八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.dictatorofcrime >



小说: mg.dictatorofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃All my efforts to better conditions in Centralba have been twisted to justify Castenago's evil deeds。 Instead of improving matters; I have placed myself in a predicament where I am helpless; and my country totally unable to shake off a tyrant's misrule!〃
  Finding The Shadow's interest plete; the elderly professor gave a brief summary of events in Centralba; valuable; because it was the first…hand story of a sincere man。 Peridor had undergone the ordeal met by all right…minded persons who have sought; by ordinary measures; to restrain a dictator's rise。
  Peridor had criticized the Castenago regime from the start; advocating a policy of passive resistance。 Peridor's claim; that right could triumph over might; had even seemed to win the dictator's respect; but it had merely slowed; not halted; the growth of Castenago's tyranny。
  At least; it had caused Jose Durez; champion of open revolution; to seek Peridor's support。 Though Durez was by no means unselfish; he promised to improve the government if he came into power。 Since Peridor was opposed to violence; Durez agreed to hold his own strength in the background; as a threat in case Castenago would not accept Peridor's terms of justice without revolution。
  〃How cleverly Castenago solved the problem!〃 exclaimed Peridor; facing The Shadow。 〃He showed willingness to promise; if we told him our terms。 Hearing them; he met our separate desires。 He promised me that he would improve the government; while to Durez; he offered wealth。
  〃Thus dividing our power; he further specified that I should remain in Centralba; while Durez must leave。 My patriotic sentiments; and Durez's lack of them; produced our separate accessions to his terms。〃
  Obviously; Peridor had bee enmeshed in an intrigue which produced a dilemma in his honest mind。 Durez was definitely a case in point。 Peridor had been glad to see him go; yet knew that his own life was safe only so long as Durez might return。 The day after Durez's departure; students had demonstrated against Peridor; alleging that he had helped Durez rob Centralba。
  Of course; the demonstration was instigated by Castenago's agents; but it had been sufficient pretext for the dictator to insist that Peridor seek retirement under what Castenago termed 〃protection。〃
  A sad travesty on the truth when Castenago; the tyrant who styled himself 〃liberator;〃 could be regarded as the defender of Peridor; the one man most loyal to Centralba!
  Hard upon that had e the news of Durez's death。 While alive; and away from Castenago's reach; Durez was a protection to Peridor。 His death meant that Castenago could dispose of Peridor whenever he so chose。
  〃Castenago bides his time;〃 declared Peridor; 〃only because he would prefer to see sentiment grow against me before he arranges my assassination。 In a way; it is unfortunate that the student demonstrations have ceased; for it will shorten my life span。 If I perish; the cause for the redemption of my country will be at an end。〃
  FROM the door; Mariquita was impatiently waiting for The Shadow's news concerning Colin Nayre。 Catching his daughter's eye; Peridor promptly turned to that subject。
  〃One ugly rumor;〃 declared Peridor; 〃is the claim that our good friend Colin Nayre betrayed Jose Durez; in Miami。〃
  〃It is more than a rumor;〃 returned The Shadow。 〃The police have proven that Murk Wessel and the other killers were established in the Hotel Equator when Durez and his friends arrived there。 Someone must have sent the word ahead; so suspicion rests on Nayre。〃
  〃Then the evidence is all against him?〃
  〃Not entirely;〃 interposed The Shadow。 〃I; personally; am sure of Nayre's innocence。 I have e to Libertad to find the real culprit。〃
  Peridor mistook the words for an accusation against himself。 Rising; he lifted his right hand。
  〃In my daughter's presence;〃 he avowed; 〃I swear that I revealed the plans of Jose Durez to no one!〃
  〃Your statement is unnecessary;〃 spoke The Shadow。 〃I have already discovered the traitor。〃
  〃Then tell us who the culprit is!〃 exclaimed Peridor; as Mariquita drew closer。 〃I shall find him; wherever he may be; and denounce him to his face!
