八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.cyro >



小说: mg.cyro 字数: 每页4000字

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  WAYSON had trapped Luke Gaudrin and Royal Medbrook on their way to the study door。
  Noise came from the study。 Nearing Wayson's voice; Danforth Gaudrin unlocked the door。 Wayson marched his prisoners through into the light。 Joe Cardona stared。
  〃Royal Medbrook!〃 he exclaimed。 〃So you're the crook in back of this! Grab him; Wayson!〃
  The police lieutenant jabbed his gun into Medbrook's ribs。 He frisked the gambler and found a pocket revolver。 Danforth Gaudrin stared with accusing eyes。
  〃So you are Cyro;〃 he accused。
  A moment's silence。 Danforth Gaudrin; striding forward; looked ready to grip the gambler's throat。 Luke sprang between his father and Medbrook。
  〃Give him a chance; governor!〃 pleaded the young man。 〃Royal is on the level。 Hear him out…〃
  〃He knew about this treasure?〃 demanded Gaudrin。
  〃I did;〃 acknowledged Medbrook。
  Dunwood Marr had joined Danforth Gaudrin。 Together; they were ready to challenge any statement that Medbrook might make。 Luke; still pleading; forced them to listen。
  〃I told Royal all about the treasure;〃 he declared。 〃I listened in when father talked with the professor and Captain Emory。 I had to tell Royal。 I owed him money。〃
  〃Say no more; Luke;〃 ordered old Gaudrin。 〃We have found the rogue。 Arrest this man; Lieutenant Wayson。〃
  Wayson stepped forward。 Medbrook smiled。 He spoke in a firm tone。
  〃You'll have to hear me talk later;〃 he argued。 〃Better hear me now。
  You're on the wrong trail; I tell you。〃
  〃Hear him;〃 suggested Marr; turning to Danforth Gaudrin。
  Gaudrin nodded。 Medbrook; stepping back; pointed to Tracy Lence。
  〃I knew this fellow might be a crook;〃 declared Medbrook。 〃I'll tell you why。 When you came out to the Club Caprice; Cardona〃…he swung to the detective…〃Lence ducked out。 He knew you。 If I had thought he was Cyro; I would have tipped you then。〃
  〃But he isn't Cyro;〃 retorted Joe。
  〃I know;〃 declared Medbrook。 〃I figured that。 I decided that he was a guy who knew you; but not the one you wanted。 I'd have tipped you to that; too; if things had been different。 But I had money at stake。 More than fifteen grand that young Luke here owes me。〃
  〃Is that correct; Luke?〃 demanded Danforth Gaudrin。
  The son nodded。
  〃Luke swore that he had told no one of the treasure;〃 resumed Medbrook。
  〃No one but myself。 I didn't want any attention turned toward the Gaudrin family until I could get the money that was rightfully due me。
  〃That's why I kept mum。 I covered Lence。 I figured he was just an ordinary con man who would drop Luke like a hot potato when he found out there was no chance to swindle people who were on the verge of poverty。
  〃But when Luke told me that Lence was ing here tonight; I thought I'd better be around。 I wanted to watch Lence。 Just in case he wised to something。
  I dropped in; but I told Luke I wanted to be sure the money was in the bag。 I didn't mention Lence。
  〃That's why we were in the passage。 Luke wanted me to listen; to be sure that the treasure was here。 He said I'd hear the clink of Spanish doubloons。 I wanted to listen for any signs of Lence。 I was afraid he might be butting in。
  You trapped us; Wayson; when we were ing through。〃
  〃A WEAK alibi;〃 sneered Danforth Gaudrin。 〃What do you think; Marr。 Do you agree?〃
  〃I'm not sure;〃 replied the millionaire; with a shake of his head。 〃I must admit that the story sounds weak…〃
  〃It's baloney;〃 interjected Joe Cardona。
  〃One moment。〃 Lieutenant Wayson was speaking。 〃I am here to vouch for Royal Medbrook。 I was surprised when I found out who it was that I had trapped。
  I've heard his story。 I believe it。 Let's hear young Gaudrin〃…he swung to Luke…〃and find out if he really kept what he knew to himself。〃
  〃I did;〃 insisted Luke。 〃I told no one except Royal。 I knew he was straight。 He wouldn't have talked。 He's on the level。 Somebody else pulled this crooked business。〃
  Pleading Medbrook's case; Luke gained a sudden inspiration。 He turned about and stared straight toward Reginald Exeter。 The Australian was puffing at his pipe。
  〃There's the man!〃 exclaimed Luke。 〃He was here; at this house! He could have learned everything!〃
  〃I don't listen at keyholes; Luke;〃 returned Exeter; calmly。 〃I knew nothing of this treasure。〃
  〃No?〃 sneered Luke。 〃Didn't you wonder why Professor Babcock talked you out of going on the cruise?〃
  〃I did wonder;〃 admitted Exeter。 〃I thought it was a bit of eccentricity on his part。 That was all。〃
  An abrupt pause。 Then Joe Cardona challenged:
  〃You're an Englishman; aren't you; Exeter?〃
  〃An Australian;〃 replied Exeter。
  〃Either one would do for Cyro;〃 asserted Joe。 〃He might be an American; but he'd more likely be an Englishman。 One who has traveled。〃
  〃As Exeter has;〃 put in Luke。 〃He was talking French like a native tonight。 To Brilliard。〃
  〃To Brilliard; eh?〃 quizzed Joe。 〃So that was the game。 Fixing your plans in a lingo no one else could get…〃
