八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > cpike.thelastvampire >



小说: cpike.thelastvampire 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃What do you wonder; Mr。 Riley?〃
 He ventures a swift glance at me; he really does not like to look at me; even though I am very beautiful。 〃Why you go to such extremes to remain invisible;〃 he says。
 〃It also makes you wonder if I would pay to stay invisible;〃 I say。
 He acts surprised。 〃I didn't say that。〃
 〃How much do you want?〃
 My question stuns him; yet pleases him。 He does not have to be the first to dirty his hands。 What he does not realize is that blood stains deeper than dirt; and that the stains last much longer。 Yes; I think again; he may not have that long to live。
 〃How much are you offering?〃 he ventures。
 I shrug。 〃It depends。〃
 〃On what?〃
 〃On whether you tell me who pointed you in my direction。〃
 He is indignant。 〃I assure you that I needed no one to point me in your direction。 I discovered your interesting qualities all by myself。〃
 He is lying; of that I am positive。 I can always tell when a person lies; almost always。 Only remarkable people can fool me; and then they have to be lucky。 But I do not like to be fooled…so one has to wonder at even their luck。
 〃Then my offer is nothing;〃 I say。
 He straightens。 He believes he is ready to pounce。 Then my counteroffer; Miss Perne; is to make what I have discovered public knowledge。〃 He pauses。 〃What do you think of that?〃
 〃It will never happen。〃〃
 He smiles。 〃You don't think so?〃
 I smile。 〃You would die before that happened。〃
 He laughs。 〃You would take a contract out on my life?〃
 〃Something to that effect。〃
 He stops laughing; now deadly serious; now that we are talking; about death。 Yet I keep my smile since death amuses me。 He points a finger at me。
 〃You can be sure that if anything happened to me the police would be at your door the same day;〃 he says。
 〃You have arranged to send my records to someone else;〃 I say。 〃Just in case something should happen to you?〃
 〃Something to that effect。〃 He is trying to be witty。 He is also lying。 I slide back farther into my chair。 He thinks I am relaxing; but I position myself so that my legs are straight out。 If I am to strike; I have decided; it will be with my right foot。
 〃Mr。 Riley;〃 I say。 〃We should not argue。 You want something from me; and I want something from you。 I am prepared to pay you a million dollars; to be deposited in whatever account you wish; in whatever part of the world you desire; if you will tell me who made you aware of me。〃
 He looks me straight in the eye; tries to; and surely he feels the heat building up inside me because he flinches before he speaks。 His voice es out uneven and confused。 He does not understand why I am suddenly so intimidating。
 〃No one is interested in you except me;〃 he says。
 I sigh。 〃You are armed; Mr。 Riley。〃
 〃I am?〃
 I harden my voice。 〃You have a gun under your coat。 You have a gun on your desk under those papers。 You are taping this conversation。 Now; one might think these are all standard blackmail precautions; but I don't think so。 I am a young woman。 I don't look dangerous。 But someone has told you that I am more dangerous than I look and that I am to be treated with extreme caution。 And you know that that someone is right。〃 I pause。 〃Who is that someone; Mr。 Riley?〃
 He shakes his head。 He is looking at me in a new light; and he doesn't like what he sees。 My eyes continue to bore into him。 A splinter of fear has entered his mind。
 〃H…how do you know all these things?〃 he asks。
 〃You admit my facts are accurate?〃 I mimic him。
 He shakes his head again。
 〃Now I allow my voice to change; to deepen; to resonate with the fullness of my incredibly long life。 The effect on him is pronounced; he shakes visibly; as if he is suddenly aware that he is sitting next to a monster。 But I am not just any monster。 I am a vampire; and in many ways; for his sake; that may be the worst monster of all。
 〃Someone has hired you to research me;〃 I say。 〃I know that for a fact。 Please don't deny it again; or you will make me angry。 I really am uncontrollable when I am angry。 I do things I later regret; and I would regret killing you; Mr。 Riley…but not for long。〃 I pause。
 〃Now; for the last time; tell me who sent you after me; and I will give you a million dollars and let you walk out of here alive。〃 He stares at me incredulously。 His eyes see one thing; and his ears hear another; I know。 He sees a pretty blond girl with startlingly blue eyes; and he hears the velvety voice of a succubus from hell。 It is too much for him。 He begins to stammer
 〃Miss Perne;〃 he begins。 〃You misunderstand me。 I mean you no harm。 I just want to plete a simple business deal with you。 No one has to 。。。 get hurt。〃
 I take in a long; slow breath。 I need air; but I can hold my breath for over an hour if I must。 Yet now I let out the breath before speaking again; and the room cools even more。 And Mr。 Riley shivers。
 〃Answer my question;〃 I say simply。
 He coughs。 〃There is no one else;〃
 〃You'd better reach for your gun。〃
 〃You are going to die now。 I assume you prefer to die fighting。;〃
 〃Miss Perne…〃
