八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > wgolding.lordoftheflies >



小说: wgolding.lordoftheflies 字数: 每页4000字

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 Simon poked his head out carefully。
 〃You're chief。 You tell 'em off。〃
 Ralph lay flat and looked up at the palm trees and the sky。
 〃Meetings。 Don't we love meetings? Every day。 Twice a day。 We talk。〃 He got on one elbow。 〃I bet if I blew the conch this minute; they'd e running。 Then we'd be; you know; very solemn; and someone would say we ought to build a jet; or a submarine; or a TV set。 When the meeting was over they'd work for five minutes; then wander off or go hunting。〃 
 Jack flushed。
 〃We want meat。〃
 〃Well; we haven't got any yet。 And we want shelters。 Besides; the rest of your hunters came back hours ago。 They've been swimming。〃
 〃I went on;〃 said Jack。 〃I let them go。 I had to go on。 I…〃
 He tried to convey the pulsion to track down and kill that was swallowing him up。
 〃I went on。 I thought; by myself…〃
 The madness came into his eyes again。
 〃I thought I might loll。〃
 〃But you didn't。〃
 〃I thought I might。〃
 Some hidden passion vibrated in Ralph's voice。
 〃But you haven't yet。〃
 His invitation might have passed as casual; were it not for the undertone。
 〃You wouldn't care to help with the shelters; I suppose?〃
 〃We want meat…〃
 〃And we don't get it。〃
 Now the antagonism was audible。
 〃But I shall! Next time! I've got to get a barb on this spear! We wounded a pig and the spear fell out。 If we could only make barbs…〃
 〃We need shelters。〃
 Suddenly Jack shouted in rage。
 〃Are you accusing…?〃
 〃All I'm saying is we've worked dashed hard。 That's all。〃
 They were both red in the face and found looking at each other difficult。 Ralph rolled on his stomach and began to play with the grass。
 〃If it rains like when we dropped in well need shelters all right。 And then another thing。 We need shelters because of the…〃
 He paused for a moment and they both pushed their anger away。 Then he went on with the safe; changed subject。
 〃You've noticed; haven't you?〃
 Jack put down his spear and squatted。
 'Noticed what?〃
 〃Well。 They're frightened。〃
 He rolled over and peered into Jack's fierce; dirty face。
 〃I mean the way things are。 They dream。 You can hear 'em。 Have you been awake at night?〃
 Jack shook his head。
 〃They talk and scream。 The littluns。 Even some of the others。 As if…〃
 〃As if it wasn't a good island。〃 。
 Astonished at the interruption; they looked up at Simon's serious face。
 〃As if;〃 said Simon; 〃the beastie; the beastie or the snake…thing; was real。 Remember?〃
 The two older boys flinched when they heard the shameful syllable。 Snakes were not mentioned now; were not mentionable。
 〃As if this wasn't a good island;〃 said Ralph slowly。 〃Yes; that's right。〃
 Jack sat up and stretched out his legs。
 〃Crackers。 Remember when we went exploring?〃
 They grinned at each other; remembering the glamour of the first day。 Ralph went on。
 〃So we need shelters as a sort of…〃
 〃That's right。〃
 Jack drew up his legs; clasped his knees; and frowned in an effort to attain clarity。
 〃All the same…in the forest。 I mean when you're hunting; not when you're getting fruit; of course; but when you're on your own…〃
 He paused for a moment; not sure if Ralph would take him seriously。 
 〃Go on。〃
 〃If you're hunting sometimes you catch yourself feeling as if…〃 He flushed suddenly。 〃There's nothing in it of course。 Just a feeling。 But you can feel as if you're not hunting; but…being hunted; as if something's behind you all the time in the jungle。〃
 They were silent again: Simon intent; Ralph incredulous and faintly indignant。 He sat up; rubbing one shoulder with a dirty hand。
 〃Well; I don't know。〃
 Jack leapt to his feet and spoke very quickly。
 〃That's how you can feel in the forest。 Of course there's nothing in it。 Only…only…〃
 He took a few rapid steps toward the beach; then came back。
 〃Only I know how they feel。 See? That's all。〃
 〃The best thing we can do is get ourselves rescued。〃
 Jack had to think for a moment before he could remember what rescue was。
 〃Rescue? Yes; of course! All the same; I'd like to catch a pig first…〃 He snatched up his spear and dashed it into the: ground。 The opaque; mad look came into his eyes again。 Ralph looked at him critically through his tangle of fair hair。
 〃So long as your hunters remember the fire…〃 
 〃You and your fire…〃
 The two boys trotted down the beach; and; turning at the water's edge; looked back at the pink mountain。 The trickle of smoke sketched a chalky line up the solid blue of the sky; wavered high up and faded。 Ralph frowned。 
 〃I wonder how far off you could see that〃
 〃We don't make enough smoke。〃
 The bottom part of the trickle; as though conscious of their gaze; thickened to a creamy blur which crept up the feeble column。
 〃They've put on green branches;〃 muttered Ralph。 〃I wonder!〃 He screwed up his eyes and swung round to search the horizon。〃
 〃Got it!〃
 Jack shouted so loudly that Ralph jumped。 
 〃What? Where? Is it a ship?〃
 But Jack was pointing to the high declivities that led down from the mountain to the flatter part of the island。
