八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > jurassic.park >



小说: jurassic.park 字数: 每页4000字

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    A dozen propsognathids; delicate little predators no larger than ducks; stood at the edge of the jungle; chittering excitedly as the men climbed out of the car。
    Dennis Nedry lay on his back; the chubby boyish face now red and bloated。 Flies buzzed around the gaping mouth and thick tongue。 His body was mangled…the intestines torn open; one leg chewed through。 Gennaro turned away quickly; to look at the little pys; which squatted on their hind legs a short distance away and watched the men curiously。 The little dinosaurs had five…fingered hands; he noticed。 They wiped their faces and chins; giving them an eerily human quality which…
    〃I'll be damned;〃 Muldoon said。 〃Wasn't the pys。〃
    Muldoon was shaking his head。 〃See these blotches? On his shirt and his face? Smell that sweet smell like old; dried vomit?〃
    Gennaro rolled his eyes。 He smelled it。
    〃That's dilo saliva;〃 Muldoon said。 〃Spit from the dilophosaurs。 You see the damage on the corneas; all that redness。 In the eyes it's painful but not fatal。 You've got about two hours to wash it out with the antivenin; we keep it all around the park; just in case。 Not that it mattered to this bastard。 They blinded him; then ripped him down the middle。 Not a nice way to go。 Maybe there's justice in the world after all。〃
    The propsognatbids squeaked and hopped up and down as Gennaro opened the back door and took out gray metal tubing and a stainless…steel case。 〃It's all still there;〃 he said。 He handed two dark cylinders to Gennaro。
    〃What're these?〃 Gennaro said。
    〃Just what they look like;〃 Muldoon said。 〃Rockets。〃 As Gennaro backed away; he said; 〃Watch it…you don't want to step in something。〃
    Gennaro stepped carefully over Nedry's body。 Muldoon carried the tubing to the other Jeep; and placed it in the back。 He climbed behind the wheel。 〃Let's go。〃
    〃What about him?〃 Gennaro said; pointing to the body。
    〃What about him?〃 Muldoon said。 〃We've got things to do。〃 He put the car in gear。 Looking back; Gennaro saw the pys resume their feeding。 One jumped up and squatted on Nedry's open mouth as it nibbled the flesh of his nose。

The jungle river became narrower。 The banks closed in on both sides until the trees and foliage overhanging the banks met high above to block out the sun。 Tim heard the cry of birds; and saw small chirping dinosaurs leaping among the branches。 But mostly it was silent; the air hot and still beneath the canopy of trees。
    Grant looked at his watch。 It was eight o'clock。
    They drifted along peacefully; among dappled patches of light。 If anything; they seemed to be moving faster than before。 Awake now; Grant lay on his back and stared up at the branches overhead。 In the how; he saw her reaching up。
    〃Hey; wbat're you doing?〃 he said。
    〃You think we can eat these berries?〃 She pointed to the trees。 Some of the overhanging branches were close enough to touch。 Tim saw clusters of bright red berries on the branches。
    〃No;〃 Grant said。
    〃Why? Those little dinosaurs are eating them。〃 She pointed to small dinosaurs; scampering in the branches。
    〃No; Lex。〃
    She sighed; dissatisfied with his authority。 〃I wish Daddy was here;〃 she said。 〃Daddy always knows what to do。〃
    〃What're you talking about?〃 Tim said。 〃He never knows what to do。〃
    〃Yes; he does;〃 she sighed。 Lex stared at the trees as they slid past; their big roots twisting toward the water's edge。 〃Just because you're not his favorite 。 。 。〃
    Tim turned away; said nothing。
    〃But don't worry; Daddy likes you; too。 Even if you're into puters and not sports。〃
    〃Dad's a real sports nut;〃 Tim explained to Grant。
    Grant nodded。 Up in the branches; small pale yellow dinosaurs; barely two feet tall; hopped from tree to tree。 They had beaky heads; like parrots。 〃You know what they call those?〃 Tim said。 〃Microceratops。〃
    〃Big deal;〃 Lex said。
    〃I thought you might be interested。〃
    〃Only very young boys;〃 she said; 〃are interested in dinosaurs。〃
    〃Says who?〃
    Tim started to yell; but Grant raised his band。 〃Kids;〃 he said; 〃shut up。〃
    〃Why?〃 Lex said; 〃I can do what I want; if I…〃
    Then she fell silent; because she heard it; too。 It was a bloodcurdling shriek; from somewhere downriver。

Well; where the hell is the damn rex?〃 Muldoon said; talking into the radio。 〃Because we don't see him here。〃 They were back at the sauropod pound; looking out at the trampled grass where the hadrosaurs had stampeded。 The tyrannosaur was nowhere to be found。
    〃Checking now;〃 Arnold said; and clicked off。
    Muldoon turned to Gennaro。 〃Checking now;〃 he repeated sarcastically。 〃Why the hell didn't he check before? Why didn't he keep track of him?〃
    〃I don't know;〃 Gennaro said。
    〃He's not showing up;〃 Arnold said; a moment later。
    〃What do you mean; he's not showing up?〃
    〃He's not on the monitors。 Motion sensors aren't finding him。〃
    〃Hell;〃 Muldoon said。 〃So much for the motion sensors。 You see Grant and the kids?〃
    〃Motion sensors aren't finding them; either。〃
    〃Well; what are we supposed to do now?〃 Muldoon said。
    〃Wait;〃 Arnold said。

