八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > bill_the_galactic_hero_v1.1 >



小说: bill_the_galactic_hero_v1.1 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃You don't have to tell me your name;〃 the small man said; 〃not unless you want to。 But I am Inspector Jeyes。 Have you e seeking sanctuary?〃
   〃Are you offering it?〃 Bill asked dubiously。
  〃Interesting point; most interesting。〃 Jeyes rubbed his chapped hands together with a dry; rustling sound。 〃But we shall have no theological arguments now; tempting as they are; I assure you; so I think it might be best to make a statement; yes indeed。 There is a sanctuary here…have you e to avail yourself of it?〃
  Bill; now that he had recovered from his first shock; was being a little crafty; remembering all the trouble he had gotten into by opening his big wug。 〃Listen; I don't even know who you are or where I am or what kind of strings are attached to this sanctuary business。〃
   〃Very proper; my mistake; I assure you; since I took you for one of the city's deplanned; though now I notice that the rags you are wearing were once a trooper's dress uniform and that the oxidized shard of pot metal on your chest is the remains of a noble decoration。 Wele to Helior; the Imperial Planet; and how is the war ing?〃 
  〃Fine; fine…but what's this all about?〃
  〃I am Inspector Jeyes of the City Department of Sanitation。 I can see; and I sincerely hope you will pardon the indiscretion; that you are in a bit of trouble; out of uniform; your plan gone; perhaps even your ID card vanished。〃 He watched Bill's uneasy motion with shrewd; birdlike eyes。 〃But it doesn't have to be that way。 Accept sanctuary。 We will provide for you; give you a good job; a new uniform; even a new ID card。〃
  〃And all I have to do is bee a garbage man!〃 Bill sneered。 
  〃We prefer the term G…man;〃 Inspector Jeyes answered humbly。  
 〃I'll think about it;〃 Bill said coldly。
  〃Might I help you make up your mind?〃 the inspector asked; and pressed a button on the wall。 The portal into outer blackness squealed open once again; and the robot grabbed Bill and started to push。
  〃Sanctuary!〃 Bill squealed; then pouted when the robot had released him and the door was resealed。 〃I was just going to say that anyway; you didn't have to throw your weight around。〃
  〃A thousand pardons; we want you to feel happy here。 Wele to the D of S。 At the risk of embarrassment; may I ask if you will need a new ID card? Many of our recruits like to start life afresh down here in the department; and we have a vast selection of cards to choose from。 We get everything eventually you must remember; bodies and emptied wastebaskets included; and you would be surprised at the number of cards we collect that way。 If you'll just step into this elevator 。 。 。〃
  The D of S did have a lot of cards; cases and cases of them; all neatly filed and alphabetized。 In no time at all Bill had found one with a description that fitted him fairly closely; issued in the name of one Wilhelm Stuzzicadenti; and showed it to the inspector。   〃Very good; glad to have you with us; Villy 。 。 。〃
  〃Just call me Bill。〃   〃。 。 。 and wele to the service; Bill; we are always undermanned down here; and you can have your pick of jobs; yes indeed; depending of course upon your talents…and your interests。 When you think of sanitation  hat es to your mind?〃
  〃Garbage。〃   The inspector sighed。 〃That's the usual reaction; but I had expected better of you。 Garbage is just one thing our Collection Division has to deal with; in addition there are Refuse; Waste; and Rubbish。 Then there are whole other departments; Hall Cleaning; Plumbing Repair; Research; Sewage Disposal 。 。 。 〃
  〃That last one sounds real interesting。 Before I was forcefully enlisted I was taking a correspondence course in Technical Fertilizer Operating。〃   〃Why that's wonderful! You must tell me more about it; but sit down first; get fortable。〃 He led Bill to a deep; upholstered chair; then turned away to extract two plastic cartons from a dispenser。 〃And have a cooling Alco…Jolt while you're talking。〃
  〃There's not much to say。 I never finished my course; and it appears now I will never satisfy my lifelong ambition and operate fertilizer。 Maybe your Sewage Disposal department 。 。 。 ?〃
  〃I'm sorry。 It is heartbreaking; since that's right down your alley too; so to speak; but if there is one operation that doesn't give us any problem; it's sewage; because it's mostly automated。 We're proud of our sewage record because
it's a big one; there must be over 150 billion people on Helior 。 。 。〃
  〃。 。 。 you're right; I can see that glow in your eye。 That is a lot of sewage; and I hope sometime to have the honor of showing you through our plant。 But remember; where there is sewage there must be food; and with Helior importing all its food we have a closed…circle operation here that is a sanitary engineer's dream。 Ships from the agricultural planets bring in the processed food which goes out to the populace where it starts through; what might be called the chain of mand。 We get the effluvium and process it; the usual settling and chemical treatments; anaerobic bacteria and the like… I'm not boring you am I?〃
