八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.cityofcrime >



小说: mg.cityofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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 From then on; it was The Shadow's fight。 Gaining a footing; he beat off Boscul's clutch; drove the lookout across the floor with a series of slashing blows。 Again; they grappled; this time; The Shadow clutched Boscul as he had gripped Haija in that fight at Ruthley's。
 The husky's bulk was greater than that of the Japanese; but it did not save him from disaster。 Like a mongoose overpowering a cobra; The Shadow whipped his giant antagonist headlong toward the steel door。 Boscul crashed the barrier。 He slumped to the stone floor。
 Opening his hand bag; The Shadow brought out his black garb。 He donned cloak and hat; eyed Boscul while he added gloves to his attire。 The husky was groggily trying to rise。 The Shadow spilled him to one side and opened the door that Boscul had already unbolted。 The door came inward; its outer surface showed only battered wood; not steel。
 Viewed from the outside alley; that door excited no suspicion。 Its steel…sheeted interior; however; made it immune to ordinary attack。
 The alleyway was darkened。 The Shadow was invisible as he edged into its space。 Producing an automatic from its holster; he pointed the 。45 upward; fired two quick shots in the air。 Immediately afterward; he swung back into the entry; took quick concealment behind the opened door。
 There was motion in the alley。 Pounding from the darkness came half a dozen men; with them was Lieutenant James Maclare。 The raiders were blue…uniformed police。 Their presence was explained by Maclare's own shout。
 〃Keep going; men!〃 ordered the lieutenant。 〃I thought this tip…off was on the level! Those shots were the signal we were told to wait for! We'll have the goods on Lance Gillick this time!〃
 Opposition came; as the police surged into the doorway; but it was not long…lived。 Boscul had found his feet; he tried to grapple with the foremost bluecoat。 Another officer swung a nightstick; he clubbed the groggy lookout into insensibility。 Maclare and his men dashed up the stairs; never stopping to look behind the opened door。
 They found the passage to Lance's office; reaching the end of it; they saw a glimmer of light through the back of the painting。 Maclare took one look through the peep hole; then ripped through the canvas; followed by his squad。
 SHRIEKS arose from the gaming room; where play had started for the night。
 Croupiers were trapped at the roulette wheel; money and chips scattered everywhere as the police rounded up snarling waiters and frightened customers。
 The door of the office opened; Lance Gillick peered at the scene。 He bobbed from sight; slamming the door。 Maclare leaped for it; ordered officers to slash the barrier with axes。 One of the bluecoats gave a sudden shout:
 〃There goes Lance!〃
 The gambler had opened the office panel; to reach the passage。 The policeman had spied him through the ruined painting。 Maclare sprang away from the office door; led the chase with a pair of bluecoats following。 Lance reached the door of his apartment; yanked it open。 Peering from the entry below; The Shadow saw another man spring out to join the gambler。
 It was Beezer Dorsch。 Lance had feared that the killer would be trapped。
 The police had passed the apartment door in order to raid the gambling joint; but their return was imminent。 Lance's pressing thought was to make a getaway with Beezer。
 The pair dashed down the stairway; just as revolvers blasted along the passage above。 The Shadow dropped behind the door。 He let the fugitives get past; then bobbed out to follow them。 He could easily have halted the two rogues; but he had a reason for permitting their escape。
 Dashing along the alleyway; Lance and Beezer ducked through an opening in time to avoid policemen ing from the front street。 The Shadow was close behind the crooks; but the clatter of their own footsteps drowned the slight sounds of his pursuit。 Lance and Beezer reached a garage; they rushed in and boarded a coupe。
 By the time the coupe swung into sight; The Shadow was in a small roadster; much like the car that he had used in his last flight from the Flying Squadron。 He took up the chase; within two blocks Lance and Beezer knew that they were being tagged。
 Recognizing that by the burst of speed that the coupe showed; The Shadow unlimbered an automatic and dispatched two quick shots after the coupe。 Bullets whistled close enough for the crooks to guess who was on their trail。
 〃The Shadow!〃 snarled Lance; as he gripped the wheel of the coupe。 〃Lucky he didn't bag Trig Callister。 He must have barged in before Boscul had time to lock the back door。〃
 〃Yeah;〃 growled Beezer; 〃and he tipped off Maclare to raid your joint。 We gotta shake him; Lance。〃
 〃You bet we have to! We don't want him to know where we're headed。〃
 〃Where's that?〃
 〃To Ruthley's。 Where else would be safe for you to hide out; Beezer?〃
 Again; Lance Gillick was playing into The Shadow's hands。 In this pursuit; The Shadow could have overtaken the crooks as easily as he could have dropped them on the stairway。 His plan; however; called for their get…away。 He wanted them to be at Ruthley's later; for The Shadow intended an end to crime tonight。
