one much around any more。 It was so black while it lasted。
  But if she went back without the charcoal; her mother wouldn't let her in。 Or; if she did; would probably disbelieve her about the store being closed and would take the broom to her some more。
  The more embodied fear always overes the more formless one; even when it is the lesser of the two。 She reluctantly resumed her descent toward the causeway ahead; instead of turning back for home。
  When she got down to it and was about to enter; she took a deep breath; stored up enough air to see her through to the other side。 It was black and impenetrable。 The slant of the ground outside prevented what reflection there was from street lights in the distance from entering; beyond a slight indentation at its very mouth。 You'd think they'd have a light hanging in it at least; or just outside up over the entrance。 Well; they'd tried to many times; but the kids who played around here in the daytime had always ended up by busting it in a day or two; so finally they didn't try to keep one going any more。
  Her footsteps began to echo hollowly the minute the unseen rounded roof had closed over her; and the stonework all around made it a little damper and mustier。 Once; a year or so ago; somebody had been found dead in here; with a knife in him and his pockets… But she didn't want to think of that now。 This was no time for it。
  She had quickened her gait unconsciously; from the moment of entering。 Her eyes; brilliant and large at all times; must have been enormous in the gloom; though they couldn't be seen。 Gracias a Dios; it wasn't very long; just about the width of the boulevard that ran atop it。 She was halfway through to the other side now。 Her footfalls went bonk; bonk; bonk; bonk; like the thumping of gourds; the stones above giving the sound back to the stones below。
  There…she could see the other opening ahead of her; she was ing Out。 She began to breathe again; and; only in doing so; realized she hadn't been until now。 It wasn't very much lighter out ahead than it was in here; a few motes of dark blue or gray mingled with the smooth…textured black to make it seem threadbare; that was all。 But the deep resonance of her tread began to dwindle a little; and the air to bee a little less damply oppressive。 Those were the chief signals of approaching emergence; rather than vision itself。
  And then; as she hurried to meet the open again; she happened to glance over to one side of her。 For no reason; or for whatever reason it is that draws the vacant glance when there seems to be no cause yet there is。 Her throat swelled with suddenly congested breath。 What was that? The stonework must be wet over there; there must be some slight seepage of water trickling down between their seams。 For she caught a sort of reflected gleam; an iridescent winking。
  But there wasn't any light outside the passage; nothing that could strike that far in; create such a high light against the stone tunnel facing。 It was not expansive; in a sheet; nor yet was it continuous; in a perpendicular thread; such as watet might have made。 If it was water; it was in the shape of two drops; side by side。 Two elongated; almost slitted drops; rod…shaped; like bacilli seen through a microscope。 Faintly wavering; as if with inner heat carried upward behind them; in a fuming sulphurous yellow green。 Yet not distinct; not clearly etched against the blackness; nothing like that。 Rather a diffuse; a thin…surfaced glistening that; but for the blackness itself; which gave the eye; her eye; nothing else to rest upon; would have escaped her notice entirely。
  They weren't eyes; were they…other eyes? So steadily maintaining their twoness; their equidistance; their taut; stretched…out suggestion of wicked peering… No; of course not。 How could they be? What would eyes be doing in here; and…and whose would they be anyway; and… Just don't let them be; don't think they are; if you think they aren't; they won't be。 Only light glinting from the wetted projection of two small roughnesses; two unevennesses in the stonework; side by side; that was all。
  It had sidled back to the rearward now; as her feet continued to do their duty; like soldiers who continue to carry out previously received orders long past the ability of the manding officer to issue or even be able to think up new ones。 She didn't dare turn to look back; once the continuity of her line of vision had been broken; she was afraid her carefully patched explanation couldn't stand the confirmation of a second look; might fall to pieces at it。
  A few short steps more; and the night sky had opened around her again。 Look; a star。 Another。 Oh; the beautiful openness of night。 Space to run in。 Even the darkness a lesser darkness; with color beneath its surface: sooted white and submerged green and blue。 The gourds of her measured tread became the rattle of her flying feet; one end of her rebozo winging out behind her。
