八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > alistairmaclean.seawitch >



小说: alistairmaclean.seawitch 字数: 每页4000字

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eway hi a clump of bushes。 He took out his gun and went to investigate; then put his gun away; opened his clasp knife and sliced through MacPherson's bonds。 The head gardener; after forty years in Florida; had never lost a trace of a very pronounced Scottish accent; an accent that tended to thicken according to the degree of mental stress he was undergoing。…On this occasion; with the adhesive removed; his language was wholly indecipherable…which; in view of what he was almost certainly trying to say; was probably just as well。
 They went through the front doorway。 Jen…kins; apparently taking his ease in a fortable armchair; greeted them with a baleful glare。 The glare was in no way intended for them; Jenkins was just in a baleful mood; a mood scarcely bettered by Mitchell's swift and painful yanking away of the adhesive from his lips。 Jenkins took a deep breath; preparatory to。 lodging some form of protest; but Mitchell cut in before he could speak。
 〃Where does Jim sleep?〃 Jim was the radio operator。
 Jenkins stared at him in astonishment。 Was this the way to greet a man who had been through a living hell…snatched; one might almost say; from the jaws of death? Where was the sympathy; the condolence; the anxious questioning? Mitchell put his hands on his shoulders and shook him violently。
 〃Are you deaf? Jim's room?〃
 Jenkins looked at the grim face less than a foot from his own and decided against remonstrating。 〃In back; first floor; first right。〃
 Mitchell left。 So; after a second or two; did Roomer。 Jenkins called after him in a plaintive voice: 〃You aren't leaving me too; Mr。 Roomer?〃
 Roomer turned and said patiently: 'Tm going to the kitchen to get a nice sharp carver。 Mr。 Mitchell has taken the only knife we have between us。〃
 Jim Robertson was young; fresh…faced and just out of college; a graduate in electrical engineering in no hurry to proceed with his profession。 He sat on the bed massaging his now unbound wrists; wincing slightly as the circulation began to return。 As tiers of knots; Durand's henchmen had been nothing if not enthusiastic。
 Mitchell said: 〃How do you feel?'*
 〃I don't blame you。 Are you okay to operate your set?〃
 〃I'm okay for anything if it means getting hold of those bastards。〃
 〃That's the general idea。 Did you get a good look at the kidnapers?〃
 〃I can give you a general description。〃 He broke off and stared at Mitchell。 〃Kidnapers?〃
 〃Looks as though Lord Worth's daughters have been abducted。〃
 〃Holy Christ!〃 The assimilation of this news took some little time。 〃There'll be all hell to pay for this。〃
 〃It should cause a considerable flap。 Do you know where Marina's room is?〃
 'Til show you。〃
 Her room showed all signs of a hasty and unpremeditated departure。 Cupboard doors were open; drawers the same; and some spilled clothing lay on the floor; Mitchell was interested in none of this。 He quickly riffled through drawers in the room until he found what he had hoped to find…her States passport。 He opened it and it was valid。 He made a mental note that she had lied about her age…she was two years older than she claimed to be…returned the passport and hurried down to the radio room with Robertson; who unlocked the door to let them in。 Robertson looked questioningly at Mitchell。
 〃The county police chief。 His name is McGar…rity。 I don't want anyone else。 Tell him you're speaking for Lord Worth; That should work wonders。 Then let me take over。〃
 Roomer entered while Robertson was trying to make contact。 〃Seven more of the staff; all suitably immobilized。 Makes nine in all。 I've left Jenkins to cut them loose。 His hands are shaking so bad he'll probably slice an artery or two; but for me freeing elderly cooks and young housemaids is above and beyond the call of duty。〃
 〃They must have been carrying a mile of rope;〃 Mitchell said absently。 He was figuring out how much not to tell the police chief。
 Roomer nodded to the operator。 〃Who's he trying to contact?〃
 〃That hypocritical old brown…noser!〃
 〃Most people would regard that as a charitable description。 But he has his uses。〃
 Robertson looked up。 〃On the line; Mr。 Mitchell。 That phone。〃 He made discreetly to replace his own; but Roomer took it from him and listened in。
 〃Chief McGarrity?〃
 〃Please listen very carefully。 This is extremely important and urgent; and the biggest thing that's ever e your way。 Are you alone?〃
 〃Yes。 I'm all alone。〃 McGarrity's tone held an odd mixture of suspicion and aroused interest。
 〃Nobody listening in; no recorder?〃
 〃Goddam it; no。 Get to the point。〃
 〃We're speaking from Lord Worth's house。 You know of him?〃
 〃Don't be a damned fool。 Who's 'we'?〃
 〃My name is Michael Mitchell。 My partner is John Roomer。 We're licensed private investigators。〃
 'Tve heard of you。 You're the guys who give the local law so much trouble。〃
 〃I'd put it the other way around; but that's beside the point。 What is to the point is that Lord Worth's two daughters have been kidnaped。〃
