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小说: cb.imajica2 字数: 每页4000字

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ing beside the window。
 〃Did something wake you; sister?〃 Quaisoir asked her。
 〃I don't quite know what; but yes。 Do you know what it was?〃
 〃Something in the desert;〃 Quaisoir replied; turning her head towards the window; though she lacked the eyes to see what lay outside。 〃Something momentous。〃
 〃Is there any way of finding out what?〃
 Quaisoir took a deep breath。 〃No easy way。〃
 〃But there is one?〃
 〃Yes; there's a place beneath the Pivot Tower。。。〃
 Concupiscentia had followed Judith into the room; but now; at the mention of this place; she made to withdraw。 She was neither quiet nor fast enough; however。 Quaisoir summoned her back。
 〃Don't be afraid;〃 she told the creature。 〃We don't need you with us once we're inside。 But fetch a lamp; will you? And something to eat and drink。 We may be there awhile。〃
 It was half a day and more since Jude and Quaisoir had taken refuge in the suite of chambers; and in that time any last occupants of the palace had made their escape; doubtless fearing the revolutionary zeal that would want the fortress cleansed of the Autarch's excesses down to the last bureaucrat。 Those bureaucrats had fled; but the zealots hadn't appeared in their place。 Though Jude had heard motion in the courtyards as she'd dozed; it had never e close。 Either the fury that had moved the tide was exhausted; and the insurgents were resting before they began their assault on the palace; or else their fervor had lost its singular purpose altogether; and the motion she'd heard was factions battling with each other for the right to plunder; which conflicts had destroyed them all; left; right; and center。 Whatever; the consequence was the same: a palace built to house many thousands of souls…servants; soldiers; pen pushers; cooks; stewards; messengers; torturers; and majordomos…was deserted; and they went through it; Jude led by Concupiscentia's lamp; Quaisoir led by Jude; like three tiny specks of life lost in a vast and dark machine。 The only sounds were their footsteps; and those that said machine made as it ran down: hot…water pipes ticking as the furnaces that fed them guttered out; shutters beating themselves to splinters in empty rooms; guard dogs barking on gnawed leashes; fearful their masters would not e again。 Nor would they。 The furnaces would cool; the shutters break; and the dogs; trained to bring death; would have it e to them in their turn。 The age of the Autarch Sartori was over; and no new age had yet begun。
 As they walked Jude asked for an explanation of the place to which they were going; and by way of reply Quaisoir offered first a history of the Pivot。 Of all the Autarch's devices to subdue and rule the Reconciled Dominions; she said…subverting the religions and governments of his enemies; setting nation against nation…none would have kept him in power for more than a decade had he not possessed the genius to steal and to set at the center of his empire the greatest symbol of power in the Imajica。 The Pivot was
 Hapexamendios' marker; and the fact that the Unbeheld had allowed the architect of Yzordderrex to even touch; much less move; his pylon was for many proof that however much they might despise the Autarch; he was touched by divinity and could never be toppled; What powers it had conferred on its possessor even she didn't know。
 〃Sometimes;〃 she said; 〃when he was high on kreauchee; he'd talk about the Pivot as though he was married to it; and he was the wife。 Even when we made love he'd talk that way。 He'd say it was in him the way he was in me。 He'd always deny it afterward; of course; but it was in his mind always。 It's in every man's mind。〃
 Jude doubted this; and said so。
 〃But they so want to be possessed;〃 Quaisoir replied。 〃They want some Holy Spirit inside them。 You listen to their prayers。〃
 〃That's not something I hear very often。〃
 〃You will when the smoke clears;〃 Quaisoir replied。 〃They'll be afraid; once they realize the Autarch's gone。 They may have hated him; but they'll hate his absence more。〃
 〃If they're afraid they'll be dangerous;〃 Jude said; realizing as she spoke how well these sentiments might have e from Clara Leash's mouth。 〃They won't be devout。〃
 Concupiscentia halted; before Quaisoir could take up her account afresh; and began to murmur a little prayer of her own。
 〃Are we here?〃 Quaisoir asked。
 The creature broke the rhythm of her entreaty to tell her mistress that they were。 There was nothing remarkable about the door in front of them; or the staircases that wound out of sight to either side of it。 All were monumental; and therefore monplace。 They'd passed through dozens of portals like this as they'd made their way through the place's cooling belly。 But Concupiscentia was plainly in terror of it; or rather of what lay on the other side。
 〃Are we near the Pivot?〃 Jude said。
 〃The tower's directly above us;〃 Quaisoir replied。
 〃That's not where we're going?〃
 〃No。 The Pivot would probably kill us both。 But there's a chamber below the tower; where the messages the Pivot collects drain away。 I've spied there often; though he never knew it。〃
 Jude let go of Quaisoir's arm and went to the door; keeping to herself the irritation she felt at being denied the tower itself。 She wanted to see this power; which had reputedly been shaped and planted by God Himself。 Quaisoir had talked of it as lethal; and perhaps it was; but how was anyone to know until they'd tested themselves against it? Perhaps its reputation was the Autarch's invention; his way of keeping its gifts for himself。 Under its aegis; he'd prospered; no doubt of that。 What might others do; if they had its blessing conferred upon them? Turn night to day?