 〃I am five thousand years old。〃
 He blinks。 〃What?〃
 I give him my full; uncloaked gaze; which I have used in the past…alone…to kill。 〃I am a vampire;〃 I say softly。 〃And you have pissed me off。〃
 He believes me。 Suddenly he believes every horror story he has been told since he was a little boy。 That they were all true: the dead things hungering for the warm living flesh; the bony hand ing out of the closet in the black of night; the monsters from another page of reality; the unturned page…who could look so human; so cute。
 He reaches for his gun。 Too slowly; much too。
 I shove myself out of my chair with such force that I am momentarily airborne。 My senses switch into a hyper…accelerated mode。 Over the last few thousand years; whenever I am threatened; I have developed the ability to view events in extreme slow motion。 But this does not mean that I slow down; quite the opposite。 Mr。 Riley sees nothing but a blur flying toward him。 He does not see that as I'm moving。 I have cocked my leg to deliver a devastating blow。
 My right foot lashes out。 My heel catches him in the center of the breastbone。 I hear the bones crack as he topples backward onto the floor; his weapon still bolstered inside his coat。 Although I moved toward him in a horizontal position; I land smoothly on my feet。 He sprawls on the floor at my feet beside his overturned chair。 Gasping for breath; blood pouring out of his mouth。 I have crushed the walls of his heart as well as the bones of his chest; and he is going to die。 But not just yet。 I kneel beside him and gently put my hand on his head。 Love often flows through me for my victims。
 〃Mike;〃 I say gently。 〃You would not listen to me。〃
 He is having trouble breathing。 He drowns in his own blood…I hear it gurgling deep in his lungs…and I am tempted to put my lips to his and suck it away for him。 Such a temptation; to sate my thirst。 Yet I leave him alone。
 〃Who?〃 he gasps at me。
 I continue to stroke his head; 〃I told you the truth。 I am a vampire。 You never stood a chance against me。 It's not fair; but it is the way it is。〃 I lean close to his mouth; whisper in his ear。〃Now tell me the truth and I will stop your pain。 Who sent you after me?〃
 He stares at me with wide eyes。 〃Slim;〃 he whispers。
 〃Who is Slim? A man?〃
 〃Very good; Mike。 How do you contact him?〃
 〃Yes。〃 I caress his cheek。 〃Where is this Slim?〃
 He begins to cry。 The tears; the blood…they make a pitiful bination。 His whole body trembles。 〃I don't want to die;〃 he moans。 〃My boy。〃
 〃Tell me about Slim and I will take care of your boy;〃 I say。 My nature is kind; deep inside。 I could have said if you don't tell me about Slim; I will find your dear boy and slowly peel off his skin。 But Riley is in too much pain to hear me; and I immediately regret; striking so swiftly; not slowly torturing the truth out of him。 I did tell him that I was impulsive when I'm angry; and it is true。
 〃Help me;〃 he pleads; choking。
 〃I'm sorry。 I can only kill; I cannot heal; and you are too badly hurt。〃 I sit back on my heels and glance around the office。 I see on the desktop a picture of Mr。 Riley posed beside a handsome boy of approximately eighteen。 Removing my right hand from Mr。 Riley; I reach for the picture and show it to him。 〃Is this your son?〃 I ask innocently。
 Terror consumes his features。 〃No!〃 he cries。
 I lean close once more。 〃I am not going to hurt him。 I only want this Slim。 Where is he?〃
 A spasm of pain grips Riley; a convulsion…his legs shake off the floor like two wooden sticks moved by a poltergeist。 I grab him; trying to settle him down; but I am too late。 His grimacing teeth tear into his lower lip; and more blood messes his face。 He draws in a breath that is more a shovel of mud on his coffin。 He makes a series of sick wet sounds。 Then his eyes roll back in bis head; and he goes limp in my arms。 Studying the picture of the boy; I reach over and close Mr。 Michael Riley's eyes。
 The boy has a nice smile; I note。
 Must have taken after his mother。
 Now my situation is more plicated than when I arrived at the detective's office。 I know someone is after me; and I have destroyed my main lead to him or her。 Quickly I go through Riley's desk and fail to find anything that promises to be a lead; other than Riley's home address。 The reason is sitting behind the desk as I search。 Riley has a puter and there is little doubt m my mind that he stored his most important records on the machine。 My suspicion is further confirmed when I switch on the puter and it immediately asks for an access code。 Even though I know a great deal about puters; more than most experts in the field; I doubt I can get into his data banks without outside help。 I pick up the picture of father and son again。 They are posed beside a puter。 Riley Junior; I suspect; must know the access code。 I decide to have a talk with him。
 After I dispose of his father's body。 My exercise in cleanup is simplified by the fact that Riley has no carpet on his office floor。 A brief search of the office building leads me to a closet filled with janitorial supplies。 Mop and pail and bucket in hand; I return to Mr。 Riley's office and

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