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source; and a suitably placed depth charge from the Roamer would attend to that。
 Lord Worth; of course; was unaware that at that very moment another craft was moving out at high speed to join Cronkite on the Tiburon。 It was a standard and well…established design irreverently known as the 〃push…pull;〃 in which water was ducted in through a tube forward under the hull and forced out under pressure at the rear。 It had no propeller and had been designed primarily for work close inshore or in swamps; where there was always the danger of the propeller being fouled。 The only difference between this vessel…the Starlight…and others was that it was equipped with a bank of storage batteries and could be electrically powered。 Sonar could detect and accurately pinpoint a ship's engines and propeller vibrations; it was virtually helpless against an electric push…pull。
 Lord Worth and the others considered the possibility of a direct attack on the Seawitch。 Because of her high degree of partmentaliza…tion and her great positive buoyancy; nothing short of an atom bomb was capable of disposing of something as large as a football field。 Certainly no conventional weapon could。 The attack; when it came; would be localized。 The drilling derrick was an obvious target; but how Cronkite could approach it unseen could not be imagined。 But Lord Worth was certain of one thing: when the attack came it would be leveled against the Seawitch;
 The next half hour was to prove; twice; just how wrong Lord Worth could be。
 The first intimations of disaster came as Lord Worth was watching the fully laden Torbello just disappearing over the northern horizon; the Crusader; he knew; was due alongside the tank late that afternoon。 Larsen; his face one huge scowl of fury; silently handed Lord Worth a signal just received in the radio office。 Lord Worth read it; and his subsequent language would have disbarred him forever from a seat in the House of Lords。 The message told; in cruelly unsparing fashion; of the spectacular end of the Crusader hi Galveston。 …〃'
 Both men hurried to the radio room。 Larsen contacted the Jupiter; their third tanker then off…loading at an obscure Louisiana port; told its captain the unhappy fate of the Crusader and warned him to have every man on board on constant lookout until they had cleared harbor。 Lord Worth personally called the chief of police in Galveston; identified himself and demanded more details of the sinking of the Crusader。 These he duly received; and none of them made him any happier。 On inspiration; he asked if there had been a man called John Cronkite or a vessel belonging to a man of that name in the vicinity at the time。 He was told to hang on while a check was made with Customs。 Two minutes later he was told yes; there had been a John Cronkite aboard a vessel called the Tiburon; which had been moored directly aft of the Crusader。 It was not known whether Cronkite was the owner or not。 The Tiburon had sailed half an hour before the Crusader blew up。
 Lord Worth peremptorily demanded that the Tiburon be apprehended and returned to port and that Cronkite be arrested。 The police chief pointed out that international law prohibited the arrest of vessels on the high seas except in time of war and; as for Cronkite; there wasn't a shred of evidence to connect him with the sinking of the Crusader。 Lord Worth then asked if he would trace the owner of the Tiburon。 This the police chief promised to do; but warned that there might be a considerable delay。 There were many registers to be consulted。
 At that moment the Cuban submarine steaming on the surface at full speed was in the vicinity of Key West and heading directly for the Sea…witch。 At almost the same time a missile…armed Russian destroyer slipped its moorings in Havana and set off in apparent pursuit of the Cuban submarine。 And very shortly after that; a destroyer departed its home base in Venezuela。
 The   Roamer;   Lord   Worth's   survey   vessel under the mand of Conde; was now halfway to its destination。
 The Starlight; under the mand of Easton; was just moving away from the Tiburon; which was lying stopped in the water。 Men on slings had already painted out the ship's name; and with the aid of cardboard stencils were painting in a new name…Georgia。 Cronkite had no wish that any vessel with whom they might make contact could radio for confirmation of the existence of a cutter called Tiburon。 From aft there came the unmistakable racket of a helicopter engine starting up; then the machine took off; circled and headed southeast; not on its usual pattern…bombing circuit but to locate and radio back to the Tiburon the location and course of the Torbello; if and when it found it。 Within minutes the Tiburon was on its way again; heading in approximately the same direction as the helicopter。
 Chapter 4
 Worth; enjoying a very early morning cup of tea; was in his living room with Larsen and Palermo when the radio operator knocked and entered; a message sheet in his hand。 He handed it to Lord Worth and said: 〃For you; sir。 But it's hi some sort of code。 Do you have a code book?〃