 She turned the handle and pushed open the door。 Sour and chilly air issued from the darkened space beyond。 Jude summoned Concupiscentia to her side; took the lamp from the creature; and held it high。 Ahead lay a small inclined corridor; its walls almost burnished。
 〃Do I wait here; lady?〃 Concupiscentia asked。
 〃Give me whatever you brought to eat;〃 Quaisoir replied; 〃and stay outside the door。 If you hear or see anybody; I want you to e and find us。 I know you don't like to go in there; but you must be brave。 Understand me; dearling?〃
 〃I understand; lady;〃 Concupiscentia replied; handing to her mistress the bundle and the bottle she'd carried with her。
 Thus laden; Quaisoir took Jude's arm and they stepped into the passage。 One part of the fortress's machine was still operational; it seemed; because as soon as they closed the door after them a circuit; broken as long as the door stood wide; was pleted; and the air began to vibrate against their skin: vibrate and whisper。
 〃Here they are;〃 Quaisoir said。 〃The intimations。〃
 That was too civilized a word for this sound; Jude thought。 The passageway was filled with a quiet motion; like snatches from a thousand radio stations; all inprehensible; ing and going as the dial was flipped; and flipped again。 Jude raised the lamp to see how much farther they had to travel。 The passageway ended ten yards ahead; but with every yard they covered the din increased…not in volume but in plexity…as new stations were added to the number the walls were already tuned into。 None of it was music。 There were multitudes of voices raised as a single sound; and there were solitary howls; there were sobs; and shouts; and words spoken like a recitation。
 〃What is this noise?〃 Jude asked。
 〃The Pivot hears every piece of magic in the Dominions。 Every invocation; every confession; every dying oath。 This is the Unbeheld's way of knowing what Gods are being worshiped besides Him。 And what Goddesses; too。〃
 〃He spies on deathbeds?〃 Jude said; more than faintly disgusted by the thought。
 〃On every place where a mortal thing speaks to the divine; whether the divinity exists or not; whether the prayer's answered or not; He's there。〃
 〃Here too?〃 Jude said。
 〃Not unless you start praying;〃 Quaisoir said。
 〃I won't。〃
 They were at the end of the passage; and the air was busier than ever; colder; too。 The lamp's light illuminated a room shaped like a colander; maybe twenty feet across; its curved walls as polished as those of the passage。 In the floor was a grille; like a gutter beneath a butcher's table; through which the detritus of prayers; ripped from the hearts of those in grief or washed up in tears of joy; ran off into the mountain upon which Yzordderrex was built。 It was difficult for Jude to grasp the notion of prayer as a solid thing…a kind of matter to be gathered; analyzed; and sluiced away…but she knew her inprehension was a consequence of living in a world out of love with transformation。 There was nothing so solid that it couldn't be abstracted; nothing so ethereal that it couldn't find a place in the material world。 Prayer might be substance after a time; and thought (which she'd believed skull…bound until the dream of the blue stone) fly like a bright…eyed bird; seeing the world remote from its sender; a flea might unravel flesh if wise to its code; and flesh in its turn move between worlds as a picture drawn in the mind of passage。 All these mysteries were; she knew; part of a single system if she could only grasp it: one form being another; and another; and another; in a glorious tapestry of transformations; the sum of which was Being itself。
 It was no accident that she embraced that possibility here。 Though the sounds that filled the room were inprehensible as yet; their purpose was known to her; and it raised the ambition of her thoughts。 She let go of Quaisoir's arm and walked into the middle of the room; setting the lamp down beside the grille in the floor。 They'd e here for a specific reason; and she knew she had to hold fast to that; otherwise her thoughts would be carried away on the swell of sound。
 〃How do we make sense of it?〃 she said to Quaisoir。
 〃It takes time;〃 her sister replied。 〃Even for me。 But I marked the pass points on the walls。 Do you see?〃
 She did。 Crude marks; scratched in the surface sheen。
 〃The Erasure is north…northwest of here。 We can narrow the possibilities a little by turning in that direction。〃 She extended her arms; like a haunting spirit。 〃Will you lead me to the middle?〃 she said。
 Jude obliged; and they both tu

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