八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > bill_the_galactic_hero_v1.1 >



小说: bill_the_galactic_hero_v1.1 字数: 每页4000字

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gun at a large map hung on the wall。
  〃This is the objective of our cell; the Imperial Power Station on Chauvinistisk Square。 We will assemble nearby in squads; then join in a concerted attack at oo16 hours。 No resistance is expected as the power station is not guarded。 Weapons and torches will be issued as you leave; as well as printed instructions of the correct route to the rallying points for the benefit of the planless here。 Are there any questions?〃 He cocked his revolver and pointed it at the cringing Bill。 There were no questions。 〃Excellent。 We will all rise and sing 'The Hymn For a Glorious Revolt。〃' In a mixed chorus of voice and mechanical speech…box they sang:
     Arise ye bureaucratic prisoners;
    Revolting workers o f Helior;     Arise and raise the Revolution;
    By fist; foot; pistol; hammer; and claw! 
  Refreshed by this enthusiastic and monotone exercise they shuffled out in slow lines; drawing their revolutionary supplies。 Bill pocketed his printed instructions; shouldered his torch and flintlock ray gun; and hurried one last time through the secret passages。 There was barely enough time for the long trip ahead of him; and he had to report to the G。B。I。 first。   This was easier assumed than acplished; and he began to sweat as he dialed the number again。 It was impossible to get a line; and even the exchanges gave a busy signal。 Either the phone traffic was very heavy or the revolutionaries had already begun to interfere with the munications。 He sighed with relief when Pinkerton's surly features finally filled the tiny screen。 〃What's up?〃 
  〃I've discovered the name of the leader of the revolution。 He is a man called X。〃
  〃And you want a bonus for that; stupid? That information has been on file for months。 Got anything else?〃
  〃Well; the revolution is to start at 0016 hours; I thought you might like to know。〃 That'd show them!
  Pinkerton yawned。 〃Is that all? For your information that information is old information。 You're not the only spy we've got; though you might be the worst。 Now listen。 Write this down in big letters so you won't forget。 Your cell is to
attack the Imperial Power Station。 Stay with them as far as the square; then look for a store with the sign KWIK…FREEZ KOSHER HAMS LTD。; this is the cover for our unit。 Get over there fast and report to me。 Understood?〃
  〃Affirm。〃 The line went dead; and Bill looked for a piece of wrapping paper to tie around the torch and flintlock until the moment came to use them。 He had to hurry。 There was little time left before zero hour and a long distance to cover by a very plicated route。 
  〃You were almost late;〃 Ghoulem the android said; when   Bill stumbled into the dead…end corridor which was the assembly point。 
  〃Don't give me any lip; you son of a bottle;〃 Bill gasped; tearing the paper from his burden。 〃Just give me a light for my torch。〃
  A match flared; and in a moment the pitchy torches were crackling and smoking。 Tension grew as the second hand moved closer to the hour and feet shuffled nervously on the metal pavement。 Bill jumped as a shrill blast sounded on a whistle; then they were sweeping out of the alley in a human and inhuman wave; a hoarse cry bursting from the throats and loudspeakers; guns at the ready。 Down the corridors and walkways they ran; sparks falling like rain from their torches。 This was revolution! Bill was carried away by the emotion and rush of bodies and cheered as loudly as the rest and shoved his torch first at the corridor wall; then into a chair on the chairway which put the torch out; since everything in Helior is either made of metal or is fireproof。 There was no time to relight it; and he hurled it from him as they swept into the i mmense square that fronted on the power plant。 Most of the other torches were out now; but they wouldn't need them here; just their trusty flintlock ray guns to blow the guts out of any filthy lackey of the Emperor who tried to stand in their way。 Other units were pouring from the streets that led into the square; joining into one surging; mindless mob thundering toward the grim walls of the power station。
   An electric sign blinking on and off drew Bi'll's attention; KWIK…FREEZ KOSHER HAMS LTD it read…and he gasped as memory returned。 By Ahriman; he had forgotten that he was a spy for the G。B。I。 and had been about to join the raid on the power stationt Was there still time to get out before the counter…blow fell! Sweating more than a little; he began working his way through the mob toward the sign…then he was at the fringes and running toward safety。 It wasn't too late。 He grabbed the front door handle and pulled; but it would not open。 In panic he twisted and shook it until the entire front of the building began to shake; rocking back and forth and creaking。 He gaped at it in paralyzed horror until a loud hissing drew his attention。
