八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > bill_the_galactic_hero_v1.1 >



小说: bill_the_galactic_hero_v1.1 字数: 每页4000字

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ad pounding from the oxy jag; he began flipping furiously through his floor plan。 While he waited for the elevator he found his place from the code number on the door and began to plot a new course toward the Palace Gardens。
  This time he did not allow himself to be distracted。 By only eating candy bars and drinking carbonated beverages from the dispensers along his route he avoided the dangers and distractions of the eateries; and by keeping himself awake he avoided missing connections。 With black bags under his eyes and teeth rotting in his head he stumbled from a gravshaft and with… thudding heart finally saw a florally decorated and colorfully illuminated scentsign that said HANGING GARDENS There was an entrance turnstile and a cashier's window。
  〃One please。〃
  〃That'll be ten imperial bucks。〃
  〃Isn't that a little expensive?〃 he said peevishly; unrolling the bills one by one from his thin wad。
  〃If you're poor; don't e to Helior。〃
  The cashier…robot was primed with all the snappy answers。 Bill ignored it and pushed through into the gardens。 They were everything he had ever dreamed of and more。 As he walked down the gray cinder path inside the outer wall he could see green shrubs and grass just on the other side of the titanium mesh fence。 No more than a hundred yards away; on the other side of the grass; were floating; colorful plants and flowers from all the worlds of the Empire。 And there! Tiny in the distance were the Rainbow Fountains; almost visible to the naked eye。 Bill slipped a coin into one of the telescopes and watched their colors glow and wane; and it was just as good as seeing it on TV。 He went on; circling inside the wall; bathed by the light of the artificial sun in the giant dome above。
  But even the heady pleasures of the gardens waned in the face of the soul…consuming fatigue that gripped him in iron hands。 There were steel benches pegged to the wall; and he dropped onto one to rest for a moment; then closed his eyes for a second to ease the glare。 His chin dropped onto his chest; and before he realized it he was sound asleep。 Other visitors scrunched by on the cinders without disturbing him; nor did he move when one sat down at the far end of the bench。
  Since Bill never saw this man there is no point in describing him。 Suffice to say that he had sallow skin; a broken; reddened nose; feral eyes peering from under a simian brow; wide hips and narrow shoulders; mismatched feet; lean; knobby; dirty fingers; and a twitch。
  Long seconds of eternity ticked by while the man sat there。 Then for a few moments there were no other visitors in sight。 With a quick; snakelike motion the newer whipped an atomic arc…pencil from his pocket。 The small; incredibly hot flame whispered briefly as he pressed it against the chain that secured Bill's floor plan to his waist; just at the point where the looped chain rested on the metal bench。 In a trice the metal of the chain was welded fast to the metal of the bench。 Still undisturbed; Bill slept on。 
  A wolfish grin flickered across the man's face like the evil rings formed in sewer water by a diving rat。 Then; with a single swift motion; the atomic flame severed the chain near the volume。 Pocketing the arc…pencil the thief rose; plucked Bill's floor plan from his lap; and strode quickly away。 


