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〃You did the right thing in going。 For yourself; but more importantly; for your mother。〃
Her expression; so full of passion; so full of caring; was not one that Anakin Skywalker could argue against。
The great port city of Theed was in many ways akin to Coruscant; with freighters and shuttles ing down from the skies in lines。 Unlike Coruscant; though; this city on Naboo was soft in appearance; with few towering; imposing skyscrapers of hard metal and shining transparisteel。 The buildings here were of stone and many other materials; with rounded rooflines and delicate colors。 Vines of all sorts were everywhere; crawling up the sides of the buildings; adding vibrancy and scents。 Adding fort。 Anakin and Padme lugged their bags across a familiar square; a place where they had seen battle a decade before against the droids of the Trade Federation。 R2…D2 came behind them; rolling along easily; whistling a happy song; as if he were an extension of the fortable aura of Theed。 Padme kept covertly glancing at Anakin; noting the serenity on his face; the widening grin。
〃If I grew up here; I don't think I'd ever leave;〃 Anakin remarked。
Padme laughed。 〃I doubt that。〃
〃No; really。 When I started my training; I was very homesick and very lonely。 This city and my mom were the only pleasant things I had to think about。〃
Padme's expression turned to one of curiosity and confusion。 Anakin's time here had been spent; mostly; in deadly battle! Had he so obsessed about her; about Naboo; that even the bad memories paled against his warm feelings?
〃The problem was;〃 Anakin went on; 〃the more I thought about my mom; the worse I felt。 But I would feel better if I thought about Naboo and the palace。〃
He didn't say it outright; but Padme knew that what he really meant was that he felt better when he thought about her; or at least that he would include her in those pleasant thoughts。
〃The way the palace shimmers in the sunlight; the way the air always smells of flowers。〃
〃And the soft sound of the distant waterfalls;〃 Padme added。 She could not deny the sincerity in Anakin's voice and in his words; and she found herself agreeing and embracing that truth of Naboo; despite her resolve to stay away from those feelings。 〃The first time I saw the capital; I was very young。 I'd never seen a waterfall before。 I thought they were so beautiful。 I never thought that one day I'd live in the palace。〃
〃Well; tell me; did you dream of power and politics when you were a little girl?〃
Again Padme had to laugh aloud。 〃No; that was the last thing I thought of。〃 She could feel the wistfulness creeping into her; the memories of those long…ago days before her innocence had been shattered by war; and even more so; by the constant deceptions and conniving of politics。 She could hardly believe that she was opening up to Anakin like this。 〃My dream was to work in the Refugee Relief Movement。 I never thought of running for elected office。 But the more history I studied; the more I realized how much good politicians could do。 So when I was eight; I joined the Apprentice Legislators; which is like making a formal announcement that you're entering public service here on Naboo。 From there; I went on to bee a Senatorial Adviser; and attacked my duties with such a passion that before I knew it; I was elected Queen。〃
Padme looked at Anakin and shrugged; trying not to throw all humility away。 〃Partly because I scored so high on my education certificate;〃 she explained。 〃But for the most part; my ascent was because of my conviction that reform was possible。 The people of Naboo embraced that dream wholeheartedly; so much so that my age was hardly an issue in the campaign。 I wasn't the youngest Queen ever elected; but now that I think back on it;
I'm not sure I was old enough。〃 She paused and locked stares with Anakin。
〃I'm not sure I was ready。〃 〃The people you served thought you did a good job;〃 Anakin reminded her。 〃I heard they tried to amend the constitution so that you could stay in office。〃
〃Popular rule is not democracy; Anakin。 It gives the people what they want; not what they need。 And truthfully; I was relieved when my two terms were up。〃 Padme chuckled as she continued; adding emphasis。 〃So were my parents! They worried about me during the blockade and couldn't wait for it all to be over。 Actually; I was hoping to have a family by now。 。 。 〃
She turned away a bit; feeling her face flushing。 How could she be so open to him; and so quickly? He was not a longtime friend; she reminded herself; but the warning sounded hollow in her thoughts。 She looked back at Anakin; and she felt so at ease; so fortable with him; almost as if they had been friends for all their lives。 〃My sister has the most amazing; wonderful kids。〃 Her eyes were sparkling; she knew; but she blinked the emotion away; as Padme had often blinked away her personal desires for the sake of what she perceived to be the greater good。 〃But when the Queen asked me to serve as Senator; I couldn't refuse her;〃 she explained。
