八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.cityofcrime >



小说: mg.cityofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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d waited。 Soon; her ears again caught a slight sound。 It was the opening of the door to the upstairs front room…the chamber The Shadow had occupied…where Estelle had forgotten to turn out the lights。
 The girl sprang from her hiding…place; she saw the door wide open and reached the threshold。 She saw a black…clad figure in the room。 The Shadow had returned。
 He was turned away from Estelle; he was removing his slouch hat and dropping the folds of his cloak。 He spun about as Estelle delivered a sharp cry。 Face revealed; The Shadow stared into the muzzle of the revolver that the judge's daughter held。
 Estelle's cry ended; her grip on the 。32 became firm。 She was ready to pull the trigger if The Shadow made a move。 Estelle Benbrook had gained proof of the treachery that she believed had been The Shadow's。
 The face of The Shadow was that of Trig Callister。
 THE instant that he saw the leveled revolver; The Shadow recognized a situation as crucial as any that he had met in Westford。 He had encountered dangers that seemed far greater; but this one carried the worst possible hazards。
 Estelle showed by action that she knew how to manage a revolver; she had aimed the weapon straight for The Shadow's heart。 The girl's frenzied expression showed that she had lost control of her wits。 She was prepared to fire a steady series of bullets on any provocation; real or imaginary。
 The Shadow realized the futility of explanations。 With her acceptance of fallacies; instead of facts; Estelle might interpret any statement incorrectly。
 Mere mention of her father's name might drive her to the wild belief that The Shadow had killed the judge。 One chance thought would be enough。 Estelle would fire to kill。
 For one full second; The Shadow met the girl's vengeful gaze。 He realized that each succeeding second would increase the risk; that any moment might be his last。 It was a time for astounding action; some deed as outlandish as Estelle's imaginary beliefs。 Knowing it; The Shadow acted in accord。
 His cloak was half from his shoulders; retained by his left hand。 He was holding the slouch hat with his right。 For a moment; The Shadow seemed to cower; as he shrank away; his body huddled lower。
 The move lessened Estelle's vigilance for an instant; then; suspecting trickery; the girl became more frenzied。 She stepped forward; thrusting the revolver ahead。 Her finger tightened on the trigger。
 Huddled; The Shadow spun about; he started a sidelong lunge for a corner of the room。 Estelle sped the gun muzzle in the same direction; as the cloaked form faded floorward; she pressed the trigger and stabbed quick shots。
 The cloak crumpled; the slouch hat bounced on the floor。 As Estelle fired again; a lithe shape seemed to weave up toward her; as if conjured from space itself。
 The Shadow had caught cloak collar and hat brim with both hands; he had shoved them away toward the corner; releasing them as Estelle fired。 Reversing his spin; he was swinging back; free from the cloak before the fatal moment。
 It was the skillful move of the matador; who whisks free from his cloak at the moment of the bull's onrush。 The Shadow's twist was far more speedy and better timed than that of any bullfighter。 He had to be away before bullets zimmed in his direction。 He was away; and his long; returning lunge was below the line of Estelle's aim。
 The girl did not have time to fire again。 Sighting The Shadow; she tried to aim; his quick clutch caught her wrist and held it numbed。 Estelle struggled; still managing to clutch the revolver。 As she went backward toward the door; she heard a cry behind her。 Arms other than The Shadow's clutched the girl's。
 The Shadow plucked away the revolver as Estelle subsided。 Looking up; the girl saw the person who had seized her。 A happy gasp told her relief; as she viewed the whitened face of her father。
 BENBROOK'S whole countenance was tinged with alarm。
 Estelle began to sob。 Judge Benbrook gazed anxiously toward The Shadow; he saw a smile upon the false lips of Trig Callister。 The uncloaked fighter was unhurt。 Satisfied on that point; the judge spoke to his daughter。
 〃You were mistaken; Estelle〃 he told the girl。 〃The Shadow is our friend。
 How you guessed that he came here as Trig Callister; I do not know…〃
 〃I found the make…up box;〃 sobbed Estelle。 〃I thought…I guessed…〃
 〃Your guess was wrong; my dear。〃 Estelle turned about; to see The Shadow regaining his cloak and hat。 He donned the garments; his quiet whisper silenced Estelle as she tried to express her regrets for her mistaken action。 Judge Benbrook delivered an interjection。
 〃You were going to see Stephen Ruthley as Trig Callister!〃 he exclaimed。
 〃Have you changed the plan?〃
 〃Yes;〃 replied The Shadow。 〃I believe that Estelle has already disclosed my double identity。〃
 〃I have;〃 admitted the girl。 〃Louis Wilderton was here。 I told him my suspicions。 He has gone to Ruthley's…to see Director Borman。〃
