八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > amc.killashandra >



小说: amc.killashandra 字数: 每页4000字

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 Polabod all bowed low but permitted Elder Ampris to do the honors。
 〃Guildmember Ree; you cannot imagine our elation when we learned of your safe deliverance … 〃 Then Ampris caught sight of Lars; whom he was patently not expecting。
 〃This is Captain Lars Dahl who rescued me so boldly; and at no small risk to himself and his vessel。 Captain Dahl; this is Elder Ampris。〃 Killashandra took the plunge; pretending ignorance of any previous contact between the two men。 〃I am forever indebted to Captain Dahl; as I'm sure the Council of Elders must be; for delivering me from that wretched patch of nowhere。〃
 Lars saluted crisply and impassively as Elder Ampris executed the shallowest of acknowledgments。
 〃The Harbor Master at Angel Island has detached him from duty there to be my personal bodyguard。〃 Killashandra gave an elegantly delicate shudder。 〃I won't feel safe without his sure protection。〃
 〃Quite understandable; Guildmember; however; I think that you'll find our security measures … 〃
 〃I felt quite secure within the Conservatory; Elder Ampris;〃 Killashandra said demurely。 〃I seem to be only at risk when I leave its sanctuary。 I assure you I have no desire to do that again。〃
 〃Security Leader Blaz … 〃
 〃I'll not have that officious oaf near me; Elder Ampris。 He's the reason I was put in jeopardy。 The man has no intelligence or tact。 I don't trust him to spit in the right direction。 Captain Lars Dahl is in charge of my personal security at my personal insistence。 Have I not made myself clear?〃
 For a second Elder Ampris looked about to argue the point; but the moment passed。 He inclined his head again; forced his face into a grim smile; and then gestured toward the waiting vehicle。
 〃Why this vast throng?〃 Killashandra asked; smiling graciously about her。
 〃Some of the winning posers and prospective performers for this year's Festival and final…year students。〃
 〃All waiting for the organ to be repaired?〃
 Elder Ampris cleared his throat。 〃Yes; that is true。〃
 〃Well; I shan't delay them any longer than necessary。 Especially since Captain Dahl proved so capable in assisting me with the cruiser drive。〃
 Ampris stopped midstride and stared first at her; then incredulously at Lars。
 〃Yes; weren't you informed that the cruiser had drive difficulties this morning? One of the crystals shattered。 I still have a slight headache from the distortion。 Naturally the ship could not proceed without emergency repairs。 And while that was merely a matter of removing the shards and resetting the brackets on the undamaged crystals; it does require steady hands; a keen eye and ear。 Captain Dahl was far more adept than the cruiser's engineer。 And he has the perfect and absolute pitch required。 I think he will prove an admirable assistant; one in whom I certainly repose plete trust。 You do agree; I'm sure。〃 They had reached the vehicle now。 〃You first; Captain Dahl; I shall want Elder Ampris on my right。〃
 Lars plied before the Elder could blurt out a protest and Killashandra settled herself; smiling as warmly as possible at Ampris; just as if she hadn't delivered a most unpalatable request。
 The quartette settled itself in the seats behind them and the vehicle left the dock area。 Ports required much the same facilities throughout the galaxy。 Fortunately nature had conspired in favor of human endeavors; so warehouses; seamen's hostels; and mercantile establishments were not quite so tortuously situated in City Port as in the City proper。 The Music Conservatory on its prominence was visible as soon as the Port gave way to an agricultural belt。 From this approach; Killashandra could see the lateral elevation of the Festival auditorium and the narrow path that led to the suburb Lars had called Gartertown。 She wondered if there'd be a new brew soon。 Maybe Lars could collect a few bottles for her?
 The drive was in the main a silent one; with Ampris stewing beside her and Lars stiffly silent。 The strained atmosphere began to affect her; causing her to wonder if she really were doing the right thing for Lars。 Yet if she hadn't taken pains to divert suspicion from him; he'd be running with a threat of rehabilitation hanging over him。 Had she erroneously assumed that he was as eager to continue their relationship as she was? Olav had wreathed them both with the handfast garlands。 Surely that act held significance。 She'd best have it out with Lars as soon as possible。
 After what seemed a long time; they drew up at the imposing entrance to the Conservatory。
 〃I dispensed with the formality of a weling throng; Guildmember; in the interests of security。〃 Elder Ampris got out of the car and turned to give her a steadying hand。
 〃I have no fear of a second assault; Elder Ampris;〃 she said taking his dry clasp and smiling ingenuously at him; 〃with Captain Dahl beside me。 And; you know; after the courtesies I received at the hands of the islanders; I'm beginning to think that that attack; as well as my abduction; were made to seem island…instigated。 I can't imagine an islander being jealous of anything on the Mainland。〃
