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小说: mg.dictatorofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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challenge from Allard; and was ready for the duel。
  What that battle of courtesy and wits would produce; events would soon tell。 Certainly; however; matters could not long remain in a preliminary stage。
  There was nothing humorous in the thought that sprang to Margo's mind; indeed; she was considering it as something very serious。
  Margo was thinking that Luis Castenago might classify Kent Allard as a special type of guest; despite the fact that the banquet had been two courses short!
  To others; it might have seemed that Luis Castenago still considered it important to entertain his guests; but Margo deemed otherwise。 She was certain…too certain…that the dictator was trying to get rid of them; when they returned to the reception room。
  Of course; Castenago had an excuse; and a good one; that he put quite blandly。
  〃You must see the casino;〃 he assured them。 〃It is one of the sights of Libertad: an effort to produce international friendship; because; if ever all men are brothers; it is at the gaming table。 This is the most popular hour at the casino; so I shall arrange an escort to take you there without delay。〃
  Castenago bowed himself through a curtained doorway; which happened to be close to the chair that Margo had taken。 Turning slightly; Margo caught a view of the edge of the doorway and saw the man that Castenago met beyond。
  He was a hard…faced man; in a captain's uniform; evidently the successor of Colin Nayre as mander of the palace guards。
  Margo was just near enough to overhear the words that passed between them。
  〃This Allard may mean trouble;〃 said Castenago。 〃I shall order a search of his room at the hotel; and double the guards at Peridor's。〃
  〃Shall I attend to those details; excellency?〃 the captain inquired。
  〃No。 You have a different duty;〃 Castenago told him。 〃You are to escort Allard and his friends to the casino…〃
  〃And watch them while they are there…〃
  〃No; no; captain。 Again; you are wrong。 You will return here。 Others will watch Allard while he is at the casino。〃
  Margo was turned away when Castenago came from the curtained doorway; acpanied by the hard…faced captain。 She couldn't tell whether Castenago was eyeing her; so she decided not to speak to Allard until they were in their car。
  Unfortunately; the captain took it upon himself to assign the guests to their places in the automobiles。 Margo and Allard were placed in different cars。
  They rode to the casino by a roundabout route; which convinced Margo that the captain was taking time while Castenago arranged the hotel search and the doubling of the guards at Peridor's。 They passed Peridor's residence on the way; and so far as Margo could observe; the soldiers numbered no more than they had earlier。
  Again; Margo saw the marimba player; who by this time had gathered quite a crowd about him。 The citizens of Libertad certainly enjoyed night life when entertainment was free。
  As for visitors; they were ready to pay for their entertainment。 That was evident when the cars reached the casino。 The place was well thronged; and Allard's friends caught the fever。 They all wanted to play roulette; Margo included; because she believed she would thus gain a chance to speak to Allard。
  She did; after the captain had introduced them all to Pierre Treban; the dapper Frenchman who operated the casino。 Finding a place beside Allard; Margo spoke in an undertone that was covered by the rattle of chips about them。
  〃Be careful when the captain leaves;〃 said Margo。 〃Others will be watching you。〃
  Allard lifted his eyebrows slightly; indicating that he wanted to hear more。
  〃Castenago is ordering a search of your room;〃 Margo added。 〃He is also doubling the guard at Peridor's; in case you should try to visit there。〃
  Allard's face was so immobile that Margo doubted if he believed her。 She explained how she had overheard the conversation between Castenago and the captain。
  With a slight nod that certified Margo's statements; Allard lifted a few chips and placed them on the board。 Margo did the same。 It was good business; showing interest in roulette to hide something else。
  When Margo looked again; a few minutes later; Allard was gone!