 〃No need。〃 Lord Worth smiled with some self…satisfaction; his first smile of any kind for quite some tune。 〃I invented this code myself。〃 He tapped his head。 〃Here's my code book。〃
 The operator left。 The other two watched in mild anticipation as Lord Worth began to decode。 The anticipation turned into apprehension as the smile disappeared from Lord Worth's face; and the apprehension gave way hi turn to deep concern as reddish…purple spots the size of pennies touched either cheekbone。 He laid down the message sheet; took a deep breath; then proceeded to give a repeat performance…though this time more deeply felt; more impassioned… of the unparliamentary language he had used at the news of the loss of the Crusader。 After some time he desisted; less because he had nothing fresh to say than from sheer loss of breath。
 Larsen had more wit than to ask Lord Worth ft something were the matter。 Instead he said in a quiet voice: 〃Suppose you tell us; Lord Worth?〃
 Lord Worth; with no little effort; posed himself and said: 〃It seems that Cor…〃 He broke off and corrected himself: it was one of his many axioms that the right hand shouldn't know what the left hand doeth。 〃I was informed…all too reliably; as it now appears… that a couple of countries hostile to us might well be prepared to use naval force against us。 One; it appears; is already prepared to do so。 A destroyer has just cleared its Venezuelan home port and is heading in what is approximately our direction。〃
 〃They wouldn't dare;'* Palermo said。
 〃When people are power… and money…mad they'll stop at nothing。〃 It apparently never occurred to Lord Worth that his description of people applied; in excelsis; to himself。
 〃Who's the other power?〃 said Larsen。
 〃The Soviet Union。〃
 〃Is it now?〃 Larsen seemed quite unmoved。 〃I don't know if I like the sound of that。〃
 〃We could do without them。〃 Lord Worth was back on balance again。 He flipped out a notebook and consulted it。 〃I think Til have a talk with Washington。〃 His hand was just reaching out for the phone when it rang。 He lifted the instrument; at the same time turning the switch that cut the ining call into the bulkhead speaker。
 A vaguely disembodied voice came through the speaker。 〃You know who I am?〃 Disembodied or not; the voice was known to Worth。 Corral。
 Tve checked my contact; sir。 Tm afraid our guesses were only too accurate。 Both X and Y are willing to mit themselves to naval support。〃
 〃I know。 One of them has just moved out and appears to be heading in our general direction。〃
 〃Which one?〃
 〃The one to the south。 Any talk of air mitment?〃
 〃None that I've heard; sir。 But I don't have to tell you that that doesn't rule out its use。〃
 〃Let me know if there is any more good news。〃
 〃Naturally。 Goodbye; sir。〃
 Lord Worth replaced the instrument; then lifted it again。
 〃I want a number in Washington。〃
 〃Can you hold a moment; sir?〃
 〃There's another code message ing through。 Looks like the same code as the last one; sir。〃
 〃I shouldn't be surprised。〃 Lord Worth's tone was somber。 〃Bring it across as soon as possible。〃
 He replaced the phone; pressed a button on the small console before him; lifting the phone again as he did。
 〃Chambers?〃 Chambers was his senior pilot
 〃Your chopper refueled?〃
 〃Ready to go when you are; sir。〃
 〃May be any second now。 Stand by your phone。〃 He replaced the receiver。
 Larsen said: 〃Washington beckons; sir?〃
 〃I have the odd feeling that it's about to。 There are things that one can achieve in person that one can't over the phone。 Depends upon this next message。〃
 〃If you go; anything to be done in your absence?〃
 〃There'll be dual…purpose antiaircraft guns arriving aboard the Roamer this afternoon。 Secure them to the platform。〃
 〃To the north; south; east but not west?〃
 〃As you wish。〃
 〃We don't want to start blowing holes in our own oil tank。〃
 〃There's that。 There'll …eAso be mines。 Three piles; each halfway between a pair of legs。〃
 〃An underwater explosion from a mine wouldn't damage the legs?〃
 〃I shouldn't think so。 We'll just have to find out; won't we? Keep in constant half…hourly touch with both the Torbetto and the Jupiter。 Keep the radar and sonar stations constantly manned。 Eternal vigilance; if you will。 Hell; mander; I don't have to tell you what to do。〃 He wrote some figures on a piece of paper。 〃If I do have to go; contact this number in Washington。 Tell them that Tm ing。 Five hours or so。〃
 〃This is the State Department?〃
 〃Yes。 Tell them that at least the Under Secretary must be there。 Remind him; tactfully; of future campaign contributions。 Then contact my aircraft pilot; Dawson。 Tell him to be standing by with a filed flight plan for Washington。〃
 The radio operator knocked; entered; handed Lord Worth a message sheet and left。 Lord Worth; hands steady and face now untroubled; decoded the message; reached for the phone and told Chambers to get to the helicopter at once。
 He said to the two men: 〃A Russian…built Cuban submarine is on its way from Havana。 It's being followed by a Russian guided…m

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