八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > tc.thebearandthedragon >



小说: tc.thebearandthedragon 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Yob tvoyu maht!〃
 〃Soon we're going to make the fighter jocks obsolete; Colonel。 Another year or so and we'll be doing terminal guidance on missiles launched from a coupla hundred miles away。 Won't need fighter pilots then。 Guess I'll have to buy me a scarf。 So; Colonel; what else do you want to see?〃
 The II…86 landed at a rustic fighter base with only a few helicopters on it; Colonel Mitch Turner noted。 As divisional intelligence officer; he was taking in a lot of what he saw in Russia; and what he saw wasn't all that encouraging。 Like General Diggs; he'd entered the Army when the USSR had been the main enemy and principal worry for the United States Army; and now he was wondering how many of the intelligence estimates he'd help draft as a young spook officer had been pure fantasy。 Either that or the mighty had fallen farther and faster than any nation in history。 The Russian army wasn't even a shadow of what the Red Army had been。 The 〃Rompin'; Stompin' Russian Red Ass〃 so feared by NATO was as dead as the stegosaurus toys his son liked to play with; and right now that was not such a good thing。 The Russian Federation looked like a rich family of old with no sons to defend it; and the girl kids were getting raped。 Not a good thing。 The Russians; like America; still had nuclear weapons…bombs; deliverable by bombers and tactical fighters。 However; the Chinese had missiles to deliver theirs; and they were targeted at cities; and the Big Question was whether the Russians had the stones to trade a few cities and; say; forty million people for a gold mine and some oil fields。 Probably not; Turner figured。 Not something a smart man would do。 Similarly; they could not afford a war of attrition against a country with nine times as many people and a healthier economy; even over this ground。 No; if they were to defeat the Chinese; it had to be with maneuver and agility; but their military was in the shitter; and neither trained nor equipped to play maneuver warfare。
 This; Turner thought on reflection; was going to be an interesting war。 It was not the sort he wanted to fight。 Better to clobber a dumb little enemy than mix it up with a smart powerful one。 It might not be glorious; but it was a hell of a lot safer。
 〃Mitch;〃 General Diggs said; as they stood to walk off the airplane。 〃Thoughts?〃
 〃Well; sir; we might have picked a better place to fly to。 Way things look; this is going to be a little exciting。〃 〃Go on;〃 the general ordered。
 〃The other side has better cards。 More troops; better…trained troops; more equipment。 Their task; crossing a lot of nasty country; is not enviable; but neither is the Russian task; defending against it。 To win they have to play maneuver warfare。 But I don't see that they have the horsepower to pull it off。〃
 〃Their boss out here; Bondarenko。 He's pretty good。〃 〃So was Erwin Rommel; sir; but Montgomery whupped his ass。〃 There were staff cars lined up to drive them into the Russian mand post。 The weather was clearer here; and they were close enough to the Chinese that a clear sky wasn't something to enjoy anymore。
 Deep Concerns
 〃So; what's happening there?〃 Ryan asked。

