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Danny Pogue rolled his eyes and snorted。 〃Cut the bull…I mean; don't kid yourself。 All we're ever gonna be is thieves。〃
〃Now there's a happy thought。 That's what I mean about you and your fucking attitude。〃
To Danny Pogue's relief; Molly barely flinched at the profane adjective。 She said; 〃Bud; I respect your ambitions。 I really do。〃
But Danny Pogue wasn't finished whining。 〃Man; at least can't you spare something?〃
For several moments the only sound was the muted whistle of Molly's oxygen machine。 Finally she said; in a voice creaky with fatigue; 〃Even a small donation would be appreciated。〃
Bud Schwartz ground his molars。 〃How does a grand sound? Is that all right?〃 Christ; he must be insane。 One thousand dollars to a bunch of blue…haired bunny huggers!
Molly McNamara smiled kindly。 Danny Pogue exuberantly chucked him on the shoulder。
Bud Schwartz said; 〃Why don't I feel wonderful about this?〃
〃You will;〃 Molly replied; 〃someday。〃
Among the men hired by Pedro Luz as security officers was Diamond J。 Love; Diamond being his given name and the 〃J〃 standing for Jesus。 As was true with most of the guards at the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills; Diamond J。 Love's personal history was investigated with only enough diligence to determine the absence of outstanding felony warrants。 It was a foregone conclusion that Diamond J。 Love's career in law enforcement had been derailed by unpleasant circumstances; there was no other logical reason for applying as a private security guard at a theme park。
Initially; Diamond J。 Love was apprehensive about his employment chances at the Amazing Kingdom。 He knew that Disney World and other family resorts were scrupulous about hiring clean…cut; enthusiastic; All…American types; Diamond J。 Love was worried because in all ways he defied the image; but he need not have worried。 Nobody from the Amazing Kingdom bothered to check with previous employers; such as the New York City Police Department; to inquire about allegations of bribery; moral turpitude; substance abuse; witness tampering and the unnecessary use of deadly force; to wit; the pistol…whipping of a young man suspected of shoplifting a bag of cheese…flavored Doritos。
Diamond J。 Love was elated to be hired for the security force at the Amazing Kingdom; and pleased to find himself surrounded with colleagues of similarly checkered backgrounds。 On slow days; when they weren't breaking into the RVs of tourists; they'd sit around and swap stories about the old police days…tales of stacking the civil…service boards to beat a brutality rap; perjuring themselves silly before grand juries; rounding up hookers on phony vice sweeps just to cop a free hummer; switching kilos of baking soda for cocaine in the evidence rooms。 Diamond J。 Love enjoyed these bull sessions; and he enjoyed his job。 For the most part。
The only area of concern was the boss himself; a monster steroid freak whose bustible mood swings had prompted several of his own officers to leave their holsters permanently unsnapped; just in case。 Some days Pedro Luz was reasonable and coherent; other days he was a drooling psycho。 The news that he had chewed off his own foot only heightened the anxiety level on the security squad; even the potheads were getting jumpy。
Which is why Diamond J。 Love did not wish to be late for work on this very important morning; and why he reacted with exceptionally scathing impudence to the mild…mannered inquiry of a black state trooper who had pulled over his car on County Road 905。
〃May I see your driver's license; please?〃
〃Get serious; Uncle Ben。〃
From there it went downhill。 The trooper was singularly unimpressed by Diamond J。 Love's expired NYPD police badge; nor was he particularly understanding on the issue of Diamond J。 Love's outdated New York driver's license。 Or the fact that; according to some puter; the serial numbers on Diamond J。 Love's Camaro matched precisely those of a Camaro stolen eight months earlier in New Smyrna Beach。
〃That's bullshit;〃 suggested Diamond J。 Love。
〃Please get out of the car;〃 the trooper said。
At which point Diamond J。 Love attempted to speed away; and instead felt himself dragged by the collar through the window and deposited face…first on the macadam。 Upon regaining consciousness; Diamond J。 Love discovered Plasticuffs cinched painfully to his wrists and ankles。 He further was surprised to see that he shared his predicament with several other security guards; who had apparently encountered the highway patrol on the pre…dawn journey to the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills。 There sat Ossie Cano; former Seattle robbery detective…turned…fence; William Z。 Ames; former Orlando patrolman…turned…pornographer; Neal 〃Bart〃 Bartkowski; former sergeant with the Atlanta police; currently appealing a federal conviction for tax evasion。
〃The hell's going on here?〃 demanded Diamond J。 Love。
〃Roadblock;〃 Cano replied。
〃A one…man roadblock?〃
〃I heard him radio for backup。〃
〃But still;〃 said Diamond J。 Love。 〃One guy?〃
