八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > cb.imajica2 >



小说: cb.imajica2 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Isn't that what you came in here to do? You won't get any sympathy out there。〃
 〃Listening by the door now?〃
 〃I've heard everything that's gone on in this house since I was brought here。 And what I haven't heard; I've felt。 And what I haven't felt; I've predicted。〃
 〃Like what?〃
 〃Well; for one thing that child Monday will end up coupling with the little virgin you brought back from Yzordderrex。〃
 〃That scarcely takes an oracle。〃
 〃And the Oviate isn't long for this world。〃
 〃The Oviate?〃
 〃It calls itself Little Ease。 The beast you had under your heel。 It asked the Maestro to bless it a little while ago。 It'll murder itself before daybreak。〃
 〃Why would it do that?〃
 〃It knows when Sartori perishes it'll be forfeit too; however much allegiance it's sworn to the winning side。 It's sensible。 It wants to choose its moment。〃
 〃Am I supposed to find some lesson in that?〃
 〃I don't think you're capable of suicide;〃 Celestine said。
 〃You're right。 I've got too much to live for。〃
 〃And the future。 There's going to be a change in this city。 I've seen it in Yzordderrex already。 The waters will rise…〃
 〃…and the great sisterhood will dispense love from on high。〃
 〃Why not? Clem told me what happened when the Goddess came。 You were in ecstasies; so don't try and deny it。〃
 〃Maybe I was。 But do you imagine that's going to make you and me sisters? What have we got in mon; besides our sex?〃
 The question was meant to sting; but its plainness made Jude see the questioner with fresh eyes。 Why was Celestine so eager to deny any other link between them but womanhood? Because another such link existed; and it was at the very heart of their enmity。 Nor; now that Celestine's contempt had freed Jude from reverence; was it difficult to see where their stories intersected。 From the beginning; Celestine had marked Jude out as a woman who stank of coitus。 Why? Because she too stank of coitus。 And this business with the child; which came up again and again: that had the same root。 Celestine had also borne a baby for this dynasty of Gods and demigods。 She too had been used and had never quite e to terms with the fact。 When she raged against Jude; the tainted woman who would not concede her error in being sexual; in being fecund; she was raging against some fault in herself。
 And the nature of that fault? It wasn't difficult to guess; or to put words to。 Celestine had asked a plain question。 Now it was Jude's turn。
 〃Was it really rape?〃 she said。
 Celestine glanced up; her look venomous。 The denial that followed; however; was measured。 〃I'm afraid I don't know what you mean;〃 she said。
 〃Well; now;〃 Jude replied; 〃how else can I put it?〃 She paused。 〃Did Sartori's Father take you against your will?〃
 The other woman now put on a show of prehension; followed by one of shock。
 〃Of course He did;〃 she said。 〃How could you ask such a thing?〃
 〃But you knew where you were going; didn't you? I realize Dowd drugged you at the start; but you weren't in a a all the way across the Dominions。 You knew something extraordinary was waiting at the end of the trip。〃
 〃I don't…〃
 〃Remember? Yes; you do。 You remember every mile of it。 And I don't think Dowd kept his mouth shut all those weeks。 He was pimping for God; and he was proud of it Wasn't he?〃
 Celestine offered no riposte。 She simply stared at Jude; daring her to go on; which Jude was happy to do。
 〃So he told you what lay ahead; didn't he? He said that you were going to the Holy City and you were going to see the Unbeheld Himself。 Not just see Him but be loved by Him。 And you were flattered;〃
 〃It wasn't like that。〃
 〃How was it then? Did He have His angels hold you down while He did the deed? No; I don't think so。 You lay there and you let Him do what the hell He wanted; because it was going to make you into the bride of God and the mother of Christ…〃
 〃If I'm wrong; tell me how it was。 Tell me you screamed and fought and tried to tear out His eyes。〃
 Celestine continued to stare; but said nothing。
 〃That's why you despise me; isn't it?〃 Jude went on。 〃That's why I'm the woman who stinks of coitus。 Because I lay down with a piece of the same God that you did; and you don't like to be reminded of the fact。〃
 〃Don't judge me; woman!〃 Celestine suddenly shouted。
 〃Then don't you judge me! Woman。 I did what I wanted with the man I wanted; and I'm carrying the consequences。 You did the same。 I'm not ashamed of it。 You are。 That's why we're not sisters; Celestine。〃
 She'd said her piece; and she wasn't much interested in a further round of insults and denials; so she turned her back and had her hand on the door when Celestine spoke。 There were no denials。 She spoke softly; half lost to memory。
 〃It was a city of iniquities;〃 she said。 〃But how was I to know that? I thought I was blessed among women; to have been chosen。 To be God's…〃
 〃Bride?〃 Jude said; turning back from the door。
 〃That's a kind word;〃 Celestine said。 〃Yes。 Bride。〃 She drew a deep breath。 〃I never even saw my husband。〃
 〃What did you see?〃