   〃Get over here; you stupid bowb;〃 a voice crackled; and he looked up to see the G。B。I。 agent Pinkerton standing at the er of the building and beckoning to him angrily。 Bill followed the agent around the er and found quite a crowd standing there; and there was plenty of room for all of them because the building was not there。 Bill could see now that the building was just a front made out of cardboard with a door handle on it and was secured by wooden supports to the front of an atomic tank。 Grouped around the armorplated side and treads of the tank were a number of heavily armed soldiers and G。B。I。 agents as well as an even larger number of revolutionaries; their clothes singed and pitted by sparks from the torches。 Standing next to Bill was the android; Ghoulem。
   〃You!〃 Bill gasped; and the android curled its lips in a carefully practiced sneer。 
  〃That's right…and keeping。 an eye on you for the G。B。I。 Nothing is left to chance in this organization。〃   Pinkerton was peeking out through a hole in the false store front。 〃I think the agents are clear now;〃 he said; ‘but maybe we better wait a little longer。 At last count there were agents of sixty…five spy; intelligence; and counter…intelligence outfits involved in investigating this operation。 These  revolutionaries don't stand a chance 。 。 。〃
  A siren blasted from the power plant; apparently a prearranged signal; because the soldiers battered at the cardboard store front until it came loose and fell flat into the square。
  Chauvinistisk Square was empty。   Well; not really empty。 Bill looked again and saw that one man was left in the square; he hadn't noticed him at first。 He was running their way but stopped with a pitiful screech when he saw what was hidden behind the store。
   〃I surrender!〃 he shouted; and Bill saw that he was the man called X。 The power plant gates opened; and a squadron of flamethrower tanks rumbled out。
   〃Coward!〃 Pinkerton sneered; and pulled back the slide on his gun。 〃Don't try to back out now; X; at least die like a man。〃
  〃I'm not X…that。 is just a nom…de…espionage。〃 He tore off his false beard and mustache; disclosing a twitching and uninteresting face with pronounced underbite。 〃I am Gill O'Teen; M。A。 and LL。D。 from the Imperial School of Counter…Spying and Double…Agentry。 I was hired by this operation; I can prove it; I have documents; Prince Microcephil payed me to overthrow his uncle so he could bee Emperor 。 。 。 〃
  〃You think I'm stupid;〃 Pinkerton snapped; aiming his gun 〃The Old Emperor; may he rest in eternal peace; died a year ago; and Prince Microcephil is the Emperor now。 You can't revolt against the man who hired you!〃
  〃I never read the newspapers;〃 O'Teen alias X moaned。 
  〃Fire!〃 Pinkerton said sternly; and from all sides washed a wave of atomic shells; gouts of flame; bullets; and grenades。 Bill hit the dirt; and when he raised his head the square was empty except for a greasy patch and a shallow hole in the pavement。 Even while he watched; a street…cleaning robot buzzed by and swabbed up the grease。 It hummed… briefly; backed up; then filled in the shallow hole with a squirt of repair plastic from a concealed tank。 When it rolled on again there was no trace of anything whatsoever。 
  〃Hello Bill 。 。 。 〃 said a voice so paralyzingly familiar that Bill's hair prickled and stood up from his head like a toothbrush。 He spun and looked at the squad of MPs standing there; and especially he stared at the large; loathsome form of the MP who led them。
  〃Deathwish Drang 。 。 。〃 he breathed。 
  〃The same。〃
  〃Save me!〃 Bill gasped; running to G。B。I。 agent Pinkerton and hugging him about the knees。
  〃Save you?〃 Pinkerton laughed; and kneed Bill under the jaw so that he sprawled backward。 〃I'm the one who called them。 We checked your record; boy; and found out that you are in a heap of trouble。 You have been AWOL from the
troopers for a year now; and we don't want any deserters on our team。〃
   〃But I worked for you…helped you…〃
  〃Take him away;〃 Pinkerton said; and turned his back。
  〃There's no justice;〃 Bill moaned; as the hated fingers sank into his arms again。
  〃Of course not;〃 Deathwish told him; 〃you weren't expecting any; were you?〃
   They dragged him away。
                                    E=mc2 OR BUST 
 〃I want a lawyer; I have to have a lawyer! I demand my rights!〃 Bill hammered on the bars of the cell with the chipped bowl that they had served his evening meal of bread and water in; shouting loudly for attention。 No one came in answer to his call; and finally; hoarse; tired; and depressed; he lay down on the knobbed plastic bunk and stared up at the metal ceiling。 Sunk in misery; he stared at the hook for long minutes before it finally penetrated。 A hook? Why a hook here? Even in his apathy it bothered him; just as it had bothered him when they gave him a stout plastic belt with a sturdy buckle for his shoddy prison dungarees。 Who wears a belt with one…piece dungarees? They had taken everything from him and supplied him only with paper slippers; crumpled dungarees; and a fine belt。 Why? And why was there a sturdy great hook penetrating through the unbroken smoothness of the ceiling?
  〃I'm saved!〃 Bill screamed; and leaped up; balancing on the end of the bunk and whipping off the belt。 There was a hole in the strap end of the belt that fitted neatly over the hook。 While the buckle made a beautiful s

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