八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > rasalvatore.attackoftheclones >



小说: rasalvatore.attackoftheclones 字数: 每页4000字

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 Anakin turned back to Padme; to see that she was no longer looking his way; but had turned toward the house; where another woman; who looked very much like Padme; was approaching。
 Not exactly like Padme; Anakin noted。 She was a little older; a little heavier; and a little more 。 。 。 worn; was the only word he could think of。 But not in a bad way。 Yes; he could see it now; he thought; watching as she and Padme hugged tightly。 This was whom Padme could bee…more settled; more content; perhaps。 Considering the amazing resemblance; Anakin was hardly surprised when Padme introduced the woman as her sister; Sola。
 〃Mom and Dad will be so happy to see you;〃 Sola said to Padme。 〃It's been a difficult few weeks。〃
 Padme frowned。 She knew that word of the attempts on her life would have reached her parents' ears; and that was possibly the most disturbing thing of all to her。
 Anakin saw it all on her face; and he understood it well; and he loved her all the more for that generosity。 Padme wasn't really afraid of anything… she could handle the reality of her current situation; the reality of the fact that someone was trying to kill her; with determination and courage。 But the one thing about it all that troubled her; aside from the political ramifications of such distractions; the ways they might weaken her position in the Senate; was the effect of such danger upon those she loved。 He knew that she didn't want to bring pain to her family。
 Anakin; who had left his mother as a slave on Tatooine; could appreciate that。
 〃Mom's making dinner;〃 Sola explained; noting Padme's disfort and generously changing the subject。 〃As usual; your timing is perfect。〃 She started toward the house。 Padme waited for Anakin to move beside her; then took his hand; looked up; smiled at him; and led him toward the door。 R2…D2 rolled along right behind; with Ryoo and Pooja bouncing all about him。 The interior of the house was just as simply wonderful and just as full of life and soft color as was the yard。 There were no glaring lights; no beeping consoles or flickering puter screens。 The furniture was plush and fortable; the floors were made of cool stone or covered in soft carpeting。
 This was not a building as Anakin had known on Coruscant; and not a hovel; as he had known all too well on Tatooine。 No; seeing this place; this street; this yard; this home; made the young Padawan even more convinced of what he had declared to Padme not so long before: that if he had grown up on Naboo; he would never leave。
 The next introductions were a bit more unfortable; but only for a moment; as Padme showed Anakin to Ruwee; her father; a strong…shouldered man with a face that was plain and strong and passionate all at once。 He wore his brown hair short; but still it was a bit out of place; a bit 。。。 fortable。 Padme introduced Jobal next; and Anakin knew that the woman was her mother without being told。 The moment he met her; he understood where Padme had gotten her innocent and sincere smile; a look that could disarm a mob of bloodthirsty Gamorrean raiders。 Jobal's face had that same forting quality; that same obvious generosity。
 Soon after; Anakin; Padme; and Ruwee were sitting at the dinner table; fortably quiet and listening to the bustle in the next room; which included the clanking of stoneware plates and mugs; and Sola repeatedly saying; 〃Too much; Mom。〃 And every time she said that; Ruwee and Padm smiled knowingly。
 〃I doubt they've been starving all the way from Coruscant;〃 an exasperated Sola said as she exited the kitchen; glancing back over her shoulder as she spoke。 She returned carrying a bowl full of food。
 〃Enough to feed the town?〃 Padme asked Sola quietly as her older sister put the bowl on the table。
 〃You know Mom;〃 came the answer; and the tone told Anakin that this was not an isolated incident; that Jobal was quite the hostess。 Despite the fact that he had eaten recently; the bowl of food looked and smelled temptingly good。
 〃No one has ever left this house hungry;〃 Sola explained。
 〃Well; one person did once;〃 Padme corrected。 〃But Mom chased him down and dragged him back in。〃
 〃To feed him or cook him?〃 the quick…witted Padawan retorted; and the other three stared at him for just a moment before catching on and bursting out in laughter。
 They were still chuckling when Jobal entered the room; holding an even larger bowl of steaming food; which of course only made them laugh all the louder。 But then Jobal fixed an imposing stare over her family and the chuckling quieted。
 〃They arrived just in time for dinner;〃 Jobal said。 〃I know what that means。〃 She set the plate down near Anakin and put her hand on his shoulder。 〃I hope you're hungry; Anakin。〃
 〃A little。〃 He looked up and gave her a warm smile。
 The look of gratitude was not lost on Padme。 She tossed a little wink his way when he looked back at her。 〃He's being polite; Mom;〃 she said。 〃We're starving。〃
