八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > rasalvatore.attackoftheclones >



小说: rasalvatore.attackoftheclones 字数: 每页4000字

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he stopped suddenly; though; and stared hard at her stepson as he turned back to regard her。 〃It's more dangerous out there;〃 she said; sucking in her breath; her voice breaking。 Alarm evident in her expression; she looked back up at the wide and open sky。 〃What if he is hurt; Owen? Or dead?〃
 〃It's better to die in pursuit of your dreams than to live a life without hope;〃 Owen said; rather unconvincingly。
 Shmi looked back at him; her smile returning。 Owen; like his father; was about as grounded in simple pragmatism as any man could be。 She understood that he had said that only for her benefit; and that made it all the more special。
 She didn't resist anymore as Owen began to lead her along again; back to the humble abode of Cliegg Lars; her husband; Owen's father。 She had done the right thing concerning her son; Shmi told herself with every step。 They had been slaves; with no prospects of finding their freedom other than the offer of the Jedi。 How could she have kept Anakin here on Tatooine; when Jedi Knights were promising him all of his dreams? Of course; at that time; Shmi had not known that she would meet Cliegg Lars that fateful day in Mos Espa; and that the moisture farmer would fall in love with her; buy her from Watto; and free her; and only then; once she was a free woman; ask her to marry him。 Would she have let Anakin go if she had known the changes that would e into her life so soon after his departure?
 Wouldn't her life be better now; more plete by far; if Anakin were beside her?
 Shmi smiled as she thought about it。 No; she realized; she would still have wanted Annie to go; even if she had foreseen the dramatic changes that would soon e into her life。 Not for herself; but for Anakin。 His place was out there。 She knew that。
 Shmi shook her head; overwhelmed by the enormity of it all; by the many winding turns in her life's path; in Anakin's path。 Even in hindsight; she could not be sure that this present situation was not the best possible oute; for both of them。
 But still; there remained a deep and empty hole in her heart。
 Chapter Two
 〃I can help with that;〃 Beru said politely; moving to join Shmi; who was cooking dinner。 Cliegg and Owen were out closing down the perimeter of the pound; securing the farm from the oning night…a night that promised a dust storm。
 Smiling warmly; and glad that this young woman was soon to be a member of their family; Shmi handed a knife over to Beru。 Owen hadn't said anything yet about marrying Beru; but Shmi could tell from the way the two looked at each other。 It was only a matter of time; and not much time at that; if she knew her stepson。 Owen was not an adventurous type; was as solid as the ground beneath them; but when he knew what he wanted; he went after it with single…minded purpose。
 Beru was exactly that; and she obviously loved Owen as deeply as he loved her。 She was well suited to be the wife of a moisture farmer; Shmi thought; watching her methodically go about her duties in the kitchen。 She never shied from work; was very capable and diligent。
 And she doesn't expect much; or need much to make her happy; Shmi thought; for that; in truth; was the crux of it。 Their existence here was simple and plain。 There were few adventures; and none at all that were weled; for excitement out here usually meant that Tusken Raiders had been seen in the region; or that a gigantic sandstorm or some other potentially devastating weather phenomenon was blowing up。
 The Lars family had only the simple things; mostly the pany of each other; to keep them amused and content。 For Cliegg; this had been the only way of life he had ever known; a lifestyle that went back several generations in the Lars family。 Same thing for Owen。 And while Beru had grown up in Mos Eisley; she seemed to fit right in。
 Yes; Owen would marry her; Shmi knew; and what a happy day that would be!
 The two men returned soon after; along with C…3PO; the protocol droid Anakin had built back in the days when he had Watto's junkyard to rummage through。
 〃Two more tangaroots for you; Mistress Shmi;〃 the thin droid said; handing Shmi a pair of orange…and…green freshly picked vegetables。 〃I would have brought more; but I was told; and not in any civil way; that I must hurry。〃 Shmi looked to Cliegg; and he gave her a grin and a shrug。 〃Could've left him out there to get sandblasted clean; I suppose;〃 he said。 〃Of course; some of the bigger rocks that are sure to be flying about might've taken out a circuit or two。〃
 〃Your pardon; Master Cliegg;〃 C…3PO said。 〃I only meant…〃
 〃We know what you meant; Threepio;〃 Shmi assured the droid。 She placed a forting hand on his shoulder; then quickly pulled it away; thinking that a perfectly silly gesture to offer to a walking box of wires。 Of course; C… 3PO was much more than a box of wires to Shmi。 Anakin had built the droid。 Almost。 When Anakin had left with the Jedi; 3PO had been perfectly functional; but uncovered; his wires exposed。 Shmi had left him that way for a long time; fantasizing that Anakin would return to plete the job。 Just before marrying Cliegg had Shmi finished the droid herself; adding the dull metal coverings。 It had been quite a touching moment for Shmi; an admission of sorts that she was where she belonged and Anakin was where he belonged。 The protocol droid could be quite annoying at times; but to Shmi; C…3PO remained a reminder of her son。