  ACTUALLY; Allard hadn't needed Margo's information; though it was helpful。
  Copying the example of other players; he strolled from the side door of the casino and took a walk in the garden。
  It was evidently their way of changing bad luck for good; but Allard was using it as a preliminary process。 What he saw…or; rather; did not see …
  fitted with well…formed conclusions。
  The workers who had been so busily engaged that afternoon; had laid off during the evening。
  Strolling back into the casino; Allard observed its many surrounding pillars that supported a balcony; where people could watch the play on the gambling floor。 A good spot for hidden observers; that balcony。
  The pillars made good shelter too; especially because of darkened doors beyond them。 The casino was singularly lacking of police and soldiers; nor were any gatomontes in sight。
  All of which assured Kent Allard that he was probably being watched。 What Margo Lane had said merely proved the point。 So Allard calmly crossed the floor and went out by the main door。
  In the driveway; he beckoned to a taxicab which was at the head of a short line。 Taking the cab; he told the driver to take him to the Imperial Hotel。
  From the moment that the cab pulled away; Allard knew that he was being followed。 The car that took up his trail came sliding from darkness on the far side of the casino building。
  Allard began making suggestions to his own driver; regarding shorter routes to the hotel。 Sometimes; he told the driver to go slower; at other moments; Allard called for speed。
  He ordered more speed as they swung into a narrow street; then; suddenly; he told the driver to take the next turn to the left。 The order came so unexpectedly; that the driver had to jam the brakes as he rounded the corner。
  The ancient cab rattled heavily; and with the clatter came the closing of a door; something that the driver did not hear。
  Very neatly; Kent Allard had dropped from the cab just as it passed the corner。 His strides across the sidewalk were very rapid; they carried him to a narrow alleyway; which he reached just as the trailing car swung into sight。
  Allard didn't have time to observe the car's occupants; but that wasn't important at the moment。 In their turn; they didn't see him at all; which happened to be very important。
  As soon as the car had passed; Allard strode deeper into the narrow passage between buildings。 It wasn't an alley in the usual sense; but merely a rift; of slightly more than shoulder width。 The walls flanking the space were white; and couldn't have offered a chance at concealment in the glaring daytime。 But this was night; and the shadows of the buildings rendered the narrow way obscure。
  Where the passage widened into a tiny court; Allard tried a door in the wall on the left。 The door opened and he stepped into a small storeroom; lined with shelves of merchandise。
  Using a tiny flashlight; Allard recognized the package that he had sent from the hotel; that afternoon。 It was tied just as he had sent it。
  Opening the package; he brought out a slouch hat; a black cloak; and a pair of thin gloves。 There were no automatics in the package。 Allard already carried them。 An aviator famed for landing in remote portions of the jungle would be expected to go about armed。
  It took but a few moments for Allard to transform himself into The Shadow。
  Instead of leaving by the outside passage; he went through the shop itself。
  In New York; and other American cities; The Shadow used various retreats where he could change from one guise to another。 The rule still applied to Libertad; the isolated capital of the remote banana republic of Centralba!
  SO silent was the shop; that the swish of The Shadow's cloak was audible as he passed through to the front door; which opened on another street; closer to the Imperial Hotel。
  Closed for the night; the shop was made to order for The Shadow's purposes; for its interior was pitch…black; but with no obstructions to delay a person passing through it。
  Evidently The Shadow knew that such would be the case; for he did not use his flashlight。 Reaching the front door; he found it as expected。 It wasn't bolted; it simply had a heavy burglar…proof latch; which enabled The Shadow to step out and leave the door as he had found it; by simply closing it behind him。
  Even outdoors; The Shadow found his favorite habitat: darkness。 The door of the shop was under a projecting balcony; which entirely cut off the glow of the old…fashioned street lamps so prevalent in Libertad。
  Keeping to the shelter of balconies; crossing the street at places where the lights were feeble; The Shadow glided past a corner and came upon the Plaza del Libertador; opposite the Imperial Hotel。 There he paused within the last fringe of darkness。
  It was a fiesta night in Libertad which accounted for the shops being closed。 The populace had deserted the narrow streets for open spaces such as the great plaza; and the scene was one of life and gaiety。
  But The Shadow wasn't interested in the costumery of the merrymakers; who were enjoying pleasures that would cease when the iron hand of Castenago tightened。 He sympathized with them profoundly; and wished that their era of carefree revelry would long continue。
  That; in itself; was reason why The Shadow's attention should be centered elsewhere。 Upon what he learned tonight; would hinge his whole campaign toward ending the tyranny of Luis Castenago。
  The Shadow looked across the street to the front of the hotel。 He saw the ancient taxicab that he had hired as Allard。 It was the center of much speculation; voiced in voluble Spanish; by hotel employees; police; and even soldiers; all picturesque in their assorted uniforms。
  Cabs didn't often roll up to the Imperial Hotel without passengers inside them; unless they had been ordered。 This cab should have had a passe

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