八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > sk.theplant >



小说: sk.theplant 字数: 每页4000字

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  I thought; I didn't know you were married; and his thought came back right away; filling my head for just a moment: It was a long time before I ended up in this shithole。
  We stared at each other; big…eyed。
  〃Wow;〃 said he。
  〃Yeah;〃 said she。 〃Go on; Herb。 And while I can't speak for all women; this one has never laughed at impotency in her life。〃
  Herb went on; a little more subdued。 〃Lisa left me when I was twenty…four; because I couldn't satisfy her as a woman。 I never hated her for it; she gave it her best for two years。 Couldn't have been easy。 Since then; I think I've managed it。 。 。 you know; it。 。 。 maybe three times。〃
  I thought about this and my mind boggled。 Herb claims to be forty…three; but thanks to our ivy…induced ESP; I know he's forty…eight。 His wife left him in search of greener pastures (and stiffer penises) half a lifetime ago。 If he's only had successful sexual relations three times since then; that means he's gotten laid once every time Neptune circles the sun。 Dear; dear; dear。
  〃There's a good medical reason for this;〃 said he; with great earnestness。 〃From the age of ten to the age of fifteen…my sexually formative years…I was a paperboy; and…〃
  〃Being a paperboy made you impotent?〃 I asked。
  〃Would you be quiet a minute?〃
  I mimed running a zipper shut across my lips and settled back in my chair。 I like a good story as well as anyone; I just haven't seen many at Zenith House。
  〃I had a three…speed Raleigh bike;〃 Herb said。 〃At first it was all right; and then one day while it was parked behind the school; some asshole came along and knocked off the seat。〃 Herb paused dramatically。 〃That asshole ruined my life。〃
  Do tell; I thought。
  〃Although;〃 continued Herb; 〃my cheapskate father must also bear part of the blame。〃
  Plenty of blame to go around; thought I。 Everyone gets a helping but you。
  〃I heard that;〃 he said sharply。
  〃I'm sure you did;〃 said I。 〃Just go on with your story。〃
  〃The bike was obviously ruined; but would that cheapskate get me a new one?〃
  〃No;〃 I said。 〃Instead of a new bike; the cheapskate got you a new seat。〃
  〃That's right;〃 said Herb。; by this point too deep into his own narrative to realize I was stealing all of his best lines right out of his head。 The truth is; Herb has been telling himself this story for a lot of years。 For him; My Dad Wrecked My Sex Life is right up there with The Democrats Ruined the Economy and Let's Fry the Addicts and End America's Drug Problem。 〃Only the bike…store didn't have a Raleigh seat; and could my father wait for one? Oh no。 I had papers to deliver。 Also; the no…brand seat the guy showed him was ten bucks cheaper than the replacement Raleigh seat in the catalogue。 Of course it was also a lot smaller。 In fact; it was a pygmy bicycle seat。 This little vinyl…covered triangle that shoved right up。 。 。 well。 。 。 〃
  〃Up there;〃 I said; wanting to be helpful (also wanting to get back to work at some point before July Fourth)。
  〃That's right;〃 he said。 〃Up there。 For almost five years I rode all over Danbury; Connecticut with that goddamn pygmy bicycle seat pushing up into the most delicate region of a young boy's body。 And look at me now。〃 Herb raised his arms and then dropped them; as if to indicate what a pitiful; wasted creature he has bee。 Which is quite funny; when you consider the size of him。 〃These days my idea of a meaningful physical experience with a woman is going down to The Landing Strip; where I might stuff a five dollar bill into some girl's g…string。〃
  〃Herb;〃 I said。 〃Do you get a hardon when you do that?〃
  He drew himself up; and I saw an interesting thing: Herb had a pretty damned good one right then。 Hubba; hubba!
  〃That's a damned personal question; Sandra;〃 said he in a grave and heavy tone of voice。 〃Pretty gosh…damn personal。〃
  〃Do you get a hardon when you masturbate?〃
  〃Let me tell you a little secret;〃 he said。 〃There are basketball players who can shoot it from downtown all over the court; nothing but net until practice is over and the buzzer goes off。 Then every toss is a brick。〃
  〃Herb;〃 said I; 〃let me tell you a little secret。 The bicycle seat story has been around since bicycles were invented。 Before that it was the mumps; or maybe a cross…eyed look from the village witch。 And I don't need telepathy to know the answer to the questions I've been asking。 I've got eyes。〃 And I dropped them to the area just below his belt。 By then it looked like he had a pretty good…sized socket wrench hidden down there。
  〃Doesn't last;〃 said he; and right then he looked so sad that I felt sad。 Men are fragile creatures; when you get right down to it; the real animals in the glass menagerie。 〃Once the action starts; Mr。 Johnson likes life a lot better in the rear echelon。 Where nobody stands at attention and nobody salutes。〃
  〃You're caught in a Catch…22;〃 said I。 〃All men suffering from chronic impotency are。 You can't get it up because you're afraid you won't be able to; and you're afraid you won't be able to because…〃