At first Bill didn't appreciate the magnitude of his loss。 He swam slowly up out of his sleep; thickheaded; with the feeling that something was wrong。 Only after repeated tugging did he realize that the chain was stuck fast to the bench and that the book was gone。 The chain could not be freed; and in the end he had to unfasten it from his belt and leave it dangling。 Retracing his steps to the entrance; he knocked on the cashier's window。
  〃No refunds;〃 the robot said。
  〃I want to report a crime。〃
  〃The police handle crime。 You want to talk to the police。 You talk to the police on a phone。 Here is a phone。 The number is 111…11…111。〃 A small door slid open; and a phone popped out; catching Bill in the chest and knocking him
back on his heels。 He dialed the number。
  〃Police;〃 a voice said; and a bulldog…faced sergeant wearing a Prussian blue uniform and a scowl appeared on the screen。
  〃I want to report a theft。〃
  〃Grand larceny or petty larceny?〃
  〃I don't know; it was my floor plan that was stolen。〃
  〃Petty larceny。 Proceed to your nearest police station。 This is an emergency circuit; and you are tying it up illegally。 The penalty for illegally tying up an emergency circuit is 。 。 。〃 Bill jammed hard on the button and the screen went blank。 He turned back to the robot cashier。
  〃No refunds;〃 it said。 Bill snarled impatiently。
  〃Shut up。 All I want to know is where the nearest police station is。〃
  〃I am a cashier robot; not an information robot。 That information is not in my memory。 I suggest you consult your floor plan。〃
  〃But it's my floor plan that has been stolen!〃
  〃I suggest you talk to the police。〃
  〃But 。 。 。〃 Bill turned red and kicked the cashier's box angrily。 〃No refunds;〃 it said as he stalked away。
  〃Drinky; drinky; make you stinky;〃 a robot bar said; rolling up and whispering in his ear。 It made the sound of ice cubes rattling in a frosty glass。
  〃A damn good idea。 Beer。 A large one。〃 He pushed coins into its money slot and clutched at the dispos…a…stein that rattled down the chute and almost bounced to the ground。 It cooled and refreshed him and calmed his anger。 He looked at the sign that said To THE JEWELED PALACE。 〃I'll go to the palace; have a look…see; then find someone there who can direct me to the police station。 Ouchl〃 The robot bar had pulled the dispos…a…stein from his hand; almost taking his forefinger with it; and with unerring robotic aim hurled it thirty…two feet into the open mouth of a rubbish shaft that projected from a wall。
  The Jeweled Palace appeared to be about as accessible as the Hanging Gardens; and he decided to report the theft before paying his way into the grilled enclosure that circled the palace at an awesome distance。 There was a policeman
hanging out his belly and idly spinning his club near the entrance who should know where the police station was。
  〃Where's the police station?〃 Bill asked。
  〃I ain't no information booth…use your floor plan。〃
  〃lout〃…through teeth tightly clamped together…〃I cannot。 My floor plan has been stolen and that is why I want to find Yipe!〃
  Bill said Yipe! because the policeman; with a practiced motion; had jammed the end of his club up into Bill's armpit and pushed him around the er with it。
  〃I used to be a trooper myself before I bought my way out;〃 the officer said。 
  〃I would enjoy your reminiscences more if you took the club out of my armpit;〃 Bill moaned; then sighed gratefully as the club vanished。
  〃Since I used to be a trooper I don't want to see a buddy with the Purple Dart with Coalsack Nebula Cluster get into trouble。 I am also an honest cop and don't take bribes; but if a buddy was to loan me twenty…five bucks until payday I would be much obliged。〃
  Bill had been born stupid; but he was learning。 The money appeared and vanished swiftly; and the cop relaxed; clacking the end of his club against his yellow teeth。
  〃Let me tell you something; pal; before you make any official statements to me in my official capacity; since up to now we have just been talking buddy…buddy。 There are a lot of ways to get into trouble here on Helior; but the easiest is to lose your floor plan。 It is a hanging offense on Helior。 I know a guy what went into the station to report that someone got his plan and they slapped the cuffs on him inside ten seconds; maybe five。 Now what was it you wanted to say to me?〃
  〃You got a match?〃
  〃I don't smoke。〃
  〃Take it easy; pal。〃
  Bill scuttled around another corner and leaned against the wall breathing deeply。 Now what? He could barely find his way around this place with the plan…how could he do it without one? There was a leaden weight pulling at his insides that he tried to ignore。 He forced away the feeling of terror and tried to think。 But thinking made him lightheaded。 It seemed like years since he had had a good meal; and thinking of food he began to pump saliva at such a great rate that he almost drowned。 Food; that's what he needed; food for thought; he had to relax over a nice; juicy steak; and when the inner man was satisfied he would be able to think clearly and find a way out of this mess。 There must be a way out。 He had almost a full day left before he was due back from leave; there was plenty of time。 Staggering around a sharp bend he came out into a high tunnel brilliant with lights; the most brilliant of which was a sign that said THE GOLD SPACE SUIT。
  〃The Gold Space Suit;〃 Bill said。 〃That's more like it。 Galaxy…famous on countless TV programs; what a restaurant; that's the way to build up the old morale。 It'll be expensive; but what the hell 。 。 。〃
  Tightening his belt and straightening his collar; he strode up the wide gold steps and through the imitation spacelock。 The headwaiter beckoned him and smiled; soft music wafted his way and the floor opened beneath his feet。 Scratching helplessly at the smooth walls; he shot down the golden tube which turned gradually until; when he emerged; he shot through the air and fell; sprawling; into a dusty metal alleyway。 Ahead of him; painted on the wall with foot…high letters; was the imperious message; GET LOST BUM。 
  He stood and dusted himself; and a robot sidled over and crooned in his ear with the voice of a 。young and lovely girl; 〃I bet you're hungry; darling。 Why not try Giuseppe Singh's neo…Indian curried pizza? You're just a few steps from Singh's; directions are on the back of the card。〃
  The robot took a card from a slot in its chest and put it carefully into Bill's mouth。 It was a cheap and badly adjusted robot。 Bill spluttered the soggy card out and wiped it on his handkerchief。
  〃What happened?〃 he asked。
  〃I bet you're hungry; darling; grrrr…ark。〃 The robot switched to another recorded message; cued by Bill's question。 〃You have just been ejected from The Gold Space Suit; galaxy…famous on countless TV programs; because you are a cheap bum。 When you entered this establishment you were X…rayed and the contents

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