八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.cityofcrime >



小说: mg.cityofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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 Two startled hoodlums; crouched in darkness; saw the cloaked avalanche whirl in upon them。 Dropping their machine gun; they sprang to meet The Shadow。
 His right arm swished downward; the automatic smashed a thug's skull。 As the fellow sprawled; The Shadow swung a side blow; clipped the second gunner and rolled him out through the door of the pill…box。
 The first thug partly blocked the door。 Stopping; The Shadow seized his shoulders and pitched his senseless body out beside the dazed man who had floundered on the step of the roadster。 That done; The Shadow grabbed the handle of the door and clanged the barrier shut。 Safe in the pill…box; he peered through the tiny loophole。
 The Shadow had pletely tricked the gunners in the far pill…box。 His car had blocked their view of his rapid action。 They learned what had happened too late to defeat it。 Their knowledge came when the thug on the roadster's step suddenly grabbed his unconscious pal and dragged him out in front of the halted car。
 It was stalemate: a trio of crooks in one pill…box; The Shadow in the other。 The abandoned roadster made a barrier in between; but it meant nothing。
 The Shadow; like the crooks; had a machine gun and could fire through the open sides of the small car。 Volleys would prove useless; however; for both The Shadow and his opponents were safely entrenched。
 True; there were three men somewhere on the garage floor; two of them were now dragging a third toward the front door。 The Shadow could have picked out those crooks and finished them; but they were unimportant。 He needed some way to break this stalemate; to leave the pillbox and be on his way to other tasks。
 That was The Shadow's real dilemma。
 Had crooks recognized the situation; they would have let matters remain as they were。 They; however; disliked the condition for reasons of their own。 They knew the identity of their foeman。 They were incensed because they had let The Shadow nullify their advantage。
 Hoarse shouts came from the far pill…box。 The words were incoherent to The Shadow; due to the echoes from the barren walls。 To the men who were in the open; the cries were understandable。 One dropped the senseless man whom he was lugging; leaped for a wall and pulled a light switch。 The garage was plunged into darkness。
 ON the face of it; this move seemed merely a protection for the men who were still at large。 Crooks naturally expected The Shadow to stay where he was。
 Instead; The Shadow found the handle of the pill…box door。 He slid the door open; slowly and cautiously。 His move was just in time。
 The thug by the outer door had found another switch。 He pulled it。 The result was sensed immediately by The Shadow。 His pill…box began a descent into the floor; lowering like an elevator。 The smooth action was acpanied by the rhythmic hum of hidden machinery。
 Had The Shadow still been behind a closed door; he could not have left the descending pill…box; for it went down into the floor so steadily that the delay of opening the door would have been fatal。 However; The Shadow had already attended to the detail of opening the door。 His quick brain caught the need for immediate action。
 With both hands; he grabbed the edge of outside floor when it was just waist…high。 With a long; forward leap from the floor of the descending pill…box; he shot headforemost through the closing space; performed a quick roll that brought his legs clear; just before the top of the pill…box doorway could trap them。
 The pill…box stopped its descent with a sharp click。 Reaching along the garage floor in the darkness; The Shadow found that the roof of the pill…box was coated with cement; that formed a perfect level with the floor。 He knew that the other pill…box must operate in the same fashion; and the reason was obvious。 With the pill…boxes lowered into their pits; the garage floor would appear quite ordinary; and would therefore excite no suspicion when not in use as a trap。
 Some crook had seen a smart way to render The Shadow's capture of the pill…box worse than useless。 The pull of the wall switch had turned the stronghold into a prison; as close…walled as a tomb。 Harsh; gleeful cries amid the darkness told that men of crime were sure that their ruse had worked。 A raucous voice called for lights。
 Quickly; The Shadow rolled beneath the roadster。 He lay there; face downward; clasping an automatic in each fist。 The lights came on; crooks piled from their pill…box to join the others on the floor。 Together; they surged to the wall beside the roadster; they tramped roughly on the leveled roof; they bent to shout jeers that they hoped The Shadow would hear within his tomb。
 While thugs made merry; The Shadow prepared to end their revelry。 The far side of the roadster was deserted; except for the one thug who lay unconscious。
 Three from the pill…box; two from the floor; had all assembled above the tight…sealed prison where they believed The Shadow trapped。 Edging outward; The Shadow was almost ready to e to his feet; when an interruption sounded。