 〃Of course! They'll Be up there…they must; when the sun's too hot…〃
 Ralph gazed bewildered at his rapt face。 
 〃…they get up high。 High up and in the shade; resting during the heat; like cows at home…〃 
 〃I thought you saw a ship!〃
 〃We could steal up on one…paint our faces so they wouldn't see…perhaps surround them and then…〃 
 Indignation took away Ralph's control。
 〃I was talking about smoke! Don't you want to be rescued? All you can talk about is pig; pig; pig!〃
 〃But we want meat!〃
 〃And I work all day with nothing but Simon and you e back and don't even notice the huts!〃
 〃I was working too…〃
 〃But you like it!〃 shouted Ralph。 〃You want to hunt! While I…〃
 They faced each other on the bright beach; astonished at the rub of feeling。 Ralph looked away first; pretending interest in a group of littluns on the sand。 From beyond the platform came the shouting of the hunters in the swimming pool。 On the end of the platform Piggy was lying flat; looking down into the brilliant water。
 〃People don't help much。〃
 He wanted to explain how people were never quite what you thought they were。
 〃Simon。 He helps。〃 He pointed at the shelters。
 〃All the rest rushed off。 He's done as much as I have。 Only…〃
 〃Simon's always about。〃
 Ralph started back to the shelters with Jack by his side。
 〃Do a bit for you;〃 muttered Jack; 〃before I have a bathe。〃
 〃Don't bother。〃
 But when they reached the shelters Simon was not to be seen。 Ralph put his head in the hole; withdrew it; and turned to Jack。
 〃He's buzzed off。〃
 〃Got fed up;〃 said Jack; 〃and gone for a bathe。〃
 Ralph frowned。
 〃He's queer。 He's funny。〃
 Jack nodded; as much for the sake of agreeing as anything; and by tacit consent they left the shelter and went toward the bathing pool。
 〃And then;〃 said Jack; 〃when I've had a bathe and something to eat; I'll just trek over to the other side of the mountain and see if I can see any traces。 ing?〃
 〃But the sun's nearly set!〃
 〃I might have time…〃
 They walked along; two continents of experience and feeling; unable to municate。
 〃If I could only get a pig!〃
 〃I'll e back and go on with the shelter。〃
 They looked at each other; baffled; in love and hate。 All the warm salt water of the bathing pool and the shouting and splashing and laughing were only just sufficient to bring them together again。
 Simon was not in the bathing pool as they had expected。
 When the other two had trotted down the beach to look back at the mountain he had followed them for a few yards and then stopped。 He had stood frowning down at a pile of sand on the beach where somebody had been trying to build a little house or hut Then he turned his back on this and walked into the forest with an air of purpose。 He was a small; skinny boy; his chin pointed; and his eyes so bright they had deceived Ralph into thinking him delightfully gay and wicked。 The coarse mop of black hair was long and swung down; almost concealing a low; broad forehead。 He wore the remains of shorts and his feet were bare like Jack's。 Always darkish in color; Simon was burned by the sun to a deep tan that glistened with sweat。
 He picked his way up the scar; passed the great rock where Ralph had climbed on the first morning; then turned off to his right among the trees。 He walked with an accustomed tread through the acres of fruit trees; where the least energetic could find an easy if unsatisfying meal。 Flower and fruit grew together on the same tree and everywhere was the scent of ripeness and the booming of a million bees at pasture。 Here the littlums who had run after him caught up with him。 They talked; cried out unintelligibly; lugged him toward the trees。 Then; amid the roar of bees in the afternoon sunlight; Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach; pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage; passed them back down to the endless; outstretched hands。 When he had satisfied them he paused and looked round。 The littluns watched him inscrutably over double handfuls of ripe fruit。
 Simon turned away from them and went where the just perceptible path led him。 Soon high jungle closed in。 Tall trunks bore unexpected pale flowers all the way up to the dark canopy where life went on clamorously。 The air here was dark too; and the creepers dropped their ropes like the rigging of foundered ships。 His feet left prints in the soft soil and the creepers shivered throughout their lengths when he bumped them。
 He came at last to a place where more sunshine fell。 Since they had not so far to go for light the creepers had woven a great mat that hung at the side of an open space in the jungle; for here a patch of rock came close to the surface and would not allow more than little plants and ferns to grow。 The whole space was walled with dark aromatic bushes; and was a bowl of heat and light。 A great tree; fallen across one er; leaned against the trees that still stood arid a rapid climber flaunted red and yellow sprays right to the top。
 Simon paused。 He looked over his shoulder as Jack had done at the close ways behind him and glanced swiftly round to confirm that he was utterly alone。 For a mom

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