 Jobal grinned widely and nodded; offering superior glances at Sola and Ruwee; who just laughed again。 It was all so fortable to Anakin; so natural and so 。。。 so much like what he had always been wanting in his life; though perhaps he had not known it。 This would be perfect; absolutely perfect; except that his mother wasn't there。
 A brief cloud passed over his face as he thought of his mother on Tatooine; and considered the disturbing dreams that had been finding their way into his sleep of late。 He pushed the thoughts away quickly and glanced around; glad that no one seemed to have noticed。
 〃 If you're starving; then you came to the right place at the right time;〃 Ruwee said; looking at Anakin as he finished。 〃Eat up; son!〃
 Jobal and Sola took their seats and began passing the food bowls all around。 Anakin took a good helping of several different dishes。 The food was all unfamiliar; but the smells told him that he wouldn't be disappointed。 He sat quietly as he ate; listening with half an ear to the chatter all about him。 He was thinking of his mom again; of how he wished he could bring her here; a free woman; to live the life she so deserved。 Some time passed before Anakin tuned back in; cued by the sudden seriousness in Jobal's voice as she said to Padme; 〃Honey; it's so good to see you safe。 We were so worried。〃
 Anakin looked up just in time to see the intense; disapproving glare that Padme answered with。 Ruwee; obviously trying to dispel the tension before it could really begin; put his hand on Jobal's arm and quietly said; 〃Dear。。。〃
 〃I know; I know!〃 said the suddenly animated Jobal。 〃But I had to say it。 Now it's done。〃
 Sola cleared her throat。 〃Well; this is exciting;〃 she said; and everyone looked at her。 〃Do you know; Anakin; you're the first boyfriend my sister ever brought home?〃
 〃Sola!〃 Padme exclaimed。 She rolled her eyes。 〃He isn't my boyfriend! He's a Jedi assigned by the Senate to protect me。〃
 〃A bodyguard?〃 Jobal asked with great concern。 〃Oh; Padme; they didn't tell us it was that serious!〃
 Padme's sigh was intermixed with a groan。 〃It's not; Mom;〃 she said。 〃I promise。 Anyway; Anakin's a friend。 I've known him for years。 Remember that little boy who was with the Jedi during the blockade crisis?〃
 A couple of 〃ahs〃 of recognition came back in response; along with nodding heads。 Then Padme smiled at Anakin and said; with just enough weight to make him recognize that her previous claims about his place here weren't entirely true; 〃He's grown up。〃
 Anakin glanced at Sola and saw that she was staring at him; scrutinizing him。 He shifted unfortably in his seat。
 〃Honey; when are you going to settle down?〃 Jobal went on。 〃Haven't you had enough of that life? I certainly have!〃
 〃Mom; I'm not in any danger;〃 Padme insisted; taking Anakin's hand in her own。
 〃Is she?〃 Ruwee asked Anakin。
 The Padawan stared hard at Padme's father; recognizing the honest concern。 This man; who obviously loved his daughter so much; deserved to know the truth。 〃Yes; I'm afraid she is。〃
 Even as the words left his mouth; Anakin felt Padme's grip tighten。 〃But not much;〃 she added quickly; and she turned to Anakin; smiling; but in a you'll…pay…for…that…later kind of way。 〃Anakin;〃 she said quietly; her teeth gritted; locked into that threatening smile。
 〃The Senate thought it prudent to give her some time away; and under the protection of the Jedi;〃 he said; his tone casual; showing no reflections of the pain he was feeling as Padme's fingernails dug into his hand。 〃My Master; Obi…Wan; is even now seeing to the matter。 All should be well soon enough。〃
 His breath came easier as Padme loosened her grip; and Ruwee; and even Jobal; seemed to relax。 Anakin knew that he had done well; but he was surprised to see that Sola was still staring at him; still smiling as if she knew a secret。
 He gave her a quizzical look; but she only smiled all the wider。
  〃Sometimes I wish I'd traveled more;〃 Ruwee admitted to Anakin as the two walked in the garden after dinner。 〃But I must say; I'm happy here。〃
 〃Padme tells me you teach at the university。〃
 〃Yes; and before that I was a builder;〃 Ruwee answered with a nod。 〃I also worked for the Refugee Relief Movement; when I was very young。〃 Anakin looked at him curiously; not really surprised。 〃You seem quite interested in public service;〃 he remarked。
 〃Naboo is generous;〃 Ruwee explained。 〃The planet itself; I mean。 We have all that we want; all that we could want。 Food is plentiful; the climate is fortable; the surroundings are…〃
 〃Beautiful;〃 Anakin put in。
 〃Quite so;〃 said Ruwee。 〃We are a very fortunate people; and we know it。 That good fortune should not be taken for granted; and so we try to share and try to help。 It is our way of saying that we wele the friendship of those less fortunate; that we do not think ourselves entitled to that which we have; but rather; that we feel blessed beyond what we deserve。 And so we share; and so we work; and in doing so; we bee something larger than ourselves; and more fulfilled than one can bee from idly enjoying good fortune!〃 Anakin considered Ruwee's words for a few moments。 〃It is the same with the Jedi; I suppose;〃 he said。 〃We have been given great gifts; 

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