 Lars had emerged from the car; but his expression was devoid of reaction。 The skin on Ampris's face was taut with the effort of controlling his。 〃With your fort in mind; Guildmember; perhaps you might prefer to eat in your suite this evening。〃
 〃That is so thoughtful; Elder Ampris。 Resetting a crystal drive is an exhausting process。 So many fiddling things requiring fine muscle coordination and plete concentration。〃 She sighed wearily; turning slightly to smile apologetically at Mirbethan and the others。 〃I want to be well rested to attack that repair tomorrow。 Oh; Thyrol? With Captain Dahl to assist me; I won't need any other helpers。〃
 She took Lars's arm and ascended the shallow steps to the main entrance。 She felt him quivering but for which of several reasons she couldn't have told without glancing at his face。 And she didn't dare do that。 〃Do you know the way to my quarters; Captain Dahl?〃
 〃If I may just escort you;〃 Mirbethan answered; hastening to lead the way。
 〃I was never in this part of the Conservatory; Crystal Singer;〃 Lars said as they entered the imposing main lobby。
 〃You've been to the conservatory; Captain Dahl?〃 Killashandra asked。
 〃Yes; Guildmember; I studied here for three years。〃
 〃Why; Captain; you have unexplored capabilities。 Are you then a singer?〃
 〃Vocal music is not taught at the Conservatory: only the organ。〃
 〃Really; I would have thought the planet's main Conservatory would exploit every musical potential。 How odd!〃
 〃Do you find it so; Guildmember?〃
 〃In other parts of the FSP; vocal arts are much admired; and a Stellar soloist highly respected。〃
 〃Optheria places more value on the most plex of instruments。〃 Lars's tone was of mild reproof。 〃The sensory organ bines sound; olfactory and tactile sensations to produce a total orchestration of alternate reality for the participant。〃
 〃Is the organ limited to Optheria? I've never encountered one before in all my voyaging。〃
 〃It is unique to Optheria。〃
 〃Which certainly has many unique experiences for the visitor。〃
 Mirbethan's pace; and her erect back; seemed to reflect at once her approval; and shock; at their conversation。
 〃Why; then; Captain Dahl; if you have studied to use the organ; are you sailing about in the islands?〃
 〃Because; Guildmember; my position was ah。。。 not approved by the Masters who pass judgment on such aspirations; so I returned to my previous occupation。〃
 〃To be sure; I am selfishly glad; Captain … for who would have rescued me had you not been in those waters?〃 Killashandra sighed deeply just as they turned the corridor into the hall she did recognize 。 〃Mirbethan?〃
 The woman whirled; her expression posed though she was breathing rather rapidly。
 〃By any chance; I mean; I know I've been gone a good while; but I do hope that those beverages。。。〃
 〃Your catering facility has been pletely stocked with the beverages of your choice。〃
 〃And the chimes have been turned off?〃
 Mirbethan nodded。
 〃And the catering unit instructed to supply proper…size portions of food without requiring additional authorization?〃
 〃Of course。〃
 〃Thank you。 I; for one; am starving。 Sea air; you know。〃 With a final smile; Killashandra swept through the door Lars held open。
 By the time he had shut it; she had discovered four ceiling surveillance units in the main salon。 〃I am quite weary; Captain。〃
 〃With due respect; Guildmember; you did not eat much of the evening meal; perhaps a light supper … 〃
 〃The variety on the catering unit seems geared to student requirements。。。 unless you; having spent time here; can make a suggestion。〃
 〃Indeed I would be delighted to; Guildmember。〃 Lars located several more as they moved through the suite to the two bedrooms。 He peered into the first bathing room and grinned broadly at her。 〃May I draw you a bath?〃
 〃An excellent idea。〃 She strode to what was evidently the one room that had been left unmonitored。
 Lars began filling the tub; having turned the taps on full。
 He reached into his tunic and extracted an innocuous metal ball。 〃A deceiver; Father calls it。 It distorts picture and sound … we can be quite free once it's operating。 And when we leave the suite;〃 … he grinned; miming the device returned to his pocket … 〃it'll drive their technicians wild。〃
 〃Won't they realize that the distortion only works when we're here?〃
 〃I suggest that tomorrow you plain about being monitored in the bedroom。 Can we cope with just one free room?〃 He began to undress her; his expression intense with anticipation。
 〃Two;〃 Killashandra corrected him with a coy moue as the bright and elegant overall Teradia had chosen for her fell in a rainbow puddle at her feet。
 It was; of course; thoroughly soaked with the water displaced when Lars overbalanced her into the tub。
 When they had sated their appetites sufficiently; Killashandra idly described wet circles on the broad expanse of Lars's chest。 〃I think that with the best motives in the world; I have placed you in an awkward situation。〃
 〃Beloved Killashandra; when you sprang that;〃 and he aptly mimicked her voice; 〃 'I have no fear of being assaulted with Captain Dahl beside me;' I nearly choked。〃

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