八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > ss.iftomorrowcomes >



小说: ss.iftomorrowcomes 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃They all seem so small and vulnerable;〃 Tracy said; 〃and so easy to walk away with。〃
 The guard at the counter smiled。 〃A thief wouldn't get very far; miss。 The cases are all electronically wired; and armed guards patrol the convention center day and night。〃
 〃That's a great relief;〃 Jeff said earnestly。 〃One can't be too careful these days; can one?〃
 That afternoon Daniel Cooper and Inspector Joop van Duren called on Chief missioner Willems together。 Van Duren placed the surveillance reports on the missioner's desk and waited。
 〃There's nothing definite here;〃 the chief missioner finally said; 〃but I'll admit that your suspects seem to be sniffing around some very lucrative targets。 All right; Inspector。 Go ahead。 You have official permission to place listening devices in their hotel rooms。〃
 Daniel Cooper was elated。 There would be no more privacy for Tracy Whitney。 From this point on; he would know everything she was thinking; saying; and doing。 He thought about Tracy and Jeff together in bed; and remembered the feel of Tracy's underwear against his cheek。 So soft; so sweet…smelling。
 That afternoon he went to church。
 When Tracy and Jeff left the hotel for dinner that evening; a team of police technicians went to work; planting tiny wireless transmitters in Tracy's and Jeff's suites; concealing them behind pictures; in lamps; and under bedside tables。
 Inspector Joop van Duren had mandeered the suite on the floor directly above; and there a technician installed a radio receiver with an antenna and plugged in a recorder。
 〃It's voice activated;〃 the technician explained。 〃No one has to be here to monitor it。 When someone speaks; it wi automatically begin to record。〃
 But Daniel Cooper wanted to be there。 He had to be then It was God's will。
 Chapter 33
 Early the following morning Daniel Cooper; Inspector Joop van Duren; and his young assistant; Detective Constable Witkamp; were in the upstairs suite listening to the conversation below。
 〃More coffee?〃 Jeff's voice。
 〃No; thank you; darling。〃 Tracy's voice。 〃Try this cheese that room service sent up。 It's really wonderful。〃
 A short silence。 〃Mmmm。 Delicious。 What would you like to do today; Tracy? We could take a drive to Rotterdam。〃
 〃Why don't we just stay in and relax?〃
 〃Sounds good。〃
 Daniel Cooper knew what they meant by 〃relax;〃 and his mouth tightened。
 〃The queen is dedicating a new home for orphans。〃
 〃Nice。 I think the Dutch are the most hospitable; generous people in the world。 They're iconoclasts。 They hate rules and regulations。〃
 A laugh。 〃Of course。 That's why we both like them so much。〃
 Ordinary morning conversation between lovers。 They're so free and easy with each other; Cooper thought。 But how she would pay!
 〃Speaking of generous〃… Jeff's voice… 〃guess who's staying at this hotel? The elusive Maximilian Pierpont。 I missed him on the QE Two。〃
 〃And I missed him on the Orient Express。〃
 〃He's probably here to rape another pany。 Now that we've found him again; Tracy; we really should do something about him。 I mean; as long as he's in the neighborhood。。。〃
 Tracy's laughter。 〃I couldn't agree more; darling。〃
 〃I understand our friend is in the habit of carrying priceless artifacts with him。 I have an idea that…〃
 Another voice; female。 〃Dag; mijnheer; dag; mevrouw。 Would you care for your room to be made up now?〃
 Van Duren turned to Detective Constable Witkamp。 〃I want a surveillance team on Maximilian Pierpont。 The moment Whitney or Stevens makes any kind of contact with him; I want to know it。〃
 Inspector van Duren was reporting to Chief missioner Toon Willems。
 〃They could be after any number of targets; Chief missioner。 They're showing a great deal of interest in a wealthy American here named Maximilian Pierpont; they attended the philatelist convention; they visited the Lucullan diamond at the Nederlands Diamond…Cutting Factory; and spent two hours at The Night Watch…〃
 〃Een diefstal van de Nachtwacht? Nee! Impossible!〃
 The chief missioner sat back in his chair and wondered whether he was recklessly wasting valuable time and manpower。 There was too much speculation and not enough facts。 〃So at the moment you have no idea what their target is。〃
 〃No; Chief missioner。 I'm not certain they themselves have decided。 But the moment they do; they will inform us。〃
 Willems frowned。 〃Inform you?〃
 〃The bugs;〃 Van Duren explained。 〃They have no idea they are being bugged。〃
 The breakthrough for the police came at 9:00 A。M。 the following morning。 Tracy and Jeff were finishing breakfast in Tracy's suite。 At the listening post upstairs were Daniel Cooper; Inspector Joop van Duren; and Detective Constable Witkamp。 They heard the sound of coffee being poured。