  She only stopped again when the silvery pallor of the store; falling in a fan across the ground; lay just ahead; around a turn in the crooked byway。 How beautiful it seemed; with its bedraggled fringe of paper strung across the front of it; limp from many rains; and with the colors it had once been dyed transferred to streaks down the stucco wall。 How friendly that dissonant jangle of the bell cord attached to the door sounded as she pushed her way in。 What a lovely place to be in; with its smell of hemp and cordage and kerosene。
  The old Basque who ran it came out of the back; still smacking his lips from his own meal; beret left on his head even while he ate。 He knew her by sight。 〃Ah; Teresita。〃 He shook his head as he weighed out the charcoal。 〃They shouldn't send you out alone so late; hijita。〃
  She was brave; now that she was safe again。 She wasn't going to admit how frightened she'd been herself just now。 She fluttered her fingers in rotation on the edge of his counter。 〃What can happen to me? This is Ciudad Real。〃
  〃Many things can happen;〃 he said enigmatically。
  They exchanged a look of plete mutual understanding。 But they didn't say what they meant。 It wasn't necessary to。 So he'd heard about it too。 She knew what he was referring to。 And he knew that she knew。
  She tried to prolong the trivial little transaction all she could。 Because while it lasted it spelled safety; light; another's pany。 Afterwards would e darkness; fear; solitude again。
  〃Will it hold that way?〃
  〃Yes; just hold it up straight; hold the two corners together like this。〃
  〃Oh; what a pretty cat!〃
  〃You've seen him before。 Don't you remember? I've always had him。〃
  〃Yes; that's right; too。 I guess I have。〃 She gave a brief look at the door behind her; as she put down her money on the counter。
  〃They didn't give you enough。 It's gone up。〃
  〃I'll bring it next time。 Will you trust me? I live in the Pasaje del Diablo; over on the other side of the viaduct…〃
  〃Never fear。 Next time you e in。〃 The poor don't cheat one another; they're all poor together。
  〃Well…good night; seсor。〃 She seemed to have to wrench it out of her throat; it clung so。
  〃Good night; Teresita。 Better get back; don't linger on the way。〃
  The bellpull jangled once more; and she was out in the dark again。 What dismal forlorn sound it had this time; though; a sort of farewell。
  The fan of light on the ground behind her slowly closed; wheeled around the other way; as the byway made its turn around。 She moved along at a normal gait until the turn had pleted itself and she had。 e in sight of that black arched causeway maw again。 Then she began to hurry up; to go faster and faster… toward it; it is true; but in order to get through and out again at the other side as quickly as possible。 The excuse she tried to give herself was that her father might be home by now; and she would get the broom for taking so long with the charcoal。 But she knew that wasn't the reason at all。
  She could have gone another way; up and over the boulevard。 There was a place where there were stairs built into the side of the structure that carried it。 But it would have taken her blocks out of her way; to reach it and then e back again on the Opposite side。 Oh well; she'd been through here a dozen times before。 Just once more couldn't hurt。 If she'd passed through it just now without having anything happen to her; then she could surely pass through a second time on her way back and nothing would happen either。
  While she was thus engaged in trying to rationalize her fear; the intervening space had petered out and the viaduct had started to climb the night sky mountainously before her; like a sheer cliff wall; blotting out the stars as it rose。 High aloft on the top of it there was a faint powdery…blue haze from the arc lights strung out along it; and cars; she knew; were probably whistling by; all unwitting of the little dramatic adventure occurring below them in the shadowed depths of the ravine。 That was the city; spiraling planes of existence that had no knowledge of one another。
  Here it came now。 The stone oval…or rather half oval…swept over her like a black scythe。 Again that hollow ringing beat came into her footsteps。 She was not going to look; she was going to male sure of not seeing anything; when she came near the place where she had imagined seeing those twin phosphorescences the first time; she had made up her mind to this ahead of time。 〃If I don't look;〃 she said to herself softly; 〃I won't see it; and it can't frighten me again。 There is probably nothing there anyway; I just imagined it。〃 But the real reason was she was afraid it still would be there; if she did look。
  Since it was; presumably; ahead of her; and it would be difficult therefore to keep it Out of the corner of her eye; she advanced holding her face stiffly averted; turned to the other side; as she went by。 She could not identify the e

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