〃Look! Look!〃
    Directly ahead; the big dome of the aviary rose above them。 Grant had seen it only from a distance; now he realized it was enormous…a quarter of a mile in diameter or more。 The pattern of geodesic struts shone dully through the light mist; and his first thought was that the glass must weigh a ton。 Then; as they came closer; he saw there wasn't any glass…just struts。 A thin mesh hung inside the elements。
    〃It isn't finished;〃 Lex said。
    〃I think it's meant to be open like that;〃 Grant said。
    〃Then all the birds can fly out。〃
    〃Not if they're big birds;〃 Grant said。
    The river carried them beneath the edge of the dome。 They stared upward。 Now they were inside the dome; still drifting down the river。 But 'thin minutes the dome was so high above them that it was hardly visible in the mist。 Grant said; 〃I seem to remember there's a second lodge here。〃 Moments later; he saw the roof of a building over the tops of the trees to the north。
    〃You want to stop?〃 Tim said。
    〃Maybe there's a phone。 Or motion sensors。〃 Grant steered toward the shore。 〃We need to try to contact the control room。 It's getting late。〃
    They clambered out; slipping on the muddy bank; and Grant hauled the raft out of the water。 Then he tied the rope to a tree and they set off; through a dense forest of palm trees。


〃I just don't understand;〃 John Arnold said; speaking into the phone。 〃I don't see the rex; and I don't see Grant and the kids anywhere; either。〃
    He sat in front of the consoles and gulped another cup of coffee。 All around him; the control room was strewn with paper plates and half…eaten sandwiches。 Arnold was exhausted。 It was 8:00 a。m。 on Saturday。 In the fourteen hours since Nedry destroyed the puter that ran Jurassic Park; Arnold had patiently pulled systems back on line; one after another。 〃All the park systems are back; and functioning correctly。 The phones are working。 I've called for a doctor for you。〃
    On the other end of the line; Malcolm coughed。 Arnold was talking to him in his room at the lodge。 〃But you're having trouble with the motion sensors?〃
    〃Well; I'm not finding what I am looking for。〃
    〃Like the rex?〃
    〃He's not reading at all now。 He started north about twenty minutes ago; following along the edge of the lagoon; and then I lost him。 I don't know why; unless he's gone to sleep again。〃
    〃And you can't find Grant and the kids?〃
    〃I think it's quite simple;〃 Malcolm said。 〃The motion sensors cover an inadequate area。〃
    〃Inadequate?〃 Arnold bristled。 〃They cover ninety…two…〃
    〃Ninety…two percent of the land area; I remember;〃 Malcolm said。 〃But if you put the remaining areas up on the board; I think you'll find that the eight percent is topologically unified; meaning that those areas are contiguous。 In essence; an animal can move freely anywhere in the park and escape detection; by following a maintenance road or the jungle river or the beaches or whatever。〃
    〃Even if that were so;〃 Arnold said; 〃the animals are too stupid to know that。〃
    〃It's not clear how stupid the animals are;〃 Malcolm said。
    〃You think that's what Grant and the kids are doing?〃 Arnold said。
    〃Definitely not;〃 Malcolm said; coughing again。 〃Grant's no fool。 He clearly wants to be detected by you。 He and the kids are probably waving at every motion sensor in sight。 But maybe they have other problems we don't know about。 Or maybe they're on the river。〃
    〃I can't imagine they'd be on the river。 The banks are very narrow。 It's impossible to walk along there。〃
    〃Would the river bring them all the way back here?〃
    〃Yes; but it's not the safest way to go; because it passes through the aviary。 。 。 。〃
    〃Why wasn't the aviary on the tour?〃 Malcolm said。
    〃We've had problems setting it up。 Originally the park was intended to have a treetop lodge built high above the ground; where visitors could observe the pterodactyls at flight level。 We've got four dactyls in the aviary now…actually; they're cearadactyls; which are big fish…eating dactyls。〃
    〃What about them?〃
    〃Well; while we finished the lodge; we put the dactyls in the aviary to acclimate them。 But that was a big mistake。 It turns out our fish…hunters are territorial。〃
    〃Fiercely territorial;〃 Arnold said。 〃They fight among themselves for territory…and they'll attack any other animal that es into the area they've marked out。〃
    〃It's impressive;〃 Arnold said。 〃The dactyls glide to the top of the aviary; fold up their wings; and dive。 A thirty…pound animal will strike a man on the ground like a ton of bricks。 They were knocking the workmen unconscious; cutting them up pretty badly。〃
    〃That doesn't injure the dactyls?〃
    〃Not so far。〃
    〃So; if those kids are in the aviary 。 。 。〃
    〃They're not;〃 Arnold said。 〃At least; I hope they're not。〃

〃Is that the lodge?〃 Lex said。 〃What a dump。〃
    Beneath the aviary dome; Pteratops Lodge was built high above the ground; on big wooden pylons; in the middle of a stan

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