  Name him!〃
  〃You will find him in the presidential palace;〃 affirmed The Shadow。 〃His name is Luis Castenago!〃
  Peridor and Mariquita couldn't believe their ears。 They knew that Castenago had granted amnesty to Durez; which was why The Shadow's charge seemed at variance with fact。 It wasn't until The Shadow explained the double game; that they began to understand。
  Leniency was known to be Castenago's new policy; to display it he had merely banished Durez。 In keeping with his real character; Castenago had designed death for Durez; through the aiding hands of American mobsters。
  Even then; The Shadow's listeners doubted。
  〃Impossible!〃 exclaimed Peridor。 〃Castenago would never risk the consequences of letting such assassins remain beyond his reach。 If captured by American authorities and forced to tell the truth; their testimony would bring intervention to end Castenago's regime!〃
  〃They are not beyond his reach;〃 explained The Shadow。 〃Castenago sent Durez away to find false security。 He had the murderers e here to gain real protection。〃
  One person would have accepted that statement without question: namely; Margo Lane。 It explained the matter of the missing mosquito boat。 The speedy craft in which Murk Wessel and his lieutenants had fled Miami was identical with units of the mosquito fleet; and had been mistaken for such a boat。
  It couldn't have been otherwise; as The Shadow reasoned it。 With ten million dollars to lose; Murk and his pals wouldn't have trusted a boat that could be outraced by anything else on Biscayne Bay。
  Twelve mosquito boats had gone out by moonlight; only eleven had returned by day; a discrepancy forgotten by everyone save The Shadow。 Margo's count stood justified; though she didn't know it。
  Not having heard about the mosquito fleet; Francisco Peridor still had a question for The Shadow。 He put one; right to the point:
  〃You have seen these men…Murk Wessel and the other assassins…here in Libertad?〃
  〃Yes。 By day; they are workers on the grounds of the Casino Internacional; where they pass unrecognized。 At night; they are at Castenago's service。 Their duty; this evening; was to assassinate me; as they did Durez。 They failed。〃
  The Shadow's statement ended with a whispered laugh induced by the gazes with which Peridor and Mariquita acknowledged his words。 He had convinced these friends that his theory was correct。 The course ahead was plain。
  The very stratagem whereby Castenago had disposed of Durez was the weak link in the dictator's armor。 If revealed as the dabbler in international crime; the dictator would find himself an outcast。 The unmasking of Luis Castenago was the deed The Shadow sought to acplish。
  Upon it depended the freedom of a nation!
  ONLY The Shadow could have found the weak link in the chain with which Castenago fettered Centralba。 Visualizing the case from every angle; Francisco Peridor was fixed in that conclusion。 Strange how the trail had reversed itself under The Shadow's logic!
  Leading directly away from Castenago; it had e right back to the man itself; but what to do about it was a very moot problem。
  Peridor; himself; was powerless and the same applied to Mariquita。 What they had learned aroused their hopes; but equally increased their danger。
  Should Castenago even suspect what they had learned; their lives would be snuffed on the instant。 Both felt that whatever aid they might supply; would be too feeble to assist The Shadow's cause。
  To their surprise; The Shadow deemed otherwise。 First; he was counting upon Peridor to supply him with needed information regarding Castenago。 Details of the presidential palace could help; so Peridor supplied them。 Names of persons who might oppose Castenago could also be of use; but Peridor shook his head at the mere mention。
  No one dared oppose Castenago; he said; though many would relish the chance。 That; in itself; bore one promise。 Should Castenago be exposed as an international plotter; any witness to the fact would so testify; if assured of safety。
  In brief; Castenago was not surrounded by a council of plotters; for he trusted no one whose craft might even approach his own。 Instead; he depended upon human tools who were subject to intimidation。 It would be a case of turning a lot of worms against the early bird。
  During that discussion; The Shadow dropped the detailed information that Mariquita wanted。 He mentioned Colin Nayre and the fact that he had escaped by plane to somewhere in the Caribbean。
  Though The Shadow did not definitely state that Nayre planned an immediate return to Centralba; Mariquita's eyes glistened with eager hope。 It was after she had gone that The Shadow told her father that Nayre might even now be around。
  〃Nayre's safety; of course; depends on secrecy;〃 declared The Shadow。
  〃Should his path cross mine; I shall acquaint him with the facts; though he is one person who might learn them independently。 Our main issue; however; is Castenago。〃
  There was a solemn nod from Peridor。 He was racking his brain for a way to trap the dictator。
  〃If I could only gain more time…〃
  〃That is easy enough;〃 interrupted The Shadow。 〃Play into Castenago's hands through unwise statements。 Offer to eulogize Durez; as though you took Castenago's amnesty at face value。 It will give Castenago opportunity to instigate a new demonstration among the students。〃
  Wearily; Peridor smiled。 He was tired of intrigue; but the suggestion pleased him。 It would be a duel of wits between La Sombra and Luis Castenago。
  Peridor was glad that he had found a friend who could supply the strategy at which the professor himself had failed。 This particular stroke was so in keeping with Peridor's natural style; that Castenago would never suspect its subtlety。
  〃It will help;〃 Peridor agreed。 〃But to what end? Granted that Castenago has afforded refuge to assassins; why need he ever admit it? If Wessel and his friends are discovered at 

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