八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.dictatorofcrime >



小说: mg.dictatorofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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  They believed such things in Centralba; if given enough evidence to stir the native imagination。 The Shadow's own efforts; coupled with the arrival of the mysterious bomb; had supplied evidence in plenty。
  Such talk would spread; and grow。 Nothing could stop it; not even if Castenago issued a manifesto saying that such rumors must cease。
  The Shadow knew!
  CASTENAGO didn't issue any manifesto the next day; nor did Peridor decide to make his speech。 Each was wise in his way。 Though Castenago's iron make…up was immune to superstition; he had enough of the Indian in him to know the native mind。 He was willing to hear the name 〃La Sombra〃 whispered by awed voices; even among the palace servants。
  Out of the maudlin reports that police and soldiers gave him; Castenago heard enough to assure himself that The Shadow was no myth; which was all he wanted to know。
  As for Peridor; he saw that his inflammatory speech could be reserved for a later occasion。 The bomb blast had acplished enough for the present。 In Centralba; bombs; no matter who cast them; meant one thing definitely: that the recipient was unpopular。
  Since the bomb had gone off in Peridor's patio; it was plain that he had enemies。 No one ever threw bombs at soldiers。 It wasn't customary。 Sniping at them with rifles was a popular pastime during a revolution; and might be applied in peaceful times。 But; bombs…never!
  As for the gatomontes; no one ever did anything about them。 They were a parative novelty; and no technique toward their disposal had yet been invented。 Nor was anyone likely to brood over that particular problem; since the gatomontes were the especial pets of Luis Castenago。 They were good to leave alone; hence it was regarded as quite accidental that two of them should have been at the exact place where a bomb exploded。 Too bad for the gatomontes; and even worse for the bomber; if Castenago ever found out who he was。
  The guests at the Imperial Hotel heard some of the queer rumors; but only Margo Lane took them seriously。 She knew that 〃La Sombra〃 meant The Shadow; and she asked Kent Allard what he thought about it。
  His attitude was one of plete indifference。 He had other matters to worry about; so he said; though he didn't specify what they were。
  Margo dropped the hint that Lamont Cranston might be in Centralba; but Allard only shook his head。 He was quite sure that Cranston would have joined the party; had he arrived in Libertad。 There; the subject rested。
  Early in the afternoon; Margo had an inkling of what troubled Allard。 An imposing car stopped in front of the hotel and two palace guards came inside。
  When they went out; Allard was with them。 Obviously; be had been summoned by Castenago。
  Margo decided that it must have something to do with the continuation of the air cruise。 Perhaps Castenago didn't like strangers dropping in from the sky; unannounced。
  WHEN The Shadow reached the presidential palace; he was conducted farther than the reception room; which pleased him; because it offered him a chance to check; firsthand; on information supplied by Peridor。
  Everything tallied perfectly; even the dimensions of the various apartments which The Shadow saw。 When he was conducted along a side passage in an extensive wing; he knew where they were taking him。 Peridor had specially mentioned this passage。 It led to an elevator that went up to Castenago's private council chamber。
  The elevator was of the self…operating type。 The man who guided Allard pressed a button and the car came down; with absolute silence。 Bowed into the elevator; Allard found himself alone; but he didn't have to press a button; because the car went up automatically。 When it stopped; the door slid wide; revealing the council room。
  Behind a long council table sat Luis Castenago; alone。 He was busy going over papers; hence his eyes were lowered。 Behind him were murals flooded with his own figure; painted in life size。
  One showed Castenago taking the oath of office; another depicted him delivering his inaugural address。 The third was Castenago casting the single ballot that made him president of Centralba for life。
  No other faces appeared in the panels。 Hence; there were four Castenagos in the room…the one at the table and three portrayed upon the wall。
