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小说: the.lost.world 字数: 每页4000字

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you let it happen。〃
    Guitierrez sighed。 He looked around at the tourists at the other tables and said; 〃This has to be in confidence; okay?〃
    〃All right。〃
    〃It's a big problem here。〃
    〃What is。〃
    〃There have been; uh。。。aberrant forms。。。turning up on the coast ever so often。 It's been going on for several years now。〃
    〃'Aberrant forms?〃' Levine repeated; shaking his head in disbelief
    〃That's the official term for these specimens;〃 Guitierrez said。 〃No one in the government is willing to be more precise。 It started about five years ago。 A number of animals were discovered up in the mountains; near a remote agricultural station that was growing test varieties of soy beans。〃
    〃Soy beans;〃 Levine repeated。
    Guitierrez nodded。 〃Apparently these animals are attracted to beans; and certain grasses。 The assumption is that they have a great need for the amino acid lysine in their diets。 But nobody is really sure。 Perhaps they just have a taste for certain crops … 〃
    〃Marty;〃 Levine said。 〃I don't care if they have a taste for beer and pretzels。 The only important question is: where did the animals e from?〃
    〃Nobody knows;〃 Guitierrez said。
    Levine let that pass; for the moment。 〃What happened to those other animals?〃
    〃They were all destroyed。 And to my knowledge; no others were found for years afterward。 But now it seems to be starting again。 In the last year; we have found the remains of four more animals; including the one you saw today。〃
    〃And what was done?〃
    〃The; ah; aberrant forms are always destroyed。 Just as you saw。 From the beginning; the government's taken every possible step to make sure nobody finds out about it。 A few years back; some North American journalists began reporting there was something wrong on one island; Isla Nublar。 Menéndez invited a bunch of journalists down for a special tour of the island … and proceeded to fly them to the wrong island。 They never knew the difference。 Stuff like that。 I mean; the government's very serious about this。〃
    〃They're worried。〃
    〃Worried? Why should they be worried about … 〃
    Guitierrez held up his hand; shifted in his chair; moved closer。 〃Disease; Richard。〃
    〃Yeah。 Costa Rica has one of the best health…care systems in the world;〃 Guitierrez said。 〃The epidemiologists have been tracking some weird type of encephalitis that seems to be on the increase; particularly along the coast。〃
    〃Encephalitis'? Of what origin? Viral?〃
    Guitierrez shook his head。 〃No causative agent has been found。〃
    〃I'm telling you; Richard。 Nobody knows。 It's not a virus; because antibody titres don't go up; and white…cell differentials don't change。 It's not bacterial; because nothing has ever been cultered。 It's a plete mystery。 All the epidemiologists know is that it seems to affect primarily rural farmers: people who are around animals and livestock。 And it's a true encephalitis…splitting headaches; mental confusion; fever; delirium。〃
    〃So far it seems to be self…limited; lasts about three weeks。 But even so it's got the government worried。 This country is dependent on tourism; Richard。 Nobody wants talk of unknown diseases。〃
    〃So they think the encephalitis is related to these; ah; aberrant forms?〃
    He shrugged。 〃Lizards carry lots of viral diseases;〃 Guitierrez said。 〃They're a known vector。 So it's not unreasonable; there might be a connection。〃
    〃But you said this isn't a viral disease。〃
    〃Whatever it is。 They think it's related。〃
    Levine said; 〃All the more reason to find out where these lizards are ing from。 Surely they must have searched。。。〃
    〃Searched?〃 Guiiticrrez said; with a laugh。 〃Of course they've searched。 They've gone over every square inch of this country; again and again。 They've sent out dozens of search parties … I've led several myself。 They've done aerial surveys。 They've had overflights of the jungle。 They've had overflights of the offshore islands。 That in itself is a big job。 There are quite a few islands; you know; particularly along the west coast。 Hell; they've even searched the ones that are privately owned。〃
    〃Are there privately owned islands?〃 Levine asked。
    〃A few。 Three or four。 Like Isla Nublar … it was leased to an American pany; InGen; for years。〃
    〃But you said that island was searched。。。〃
    〃Thoroughly searched。 Nothing there。〃
    〃And the others?〃
    〃Well; let's see;〃 Guitierrez said; ticking them off on his fingers。 〃There's Isla Talamanca; on the east coast; they've got a Club Med there。 There's Sorna; on the west coast; it's leased to a German mining pany。 And there's Morazan; up north; it's actually owned by a wealthy Costa Rican family。 And there may be another island I've forgotten about。〃
    〃And the searches found what?〃
    〃Nothing;〃 Guitierrez said。 〃They've found nothing at all。 So the assumption is that the animals are ing from some location deep in the jungle。 And that's why we haven't been able to find it so far。〃
    Levine grunted。 〃In that case; lots of luck;〃
