八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > bill_the_galactic_hero_v1.1 >



小说: bill_the_galactic_hero_v1.1 字数: 每页4000字

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fixed to his shirt。 There was a slight whirring sound as the collar rotated; then the necktie was hanging out of sight down his back and his collar was now on backward; showing white and smooth and cool to thefront。
  The chaplain steepled his fingers before him; lowered his eyes; and smiled sweetly。 〃How may I help you; my son?〃
  〃I thought you were the laundry officer;〃 Bill said; taken aback。
  〃I am; my son; but that is just one of the burdens that must fall upon my shoulders。 There is little call for a chaplain in these troubled times; but much call for a laundry officer。 I do my best to serve。〃 He bent his head humbly。
  〃But…which are you? A chaplain who is a part…time laundry officer; or a laundry officer who is a part…time chaplain?〃
  〃That is a mystery; my son。 There are some things that it is best not to know。 But I see you arc troubled。 May I ask if you are of the faith?〃
  〃Which faith?〃
  〃That's what I'm asking you!〃 the chaplain snapped; and for a moment the Old Laundry Officer peeped through。 〃How can I help you if I do not know what your religion is?〃
  〃Fundamentalist Zoroastrian。〃
  The chaplain took a plastic…covered sheet from a drawer and ran his finger down it。 〃Z 。 。 。 Z 。 。 。 Zen 。 。 。 Zodomite 。 。 。 Zoroastrian; Reformed Fundamentalist; is that the one?〃
  〃Yes; sir。〃
  〃Well; should be no trouble with this; my son 。 。 。 21…52…05 。 。 。〃 He quickly dialed the number on a control plate set into the desk; then; with a grand gesture and an evangelistic gleam in his eye; he swept all the laundry papers to the floor。 Hidden machinery hummed briefly; a portion of the desk top dropped away and reappeared a moment later bearing a black plastic…box decorated with golden bulls; rampant。 〃Be with you in a second;〃 the chaplain said; opening the box。
  First he unrolled a length of white cloth sewn with more golden bulls and draped this around his neck。 He placed a thick; leather…bound book next to the box; then on the closed lid set two metal bulls with hollowed…out backs。 Into one of them he poured distilled water from a plastic flask and into the other sweet oil; which he ignited。 Bill watched these familiar arrangements with growing happiness。
  〃It's very lucky;〃 Bill said; 〃that you are a Zoroastrian。 It makes it easier to talk to you。〃
  〃No luck involved; my son; just intelligent planning。〃 The chaplain dropped some powdered Haoma into the flame; and Bill's nose twitched as the drugged incense filled the room。 〃By the grace of Ahura Mazdah I am an anointed priest
of Zoroaster。 By Allah's will a faithful muezzin of Islam; through Yahweh's intercession a circumcised rabbi; and so forth。〃 His benign face broke into a savage snarl。 〃And also because of an officer shortage I am the damned laundry officer。〃 His face cleared。 〃But now; you must tell me your problem 。 。 。〃
  〃Well; it's not easy。 It may be just foolish suspicion on my part; but I'm worried about one of my buddies。 There is something strange about him。 I'm not sure how to tell it。。。〃
  〃Have confidence; my boy; and reveal your innermost feelings to me; and do not fear。 What I hear shall never leave this room; for I am bound to secrecy by the oath of my calling。 Unburden yourself。〃
  〃That's very nice of you; and I do feel better already。 You see; this buddy of mine has always been a little funny; he shines the boots for all of us and volunteered for latrine orderly and doesn't like girls。〃
  The chaplain nodded beatifically and fanned some of the incense toward his nose。 〃I see little here to worry you; he sounds a decent lad。 For is it not written in the Vendidad that we should aid our fellow man and seek to shoulder his burdens and pursue not the harlots of the streets?〃
  Bill pouted。 〃That's all right for Sunday school; but it's no way to act in the troopers! Anyway; we just thought he was out of his mind; and he might have been…but that's not all。 I was with him on the gun deck; and he pointed his watch at the guns and pressed the stem; and I heard it click! It could be a camera。 I 。 。 。 I think he is a Chinger spy!〃 Bill sat back; breathing deeply and sweating。 The fatal words had been spoken。
  The chaplain continued to nod; smiling; half…unconscious from the Haoma fumes。 Finally he snapped out of it; blew his nose; and opened the thick copy of the Avesta。 He mumbled aloud in Old Persian a bit; which seemed to brace him; then slammed it shut。
  〃You must not bear false witness!〃 he boomed; fixing Bill with piercing gaze and accusing finger。
  〃You got me wrong;〃 Bill moaned; writhing in the chair。 〃He's done these things; I saw him use the watch。 What kind of spiritual aid do you call this?〃
  〃Just a bracer; my boy; a touch of the old…time religion to renew your sense of guilt and start you thinking about going to church regular again。 You have been backsliding!〃
  〃What else could I do…chapel is forbidden during recruit training?〃
  〃Circumstances are no excuse; but you will be forgiven this time because Ahura Mazdah is all…merciful。〃
  〃But what about my buddy…the spy?〃
