八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > jurassic.park >



小说: jurassic.park 字数: 每页4000字

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    〃I'm afraid this isn't getting us anywhere;〃 Harding said。 〃All right; John。 We're ing in now。〃 He turned the radio off; and turned the car around。 〃I just wish I understood what the urgency is。〃
    Harding put the Jeep in gear; and they rumbled down the road in the darkness。 It was another ten minutes before they saw the weling lights of the Safari Lodge。 And as Harding pulled to a stop in front of the visitor center; they saw Muldoon ing toward them。 He was shouting; and waving his arms。

〃God damn it; Arnold; you son of a bitch! God damn it; get this park back on track! Now! Get my grandkids back here! Now!〃 John Hammond stood in the control room; screaming and stamping his little feet。 He had been carrying on this way for the last two minutes; while Henry Wu stood in the corner; looking stunned。
    〃Well; Mr。 Hammond;〃 Arnold said; 〃Muldoon's on his way out right now; to do exactly that。〃 Arnold turned away; and lit another cigarette。 Hammond was like every other management guy Arnold had ever seen。 Whether it was Disney or the Navy; management guys always behaved the same。 They never understood the technical issues; and they thought that screaming was the way to make things happen。 And maybe it was; if you were shouting at your secretaries to get you a limousine。
    But screaming didn't make any difference at all to the problems that Arnold now faced。 The puter didn't care if it was screamed at。 The power network didn't care if it was screamed at。 Technical systems were pletely indifferent to all this explosive human emotion。 If anything; screaming was counterproductive; because Arnold now faced the virtual certainty that Nedry wasn't ing back; which meant that Arnold himself had to go into the puter code and try and figure out what had gone wrong。 It was going to be a painstaking job; he'd need to be calm and careful。
    〃Why don't you go downstairs to the cafeteria;〃 Arnold said; 〃and get a cup of coffee? We'll call you when we have more news。〃
    〃I don't want a Malcolm Effect here;〃 Hammond said。
    〃Don't worry about a Malcolm Effect;〃 Arnold said。 〃Will you let me go to work?〃
    〃God damn you;〃 Hammond said。
    〃I'll call you; sir; when I have news from Muldoon;〃 Arnold said。
    He pushed buttons on his console; and saw the familiar control screens change。

*/Jurassic Park Main Modules/
*/ Call Libs
     Include: biostat。sys
     Include: sysrom。vst
     Include: net。sys
     Include: pwr。mdl
 SetMain '42'2002/9A{total CoreSysop %4 'vig。 7*tty'}
if ValidMeter(mH) (**mH)。MeterViS return
Term Call 909 c。lev {void MeterVis 303} Random(3#*MaxFid)
on SetSystem(!Dn) set shp_val。obi to lim(Val{d}SumVal 
if SetMeter(mH) (**mH)。ValdidMeter(Vdd) return
on SetSystem(!Tel) set mxcpl。obj to lim(Val{pdl}NextVal

    Arnold was no longer operating the puter。 He had now gone behind the scenes to look at the code…the line…by…line instructions that told the puter how to behave。 Arnold was unhappily aware that the plete Jurassic Park program contained more than half a million lines of code; most of it undocumented; without explanation。
    Wu came forward。 〃What are you doing; John?〃
    〃Checking the code。〃
    〃By inspection? That'll take forever。〃
    〃Tell me;〃 Arnold said。 〃Tell me。〃