  〃Just a moment;〃 interposed Dunwood Marr。 〃On behalf of Professor Babcock; whom we know for an honest man; I suggest that we give Exeter a fair trial。 How long; professor; have you known this young man?〃
  〃He introduced himself to me here in New Orleans;〃 cackled Babcock。 〃Just a short while after I arrived。 He claims to know friends of mine in England。〃
  〃Does he?〃
  〃I do not know。〃
  〃That is unfortunate。 Still; we must not be too hasty。 Exeter; Luke Gaudrin saw something suspicious in your conversation with Brilliard。 Tell me:
  had you met Brilliard before tonight?〃
  〃YES;〃 admitted Exeter。 He glanced toward Alicia。 〃I visited Brilliard's studio with Miss Gaudrin。〃
  〃And talked with Brilliard?〃
  〃In French?〃
  〃Do you speak French; Alicia?〃
  The girl shook her head as she heard Marr's question。 The millionaire appeared troubled。
  〃This is unfortunate; Exeter;〃 he said。 〃The mere fact that you have remained here at the Gaudrin home is a bad factor。 I think; though…〃
  〃Let's hear his excuse;〃 put in Joe Cardona。
  〃He has no excuse!〃 cried Alicia; suddenly。 〃He has every reason to be here。 Father〃…the girl turned toward Danforth。 Gaudrin…〃Reggie and I were ing in here when you met us; ing to tell you that we intend to be married!〃
  〃Preposterous!〃 exclaimed Gaudrin。 〃This is proof of Exeter's perfidy! So that was your game; you rogue? Using my daughter's trust as a shield against this just accusation!〃
  Lieutenant Wayson suddenly thrust himself forward as Danforth Gaudrin; face purple; was about to spring toward Exeter。 Holding Gaudrin back; Wayson laid down the law。
  〃We've landed two crooks;〃 he announced; turning to Joe Cardona; 〃Brilliard and Lence。 We're going to put them behind bars。 We'll see what Cyro thinks of that。 Over here; you two。〃
  He motioned to the wall。 Brilliard and Lence backed in that direction。
  Wayson motioned to Exeter; then to Medbrook。 They followed。 Finally; the police lieutenant added Luke Gaudrin。
  〃We've got two crooks;〃 he repeated。 〃What's more; we have the man who might be Cyro。 I'm including you; Medbrook; like Exeter。 I'm impartial。 And young Luke here isn't above suspicion。 I figured you on the level; Medbrook; but this chap Exeter looks square; too。
  〃I'll wager that we'll have Cyro talking soon enough;〃 Wayson chuckled。
  〃We're at the end of the trail…〃
  A CHUCKLE came in echo of Wayson's。 The police lieutenant turned。 So did Joe Cardona。 Those two alone had guns in readiness。 But they were unprepared for what they faced。 Dunwood Marr had stepped back while the others were watching Wayson。 The millionaire had drawn two revolvers。
  One gun was aimed toward Joe Cardona。 The other covered Wayson。 While the two stood dumfounded; Brilliard and Lence leaped forward。 One grabbed Cardona's lowered gun。 The other caught Wayson's wrist and twisted the revolver from the police lieutenant's grasp。
  Covered by Marr's revolvers; the representatives of the law could offer no resistance。 Before Exeter and Medbrook could spring forward; Marr was covering them; while Brilliard and Lence were pointing their newly gained guns toward Wayson and Cardona。
  Danforth Gaudrin…Captain Emory…Professor Babcock…all stood rooted。
  They were totally astonished by this denouement。 Dunwood Marr; his revolvers slowly sweeping to cover the entire room; was indulging in a vicious leer。
  〃You captured my lieutenants;〃 he sneered。 〃You thought that you had Cyro。
  You never suspected the part that I had played。 I am here; fools; to claim this treasure as my own! I am Cyro!〃
  DUNWOOD MARR…otherwise Cyro…stood master of the field。 Huddled in corners; fierce but helpless; were those whom he and his lieutenants had trapped。 Wayson and Cardona were lined up with Exeter and Medbrook。 Alicia had been motioned to join her father; Emory and Babcock。 Luke was also with this latter group。
  While Brilliard covered Cardona's group; Lence held his gun toward Gaudrin's corner。 Dunwood Marr had attended to the frisking。 Weapons lay beside the treasure。 Choosing two guns; Marr handed one to Brilliard and the other to Lence。 Each subordinate had a brace of revolvers。
  〃Look me over;〃 purred Marr。 〃The smoothest swindler in the business!
  Cyro! Revealed at last。 Dunwood Marr; millionaire。 Funny no one has ever troubled to investigate my Mexican mines。
  〃I own them。 But they do not produce。 That is why I undertook this quest for gold。〃 He glanced toward the treasure chests and chuckled。 〃Gold that is real。 I'll have my pick of doubloons; Gaudrin。 My pick of all of them。〃
  Vicious of expression; Marr paused to survey the silent group。 Savagely; he changed his tone as he snarled threats of doom。
  〃My swindles have been big ones;〃 he asserted。 〃Enough to enable me to continue my part as a millionaire。 New dupes every year; plucked by my skilled workers。 No wonder I have kept getting steady dividends from my pretended mines。
  〃But this pay…off needed crime…burglary and murder。 It was big enough。
  Still; I tried to play my part。 As Dunwood Marr; I was ready to stand among

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