八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > cwilleford.theburntorangeheresy >



小说: cwilleford.theburntorangeheresy 字数: 每页4000字

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  Berenice giggled。 〃You're cute when you're stern。 No 。 。 。 I guess not; but art; it seems to me; is supposed to be for everybody; not just for those critics you mentioned 。 。
  I put down the spoon and wiped my lips on a paper napkin。 〃Whales are for everybody; too; sweetheart。 But not everybody studies whales as a lifetime occupation。 That's the big difference you don't seem to understand。〃
  〃All right。〃 She shrugged。 〃I still think there's something you haven't told me about all this。〃
  I grinned。 〃There is。 In return for Debierue's address I've got to do a favor for Mr。 Cassidy…〃
  〃The lawyer who told you about Debierue?〃
  〃Yeah。〃 I nodded。 〃And what I'm telling you is 'privileged information;' as Cassidy would put it。 It's between you and Mr。 Cassidy and these ice cream sodas。〃
  〃You can trust me; James。〃 Her face softened。 〃You can trust me with your life。〃
  〃I know。 And in a way it is my life。 Anyway; Mr。 Cassidy gave me privileged information…where Debierue is living… and all I have to do in return is to steal a picture for him。〃
  〃Steal a picture? Why can't he buy one? He's rich enough。〃
  〃Debierue doesn't sell his pictures。 I explained all that。 If Cassidy gets a picture; even one that's been stolen; he'll be the only collector in the world to have one; you see。〃
  〃What good will it do him? If it's a stolen picture; Debierue can get it back by calling the police。〃
  〃Debierue won't know he has it; and neither will anyone else…until after Debierue's dead; anyway。 Then the picture will be even more valuable。〃
  〃How're you going to steal a picture without Debierue knowing it was you?〃
  〃I don't know yet。 I'm playing things by ear at the moment。 It might not be a picture。 If he's working with ceramics; I can slip a piece in my pocket while you distract him。 Maybe there are some drawings around。 Mr。 Cassidy would be satisfied with a drawing。 In fact he'd be delighted。 But until I find out what Debierue has been doing; I won't know what to do myself。〃
  〃But you want me to help you?〃
  〃If you want to; yes。 He can't watch both of us at the same time; and he's an old man。 So when a chance es; and it will; I'll give you the high sign and then I'll snatch something。〃
  〃It's awfully haphazard; James; the way you say it。 Besides; as soon as we leave; he'll know that you're the one who stole it…whatever it is。〃
  〃No。〃 I shook my head。 〃He won't know。 He'll suspect that I took it; but he won't be able to prove it。 I'll deny everything; if charged; and besides it'll never get that far。 Meanwhile; Mr。 Cassidy will have the painting; chunk of sculpture; drawing; or whatever; hidden away where Jesus Christ couldn't find it。 See?〃
  〃Do you realize; James;〃 she said; rather primly; 〃that if you ever got caught stealing a painting from anybody that your career would be over?〃
  〃Not really; and not; certainly; from Debierue。 His work; as you mentioned before about Van Gogh; belongs to the world…and if I were ever tried for something like that; which I wouldn't be…I'd have a defense fund from art lovers and art magazines that would make me look like a White Panther。 Anyway; that's the plan…in addition to somehow getting an interview; of course。〃
  〃It isn't much of a plan。〃
  〃True。 But now that you know what I have to do; you might get an idea once we're on the scene。 The important thing is this: don't take anything yourself。 I'll take it when the time is propitious。 I have to get the interview before anything else is done。〃
  〃I understand。〃
  The rain caught us before we reached Lake Worth。
  There were torrents of it; and I could hardly see to drive。 Berenice; because of her suit; had to roll up her window; but it was too hot for me to roll up mine。 My left shoulder and arm got soaked; but with the humidity I would have been just as wet inside the car with the window rolled up。 The rain finally came down so hard I had to pull over to the curb in Lake Worth to wait for a letup。
  Berenice was frowning。 〃How much;〃 she asked; 〃does a baby whale weigh when it's first born?〃
  〃One ton。 And it's fourteen feet long。〃 I lit a cigarette and passed it to Berenice。 She shook her head and handed it back。 I took a long drag。 〃One ton;〃 I said solemnly; 〃is two thousand pounds。〃
  〃I know how much a ton is!〃 she said angrily。 〃You… you…you damned intellectual; you!〃
  I couldn't contain myself。 I had to laugh and ruin my joke。
  I could have taken State Road Seven straight away by picking it up west of West Palm Beach; but because the old two…lane highway was used primarily by truck traffic barreling for Miami's back door; into Hialeah; I stayed on U。S。 1 all the way to Boynton Beach before searching for a through road to make the cutover。 I got lost for a few minutes and made several aimless circles where new blacktops had been crushed down for a subdivision called inappropriately Ocean Pine Terraces (miles from the ocean; no pines; no terraces); but when I finally reached the state highway; it was freshly paved; and the truck traffic wasn't nearly as bad as I had expected。
