八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.cityofcrime >



小说: mg.cityofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃My father cannot leave here; Mr。 Callister;〃 protested the girl。 〃He has to speak at an important meeting that may be held tomorrow night。〃
 〃The judge told me that;〃 responded The Shadow; in Trig's tone。 〃I assured him that he will be back for the meeting; whenever it is held。 It is only a few hours drive here from Washington。〃
 〃But if he leaves with you; tonight will…〃
 〃He will have a good rest at a Washington hotel; and will be ready to meet the congressional mittee in the morning。〃
 While Estelle was thinking of other possible objections; Judge Benbrook arrived from the second floor。 He had packed a suitcase in rapid time; he was carrying the bag with him。 The Shadow took the suitcase; bowed to Estelle; and conducted the judge out to the street。 Estelle watched the two enter a large sedan and drive away。
 LESS than a half hour later; the same sedan reached a dirt road in the country。 After a few hundred yards; it turned between two gates and stopped in front of an old; but well…preserved; mansion。 A coupe was parked beyond the house; it was Lance Gillick's car。 The Shadow and the judge alighted; they entered the house and went up to the second floor。
 There; a clean…cut young man met them。 The Shadow introduced him as Mr。
 Vincent; added that the man was his private secretary。 Vincent ushered them into a fortable…looking study; where a portable typewriter stood unlimbered on a table。
 〃This should suit you admirably; judge;〃 remarked The Shadow; in Trig's tone。 〃Tomorrow; you can dictate full statements to Vincent。 I shall call Washington; to tell them that you will meet the mittee on a later date。〃
 〃A good plan。 Mr。 Callister;〃 agreed the judge。 〃I can work better here than at home。 I shall send a letter to my daughter; telling her not to be concerned about my absence。〃
 〃I can mail it for you; judge。 Don't worry about the Civic Club。 We are close enough to Westford to get in there when the meeting is scheduled。〃
 〃We must remember to look for a notice in tomorrow's newspaper。〃
 〃I shall attend to that; judge。〃
 Leaving Benbrook with Vincent; The Shadow went from the study and closed the door behind him。 Immediately; another door opened; Lance Gillick appeared and joined The Shadow with a grin。 The two went downstairs。 At the door; Lance whispered。
 〃Vincent stowed me in the next room;〃 he told The Shadow。 〃I heard you hand the hokum to the judge。 He fell for it just the way we wanted。 Say…this fellow Vincent looks great! If the rest of your crew is as good as he is; you've got a swell set…up!〃
 〃They all know their business;〃 remarked The Shadow。 〃I've used them on plenty of smooth jobs before this; Lance。〃
 The Shadow's statement was correct; though not in the sense that Lance took it。 The men whom The Shadow had brought to this house were his own agents; who had aided him often in his battles against crime。 Beside Vincent; The Shadow had brought into the house three whom Lance had not seen: Marsland; Burke and Burbank。
 A huge African servant appeared to unlock the door for The Shadow and Lance。 The man's size brought a smile of approval from Lance; he would have liked to have the African as a bouncer in one of his tough gambling joints。 He asked about the man when they stepped outside。
 〃His name is Jericho;〃 said The Shadow。 〃He makes a good servant; and he es in handy if a brawl starts。〃
 Another man appeared outside the house; he was small; stoop…shouldered and wizen…faced。 This fellow watched The Shadow walk along with Lance to the coupe; then the wizened…faced man sidled to the front door and knocked for Jericho to admit him。 Both he and Jericho were aids of The Shadow also。
 〃That was Hawkeye;〃 remarked The Shadow。 〃I told Vincent to keep him outside。 He looks too much like a torpedo。 He's too useful; though; to do without。〃
 〃What a set…up;〃 chuckled Lance; as he boarded the coupe。 〃This outfit of yours would be a good one to have waiting for The Shadow。〃
 〃If he es here;〃 replied The Shadow; in Trig's harsh fashion; 〃my crew will know it soon enough。〃
 Lance drove away。 The Shadow returned to his sedan and followed into Westford。 The outside cordon was set; The Shadow saw signs of lurking men along the dirt road。 They let both cars go through; for Lance had told them that Trig Callister was not to be stopped。 He had given them the license number of the sedan that The Shadow was using。
 LATER that same evening; Estelle Benbrook again knocked at the door on the second floor。 She had not heard The Shadow e into the house; but she felt sure that he must have returned。
 The door opened; The Shadow stepped out into the hall。 He was wearing his black cloak and slouch hat。 Estelle could not distinguish his face; except for the burning glow of his eyes。
 In troubled tone; Estelle reported the details of her father's departure。
 She described Trig Callister as a man whose sincerity she doubted。 The Shadow reassured the girl with quiet; low…toned speech。 He told her not to worry until the next day。 He added that he would see to it that no harm came to her father。