 〃Course; if there are Tuskens about; they'd likely have gotten him under wraps before the storm;〃 Cliegg went on; obviously taking great pleasure in teasing the poor droid。 〃You're not afraid of Tusken Raiders; are you; Threepio?〃
 〃There is nothing in my program to suggest such fear;〃 3PO replied; though he would have sounded more convincing if he hadn't been shaking as he spoke; and if his voice hadn't e out all squeaky and uneven。
 〃Enough;〃 Shmi demanded of Cliegg。 〃Oh; poor Threepio;〃 she said; patting the droid's shoulder again。 〃Go ahead; now。 I've got more than enough help this evening。〃 As she finished; she waved the droid away。
 〃You're just terrible to that poor droid;〃 she remarked; moving beside her husband and playfully patting him across his broad shoulder。
 〃Well; if I can't have fun with him; I'll have to set my sights on someone else;〃 the rarely mischievous Cliegg replied; narrowing his eyes and scanning the room。 He finally settled a threatening gaze on Beru。
 〃Cliegg;〃 Shmi was quick to warn。
 〃What?〃 he protested dramatically。 〃If she's thinking to e out and live here; then she had better learn to defend herself!〃 〃Dad! 〃Owen cried。
 〃Oh; don't fret about old Cliegg;〃 Beru piped in; emphasizing the word old。
 〃A fine wife I would make if I couldn't out…duel that one in a war of words!〃
 〃Aha! A challenge!〃 Cliegg roared。
 〃Not so much of one from where I'm sitting;〃 Beru dryly returned; and she and Cliegg began exchanging some good…natured insults; with Owen chiming in every now and again。
 Shmi hardly listened; too engaged in merely watching Beru。 Yes; she would certainly fit in; and well; about the moisture farm。 Her temperament was perfect。 Solid; but playful when the situation allowed。 Gruff Cliegg could verbally spar with the best of them; but Beru had to be counted among that elite lot。 Shmi went back to her dinner preparations; her smile growing wider every time Beru hit Cliegg with a particularly nasty retort。
 Intent on her work; Shmi never saw the missile ing; and when the overripe vegetable hit her on the side of the face; she let out a shriek。 Of course; that only made the other three in the room howl with laughter。 Shmi turned to see them sitting there; staring at her。 From the embarrassed expression on Beru's face; and from the angle; with Beru sitting directly behind Cliegg; it seemed obvious to Shmi that Beru had launched the missile; aiming for Cliegg; but throwing a bit high。
 〃The girl listens when you tell her to stop;〃 Cliegg Lars said; his sarcastic tone shattered by a burst of laughter that came right from his belly。
 He stopped when Shmi smacked him with a piece of juicy fruit; splattering it across his shoulders。
 A food fight began…measured; of course; and with more threats hurled than actual missiles。
 When it ended; Shmi began the cleanup; the other three helping for a bit。 〃You two go and spend some time together without your troublemaking father;〃 Shmi told Owen and Bern。 〃Cliegg started it; so Cliegg will help clean it up。 Go on; now。 I'll call you back when dinner's on the table。〃 Cliegg gave a little laugh。
 〃And if you mess up the next one; you're going to be hungry;〃 Shmi told him; threateningly waving a spoon his way。 〃And lonely!〃
 〃Whoa! Never that!〃 Cliegg said; holding his hands up in a sign of surrender。
 With a wave of the spoon; Shmi further dismissed Owen and Beru; and the two went off happily。
 〃She'll make him a fine wife;〃 Shmi said to Cliegg。
 He walked up beside her and grabbed her about the waist; pulling her tight。
 〃We Lars men fall in love with the best women。〃
 Shmi looked back to see his warm and sincere smile; and she returned it in kind。 This was the way it was supposed to be。 Good honest work; a sense of true acplishment; and enough free time for some fun; at least。 This was the life Shmi had always wanted。 This was perfect; almost。
 A wistful look came over her face。
 〃Thinking of your boy again;〃 Cliegg Lars stated; instead of asked。 Shmi looked at him; her expression a mixture of joy and sadness; a single dark cloud crossing a sunny blue sky。 〃Yes; but it's okay this time;〃 she said。 〃He's safe; I know; and doing great things。〃 〃But when we have such fun; you wish he could be here。〃
 Shmi smiled again。 〃I do; and in all other times; as well。 I wish Anakin had been here from the beginning; since you and I first met。〃
 〃Five years ago;〃 Cliegg remarked。
 〃He would love you as I do; and he and Owen 。 。 。〃 Her voice weakened and trailed away。
 〃You think that Anakin and Owen would be friends?〃 Cliegg asked。 〃Bah! Of course they would!〃
 〃You've never even met my Annie!〃 Shmi scolded。
 〃They'd be the best of friends;〃 Cliegg assured her; tightening his hug once again。 〃H

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