    〃I know;〃 Guitierrez said。 〃Rain forest is an incredibly good environment for concealment。 A search party could pass within ten yards of a large animal and never see it。 And even the most advanced remote sensing technology doesn't help much; because there are multiple layers to penetrate…clouds; tree canopy; lower…level flora。 There's just no way around it: almost anything could be hiding in the rain forest。 Anyway;〃 he said; 〃the government's frustrated。 And; of course; the government is not the only interested party。〃
    Levine looked up sharply。 〃Oh?〃
    〃Yes。 For some reason; there's been a lot of interest in these animals。〃
    〃What sort of interest?〃 Levine said; as casually as he could。
    〃Last fall; the government issued a permit to a team of botanists from Berkeley to do an aerial survey of the jungle canopy in the central highlands。 The survey had been going on for a month when a dispute arose a bill for aviation fuel; or something like that。 Anyway; a bureaucrat in San José called Berkeley to plain。 And Berkeley said they'd never heard of this survey team。 Meantime; the team fled the country。〃
    〃So nobody knows who they really were?〃
    〃No'。 Then last winter; a couple of Swiss geologists showed up to collect gas samples from offshore islands; as part of a study; they said; of volcanic activity in Central America。 The offshore islands are all volcanic; and most of them are still active to some degree; so it seemed like a reasonable request。 But it turned out the 'geologists' really worked for an American genetics pany called Biosyn; and they were looking for; uh; large animals on the islands。〃
    〃Why would a biotech pany be interested?〃 Levine said。 〃it makes no sense。〃
    〃Maybe not to you and me;〃 Guitierrez said; 〃but Biosyn's got a particularly unsavory reputation。 Their head of research is a guy named Lewis Dodgson。〃
    〃Oh yeah;〃 Levine said。 〃I know。 He's the guy who ran that rabies vaccine test in Chile a few years back。 The one where they exposed farmers to rabies but didn't tell them they were doing it。〃
    〃That's him。 He also started test…marketing a genetically engineered potato in supermarkets without telling anybody they were altered。 Gave kids low…grade diarrhea; couple of them ended up in the hospital。 After that; the pany had to hire George Baselton to fix their image。〃
    〃Seems like everybody hires Baselton;〃 Levine said;
    Guitierrez shrugged。 〃The big…name university professors consult; these days。 It's part of the deal。 And Baselton is Regis Professor of Biology。 The pany needed him to clean up their mess; because Dodgson has a habit of breaking the law。 Dodgson has people on his payroll all around the world。 Steals other panies' research; the whole bit。 They say Biosyn's the only genetics pany with more lawyers than scientists。〃
    〃And why were they interested in Costa Rica?〃 Levine asked。
    Guitierrez shrugged。 〃I don't know; but the whole attitude toward research has changed; Richard。 It's very noticeable here。 Costa Rica has one of the richest ecologies in the world。 Half a million species in twelve distinct environmental habitats。 Five percent of all the species on the planet are represented here。 This country has been a biological research center for years; and I can tell you; things have changed。 In the old days; the people who came here were dedicated scientists with a passion to learn about something for its own sake…howler monkeys; or polistine wasps; or the sombrilla plant。 These people had chosen their field because they cared about it。 They certainly weren't going to get rich。 But now; everything in the biosphere is potentially valuable。 Nobody knows where the next drug is ing from; so drug panies fund all sorts of research。 Maybe a bird egg has a protein that makes it waterproof。 Maybe a spider produces a peptide that inhibits blood clotting。 Maybe the waxy surface of a fern contains a painkiller。 It happens often enough that attitudes toward research have changed。 People aren't studying the natural world any more; they're mining it。 It's a looter mentality。 Anything new or unknown is automatically of interest; because it might have value。 It might be worth a fortune。〃
    Guitierrez drained his beer。 〃The world;〃 he said; is turned upside down。 And the fact is that a lot of people want to know what these aberrant animals represent … and where they e from。〃
    The loudspeaker called Levine's flight。 Both men stood up from the table。 Guiitierrez said; 〃You'll keep all this to yourself? I mean; what you saw today。〃
    〃To be quite honest;〃 Levine said; 〃I don't know what I saw today。 It could have been anything。〃
    Guitierrez grinned。 〃Safe flight; Richard。〃
    〃Take care; Marty。〃


His backpack slung over his shoulder; Levine walked toward the departure lounge。 He turned to wave goodbye to Guitierrez; but his friend was already heading out the door; raising his arm to wave for a taxi。 Levine shrugged; turned back。
    Directly ahead was the Customs desk; travelers lined up to have their passports stamped。 He was booked on a night flight to San Francisco; with a long stopover in Mexico City; 

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