八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > bill_the_galactic_hero_v1.1 >



小说: bill_the_galactic_hero_v1.1 字数: 每页4000字

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osom with one hand and towing his baby brother Charlie with the other。 Charlie began to cry and wet his pants。
  〃Your son is now a trooper for the greater glory of the Emperor;〃 the sergeant said; pushing his slack…jawed and round…shouldered recruit squad into line。
  〃No! it can't be 。 。 。〃 Bill's mother sobbed; tearing at her graying hair。 〃I'm a poor widow; he's my sole support 。 。 。 you cannot 。 。 。 I〃
  〃Mother。 。 。〃 Bill said; but the sergeant shoved him back into the ranks。'
  〃Be brave; madam;〃 he said。 〃There can be no greater glory for a mother。〃He dropped a large and newly minted coin into her hand。 〃Here is the enlistment bonus; the Emperor's shilling。 I know he wants you to have it。 ATTENTION!〃   With a clash of heels the graceless recruits braced their shoulders and lifted their chins。 Much to his surprise; so did Bill。
  In a single; graceful motion they turned; as the mand robot relayed the order to the hypno…coil in every boot。 〃FORWARD MARCH!〃 And they did; in perfect rhythm; so well under control that; try as hard as he could; Bill could
neither turn his head nor wave a last good…by to his mother。 She vanished behind him; and one last; anguished wail cut through the thud of marching feet。
  〃Step up the count to 130;〃 the sergeant ordered; glancing at the watch set under the nail of his little finger。 〃Just ten miles to the station; and we'll be in camp tonight; my lads。〃
  The mand robot moved its metronome up one notch and the tramping boots conformed to the smarter pace and the men。。 began to sweat。 By the time they had reached the copter station it was nearly dark; their red paper uniforms
hung in shreds; the gilt had been rubbed from their pot…metal buttons; and the surface charge that repelled the dust from their thin plastic boots had leaked away。 They looked as ragged; weary; dusty; and miserable as they felt。