  〃You must forget your suspicions; for they are not worthy of a follower of Zoroaster。 This poor lad must not suffer because of his natural inclinations to be friendly; to aid his rades; to keep himself pure; to own a crummy watch that goes click。 And besides; if you do not mind my introducing a spot of logic…how could he be a spy? To be a spy he would have to be a Chinger; and Chingers are seven feet tall with tails。 Catch?〃
  〃Yeah; yeah;〃 Bill mumbled unhappily。 〃I could figure that one out for myself…but it still doesn't explain everything 。。〃
  〃It satisfies me; and it must satisfy you。 I feel that Ahriman has possessed you to make you think evil of your rade; and you had better do some penance and join me in a quick prayer before the laundry officer es back on duty。〃
  This ritual was quickly finished; and Bill helped stow the things back in the box and watched it vanish back into the desk。 He said good…by and turned to leave。
  〃Just one moment; my son;〃 the chaplain said with his warmest smile; reaching back over his shoulder at the same time to grab the end of his necktie。 He pulled; and his collar whirred about; and as it did the blissful expression was wiped from his face to be replaced by a surly snarl。 〃Just where do you think you're going; bowb! Put your ass back in that chair。〃
  〃B…but;〃 Bill stammered; 〃you said I was dismissed。〃
  〃That's what the chaplain said; and as laundry officer I have no truck with him。 Now…fast…what's the name of this Chinger spy you are hiding?〃
  〃I told you about that under oath…〃
  〃You told the chaplain about it; and he keeps his word and he didn't tell me; but I just happened to hear。〃 He pressed a red button on the control panel。 〃The MPs are on the way。 You talk before they get here; bowb; or I'll have you keelhauled without a space suit and deprived of canteen privileges for a year。 The name?〃
  〃Eager Beager;〃 Bill sobbed; as heavy feet trampled outside and two redhats forced their way into the tiny room。
  〃I have a spy for you boys;〃 the laundry officer announced triumphantly; and the MPs grated their teeth; howled deep in their throats; and launched themselves through the air at Bill。 He dropped under the assault of fists and clubs and was running with blood before the laundry officer could pull the overmuscled morons with their eyes not an inch apart off him。 
  〃Not him 。 。 :' the officer gasped; and threw Bill a towel to wipe off some of the blood。 〃This is our informant; the loyal; patriotic hero who ratted on his buddy by the name of Eager Beager; who we will now grab and chain so he car。 be questioned。 Let's go。〃
  The MPs held Bill up between them; and by the time they had e to the fuse tenders' quarters the breeze from their swift passage had restored him a bit。 The laundry officer opened the door just enough to poke in his head。 〃Hi; gang!〃 he called cheerily。 〃Is Eager Beager here?〃
  Eager looked up from the boot he was polishing; waving and grinning。 〃That's me…gee。〃
  〃Get him!〃 the laundry officer expostulated; jumping aside and pointing accusingly。 Bill dropped to the floor as the MPs let go of him and thundered into the partment。 By the time he had staggered back to his feet Eager was pinioned; handcuffed and chained; hand and foot; but still grinning。
  〃Gee…you guys want some boots polished too?〃
  〃No backtalk; you dirty spy;〃 the laundry officer grated; and slapped him hard in the offensive grin。 At least he tried to slap him in the offensive grin; but Beager opened his mouth and bit the hand that hit him; clamping down hard so that the officer could not get away。 〃He bit me!〃 the man howled; and tried desperately to pull free。 Both MPs; each handcuffed to an arm of the prisoner; raised their clubs to give him a sound battering。
  At this moment the top of Eager Beager's head flew open。
  Happening at any other time; this would have been considered unusual; but happening at this moment it was spectacularly unusual; and they all; including Bill; gaped; as a seven…inch…high lizard climbed out of the open skull and
jumped to the floor in which it made a sizable dent upon landing。 It had four tiny arms; along tail; a head like a baby alligator; and was bright green。 It looked exactly like a Chinger except that it was seven inches tall instead of seven feet。
  〃All bowby humans have B。O。;〃 it said; in a thin imitation of Eager Beager's voice。 〃Chingers can't sweat。 Chingers forever!〃 It charged across the partment toward Beager's bunk。
  Paralysis prevailed。 All of the fuse tenders who had witnessed the impossible events stood or sat as they had been; frozen with shock; eyes bulging like hard…boiled eggs。 The laundry officer was pinioned by the teeth locked into his hand; while the two MPs struggled with the handcuffs that held them to the immobile body。 Only Bill was free to move and; still dizzy from the beating; he bent over to grab the tiny creature。 Small and powerful talons locked into his flesh; and he was pulled from his feet and went sailing through the air to crash against a bulkhead。 〃Gee…that's for you; you stoolie!〃 the minuscule voice squeaked。
  Before anyone else could interfere; the lizardoid ran to Beager's pile of barracks bags and tore the topmos

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