 Someone was pounding at the front door of the garage。 For beyond that heavy barrier came the shouted order:
 〃Open! In the name of the law!〃
 THE SHADOW abandoned his plan to surprise the clustered; crooks who stood flat…footed by the wall。 He had recognized the shouting voice。 The tone was that of Lieutenant James Maclare。 Half to his feet; The Shadow dropped low again; he edged beneath the roadster as crooks scurried from the wall。
 He saw one man reach the door and yank a switch that controlled the far pill…box。 It descended; the thug at the switchboard pulled a lever to open the rear door of the garage。 Two crooks picked up the unconscious thug; the lights went out to cover their departure by the opened rear door。 Only two remained; to pass as garage attendants when they admitted Maclare and his bluecoats to the innocent…looking garage。
 The Shadow had new opportunity in the darkness。 He took it。 Rolling from beneath the roadster; he moved swiftly to the rear door。 Crooks were away before he reached it; The Shadow slid through just as the door was closing。
 The rear alley was darkened; groping; The Shadow found a passage that led through to the front street; between the garage and an empty store。 He took this route; stopped just before he reached the front。 Peering from the corner; The Shadow was witness to the next scene。
 Lights were on again in the garage; the front door had been opened to admit Maclare。 The lieutenant had made a brief inspection; he had called the thuggish attendants out front; to give them a brief quiz。
 〃Nobody came in here tonight?〃 demanded the police officer。 〃You're sure of it?〃
 〃Nobody; lieutenant;〃 replied one of the thugs。 〃This garage is closed for repairs。 We're storin' no cars; here; right now。〃
 〃Humph! Who does that roadster belong to; then?〃
 〃It's my own car; lieutenant。〃
 〃All right;〃 decided Maclare。 〃The men we're after were reported riding in a coupe。 Last place we spotted them was near here。 We thought maybe they'd made into your garage。
 A siren sounded as Maclare finished。 Two motorcycles chugged up; then a police car。 Members of the Flying Squadron stepped to the street。 An official car arrived。 Director Kirk Borman alighted。 He talked with Lieutenant Maclare。
 〃I'll take charge here;〃 decided Borman。 〃Good work; lieutenant! I heard about your surprise raid。〃
 〃I meant to notify you; director;〃 stated Maclare; 〃only we weren't sure of the tip…off…〃
 〃I understand;〃 put in Borman; brusquely。 〃Results are what count; lieutenant。 You gained them。 That's all that matters。 Better get back to your precinct。 The Flying Squadron will find Lance Gillick。〃
 MACLARE saluted; he departed with his bluecoats。 The honest lieutenant was grim。 For once; he had kept back facts that he might have given to the police director。 The tip…off that Maclare had received had specified that no one; not even Director Borman; be informed beforehand。 Rather than miss his opportunity to catch Lance Gillick red…handed; Maclare had agreed to the terms。 He had trusted the mysterious voice that had e over the wire to his precinct office。
 Director Borman went into the garage; while members of the Flying Squadron spread out to fake a search of the area。 The Shadow saw chance of new encounter; which he wanted to avoid。 In darkness; he whipped off his cloak and hat and folded them under his arm。 Choosing a moment when no khaki…uniformed men were near; he walked out from his hiding…place and approached Director Borman's car。
 He opened the door; tossed his garments into a corner of the rear seat。
 The chauffeur turned about; saw only the features of Trig Callister。 The Shadow whispered gruffly; stating that he wanted to see Director Borman。 The chauffeur was one of Borman's trusted aids。 He knew that the director had dealings with characters of Trig's sort。 He motioned The Shadow into the car。
 Kirk Borman returned soon afterward; a pleased smirk on his sharp…featured face。 As he entered the car; The Shadow spoke again。
 〃I'm Trig Callister;〃 he gruffed。 〃Say…did they get The Shadow?〃
 〃He's where we want him;〃 chuckled Borman。 〃Buried alive! We'll leave him there until he croaks! That won't be long; he's in an air…tight spot。〃
 The Shadow's disguised face was visible by the glow of a street lamp。 To Borman; those features answered Lance Gillick's description of Trig。
 Nevertheless; Borman questioned suddenly:
 〃How did you get here?〃
 〃I hopped on the back of Lance's coupe;〃 returned The Shadow with a sight guffaw。 〃I was in a bad spot when that raid hit。 A worse one; when The Shadow tagged Lance。 I had to drop off to keep from getting hit when he busted loose with those gats of his。 I was too busy to yank a rod of my own。 It's tough holding on to the back of a coupe; going the speed Lance was driving that one。〃
 The story clicked。 Borman told the chauffeur to drive along。 He was not suspicious when The Shadow questioned:
 〃How about Lance and Beezer? Did they make it to Ruthley's O。K。?〃
 〃They did;〃 acknowledged the police director。 〃That's where we are going at present。〃
 〃You'll have to drop me on the way;〃 objected The Shadow。 〃When we get to the place where I p

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