 〃Nobody。 The city was full; I know it was full; I saw shadows at the window; I saw them close up the doors when I passed; but nobody showed their faces。〃
 〃Were you afraid?〃
 〃No。 It was too beautiful。 The stones were full of light; and the houses were so high you could barely see the sky。 It was like nothing I'd ever seen。 And I walked; and I walked; and I kept thinking; He'll send an angel for me soon; and I'll be carried to His palace。 But there were no angels。 There was just the city; going on and on in every direction; and I got tired after a time。 I sat down; just to rest for a few minutes; and I fell asleep。〃
 〃You fell asleep?〃
 〃Yes。 Imagine! I was in the City of God; and I fell asleep。 And I dreamed I was back at Tyburn; where Dowd had found me。 I was watching a man being hanged; and I dug through the crowd until I was standing under the gallows。〃 She raised her head。 〃I remember looking up at him; kicking at the end of his rope。 His breeches were unbuttoned; and his rod was poking out。〃
 The look on her face was all disgust; but she drove herself on to finish the story。
 〃And I lay down under him。 I lay down in the dirt in front of all these people; with him kicking; and his rod getting redder and redder。 And as he died he spilled his seed。 I wanted to get up before it touched me; but my legs were open; and it was too late。 Down it came。 Not much。 Just a few spurts。 But I felt every drop inside me like a little fire; and I wanted to cry out。 But I didn't; because that was when I heard the voice。〃 。
 〃What voice?〃
 〃It was in the ground underneath me。 Whispering。〃
 〃What did it say?〃
 〃The same thing; over and over again: Nisi Nirvana; Nisi Nirvana。 Nisi。。。 Nirvana。〃
 In the process of repeating the words; tears began to flow copiously。 She made no attempt to stem them; but the repetition faltered。
 〃Was it Hapexamendios talking to you?〃 Jude asked。
 Celestine shook her head。 〃Why should) He speak to me? He had what He needed。 I'd lain down and dreamed while He dropped His seed。 He was already gone; back to His angels。〃
 〃So who was it?〃
 〃I don't know。 I've thought about it over and over。 I even made it into a story; to tell the child; so that when I'd gone he'd have the mystery for himself。 But I don't think I ever really wanted to know。 I was afraid my heart would burst if I ever knew the answer。 I was afraid the heart of the world would burst。〃
 She looked up at Jude。
 〃So now you know my shame;〃 she said。
 〃I know your story;〃 said Jude。 〃But I don't see any reason for shame。〃
 Her own tears; which she'd been holding back since Celestine had begun to share this horror with her; fell now; flowing a little for the pain she felt and a little for the doubt that still churned in her; but mostly for the smile that came onto Celestine's face when she heard Jude's reply; and for the sight of the other woman opening her arms and crossing the room; to embrace her like a loved one who'd been lost and found again before some final fire。
 If ing to the moment of Reconciliation had been for Gentle a series of rememberings; leading him back to himself; then the greatest of those rememberings; and the one he was least prepared for; was the Reconciliation itself。
 Though he'd performed the working before; the circumstances had been radically different。 For one; there'd been all the hoopla of a grand event。 He'd gone into the circle like a prizefighter; with an air of congratulation hanging around his head before he'd even worked up a sweat; his patrons and admirers a cheering throng at the sidelines。 This time he was alone。 For another; he'd had his eyes on what the world would shower on him when the work was done: what women would fall to him; what wealth and glory would e。 This time; the prize in sight was a different thing entirely; and wouldn't be counted in stained sheets and coinage。 He was the instrument of a higher and wiser power。
 That fact took the fear away。 When he opened his mind to the pfocess; he felt a calm e upon him; subduing the unease he'd felt climbing the stairs。 He'd told Jude and Clem that forces would run through the house the likes of which its bricks had never known; and it was true。 He felt them fuel his weakening mind; ushering his thoughts out of his head to gather the Dominion to the circle。
 That gleaning began with the place he was sitting in。 His mind spread to all pass points; and up and down; to have the sum of the room。 It was an easy space to grasp。 Generations of prison poets had made the analogies for him; and he borrowed them freely。 The walls were his body's limits; the door his mouth; the windows his eyes: monplace similitudes; taxing his power of parison not a jot。 He dissolved the boards; the plaster; the glass; and all the thousand tiny details in the same lyric of confinement and; having made them part of him; broke their bounds to stray farther afield。
 As his imagination headed down the stairs and up onto the roof; he felt the beginnings of momentum。 His intellect; dogged by literalism; was already lagging behind a sensibility more mercurial; which was delivering back to him similitudes for the whole h

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