〃I agree!〃 Anakin replied。 〃I think the Republic needs you。 I'm glad you chose to serve…I feel things are going to happen in our generation that will change the galaxy in profound ways。〃
〃A Jedi premonition?〃 Padme kidded。
Anakin laughed。 〃A feeling;〃 he explained; or tried to explain; for it was obvious that he wasn't quite sure what he was trying to say。 〃It just seems to me as if it's all grown stale; as if something has to happen…〃
〃I think so; too;〃 Padme put in sincerely。
They had arrived at the great doors of the palace; and paused to take in the beautiful scene。 Unlike most of Coruscant's buildings; which seemed to have been designed with utter efficiency in mind; this structure was more akin to the Jedi Temple; an understanding that aesthetics were important; that form went hand in hand with purpose。
Padme knew her way about the place; obviously; and she was well known by almost all of the people within; and so the two walked along easily to the throne room; where they were announced at once。
Smiling faces greeted them。 Sio Bibble; Padme's dear friend and her trusted adviser when she was Queen; stood by the throne; flanking Queen Jamillia as he had so often flanked Padme。 He hadn't aged much over the last years; his white hair and beard still distinguished and perfectly coiffed; his eyes still full of that intensity that Padme so loved。
Beside him; Jamillia looked every bit the part of Queen。 She wore a great headdress and flowing embroidered robes; the same type of outfit Padme had worn for so very long; and the Senator thought that Jamillia looked at least as regal in them as she had。
Handmaidens; advisers; and guards were all about; and Padme reflected that one of the side effects of being Queen; and not a pleasant one; was that one was never allowed to be alone。
Queen Jamillia; standing perfectly straight so that her headdress did not topple; rose and walked over to take Padme's hand。 〃We've been worried about you。 I'm so glad you're here; Padme;〃 she said; her voice rich and with a southeastern accent that made her enunciate the consonants powerfully 〃Thank you; Your Highness。 I only wish I could have served you better by staying on Coruscant for the vote。〃
〃Supreme Chancellor Palpatine has explained it all;〃 Sio Bibble interjected。 〃Returning home was the only real choice you could have made。〃 Padme gave him a resigned nod。 Still; being sent home to Naboo bothered her; she had worked so very hard against the creation of a Republic army。 〃How many systems have joined Count Dooku and the separatists?〃 Queen Jamillia asked bluntly。 She had never been one for small talk。
〃Thousands;〃 Padme answered。 〃And more are leaving the Republic every day。 If the Senate votes to create an army; I'm sure it's going to push us into civil war。〃
Sio Bibble punched his fist into his open hand。 〃It's unthinkable!〃 he said; gnashing his teeth with every word。 〃There hasn't been a full…scale war since the formation of the Republic。〃
〃Do you see any way; through negotiations; to bring the separatists back into the Republic?〃 Jamillia asked; staying calm despite Sio Bibble's obvious agitation。
〃Not if they feel threatened。〃 It amazed Padme to realize how secure she was in these estimations。 She felt as if she was beginning to fully understand the nuances of her position; as if she could trust her instincts implicitly。 And all of her talents would be needed; she knew。 〃The separatists don't have an army; but if they are provoked; they will move to defend themselves。 I'm sure of that。 And with no time or money to build an army; my guess is they will turn to the merce Guild or the Trade Federation for help。〃
〃The armies of merce!〃 Queen Jamillia echoed with anger and distaste。 All on Naboo knew well the problems associated with such free…ranging groups。 The Trade Federation had nearly brought Naboo to its knees; and would have had it not been for the heroics of Amidala; a pair of Jedi; a young Anakin; and the brave flying of the dedicated Naboo pilots。 Even that would not have been enough; had not Queen Amidala forged an unexpected alliance with the heroic Gungans。 〃Why has nothing been done in the Senate to restrain them?〃
〃I'm afraid that; despite the Chancellor's best efforts; there are still many bureaucrats; judges; and even Senators on the payrolls of the guilds;〃 Padme admitted。
〃Then it is true that the guilds have moved closer to the separatists; as we suspected;〃 Queen Jamillia reasoned。
Sio Bibble punched his open palm again; drawing their attention。 〃It's outrageous!〃 he said。 〃It's outrageous that after all those hearings and four trials in the Supreme Court; Nute Gunray is still the viceroy of the Trade Federation。 Do those money…mongers control everything?〃
〃Remember; Counselor; the courts were able to reduce the Trade Federation's armies;〃 Jamillia reminded; again holding her calm and controlled voice。
〃That's a move in the right direction。〃
Padme winced; knowing that she had to report honestly。 〃There are rumors; Your Highness; that the Federation's army was not reduced as they were ordered。〃
Clearing his throat; A