 〃Merciful God in heaven!〃 There ensued what could fairly have been described as a stunned silence at the other end of the line。
 Roomer smiled sardonically and covered the mouthpiece。 〃Can't you see the old phony grabbing his seat; with his eyes popping and big signs saying 'Promotion' flashing in front of him?〃
 〃Kidnapped; you said?〃 McGarrity's voice had suddenly developed a certain hoarseness。
 〃Kidnapped。 Abducted。 Snatched。〃
 〃Sure of this?〃
 〃Sure as can be。 The girls' rooms have all the signs of hurried and unplanned departure。 Nine of the staff were bound and gagged。 What would you conclude from that?〃
 〃Kidnap。〃 McGarrity made it sound as if he'd made the discovery all by himself。
 〃Can you put a block on all escape routes? They haven't taken the girls' passports; so that rules out international flights。 I hardly think the kidnapers would have taken any mercial domestic flight。 Can you see Lord Worth's daughters going through any airline terminal without being recognized? I'd put a stop order and guard at every private airfield and helicopter pad in the southern part of the state。 And likewise at every port; big and small; in the same area。〃
 McGarrity sounded bemused; befuddled。 〃That'd call for hundreds of policemen。〃
 The tone of anguished protest was unmistakable。 Mitchell sighed; cupped the mouthpiece; looked at Roomer and said: 〃Man's out of his depth。 Can I call him lunkhead?〃 He removed his hand。 〃Look; Chief McGarrity; I don't think you realize what you're sitting on。 We're talking about the daughters of Lord Worth。 You could pick up your phone and get a thousand cops for the asking。 You could call out the National Guard if you wanted to…I'm sure Lord Worth would pick up the tab for every cent of expenses。 Good God; man; there's been nothing like this since the Lindbergh kidnaping!〃
 〃That's so; that's so。〃 It wasn't difficult to visualize McGarrity licking his lips。 〃Descriptions?〃
 〃Not much help there; I'm afraid。 They all wore stocking masks。 The leader wore gloves; which may or may not indicate a criminal record。 All were big; well…built men and all wore dark business suits。 I don't have to give you a description of the girls; I guess。〃
 〃Marina and Melinda?〃 McGarrity was a classic snob of awesome proportions; who followed with avid interest the ings and goings of alleged society; of the internationally famous and infamous。 〃Hell; no。 Of course not。 They're probably the most photographed pair in the state。〃
 〃You'll keep this under wraps; tight as possible; for the moment?〃
 〃I will; I will。〃 McGarrity had his baby clutched close to his heart; and nobody; but nobody was going to take it away from him。
 〃Lord Worth will have to be informed first of all。 Til refer him to you。〃
 〃You mean you haven't told him yet?〃 McGarrity could hardly believe his good fortune。
 〃Tell him to take it easy…well; as easy as he
 Scan itch
 can; that is。 Tell him Tm taking plete and personal charge of the investigation。〃
 〃I'll do that; Chief。〃
 Roomer winced and screwed his eyes shut。
 McGarrity sounded positively brisk。 〃Now; about the local law。〃
 〃I suppose I've got to call them in。 I'm not too happy about it: they don't exactly like us。 What if they refuse to keep this under wraps 。 。 。 ?〃
 〃In which case;〃 McGarrity said ominously; 〃just put the person concerned directly on the line to me。 Anyone else know about this yet?〃
 〃Of course not。 You're the only man with the power to authorize the closing of the 〃escape routes。 Naturally we contacted you first。〃
 〃And you were perfectly right; Mr。 Mitchell。〃 McGarrity was warm and appreciative; as well he might have been; for he had a very shaky re…election ing up and the massive publicity the kidnaping was bound to generate would guarantee him a virtual shoo…in。 〃FU get the wheels turning at this end。 Keep me posted。〃
 〃Of course; Chief。〃 Mitchell hung up。 ; Roomer looked at him admiringly。 〃You are an even bigger and stickier hypocrite than McGarrity。〃
 〃Practice。 Anyway; we got what we wanted。'* Mitchell's face was somber。 〃Has it occurred to you that the birds may have flown?〃
 Roomer looked equally unhappy。 〃Yeah。 But first things first。 Lord Worth next?〃 Mitchell nodded。 'Til pass this one up。 They say that; under provocation; he has a rich mand of the English language; not at all aristocratic。 Td be better employed interviewing the staff。 Til ply them with strong drink to help them overe the rigors of their ordeal and to loosen their tongues…Lord Worth's reserve Dom Perignon for choice…and see what I can get out of them; I don't expect much。 AH I can do is ask them about descriptions and voices and whether or not they touched anything that might give us fingerprints。 Not that that will help if their prints aren't on file。〃
 〃The brandy bit sounds the best part of your program。 Ask Jenkins to bring a large one〃… he looked at Robertson…〃two large ones。〃
 Roomer was at the door when he turned。 〃Do you know what happened in ancient times to the bearers of bad news?〃
 〃I know。 They got their heads cut off。〃
 〃He'll probably blame us for carelessness and lack of foresight…and he'll be right; too; even though he's just as guilty as we are。〃 R

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