By sunrise there were nine of them handcuffed or otherwise detained; a row of sullen penguins lined up along County Road 905。 Basically it was the Amazing Kingdom's entire security force; except for Pedro Luz and one other guard; who had spent the night at the amusement park。
Trooper Jim Tile was impressed by the accuracy of Joe Winder's intelligence; particularly the make and license numbers of the guards' personal cars…information pilfered by Carrie Lanier from the files of the Personnel Department。 Jim Tile was also impressed that not a single one of the guards had a clean record; to a man there arose problems with driver's licenses; expired registration stickers; doctored title certificates or unpaid traffic tickets。 Each of the nine attempted to slide out of the road check by flashing outdated police ID…〃badging;〃 in cop vernacular。 Two of the nine had offered Jim Tile a whispered inducement of either cash or narcotics; three others had sealed their fate by making racial remarks。 All had been disarmed and handcuffed so swiftly; and with such force; that physical resistance had been impossible。
When the van from the Monroe County Sheriff's Office arrived; the deputy's eyes swept from Jim Tile to the cursing horde of prisoners and back again。
The deputy said; 〃Jimmy; you do this all by yourself?〃
〃One at a time;〃 the trooper answered。 〃A road check; that's all。〃
〃I know some of these boys。〃
〃Figured you might。〃
〃We lookin' at anything serious?〃
〃We're considering it。〃
From the end of the line came an outcry from Diamond J。 Love: 〃Dwight; you gonna let this nigger get away with it?〃
Jim Tile gave no indication of hearing the remark。 The deputy named Dwight did; however。 〃Damndest thing;〃 he said in a hearty voice。 〃The air…conditioning broke down in the paddy wagon。 Just now happened。〃
The trooper said; 〃What a shame。〃
〃Gonna be a long trip back to the substation。〃
〃Probably gets hot as hell inside that van。〃
〃Like an oven;〃 Dwight agreed with a wink。
〃Fuck you!〃 shouted Diamond J。 Love。 〃Fuck the both of you。〃
The phone bleeped in Charles Chelsea's apartment at seven…fifteen。 It might as well have been a bomb。
〃That fucking Pedro; I can't find him!〃 Who else but Francis X。 Kingsbury。
〃Have you tried the gym?〃 Chelsea said foggily。
〃I tried everywhere; hell; you name it。 And there's no guards! I waited and waited; finally said fuck it and drove myself to work。〃 He was on the speaker phone; hollering as he stormed around the office。
〃The security men never showed up?〃
〃Wake up; dicklick! I'm alone; prende? No Pedro; no guards; nada。〃
Dicklick? Charles Chelsea sat up in bed and shook his head like a spaniel。 Do I really deserve to be called a dicklick? Is that what I get for all my loyalty?
Kingsbury continued to fulminate: 〃So where in the name of Christ Almighty is everybody? Today of all days…is there something you're not telling me; Charlie?〃
〃I haven't heard a thing; sir。 Let me check into it。〃
〃You do that!〃 And he was gone。
Chelsea dragged himself to the kitchen and fine…tuned the coffee…maker。 In less than two hours; some lucky customer would breach the turnstiles at the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills and be proclaimed the Five…Millionth Visitor。 Officially; at least。 Chelsea was fairly certain that at least one enterprising journalist would take the time to add up the park's true attendance figures and expose the promotion for the hoax that it was。 The scene was set for a historic publicity disaster; already the national newsmagazines and out…of…state papers were snooping around; waiting for poor Jake Harp to expire。 In recent days Chelsea's office had been deluged with applications for media credentials from publications that previously had displayed no interest in covering the Amazing Kingdom's Summerfest Jubilee。 Chelsea wasn't naive enough to believe that the New York Daily News was seriously interested in a feature profile of the engineer who'd designed the Wet Willy water slide; no; their presence was explained by pure rampant bloodlust。 The kidnapped mango voles; the dead scientist; the dead Orky; the nearly dead Jake Harp; flaming bulldozers; phony snake invasions; exploding cement trucks…an irresistible convergence of violence; mayhem and mortality!
Charles Chelsea understood that the dispatches soon to be filed from the Amazing Kingdom of Thrills wouldn't be bright or warm or fluffy。 They would be dark and ominous and chilling。 They would describe a screaming rupture of the civil order; a culture in terminal moral hemorrhage。
And this would almost certainly have a negative effect on tourism。 Oh well; Chelsea thought; I gave it my best。
He foraged in the refrigerator; unearthed a stale bagel and began gnawing dauntlessly。 Hearing a knock at the door; he assumed that the pathologically impatient Kingsbury had sent a car for him。
〃Just a second!〃 Chelsea called; and went to put on a robe。
When he opened the door; he faced the immutable; bewhiskered grin of Robbie Raccoon。
Who was holding; in his three…fingered polyester paw; a gun。
Which was pointed at Charles Chelsea's throat。
〃What's this?〃 croaked the publicity man。
〃Show time;〃 said Joe Winder。