 WITHIN the next few blocks; The Shadow was prepared to slow his pursuit; to give Lance the very chance that the gambler wanted。 Once in the clear; Lance would head for Ruthley's apartment house; duck from his car and take Beezer along with him; straight to the big…shot's lair。
 Oddly; luck was to trick The Shadow。 Had he ended his pursuit a few blocks sooner; all would have gone well。 However; during the last stretch; Lance Gillick became jittery。 He started to express his worriment to Beezer; then stopped short as he saw a sign that read: 〃Century Garage。〃
 〃What a break!〃 ejaculated Lance。 〃Just the place for us in a pinch; Beezer!〃
 Beezer recognized the sign。
 〃Yeah!〃 he agreed。 〃It's the joint the boss told us about; in case we needed to use it。 Head in there; Lance。〃
 Lance spun the wheel; jerked the coupe suddenly from the street; straight into the open doorway of the garage。 He shouted as he applied the brakes; a waiting garage man caught his words and yanked a lever。 A door slid open at the far wall。
 The Shadow reached the front; jamming the brakes of the roadster; he saw the thoroughfare。 In that instant; he thought that the far door had been open when Lance entered the garage; for the coupe was speeding through it。 To give a last zest to his pursuit; The Shadow swung his roadster into the garage; intending to drive clear through and follow the crooks a few blocks farther。
 He realized his error; as he sped his car through the front doorway。
 The rear door slid shut before The Shadow could reach it。 Jamming the brakes; The Shadow shoved the gear…shift lever into reverse。 Again; he was too late。 The front door slithered shut before The Shadow could back out through it。
 Lights showed the garage devoid of cars。 A stone…walled room some sixty feet square; it formed a sealed snare; once the doors had closed; for they were of metal。 More ominous still were two small; boxlike rooms at each side of empty garage。 They were sheeted with metal; their closed doors were fronted with loopholes。
 The tiny rooms were pill…boxes…safe spots from which hidden sharpshooters could riddle anyone who occupied the center of the garage floor。
 Once the barrage began; it would spell instant doom for The Shadow。
 IN a single instant; The Shadow sized his situation。 Big doors had clanged; to leap from the roadster and attempt to open them would be the worst move possible。 The Shadow knew that machine gunners were sequestered in the pill…boxes; ready to begin their fire the moment that he bobbed into view。
 Even the roadster offered but temporary safety。 Bullets would spray it soon。 Yet; for some reason; the opening hail had been delayed。 Quick to note that fact; The Shadow looked for the answer; and found it。 A glance from the side of the roadster enabled him to see a scudding man in overalls; making across the stone floor for the pill…box on the left。
 It was the attendant who had pulled the levers to close the garage doors。
 The fellow was still inside the garage; the men in the pill…box were giving him time to join them。 The door of the pill…box was moving open; ready to admit the scudding thug。
 The Shadow had an automatic handy。 He could have dropped the rowdy as he ran。 Such a move would have been futile。 If their pal fell; the men in the pill…boxes would have no further need to delay their machine gun fire。
 Nor would The Shadow gain by blazing bullets into the doorway of the pill…box when it opened。 Unless he clipped every occupant; the door would slam again。 Even if he did wound that crew of sharpshooters; the men in the second pill…box would make up for it。 Not for an instant did The Shadow forget that he lay between two bands of murderers。
 Without reaching for the 。45 that lay on the seat beside him; The Shadow staged a prompt surprise。 His move was totally unexpected; for that reason; it left his enemies momentarily bewildered。 The thug who was dashing for the pill…box had thirty feet to go。 The Shadow resolved to block him off; to keep him in a spot of danger as bad as The Shadow's own predicament。
 With his left hand; The Shadow jerked the roadster's wheel。 He rammed the gear shift into low; with his right。 His foot thrust the accelerator to the floor。 The roadster leaped as if alive; skewed to the left and roared like a thunderbolt straight for the pill…box; just as the door of that tiny stronghold slid wide。
 The Shadow passed the running thug in a split…second。 Jamming the brakes; he again yanked the wheel to the left。 The roadster halted with a screech; squarely between the startled thug and the opened door of the pill…box。
 Again; The Shadow pulled a surprise。 As the man in overalls heeled about and dashed in the other direction; The Shadow let him go。 Diving to the right; The Shadow banged the roadster's door outward; with his left hand; while his rightmost grabbed the automatic from the seat。 In one continuous leap; he hurtled onward; straight through the opened door of the pill…box。
 Two startled hoodlums; crouched in darkness; s

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