  〃Thank you; Betty Freidan;〃 said Herb。 〃It just so happens that there are a great many physical causes of impotency。 Some day there'll probably be a pill that will take care of the problem。〃
  〃Some day there'll probably be Holiday Inns on the moon;〃 I said。 〃In the meantime; how would you like to do something a bit more interesting than sniffing the seat of my office chair?〃
  He looked at me unhappily。 〃Sandra;〃 said he; with no trace of his usual bluster; 〃I can't。 I just can't。 I've done this enough…tried to do this enough; I should say…to know what happens。〃
  Inspiration struck then。 。 。 although I don't entirely believe I can take credit for it。 Things have changed here。 I never thought I'd be glad to get to the office; but I think that for the rest of this year I'll just about race into my clothes so I can get here early。 Because things have changed。 Lights have e on in my head (other places; as well) that I never even suspected until now。
  〃Herb;〃 said I。 〃I want you to go down to Riddley's cubby。 I want you to stand there and look at the plant。 Most of all; I want you to take four or five really deep breaths…pull them all the way down to the bottom of your lungs。 Really smell those good smells。 And then e right back here。〃
  He looked uneasily out through the window in my door。 John and Bill were out there; talking in the hall。 Bill saw Herb and gave him a little wave。
  〃Sandra; if we were to have sex; I hardly think your office would be a viable…〃
  〃You let me worry about that;〃 I said。 〃Just go on up there and take a few deep breaths。 Then e on back。 Will you do that?〃
  He thought about it; then nodded reluctantly。 He started to open the door; then looked back at me。 〃I appreciate you bothering with me;〃 said he; 〃especially when I was giving you such a hard time。 I just wanted to tell you that。〃
  I thought of telling him that altruism does not form a large part of Sandra Jackson's makeup…my motor was revving pretty hard by then…and decided he probably knew that。
  〃Just go on;〃 I said。 〃We don't have all day。〃
  When he was gone; I took out my pad and scribbled a note on it: 〃The ladies' room on six is usually deserted at this time of day。 I expect to be there for the next twenty minutes or so with my skirt up and my knickers down。 A man of stout heart (or stout something) might join me。〃 I paused; then added: 〃A man of moderate intelligence as well as stout heart might toss this note in the wastebasket before leaving for the sixth floor。〃
  I went up to six; where the ladies' is almost always deserted (it has crossed my mind that perhaps there are currently no female employees on that floor of 490 Park Avenue South); went into the stall at the end; and removed certain garments。 Then I waited; not sure what might happen next。 And I mean that。 Whatever telepathy there may be in the fifth…floor offices of Zenith House; its effective range is even shorter than that of a college FM radio station。
  Five minutes went by; then seven。 I'd made up my mind that he wasn't ing; and then the door squeaked open and a very cautious; very un…Porterly voice whispered; 〃Sandra?〃
  〃Trot down here to the end;〃 said I; 〃and make it quick。〃
  He came down and opened the stall door。 To say he looked excited would be an understatement。 And he no longer looked as if he had a socket…wrench stuffed down the front of his pants。 By then it looked more like a good…sized Craftsman hammer。
  〃Gee;〃 said I; reaching out to touch him; 〃I guess maybe the effect of that bicycle seat finally wore off。〃
  He started fumbling at his belt。 It kept sliding through his fingers。 It was sort of funny; but also very sweet。 I pushed his hands away and did it myself。
  〃Quick;〃 he panted。 〃Oh; quick。 Before it goes away。〃
  〃This guy isn't going anywhere;〃 said I; although I did actually have a certain short…term storage site in mind。 〃Relax。〃
  〃It was the plant;〃 he said。 〃The smell。 。 。 oh my God; the smell。 。 。 musky and dark; somehow。 。 。 the way I'd always imagined the fields would smell in that county Faulkner wrote about; the one with the name no one can pronounce。 。 。 oh Sandra; good Christ; I feel like I could pole…vault on this thing!〃
  〃Shut up and change places with me;〃 I said。 〃You sit down and then I'll〃
  〃To the devil with that;〃 he said; and lifted me up。 He's strong…a lot stronger than I ever would have guessed…and almost before I knew what was happening; we were off to the races。
  As races of this sort go; it was neither the longest nor the fastest in which I have ever run; but it wasn't bad; especially considering that Herb Porter was last laid around the time Nixon resigned; if he was telling me the truth。 When he finally set me down; there were tears on his cheeks。 Plus there's this: before leaving he a。 thanked me and b。 kissed me。 I don't subscribe to many of the romantic ideals; I'm more of a Dorothy Parker type (〃good girls go to heaven; bad girls go everywhere〃); but sweet is nice。 The man who left ahead of me (pausing at the door and checking both ways before going out) seemed a lot different from the man who came stalking into my office with a l

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