 〃Here's an interesting item; Tracy。 Our friend was right。 Listen to this: 'Amro Bank is shipping five million dollars in gold bullion to the Dutch West Indies。' 〃
 In the suite on the floor above; Detective Constable Witkamp said; 〃There's no way…〃
 They listened。
 〃I wonder how much five million dollars in gold would weigh?〃 Tracy's voice。
 〃I can tell you exactly; my darling。 One thousand six hundred seventy…two pounds; about sixty…seven gold bars。 The wonderful thing about gold is that it's so beautifully anonymous。 You melt it down and it could belong to anybody。 Of course; it wouldn't be easy to get those bars out of Holland。〃
 〃Even if we could; how would we get hold of them in the first place? Just walk into the bank and pick them up?〃
 〃Something like that。〃
 〃You're joking。〃
 〃I never joke about that kind of money。 Why don't we just stroll by the Amro Bank; Tracy; and have a little look?〃
 〃What do you have in mind?〃
 〃I'll tell you all about it on the way。〃
 There was the sound of a door closing; and the voices ended。
 Inspector van Duren was fiercely twisting his mustache。 〃Nee! There is no way they could get their hands on that gold。 I; myself; approved those security arrangements。〃
 Daniel Cooper announced flatly; 〃If there's a flaw in the bank's security system; Tracy Whitney will find it。〃
 It was all Inspector van Duren could do to control his hair…trigger temper。 The odd…looking American had been an abomination ever since his arrival。 It was his God…given sense of superiority that was so difficult to tolerate。 But Inspector van Duren was a policeman first and last; and he had been ordered to cooperate with the weird little man。
 The inspector turned to Witkamp。 〃I want you to increase the surveillance unit。 Immediately。 I want every contact photographed and questioned。 Clear?〃
 〃Yes; Inspector。〃
 〃And very discreetly; mind you。 They must not know they are being watched。〃
 〃Yes; Inspector。〃
 Van Duren looked at Cooper。 〃There。 Does that make you feel better?〃
 Cooper did not bother to reply。
 During the next five days Tracy and Jeff kept Inspector van Duren's men busy; and Daniel Cooper carefully examined all the daily reports。 At night; when the other detectives left the listening post; Cooper lingered。 He listened for the sounds of lovemaking that he knew was going on below。 He could hear nothing; but in his mind Tracy was moaning; 〃Oh; yes; darling; yes; yes。 Oh; God; I can't stand it。。。 it's so wonderful。。。。 Now; oh; now。。〃
 Then the long; shuddering sigh and the soft; velvety silence。 And it was all for him。
 Soon you'll belong to me; Cooper thought。 No one else will have you。
 During the day; Tracy and Jeff went their separate ways; and wherever they went they were followed。 Jeff visited a printing shop near Leidseplein; and two detectives watched from the street as he held an earnest conversation with the printer。 When Jeff left; one of the detectives followed him。 The other went into the shop and showed the printer his plastic…coated police identity card with the official stamp; photograph; and the diagonal red; white; and blue stripes。
 〃The man who just left here。 What did he want?〃
 〃He's run out of business cards。 He wants me to print some more for him。〃
 〃Let me see。〃
 The printer showed him a handwritten form:
 Amsterdam Security Services
 Cornelius Wilson; Chief Investigator
 The following day Constable First…Class Fien Hauer waited outside a pet shop on Leidseplein as Tracy went in。 When she emerged fifteen minutes later; Fien Hauer entered the shop and showed her identification。
 〃That lady who just left; what did she want?〃
 〃She purchased a bowl of goldfish; two lovebirds; a canary; and a pigeon。〃
 A strange bination。 〃A pigeon; you said? You mean an ordinary pigeon?〃
 〃Yes; but no pet store stocks them。 I told her we would have to locate one for her。〃
 〃Where are you sending these pets?〃
 〃To her hotel; the Amstel。〃
 On the other side of town; Jeff was speaking to the vice…president of the Amro Bank。 They were closeted together for thirty minutes; and when Jeff left the bank; a detective went into the manager's office。
 〃The man who just walked out。 Please tell me why he was here。〃
 〃Mr。 Wilson? He's chief investigator for the security pany our bank uses。 They're revising the security system。〃
 〃Did he ask you to discuss the present security arrangements with him?〃
 〃Why; yes; as a matter of fact; he did。〃
 〃And you told him?〃
 〃Of course。 But naturally I first took the precaution of telephoning to make sure his credentials were in order。〃
 〃Whom did you telephone?〃
 〃The security service… the number was printed on his identification card。〃
 At 3:00 that afternoon an armored truck pulled up outside the Amro Bank。 From across the street; Jeff snapped a picture of the truck; while in a doorway a few yards away a detective photographed Jeff。
 At police headquarters at Elandsgracht Inspector van Duren was spreading out the rapidly accumulating evidenc

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