 〃The Chinese are seventy miles inside Russia。 They have a total of eight divisions over the river; and they're pushing north;〃 General Moore replied; moving a pencil across the map spread on the conference table。 〃They blew through the Russian border defenses pretty fast…it was essentially the Maginot Line from 1940。 I wouldn't have expected it to hold very long; but our overheads showed them punching through fairly professionally with their leading infantry formations; supported by a lot of artillery。 Now they have their tanks across…about eight hundred to this point; with another thousand or so to go。〃
 Ryan whistled。 〃That many?〃
 〃When you invade a major country; sir; you don't do it on the cheap。 The only good news at this point is that we've really given their air force a bloody nose。〃
 〃AWACS and …15s?〃 Jackson asked。
 〃Right。〃 The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs nodded。 〃One of our kids made ace in a single engagement。 A Colonel Winters。〃
 〃Bronco Winters;〃 Jackson said。 〃I've heard the name。 Fighter jock。 Okay; what else?〃
 〃Our biggest problem on the air side is going to be getting bombs to our airmen。 Flying bombs in is not real efficient。 I mean; you can use up a whole C…5 just to deliver half the bombs for one squadron of F…15Es; and we've got a lot of other things for the C…5s to do。 We're thinking about sending the bombs into Russia by train to Chita; say; and then flying them up to Suntar from there; but the Russian railroad is moving just tanks and vehicles for now; and that isn't going to change soon。 We're trying to fight a war at the end of one railroad line。 Sure; it's double…tracked; but it's still just one damned line。 Our logistical people are already taking a lot of Maalox over this one。〃
 〃Russian airlift capacity?〃 Ryan asked。
 〃FedEx has more;〃 General Moore replied。 〃In fact; FedEx has a lot more。 We're going to ask you to authorize call…up of the civilian reserve air fleet; Mr。 President。〃
 〃Approved;〃 Ryan said at once。
 〃And a few other little things;〃 Moore said。 He closed his eyes。 It was pushing midnight; and nobody had gotten much sleep lately。 〃VMH…1 is standing…to。 We're in a shooting war with a country that has nuclear weapons on ballistic launchers。 So; we have to think about the possibility…remote maybe; but still a possibility…that they could launch at us。 So; VMH…1 and the Air Force's First Heli at Andrews are standing…to。 We can get a chopper here to lift you and your family out in seven minutes。 That concerns you; Mrs。 O'Day;〃 Moore said to Andrea。
 The President's Principal Agent nodded。 〃We're dialed in。 It's all in The Book;〃 she said。 That nobody had opened that particular book since 1962 was beside the point。 It was written down。 Mrs。 Price…O'Day looked a little peaked。
 〃You okay?〃 Ryan asked。
 〃Stomach;〃 she explained。
 〃Try some ginger?〃 Jack went on。
 〃Nothing much works for this; Dr。 North tells me。 Please excuse me; Mr。 President。〃 She was embarrassed that he'd noticed her disfort。 She always wanted to be one of the boys。 But the boys didn't get pregnant; did they?
 〃Why don't you drive home?〃
 〃Sir; I〃
 〃Go;〃Ryan said。 〃That's an order。 You're a woman; and you're pregnant。 You can't be a cop all the time; okay? Get some relief here and go。 Right now。〃
 Special Agent Price…O'Day hesitated; but she did have an order; so she walked out the door。 Another agent came in immediately。
 〃Machismo from a woman。 What's the goddamned world ing to?〃 Ryan asked the assembly。
 〃You're not real liberated; Jack;〃 Jackson observed with a grin。
 〃It's called objective circumstances; I think。 She's still a girl; even if she does carry a pistol。 Cathy says she's doing fine。 This nausea stuff doesn't last forever。 Probably feels like it to her; though。 Okay; General; what else?〃
 〃Kneecap and Air Force One are on hot…pad alert 'round the clock。 So; if we get a launch warning; in seven minutes or less; you and the Vice President are on choppers; five more minutes to Andrews; and three more after that you're doing the takeoff roll。 The drill is; your family goes to Air Force One and you go to Kneecap;〃 he concluded。 Kneecap was actually the National Emergency Airborne mand Post (NEACP); but the official acronym was too hard to pronounce。 Like the VC…25A that served as Air Force One; Kneecap was a converted 747 that was really just a wrapper for a bunch of radios flying in very close formation。
 〃Gee; that's nice to know。 What about my family?〃 POTUS asked。
 〃In these circumstances; we keep a chopper close to where your wife and kids are at all times; and then they'll fly in whatever direction seems the safest at the moment。 If that's not Andrews; then they'll get picked up later by a fixed…wing aircraft and taken to whatever place seems best。 It's all theoretical;〃 Moore explained; 〃but something you might as well know about。〃
 〃Can the Russians stop the Chinese?〃 Ryan asked; turning his attention back to the map。
 〃Sir; that remains to be seen。 They do have the nuclear option; but it's not a card I would expect them to play。 The Chinese do have twelve CSS…4 ICBMs。 It's essentially a duplicate of our old Titan…II liquid fuels; with a warhead estimated to be between three and five megatons。〃
 〃City…buster?〃 Ryan asked。
 〃Correct。 No counterforce capability; and there's nothing we have left to use against it in that role anyway。 The CEP on the warhead is estimated to be plus or minus a thousand meters or so。 So; it'd do a city pretty well; but that's about all。〃
 〃Any idea where they're targeted?〃 Jackson asked。 Moore nodded at once。
 〃Yes。 The missile is pretty primitive; and the silos are oriented on their targets because the missile doesn't have much in the way of cross…range maneuverability。 Two are targeted on Washington。 Others on LA;
 San Francisco; and Chicago。 Plus Moscow; Kiev; St。 Petersburg。 They're all leftovers from the Bad Old Days; and they haven't been modified in anyway。〃
 〃Any way to take them out?〃 Jackson asked。
 〃I suppose we could stage a mission with fighter or bomber aircraft and go after the silos with PGMs;〃 Moore allowed。 〃But we'd have to fly the bombs to Suntar first; and even then it'll be rather a lengthy mission for the F…117s。〃
 〃What about B…2s out of Guam?〃 Jackson asked。
 〃I'm not sure they can carry the right weapons。 I'll have to check that。〃
 〃Jack; this is something we need to think about; okay?〃
 〃I hear you; Robby。 General; have somebody look into this; okay?〃
 〃Yes; sir。〃
 〃Gennady Iosifovich!〃 General Diggs called on entering the map room。
 〃Marion Ivanovich!〃 The Russian came over to take his hand; followed by a hug。 He even kissed his guest; in the Russian fashion; and Diggs flinched from this; in the American fashion。 〃In!〃
 And Diggs waited for ten seconds: 〃Out!〃 Both men shared the laugh of an insider's joke。
 〃The turtle bordello is still there?〃
 〃It was the last time I looked; Gennady。〃 Then Diggs had to explain to the others。 〃Out at Fort Irwin…we collected all the desert tortoises and put them in a safe place so th

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