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小说: mg.dictatorofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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  THE Clipper smacked the blue of Biscayne Bay and settled into a lazy squat; from which it taxied toward a landing。 An audible sigh of relief came from the roped…off crowd that lined the shore of Dinner Key。 Little wonder that the sigh was heard; for the throng was immense。
  Seldom did the population of Miami; citizen and tourist; assemble en masse at the Marine Airways Base to witness the arrival of a Clipper plane。 But the winged ship just in from the Caribbean was worthy of a huge turnout。 Not only because its passengers were something of celebrities; but because of the cargo that they brought。
  The plane was in from Centralba; a Caribbean republic long established but recently renamed by its dictator; Luis Castenago; a 〃strong man〃 who masqueraded under the title of president。 The passengers on the Clipper were the militant leaders of the anti…Castenago party: Colonel Jose Durez and a handful of associates。 What they were bringing with them was money; to the total of ten million dollars。
  Only this afternoon had the news broken that the ing revolution in Centralba had been called off。 Remarkable was the fact that it had been settled on peaceful terms; with the iron…fisted Castenago sending his opponents into banishment; instead of forcing them to meet the muzzle end of a firing squad。
  Most extraordinary of all was the report; on positive authority; that Durez and his faction had sold their holdings and concessions; at full price; to the government of Centralba…which; in two words; meant Luis Castenago。
  Singular that Castenago; of all persons; should have gone 〃genteel;〃 for wholesale assassinations had long been the Centralban substitute for politics; with Castenago always supreme。 Naturally; the facts led to rumors; of which there were two that carried a strong degree of truth。
  The first was that Castenago; planning a merger of several Caribbean countries; with himself as head; felt that a show of leniency to opponents in his own republic would win over adherents in neighboring republics。
  The other rumor was that Durez; while plotting revolution; had wisely gained the support of Francisco Peridor; former president of Centralba and idol of the populace; whose friends…Durez now included…had never been attacked by Castenago。
  Of course; there was the fact that the United States was dickering for defense bases in Centralba; but that had been no deterrent in Castenago's killing off the opposition in the past; and therefore could have no bearing on the future。
  The first rule of a good neighbor being to ignore all family squabbles in the house next door; gave Castenago all the leeway he wanted in his own home without having even to pull down the shades; though he was usually courteous enough to do so。
  At any rate; live arrivals from Centralba were a novelty in Miami; and everyone had e to wele the heroes who had been paid off in gold instead of bullets。 Particularly; the crowd wanted to see the money; itself; which accounted for the presence of about fifty Miami police; with motorcycles; squad cars; patrol boats; tear gas; and all the appurtenances。
  From the moment they alighted; Durez and his panions were surrounded by a flood of khaki uniforms。 The spectators caught glimpses of some fair…sized coffers that other police took from the Clipper; but those; too; were promptly lost from sight。
  Then the procession was proceeding toward the Terminal Building; which had been blocked off to the public。 The only persons who remained were government inspectors; who piled into the Clipper with fumigation apparatus; to make sure that Durez and his friends hadn't smuggled in some yellow fever carriers along with their chests of funds。
  NEAR the entrance to the balcony restaurant within the Terminal; Margo Lane watched the procession arrive。 She'd been smart enough to get into the building by buying a ticket for San Juan; which she intended to redeem later。
  For Margo wasn't contemplating a trip to Puerto Rico。 She was here on a much more important mission。
  Only a few hours ago; when the radio had begun to blast that Durez was ing; and newsboys had started shouting special extras in the Miami streets; Margo had received a wire from Lamont Cranston; telling her to get to the airways base and learn everything she could。
  The wire had added that Cranston was leaving New York immediately; by plane; for Miami; in hope of arriving before Durez did。
  Unfortunately; the wind was strong from the south and it had sped the Clipper into Miami ahead of schedule。 Meanwhile; Cranston's southbound ship was meeting head winds; that retarded it。 This worried Margo; when she considered what Cranston's interest in Durez's affairs might be。
  In private life…or perhaps the other way about…Lamont Cranston was The Shadow。 He made it his business to battle men of crime; and the bigger they came; the better。 If certain crooks had aspirations to acquire ten million dollars belonging to Durez & Co。; they would have to be very big; indeed。