  〃No; please 。 。 。〃 Bill said; smiling and flicking away a tear with a knuckle; 〃it's just that I'm so happy; I haven't had an intelligent conversation in so long 。 。 。〃
  〃I can well imagine…it must be brutalizing in the service;〃 he clapped Bill on the shoulder; a hearty stout…fellow…well…met gesture。 〃Forget all that; you're among friends now。 Where was I? Oh yes; the bacteria; then dehydration and pression。 We produce one of the finest bricks of condensed fertilizer in the civilized galaxy and I'll stand up to any man on that 〃
  〃I'm sure you do!〃 Bill agreed fervently。
  〃…and automated belts and lifts carry the bricks to the spaceports where they are loaded into the spaceships as fast as they are emptied。 A full load for a full load; that's our motto。 And I've heard that on some poor…soiled planets they cheer when the ships e home。 No; we can't plain about our; sewage operation; it is in the other departments that we have our problems。〃 Inspector Jeyes drained his container and sat scowling; his pleasure drained just as fast。 〃No; don't do that!〃 he barked as Bill finished his drink and started to pitch the empty container at the wall…disposal chute。   〃Didn't mean to snap;〃 the inspector apologized; 〃but that's our big problem。 Refuse。 Did you ever think how many newspapers 150 billion people throw away every day? Or how many dispos…a…steins? Or dinner plates? We're working on this problem in research; day and night; but it's getting ahead of us。 It's a nightmare。 That Alco…Jolt container you're holding is one of our answers; but it's just a drop of water in the ocean。〃 
  As the last drops of liquid evaporated from the container it began to writhe obscenely in Bill's hand; and; horrified; he dropped it to the floor; where it continued to twitch and change form; collapsing and flattening before his eyes。 
  〃We have to thank the mathematicians for that one;〃 the inspector said。 〃To a topologist a phonograph record or a teacup or a drink container all have the same shape; a solid with a hole in it; and any one can be deformed into any of the others by a continuous one…to…one transformation。 So we made the containers out of memory plastic that return to their original shape once they're dry…there; you see。〃
   The container had finished its struggles and now lay quietly on the floor; a flat and finely grooved disk with a hole in the center。 Inspector Jeyes picked it up and peeled the Alco…Jolt label off; and Bill could now read the other label that had been concealed; underneath。 LOVE IN ORBIT; BOING! BOING! BOING! SUNG BY THE COLEOPTERAE。   〃Ingenious; isn't it? The container has transformed itself into a phonograph record of one of the more obnoxious top tunes; an object that no Alco…Jolt addict could possibly discard。 It is taken away and cherished and not dropped down a chute to make another problem for us。〃   Inspector Jeyes took both of Bill's hands in his; and when he looked him directly in the eyes his own were more than a little damp。 〃Say you'll do it; Bill…go into research。 We have such a shortage of skilled; trained men; men who understand our problems。 Maybe you didn't finish your fertilizeroperating
course; but you can help; a fresh mind with fresh ideas。 A new broom to help sweep things clean; hey?〃
  〃I'll do it;〃 Bill said with determination。 〃Refuse research is the sort of work a man can get his teeth into。〃
  〃It's yours。 Room; board; and uniform; plus a handsome salary and all the refuse and rubbish you want。 You'll never regret this 。 。 。〃 A warbling siren interrupted him; and an instant later a sweating; excited man ran into the room。   〃Inspector; the rocket has really gone up this time。 Operation Flying Saucer has failed! There is a team just down from astronomy; and they are fighting with our research team; just rolling over and over on the floor like animals 。 。 。〃
  Inspector Jeyes was out of the door before the messenger finished; and Bill ran after him; dropping down a pig…chute just on his heels。 They had to take a chairway; but it was too slow for the inspector; and he bounded along like a rabbit from chair back to chair back; with Bill close behind。 Then they burst into a laboratory filled with plex electronic equipment and writhing; fighting men rolling and kicking in a hopeless tangle。
  〃Stop it at once; stop it!〃 the inspector screamed; but no one listened。   〃Maybe I can help;〃 Bill said; 〃we sort of learned about this kind of thing in the troopers。 Which ones are our G…men?〃
  〃The brown tunics…〃
   〃Say no more!〃 Bill; humming cheerfully; waded into the grunting mob and with a rabbit punch here; a kidney crunch there; and maybe just a few of the karate blows that destroy the larynx he restored order to the room。 None of the writhing intellectuals were physical types; and he went through them like a dose of salts; then began to extricate his new…found rades from the mess。 
  〃What is it; Basurero; what has happened?〃 Inspector Jeyes asked。 
  〃Them; sir; they barge in; shouting; telling us to call off Operation Flying Saucer just when we have upped our disposal record; we found that we can almost double the input rate。。。〃
  〃What is Operation Flying Saucer?〃 Bill asked; greatly confused as to what was 

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