  The rain; mercifully; had stopped。
  My crude map was clear enough; but I had zipped past Debierue's turnoff to the Dixie Drive…in Movie Theater before I realized it。 The mixed dirt…and…gravel private road leading to Debierue's home…and…studio was clearly visible from the highway; and on the right of the highway about three hundred yards before the drive…in entrance; but I had failed to notice it。 I made a crimped circle in the deserted drive…in entrance and this time; from the other side of the highway; it was easy to spot the break。
  Thick gama grass had reclaimed the deep wheel ruts of the road; and I crawled along in first gear。 The bumpy; rarely used trail straight…lined through a stand of secondgrowth slash pine for about a half mile and then made a sigmoid loop to circumvent two stinking stagnant ponds of black swamp water。 On the right of the road; abandoned chicken runs stretched into the jungly mass of greenery; and weeds had grown straight and tall along the sagging chicken…wire fences。 The unpainted wooden chickenhouses had weathered to an unpatterned dirty gray; and most of the roofs had caved in。 The narrow road petered out at an open peeled…pine gate。 I eased into the fenced area; with its untended; thickly grassed yard; which resembled a huge; brown bathmat; and pulled up in front of the screened porch of the house。
  Paradoxically; I was awed by my first sight of the old painter。 I switched off the engine; and as it ticked heatedly away; I sat and stared。 I say 〃paradoxically〃 because Debierue in person was anything but awe inspiring。
  He resembled any one of a thousand; no literally tens of thousands; of those tanned Florida retirees one sees on bridges fishing; on golf courses tottering; and on the shuffleboard courts of rest homes and public parks shuffling。 He even wore the uniform。 Green…billed khaki baseball cap; white denim Bermuda shorts; low…cut Zayre tennis shoes in pale blue canvas; and the standard white open…necked 〃polo〃 shirt with short sleeves。 The inevitable tiny green alligator was embroidered over the left pocket of the shirt; an emblem so mon in Florida that any Miami Beach edian could get a laugh by saying; 〃They caught an alligator in the Glades the other day; and he was wearing a shirt with a little man sewn over the pocket 。 。 。〃
  But unlike those other thousands of old men who had retired to Florida in anticipation of a warm death; men who had earned their dubious retirement by running shoe stores; managing light…bulb plants in Amarillo; manufac turing condoms in Newark; hustling as harried sales managers in the ten western states; Debierue had served; and was still serving; the strictest master of them all…the selfdiscipline of the artist。
  Debierue; apparently unperturbed by the arrival of a strange; beat…up convertible in his yard; sat limberly erect in a green…webbed; aluminum patio chair beside the porch door; soaking up late afternoon sun。 I was pleased to see that he was allowing his white beard to grow again (for several years he had been clean shaven); but it was not as long and Melvillean as it had been in photos of the old artist taken in the twenties。
  Physically; Debierue was asthenic。 Long…limbed; longbodied; slight; with knobby knees and elbows。 Advanced age had caused his thin shoulders to droop; of course; and there was a melony potbelly below his belt。 His sunbronzed skin; although it was wrinkled; gave the old man a healthy; almost robust appearance。 His keen blue eyes were alert and unclouded; and the great blade of his beaky French nose did not have those exposed; tiny red veins one usually associates with aged retirees in Florida。 His full; sensuous lips formed a fat grape…colored 〃O〃…a dark; plump circle encircled by white hair。 His blue stare; with which he returned mine; was incurious; polite; direct; and distant; but during the long unfortable moment we sat in silent confrontation; I detected an air of vigilance in his sharp old eyes。
  As a critic I had learned early in the game how unwise it was to give too much weight or credence to first impressions; but under his steady; unwavering gaze I felt…I knew…that I was in the presence of a giant; which; in turn; made me feel like a violator; a criminal。 And if; in that first moment; he had pointed to the gate silently…without even saying 〃Get out!〃…I would have departed without uttering a word。
  But such was not the case。
  Berenice; her hands folded in her lap over her chamois drawstring handbag; sat quietly; and there she would sit until I got out of the car; walked around it; and opened the door on her side。
  I was uninvited; an unexpected visitor; and it was up to me to break the frozen sea that divided us。 Apprehensively; and dangling the Land camera from its carrying strap on two fingers; I got out of the car and nodded politely。
  〃Good afternoon; M。 Debierue;〃 I said in French; trying to keep my voice deep; like Jean Gabin; 〃at long last we meet!〃
  Apparently he hadn't heard any French (and mine wasn't so bad) for a long time。 Debierue smiled…and what a wonderful; warmhearted smile he had! H

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