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rly imperceptible halt in the flow of Lars's words as if he exercised a subtle discretion; so subtle that all she caught was its echo。 Just as he had stopped short of admitting the abduction of the crystal singer。 And; now that she understood his motivation; she marveled at his quick…witted opportunism。 Did the others in his subversive group know what he had done? Had they approved of it? And what would the next step be? She could just imagine the furor caused in the Heptite Guild! Or maybe she was supposed to rescue herself? Which she had。
Lars was weather…sensitive; too; for she had only just pleted her analysis when he woke; equally alert。 With a loving tug at her hair and a smile; he stood up; sniffing at the breeze now strong enough to ruffle his hair; turning slowly。 He stopped when he faced in the direction she had。
〃Hurricane making; Carrigana。 e; we'll have a lot to do。〃
Not so much that they didn't start the morning with a quick passage at arms; not the least bit perfunctory despite the brevity。 Then they had a quick swim; with Lars keeping a close watch on the dawn changes in the sky。
〃Making up in the south so it'll be a bad blow。〃 He stood for a moment as the active waves of the ining tide flounced against his thighs。 He looked southwest; frowning and; dissatisfied by his thoughts; started inshore; taking her hand as if seeking fort。
She thought nothing of his brief disappearance as she cleared up the camp site。 Lars pushed his way past the bush screen; an odd smile on his face as he came up to her; two garlands of an exceptionally lovely blue and white flower in his hands。 〃This will serve;〃 he said cryptically; gently draping one around her neck。 The perfume was subtly erotic and she stood on tiptoe to kiss him for his thoughtfulness。 〃Now you must put mine on。〃
Smiling at his sweetness; she plied and he kissed her; exhaling a gust as if he had acquitted himself nobly。
〃C'mon now;〃 and he gave her the basket; slung the blanket with their clothing over his shoulder; and grabbing her hand; led her back through the underbrush。
Though the sun was not yet up over the horizon; there was considerable activity on the beach when they arrived。 Torches were lit outside all the waterfront buildings; and torchlit groups of scurrying people pushed handcarts。 Bobbing lights on the harbor; too; indicated crews on their way to anchored ships。 The schooner was gone but Killashandra had not really expected to find the big ship still at Angel Island。
〃Where can they take the boats?〃
〃Around to the Back。 We'll just check to see how much time there is before the wind rises。 There'll be a lot to do before we can take the Pearl Fisher to the safe mooring。〃
Killashandra glanced up and down the picturesque waterfront; for the first time seeing just how vulnerable it was。 The first line of buildings was only four hundred meters from the high…tide mark。 Wouldn't they be just swept away in hurricane driven tides?
〃They often are;〃 Lars startled her by saying as they strode purposefully toward the settlement。 〃But mostly polly floats。 After the last big blow; Morchal salvaged the plete roof。 It was floating in the bay; he just dried it out and reset it。〃
〃I should help Keralaw;〃 Killashandra suggested tentatively; not really wanting to leave his side but ignorant of what island protocol expected of her in the emergency。 Lars's hand tightened on her elbow。
〃If I know Keralaw she has matters well in hand。 I'm not risking you from my side for an instant; Carrigana。 I thought I'd made that plain。〃
Killashandra almost bridled at the possessive tone of his voice but part of her rather liked the chauvinism。 She had too hearty a respect for storm not to wish to be in the safest place during one。 mon sense told her that was likely to be in Lars Dahl's pany。
Men and women were filing in and out of the tavern。 Lars and Killashandra entered and found a veritable mand post。 The bar was now dispensing equipment and gear which Killashandra could not readily identify。 Along the back wall; the huge vdr screen was active; showing a satellite picture of the growing storm swirling in from the south。 Estimated times of arrival of the first heavy winds; high tide; the eye; and the counter winds were all listed in the upper left hand corner。 Other cryptic information; displayed in a band across the top of the screen; did not mean much to her but evidently conveyed intelligence to the people in the bar。 Including Lars。
〃Lars; Olav's on line for you;〃 called the tallest of the men behind the bar; and he jerked his head toward a side door。 The fellow paused in his dispensations; and Killashandra was aware of his scrutiny as she followed Lars to the room indicated。
However rustic the tavern looked from the outside; this room was crammed with sophisticated equipment; a good deal of it meteorological; though not as plex as instrumentation in the Weather Room of the Heptite Guild。 And all of it printing out or displaying rapidly changing information。