 〃Our hopes are ruined;〃 groaned Judge Benbrook。 〃Estelle; this was arranged when The Shadow gave me that written message。 I knew who he was when he came here as Trig Callister。〃
 〃You should have told me; father。〃
 〃No。 It was better not。 Had we returned in time tonight; all would have been well。 Tell me; Estelle〃…the judge's tone was more anxious than ever …
 〃did Wilderton take the envelope with him?〃
 Estelle shook her head。 The Shadow delivered a whispered laugh that brought immediate encouragement to Judge Benbrook。
 〃We need new strategy;〃 declared The Shadow。 〃e downstairs。 We must first obtain the envelope; then be on our way。〃
 The judge and Estelle followed The Shadow downstairs。 He had the key to the music cabinet; he unlocked it and tendered the sealed envelope to Judge Benbrook。 Noting the clock on the mantel; The Shadow made quick calculation。〃
 〃We are leaving here at once;〃 he stated。 〃You will both remain in a place of safety until you hear from me。〃
 Judge Benbrook was puzzled。 He could think of no safe spot in Westford。
 Nevertheless; he beckoned to Estelle; they followed The Shadow through the side door; thence to the rear street; where they entered The Shadow's sedan。
 〃Borman will e to the house;〃 declared The Shadow; as he started the car。 〃To your house; judge。 Not finding you there; he will hurry to the country。 My work lies there; since my part has bee known。〃
 〃But you spoke of a place where Estelle would be safe;〃 reminded Judge Benbrook。 〃One where you wanted me to wait until I heard from you。〃
 〃Here is the place。〃
 The Shadow stopped the car in front of the first precinct station。 A light was showing from Lieutenant Maclare's office。 Judge Benbrook gained sudden understanding of The Shadow's plan。 He stepped from the car with Estelle; then asked:
 〃How much shall I tell Maclare?〃
 〃As much as is necessary;〃 replied The Shadow。 〃He has already gained an inkling of matters in Westford。 You will find him ready to follow any suggestion that you give him。〃
 With that; The Shadow sped away; leaving Judge Benbrook and Estelle to treat with the one man in Westford who could mand loyal forces that would fight for the law。
 AT the time of The Shadow's departure; events were shaping elsewhere exactly as he predicted。 Louis Wilderton had reached Stephen Ruthley's。 There; the district attorney had just finished pouring out his news。 Stephen Ruthley; his countenance imposing; was quick to deliver a denunciation。
 〃We owe you much; Wilderton;〃 affirmed the pretended reformer。 〃I speak for Mayor Marclot and Director Borman; as well as for myself。 e; Borman!〃 he turned to the police director; who was sitting rigid; in a corner of the den。
 〃You must act at once to find Judge Benbrook!〃
 〃So I must!〃 exclaimed Borman; ing suddenly to life。 〃We'll scour the countryside with the Flying Squadron!〃
 Rising; Borman strode from the den。 Mayor Marclot; also a stunned listener; came to his feet and followed。 Ruthley purred a smooth ment to Wilderton; who had sunk into a chair; too strained to notice the alarm that had gripped Marclot and Borman。
 〃No need for Marclot to go also;〃 declared Ruthley。 〃He should stay with us; to discuss matters。 I shall call him back。〃
 Leaving Wilderton; Ruthley overtook Marclot and Borman at the door of the apartment。 The three went into a quick huddle。 Ruthley; as usual; was the brains。
 〃Get over to the garage;〃 he told Borman; tersely。 〃If that pill…box is empty; we'll know that Wilderton is right。 If he is; head for Judge Benbrook's; to make sure they haven't rolled in there。 The Shadow will be bringing the judge with him。〃
 〃Where next?〃 queried Borman。 〃Out to the house where we're keeping the judge?〃
 〃Yes。 Lance has already ducked out to call the cottage。 He heard Wilderton's blab from behind the picture。 Leave some of the squadron at the judge's house。 Take the rest with you。〃
 Borman hurried from the apartment。 Ruthley purred calming words to Marclot。 The mayor steadied。
 〃Keep Wilderton bluffed;〃 reminded Ruthley。 〃He will prove useful to us。
 Remember; we have Lance and Beezer covering up。 Borman will be back before it's time to go to the meeting at the Civic Club。〃
 Marclot nodded; as they walked back through the hall。 He made whispered ment:
 〃You've got the swag; Steve? In case…〃
 〃It's all in the file cabinet; with the papers。 Forget it; Elvin。 We've had the best break in the world! The Shadow slipped us; he thinks he got away with it。 That puts him right into our hands…this time to stay!〃
 Mayor Marclot managed to smile in pompous style; as he came back into Ruthley's den to resume the talk with Louis Wilderton。 That smile was forced; but the one that wreathed Stephen Ruthley's lips was not。 The master crook smiled with real relish。
 Often before; Stephen Ruthley had seen his hunches e through。 He was confident that another such result was due tonight。 To Stephen Ruthley; The Shadow's finish was a settled matter。
 CREEPING men were closing inward through the darkness。 They were the thugs whom Lance Gillick had sent from Westford; to keep a circled watch about the old mansion that had been Judge Benbrook's lodging overn

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