 Remembering The Shadow's prowess; Estelle was satisfied。
 Back in his room; The Shadow indulged in a whispered laugh that was scarcely audible。 He had not told Estelle the facts concerning her father; because; although he knew the judge was safe; The Shadow did not believe that Estelle would think so。 It was better that she should learn the details after The Shadow's present plan had progressed further。
 The Shadow was correct in that opinion。 He had chosen the course that offered the least difficulty; so far as Estelle was concerned。 Nevertheless; there was a chance that the girl's ignorance of the situation might prove a stumbling block。
 The Shadow was to encounter real evidence of that fact; before this episode was ended。
 AT dusk; the next day; Lance Gillick was seated at his desk; drumming nervously。 In front of him was a copy of the Daily Banner; effectively faked with a false paragraph that announced postponement of the Civic Club meeting。
 Actually; the meeting had been called for this very night; by Stephen Ruthley。
 What troubled Lance was the fact that Trig Callister had not yet arrived。
 To Lance; that meant that something might be wrong at the country mansion。
 Lance stopped his drumming; to pick up the telephone。 He intended to chance a call to Stephen Ruthley; though as a rule the boss objected to such mode of contact。
 Before Lance could dial the number; the door of the office opened。 Lance grinned as he saw Trig Callister。
 〃Wondered where you were; Trig;〃 voiced the gambler。 He picked up the faked newspaper。 〃Here's the news sheet; ready for you to take out to the judge。 Is everything all jake?〃
 〃Just the way we want it;〃 replied The Shadow。 〃The judge is getting jittery; though。 I'll have to hurry the newspaper out to him。〃
 〃Slide along then; Trig。〃
 The Shadow paused; as he folded the newspaper and pocketed it。 Lance noticed that Trig had his hand bag with him。 He supposed that Trig had forgotten to take it to the country; the night before。
 〃There were some cops out front when I came in;〃 stated The Shadow。 〃They looked me over pretty closely; Lance。〃
 〃Some of Maclare's bunch;〃 snorted Lance。 〃He always keeps a flatfoot near here。 Sometimes two or three。 He's still sore because he never pinned anything on me。 He had to give me an alibi once; I guess he's never gotten over the shock。〃
 〃Maybe you'd better steer me out by the back way;〃 suggested The Shadow。
 〃The cops may be suspicious at seeing me e out so soon。 I don't want to be slowed up by an argument with a couple of dumb harness bulls。〃
 Lance nodded agreement。 He opened the panel in the wall; urged The Shadow into the passage beyond it。 They followed along the passage to its end。 At the left was a large door that served as the only entrance to Lance's secret apartment; in an adjoining building。 At the right was a stairway。 Lance led The Shadow downward。
 There they found a small entry; with a steel door beyond it。 The entry was dim; it was guarded by a huge bruiser who was almost the size of Jericho。 In fact; Lance had pared the huge African with this particular husky when he had viewed Jericho and admired the latter's bulk。
 〃Open the gate; Boscul;〃 ordered Lance。 〃Lock it up as soon as Trig goes out。〃
 〃So long; Lance;〃 remarked The Shadow。 〃Don't bother to wait。 I'd better e in this way; though; when I e back。〃
 〃Give three quick raps。 Then two slow ones。 That's the signal; Trig。〃
 With this information The Shadow was quite willing that Lance should wait around。 The gambler; however; followed The Shadow's suggestion and went upstairs。 That made it even better。 While Boscul was still drawing back a series of big bolts; The Shadow laid his hand bag on the floor。 Tightening in a crouch; he prepared to spring。
 THE lookout must have caught some sign of the attack that was to e。 He spun suddenly from the door; his dull face lighted in a glare。 Boscul gave a snarl just as The Shadow sprang forward。 With hamlike hands; the big husky met The Shadow's onrush。
 Boscul thought that he was dealing with Trig Callister。 That; perhaps; gave him more courage than he would have shown against a cloaked attacker。
 Boscul beat back The Shadow's thrust before long fingers could gain the clutch they wanted。 With a fierce cry; he hurled the limber attacker across the entry。
 Fortunately; Lance Gillick was too far away to hear that shout。 The Shadow had enough to do; handling Boscul。 He managed to ward off a punch that the big lookout swung in his direction。 He followed with a quick jab that bobbed Boscul's head backward; even though it failed to stagger the huge fighter。
 The two locked。 Boscul's arms tightened like the grip of a python。 He hoisted The Shadow from the floor; intent upon crushing the supposed Trig Callister into submission。 Swinging one wrist free; The Shadow squeezed choking fingers about Boscul's throat。 The fellow gurgled; relaxed his fierce grip。
 From then on; it was The Shadow's fight。 Gaining a footing; he beat off Boscul's clutch; drove the lookout across the floor with a series of slashing blows。 Again; th

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