  In Margo's estimation; that made it all the more important that Cranston should have arrived first; which; quite apparently; he hadn't。
  They were crossing the broad floor of the Terminal; now; Durez and his band。 Margo got a good view of them as they passed the ten…foot revolving globe in the center of the concourse。 A mosquito would probably have crowded the Republic of Centralba on that huge spherical map; nevertheless; Durez and the others paused to look for the little patch that they had hoped to wrest from Castenago。
  By the time they had found Centralba; they were being pressed by the police who were carrying the ten million dollar consolation prize; so Durez and his panions smiled politely and resumed their way。
  During the pause; Margo identified Durez quite easily; by his thin; sharp…featured face and small nervous eyes。 As for the others; four of them; three looked very much alike; darkish men; who made good stooges for Durez。
  The fourth man was a pronounced exception。
  His face was dark as the result of tan acquired by long residence in the tropics。 At that; it was but a mild shade of bronze; and he must have suffered sunburn during the tanning process; for his plexion wasn't the sort to take tan well。 His light hair; a real straw…yellow; indicated that his natural skin color should be a very clear white。
  He looked youthful; probably more so than he was; and his trim uniform enhanced his military bearing。 In fact; Margo was wondering if he'd be more handsome if he weren't tanned; when it suddenly came to her who he was。 She'd read about him in an extra; while riding to the airways base by cab。
  This young man was Colin Nayre; until lately captain of the guard in Castenago's own palace。 Margo had expected Nayre to be a grizzled soldier of fortune; instead; he looked like a recent graduate from a military college; which; indeed; he might be。
  Somehow; for reasons not specified in the skimpy edition of the newspaper; Nayre had shifted from Castenago and joined the Durez faction。
  Nayre didn't seem the sort who would sell out anyone; even a double…dyed wolf like Castenago。 It struck Margo that the rise against Castenago must have reached the point of open demand; rather than remaining a secret cabal; otherwise; a decent chap like Nayre wouldn't have had part in it。
  MARGO'S reflections were promptly justified。 Past the big globe; Nayre overtook Durez and plucked his arm。 In a voice that was pleasant; yet touched with an embarrassed tone; Nayre spoke:
  〃Perhaps I should leave you here; senor。 You have important business to attend to; with your friends; while I…〃
  〃No no;〃 interrupted Durez sharply。 〃You e with us; capitan。 You are to be our guest; and we shall remember you in that so important business。〃
  〃But we are no longer in Centralba…〃
  〃Exactly! We are safer here than there。 You e with us; capitan; to the Hotel Equator; where we have one fine room reserved for you。 We talk business with the bankers; and afterward…〃
  Margo heard no more。 The party was nearing the main doorway leading out to the avenue of royal palms; where cars awaited them。 She saw the cavalcade roar away; it was paced by motorcycle police。 Then came the cars; and finally an armored truck; carrying the precious coffers。 By the time another motorcycle squad had closed behind the speedy caravan; Margo was on her way to a telephone booth。
  The afternoon was late。 Darkness would soon arrive in the sudden way it did in Miami's clime。 As she called the municipal airport; Margo was hopeful that Cranston's plane had arrived。 She learned that it hadn't; though it was expected any minute。 So Margo left a message。
  〃Tell Mr。 Cranston that Miss Lane called;〃 she said。 〃I'm stopping at the Hotel Equator; in Miami Beach; and will meet him there。〃
  It happened that Margo wasn't stopping at the Equator。 Some of her friends stayed there; and she had guest privileges; but she considered the rates outlandish; even at times when she had money enough to afford them。 Cranston knew all that; and therefore would understand what her message really meant。
  It told that Margo had learned the one thing that wasn't in the newspapers; and probably wouldn't be made known for a few hours: namely; that Jose Durez and his party were the persons who would actually be found at the Equator。
  There wasn't any reason why Margo shouldn't be there; too。 Hurrying from the airport; she took a cab and managed to get started ahead of the departing sightseers。 Her own car was in a parking lot in Miami; and she was sure that she could get it and drive across the Venetian Way to Miami Beach ahead of Cranston; even if his plane happened to land shortly at the municipal airport。
  Perhaps; Margo felt; she might learn even more before Cranston arrived!
  Margo was still considering that possibility when she transferred to her car at the parking lot。 She turned on the lights because darkness had actually begun to settle。 However; by that time; her chances of learning much more were being paratively slim。 A plane had just landed at the municipal airport。
  Its pilot was Lamont Cranston。

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