The Road

Muldoon took the curve very fast; the Jeep sliding on the mud。 Sitting beside him; Gennaro clenched his fists。 They were racing along the cliff road; high above the river; now hidden below them in darkness。 Muldoon accelerated forward。 His face was tense。
    〃How much farther?〃 Gennaro said。 〃Two; maybe three miles。〃
    Ellie and Harding were back at the visitor center。 Gennaro had offered to acpany Muldoon。 The car swerved。 〃It's been an hour;〃 Muldoon said。 〃An hour; with no word from the other cars。〃
    〃But they have radios;〃 Gennaro said。
    〃We haven't been able to raise them;〃 Muldoon said。
    Gennaro frowned。 〃If I was sitting in a car for an hour in the rain; I'd sure try to use the radio to call for somebody。〃
    〃So would I;〃 Muldoon said。
    Gennaro shook his head。 〃You really think something could have happened to them?〃
    〃Chances are;〃 Muldoon said; 〃that they're perfectly fine; but I'll he happier when I finally see them。 Should be any minute now。〃
    The road curved; and then ran up a hill。 At the base of the hill Gennaro saw something white; lying among the ferns by the side of the road。 〃Hold it;〃 Gennaro said; and Muldoon braked。 Gennaro jumped out and ran forward in the headlights of the Jeep to see what it was。 It looked like a piece of clothing; but there was…
    Gennaro stopped。
    Even from six feet away; he could see clearly what it was。 He walked forward more slowly。
    Muldoon leaned out of the car and said; 〃What is it?〃
    〃It's a leg;〃 Gennaro said。
    The flesh of the leg was pale blue…wbite; terminating in a ragged bloody stump where the knee had been。 Below the calf he saw a white sock; and a brown slip…on shoe。 It was the kind of sboe Ed Regis had been wearing。
    By then Muldoon was out of the car; running past him to crouch over the leg。 〃Jesus。〃 He lifted the leg out of the foliage; raising it into the light of the headlamps; and blood from the stump gushed down over his band。 Gennaro was still three feet away。 He quickly bent over; put his hands on his knees; squeezed his eyes shut; and breathed deeply; trying not to be sick。
    〃Gennaro。〃 Muldoon's voice was sharp。
    〃Move。 You're blocking the light。〃
    Gennaro took a breath; and moved。 When he opened his eyes he saw Muldoon peering critically at the stump。 〃Torn at the joint line;〃 Muldoon said; 〃Didn't bite it…twisted and ripped it。 Just ripped his leg off。〃 Muldoon stood up; holding the severed leg upside down so the remaining blood dripped onto the ferns。 His bloody hand smudged the white sock as fie gripped the ankle。 Gennaro felt sick again。
    〃No question what happened;〃 Muldoon was saying。 〃The T…rex got him。〃 Muldoon looked up the hill; then back to Gennaro。 〃You all right? Can you go on?〃
    〃Yes;〃 Gennaro said。 〃I can go on。〃
    Muldoon was walking back toward the Jeep; carrying the leg。 〃I guess we better bring this along;〃 he said。 〃Doesn't seem right to leave it here。 Christ; it's going to make a mess of the car。 See if there's anything in the back; will you? A tarp or newspaper 。 。 。〃
    Gennaro opened the back door and rummaged around in the space behind the rear seat。 He felt grateful to think about something else for a moment。 The problem of how to wrap the severed leg expanded to fill his mind; crowding out all other thoughts。 He found a canvas bag with a tool kit; a wheel rim; a cardboard box; and…
    〃Two tarps;〃 he said。 They were neatly folded plastic。
    〃Give me one;〃 Muldoon said; still standing outside the car。 Muldoon wrapped the leg and passed the now shapeless bundle to Gennaro。 Holding it in his hand; Gennaro was surprised at how heavy it felt。 〃Just put it in the back;〃 Muldoon said。 〃If there's a way to wedge it; you know; so it doesn't roll around 。 。 。〃
    〃Okay。〃 Gennaro put the bundle in the back; and Muldoon got behind the wheel。 He accelerated; the wheels spinning in the mud; then digging in。 The Jeep rushed up the hill; and for a moment at the top the headlights still pointed upward into the foliage; and then they swung down; and Gennaro could see the road before them。
    〃Jesus;〃 Muldoon said。
    Gennaro saw a single Land Cruiser; lying on its side in the center of the road。 He couldn't see the second Land Cruiser at all。 〃Where's the other car?〃
    Muldoon looked around briefly; pointed to the left。 〃There。〃 The second Land Cruiser was twenty feet away; crumpled at the foot of a tree。
    〃What's it doing there?〃
    〃The T…rex threw it。〃
    〃Threw it?〃 Gennaro said。
    Muldoon's face was grim。 〃Let's get this over with;〃 he said; climbing out of the Jeep。 They hurried forward to the second Land Cruiser。 Their flashlights swung back and forth in the night。
    As they came closer; Gennaro saw how battered the car was。 He was careful to let Muldoon look inside first。
    〃I wouldn't worry;〃 Muldoon said。 〃It's very unlikely we'll find anyone。〃
    〃No;〃 he said。 He explained that; during his years in Africa; he had visited the scenes of a half…dozen animal attacks on humans in the bush。 One leopard attack: the leopard had torn open a tent in the night and taken a three…year…old child。 Then one buffalo attack in Amboseli; two lion attacks; one croc attack in the north; near Meru。 In every case; there was surprisingly little evidence left behind。
    Inexperienced people imagined horrific proofs of an animal attack…torn limbs left behind in the tent; trails of dripping blood leading away into the bush; bloodstained clothing not far from the campsite。 But the truth was; there was usually nothing at all; particularly if the victim was small; an infant or a young child。 The person just seemed to disappear; as if he had walked out into the bush and never e back。 A predator could kill a child just by shaking it; snapping the neck。 Usually there wasn't any blood。
    And most of the time you never found any other remains of the victims。 Sometimes a button from a shirt; or a sliver of rubber from a shoe。 But most of the time; nothing。
    Predators took children…they preferred children…and they left nothing behind。 So Muldoon thought it highly unlikely that they would ever find any remains of the children。
    But as he looked in now; he had a surprise。 〃I'll be damned;〃 he said。

Muldoon tried to put the scene together。 The front windshield of the Land Cruiser was shattered; but there wasn't much glass nearby。 He had noticed shards of glass back on the road。 So the windshield must have broken back there; before the tyrannosaur picked the car up and threw it here。 But the car had taken a tremendous beating。 Muldoon shone his light inside。
    〃Empty?〃 Gcnnaro said; tensely。
    〃Not quite;〃 Muldoon said。 His flashlight glinted off a Crushed radio handset; and on the floor of the car he saw something else; something curved and black。 The front doors were dented and jammed shut; but he climbed in through the back door and crawled over the seat to pick up

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