〃Lars?〃 A young man turned from the scanner in front of him and; screwing his face in an anxious expression almost pounced on the new arrival 〃What are you going to do … 〃
Lars held up his hand; cutting off the rest of that sentence; and the young man noticed the garland。 He threw an almost panic stricken look at Killashandra。
〃Tanny; this is Carrigana。 And there's nothing I can do with this storm blowing up。〃 Lars was scrutinizing the duplicate vdr satellite picture as he spoke。 〃The worst of it will pass due east。 Don't worry about the things you can't change!〃 He gave Tanny a clout on the shoulder but the worried expression did not entirely alter。
Killashandra kept the silly social smile on her face as Tanny accorded her the briefest of nods。 She had a very good idea what; or rather whom; they were discussing so obliquely。 Her。 Still trapped; they thought; on that chip of an island。
〃Tanny's my partner; Carrigana; and one of the best sailors on Angel;〃 Lars added; though his attention was still claimed by the swirling cloud mass。
〃What if the direction changes; Lars?〃 Tanny refused to be reassured。 〃You know what the southern blows are like。。。〃 He made an exaggerated gesture with both arms; nearly socking a passing islander; who ducked in time。
〃Tanny; there is nothing we can do。 There's a great big polly on the island that's survived hurricanes and high tides since man took the archipelago。 We'll go have a look as soon as the blow's gone。 All right?〃
Lars didn't wait for Tanny's agreement; guiding Killashandra back into the main room。 He paused at the counter; waiting his turn; and receiving a small handset。 〃A light one will do me fine; Bart;〃 he added and Bart set a small antigrav unit on the counter。 〃Most of what I own is either on the Pearl or on its way back to me from the City。 Grab a couple of those ration packs; will you; Carrigana;〃 he added as they walked out on the broad verandah where additional emergency supplies were being passed out。 〃Might not need them but it's less for them to pack to the Ridge。〃
As Lars turned her west; away from the settlement; she caught sight of Tanny; watching them; his expression still troubled。 The wind was picking up and the water in the harbor agitated。 Lars looked to his right; assessing the situation。
〃Been in a bad one yet?〃 he asked her; an amused and tolerant grin on his face。
〃Oh; yes;〃 Killashandra answered fervently。 〃Not an experience I wish to repeat。〃 How could Lars know how puny an Optherian hurricane would be in parison to Passover Storms on Ballybran。 Once again she wanted to discard her borrowed identity。 There was so much she would like to share with Lars。
〃It's waiting out the blow that's hard;〃 Lars said; then grinned down at her。 〃We won't be bored this time; though。 My father said that Theach came with Hauness and Erutown。 I wonder how they managed the travel permits?〃 That caused him to chuckle。 〃We'll know how the revised master plan is working。〃
Killashandra was very hard put to refrain from making any remarks but; of a certainty; waiting out this blow would be extremely interesting。 She might not be getting on with the primary task of her visit to Optheria; but she was certainly gaining a lot of experience with dissidents。
His place was on a knoll; above the harbor; in a grove of mature polly trees。 It reflected an orderly person who preferred plain and restful colors。 He produced several carisaks which had been neatly stored in a cupboard; and together they emptied the chest of his clothes; including several beautifully finished formal garments。 He cleared his terminal of any stored information and when Killashandra asked if they shouldn't dismantle the screen; he shrugged。
〃Federal issue。 I must be one of the few islanders who use the thing。〃 He grinned impiously。 〃And then not to watch their broadcasts! They can never appreciate that islanders don't need vicarious experiences。〃 He gestured toward the sea。 〃Not with real live adventures!〃
The pillows; hammocks; what kitchen utensils there were; the rugs; curtains; everything pacted into a manageable bundle to which Lars attached the antigrav's traps; the entire process hadn't taken them fifteen minutes。
〃We'll just attach this to a train; grab something to eat and then get the Pearl to safety。〃 He gave his effects a gentle shove in the proper direction。
When they returned to the waterfront; Killashandra saw what he meant by train。 Numerous personal…effects bundles; all wrapped and weightless; were being attached to a large floater on which families with small children perched。 As soon as it had reached capacity; the driver guided it away; along a winding route toward the distant Ridge。
〃Catch you next trip; Jorell?〃 Lars called to the man steering the harbor boat out toward the anchored ships。
〃Gotcha; Lars!〃
〃There's Keralaw;〃 Killashandra said; pointing to the woman who was ladling hot soup from an immense kettle into bowls。
〃You can always count on her hospitality;〃 Lars said and they altered their path to meet her。
〃Carrigana!〃 Keralaw paused in serving a family group and waved one arm energetically to catch their attention。 〃I'd no idea where you'd … 〃 She halted; eyes goggling a bit at the