It wasn't the recorded bugle playing reveille that woke Bill but the supersonics that streamed through the metal frame of  is bunk that shook him until the fillings vibrated from his teeth。 He sprang to his feet and stood there shivering in the gray of dawn。 Because it was summer the floor was refrigerated: no mollycoddling of the men in Camp Leon Trotsky。
The pallid; chilled figures of the other recruits loomed up on every side; and when the soul…shaking vibrations had died away they dragged their thick sackcloth and sandpaper fatigue uniforms from their bunks; pulled them hastily on; jammed their feet into the great; purple recruit boots; and staggered out into the dawn。
  〃I am here to break your spirit;〃 a voice rich with menace told them; and they looked up and shivered even more as they faced the chief demon in this particular hell。
  Petty Chief Officer Deathwish Drang was a specialist from the tips of the angry spikes of his hair to the corrugated stamping…soles of his mirrorlike boots。 He was wide…shouldered and lean…kipped; while his long arms hung; curved like those of some horrible anthropoid; the knuckles of his immense fists scarred from the breaking of thousands of teeth。 It was impossible to look at this detestable form and imagine that it issued from the tender womb of a woman。 He could never have been born; he must have been built to order by the government。 Most terrible of all was the head。 The face! The hairline was scarcely a finger's…width above the black tangle of the brows that were set like a rank growth of foliage at the rim of the black pits that concealed the eyes…visible only as baleful red gleams in the Stygian darkness。 A nose; broken and crushed; squatted above the mouth that was like a knife slash in the taut belly of a corpse; while from between the lips issued the great; white fangs of the canine teeth; at least two inches long; that rested in grooves on the lower lip。
  〃I am Petty Chief Officer Deathwish Drang; and you will call me 'sir' or 'm'lord。'〃 He began to pace grimly before the row of terrified recruits。 〃I am your father and your mother and your whole universe and your dedicated enemy; and very soon I will have you regretting the day you were born。 I will crush your will。 When I say frog; you will jump。 My job is to turn you into troopers; and troopers have discipline。 Discipline means simply unthinking subservience;。 loss of free will; absolute obedience。 That is all I ask 。 。 。〃 
  He stopped before Bill; who was not shaking quite as much as the others; and scowled。
  〃I don't like your face。 One month of Sunday KP。〃
  〃And a second month … for talking back。〃
  He waited; but Bill was silent。 He had already learned his first lesson on how to be a good trooper。 Keep your mouth shut。 Deathwish paced on。
  〃Right now you are nothing but horrible; sordid; flabby pieces of debased civilian flesh。 I shall turn that flesh to muscle; your wills to jelly; your minds to machines。 You will bee good troopers; or I will kill you。 Very soon you will be hearing stories about me; vicious stories; about how I lulled and ate a recruit who disobeyed me。〃
  He hatred and stared at them; and slowly the coffin…lid lips parted in an evil travesty of a grin; while a drop of saliva formed at the tip of each whitened tusk。
  〃That story is true。〃
  A moan broke from the row of recruits; and they shook as though a chill wind had passed over them。 The smile vanished。
  〃We will run to breakfast now as soon as I have some volunteers for an easy assignment。 Can any of you drive a helicar?〃
  Two recruits hopefully raised their hands; and he beckoned them forward。
〃All right; both of you; mops and buckets behind that door。 Clean out the latrine while the rest are eating。 You'll have a better appetite for lunch。〃
  That was Bill's second lesson on how to be a good trooper: never volunteer。
  The days of recruit training passed with a horribly lethargic speed。 With each day conditions became worse and Bill's exhaustion greater。 This seemed impossible; but it was nevertheless true。 A large number of gifted and sadistic minds had designed it to be that way。 The recruits' heads were shaved for uniformity。 The food was theoretically nourishing but incredibly vile and when; by mistake; one batch of meat was served in an edible state it was caught at the last moment and thrown out and the cook reduced two grades。 Their sleep was broken by mock gas attacks and their free time filled with caring for their equipment。 The seventh day was designated as a day of rest; but they all had received punishments; like Bill's KP; and it was as any other day。 On this; the third Sunday of their imprisonment; they were stumbling through the last hour of the day before the lights were extinguished and they were finally permitted to crawl into their casehardened bunks。 Bill pushed against the weak force field that blocked the door; cunningly designed to allow the desert flies to enter but not leave the barracks; and dragged himself in。 After fourteen hours of KP his legs vibrated with exhaustion; and his arms were wrinkled and pallid as a corpse's from the soapy water。 He dropped his jacket to the floor; where it stood stiffly supported by its burden of sweat; grease; and dust; and dragged his shaver from his footlocker。 In the latrine he bobbed his head around trying to find a clear space on one of the mirrors。 All of them had been heavily stenciled in large letters with such inspiring messages as KEEP YOUR WUG SHUT…THE CHINGERS ARE LISTENING and IF YOU TALK THIS MAN MAY DIE。 He finally plugged the shaver in next to WOULD YOU WANT YOUR SISTER TO MARRY ONE? and centered his face in the o in ONE。 Black…rimmed and bloodshot eyes stared back at him as he ran the buzzing machine over the underweight planes of his jaw。 It took more than a minute for the meaning of the question to penetrate his fatigue…drugged brain。   〃I haven't got a sister;〃 he grumbled peevishly; 〃and if I did; why should she want to marry a lizard anyway?〃 It was a rhetorical question; but it
brought an answer from the far end of the room; from the last shot tower in the second row。
  〃It doesn't mean exactly what it says…it's just there to make us hate the dirty enemy more。〃 。
  Bill jumped; he had thought he was alone in the latrine; and the razor buzzed spitefully and gouged a bit of flesh from his lip。
  〃Who's there? Why are you hiding?〃 he snarled; then recognized the huddled dark figure and the many pairs of boots。 〃Oh; it's only you; Eager。〃
His anger drained away; and he turned back to the mirror。
  Eager Beager was so much a part of the latrine that you forgot he was there。 A moon…faced; eternally smiling youth; whose apple…red cheeks never lost their glow and whose smile looked so much out of place here in Camp Leon Trotsky that everyone wanted to kill him until they remembered that he was mad。 He had to be mad because he was always eager to help his buddies and had volunteered as permanent latrine orderly。 Not only that; but he liked to polish boots and had offered to do those of one after another of his buddies until now he did the boots for every man in the squad every night。 Whenever they were in the barracks Eager Beager could be found crouched at the end of the thrones that
were his personal domain; surrounded by the heaps of shoes and polishing industriously; his face wreathed in smiles。 He would still be there after lights…out; working by the light of a burning wick stuck in a can of polish; and was usually up before the others in the morning; finishing his voluntary job and still smiling。 Sometimes; when the boots were very dirty; he worked right through the night。 The kid was obviously insane; but no… one turned him in because he did such a good job on the boots; and they all prayed that he wouldn't die of exhaustion until recruit training was finished。
  〃Well if that's what they want to say; why don't they just say; ‘Hate the dirty enemy more;〃' Bill plained。 He jerked his thumb at the far wall; where there was a poster labeled KNOW THE ENEMY。 It featured a life…sized illustration of a Chinger; a seven…foot…high saurian that looked very much like a scale…covered; four…armed; green kangaroo with an alligator's head。 〃Whose sister would want to marry a thing like that anyway? And what would a thing like that want to do with a sister; except maybe eat her?〃

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