  The living Castenago was as motionless as the painted ones; but there was no question as to his reality。 He must have known the exact time that it took the silent elevator to go down and up; for he spoke; without glancing from his papers; the moment that The Shadow approached the table。
  〃Good afternoon; Mr。 Allard;〃 he said politely。 〃We have an apology to offer you。 It concerns the search that was made in your room while you were absent last night。〃
  Castenago's own eyes were searching as they finally looked up。 They met a gaze equal to their own; the steady one that The Shadow provided as Kent Allard。 After a prolonged stare; Castenago turned away and sorted the papers; picking the ones he wanted。
  〃You knew that your room was searched?〃
  〃I had no reason to suppose so;〃 returned The Shadow coolly。 〃Everything was exactly as I left it。〃
  〃Two of my best men did the work;〃 acknowledged Castenago in a pleased purr。 〃One moment; please; senor; while I mark remendations on their reports。 I shall tell them that they owe thanks to you。 You are sure that you noticed nothing?〃
  〃Nothing except that the room smelled bad。 But that didn't surprise me。
  The windows were open and the wind was blowing from the general direction of the palace。〃
  The cold glint that flashed in Castenago's eyes turned to a reflective stare。 He happened to remember that the palace lay in a direct line between Mount Lotomoro and the Imperial Hotel。
  The volcano had been very smoky shortly after sunset; sending a drift of sulphur fumes toward Libertad。 Maybe Allard was allergic toward sulphur; but; from the look that Castenago finally gave him; he might learn to like it; along with brimstone; if he wasn't careful。
  〃I haven't told you the reason for the search;〃 continued Castenago。 〃It happened that you left for the casino earlier than the other members of your party。〃
  〃Quite so;〃 resumed The Shadow。 〃I understood there was a fiesta; so I took a stroll around town。 I met a pair of your gatomontes; by the way。〃
  〃There is no report to that effect。〃
  〃They didn't see me。 They were chasing fireflies at the time。 I suppose they caught the fiesta fever。〃
  ALLARD'S statement was so direct; that Castenago made a note of it。 His gatomontes had one weakness; as a rule。 They tried to impress the senoritas; even when on duty。 Since the belles of Libertad liked fireflies for their bs; Castenago didn't doubt Allard's statement。
  It happened that the dictator lacked a report from the gatomontes who had mistaken The Shadow's flashlight for a firefly。 The bomb that blasted Peridor's balcony had blotted them off Castenago's pay roll。
  〃My followers sometimes mistake my suggestions for mands;〃 proceeded Castenago; narrowing his smudgy eyebrows。 〃After the banquet; I suggested that you take your friends to the casino。 When you left; it was presumed that you had violated a mand。
  〃A search was therefore in order; according to a recent regulation。 Had I been notified; I would have countermanded it; but I was busy with a council meeting。〃
  The Shadow knew that Castenago was covering the facts of the search。 It had actually begun while he was at the casino; for it was over when he reached the hotel; to observe the car that had followed the cab。
  Evidently Castenago was trying to learn if Allard had returned to the hotel at that time; so The Shadow didn't oblige him with any indication of the fact。
  Adroitly; Castenago shifted the subject。 He dropped the matter of the preceding night and referred to plans for the ing evening; at the same time introducing subtle reminders of the things he had already said。
  〃I understand that your friends enjoyed the casino;〃 declared Castenago。
  〃You will be there again this evening all the evening。〃
  〃At your suggestion?〃 queried The Shadow。 〃Or by your mand?〃
  〃Neither; Senor Allard。 Let us say; at my request。 It is sometimes dangerous to move about in Libertad after dark。 Last night; something serious occurred…an explosion at the home of Professor Peridor。 Now; in your case; senor…〃
  As Castenago paused; The Shadow inserted a statement in Allard's clipped tone:
  〃You told me that you would arrange for me to see Professor Peridor。 I am still waiting; your excellency。 In fact; I supposed that you called me here to arrange that particular matter。〃
  〃I did; senor!〃 The eyebrows were moving in acpaniment to Castenago's triumphant tone。 〃I want you at the casino; so that I can reach you promptly as soon as I arrange the Peridor meeting。 The bomb incident makes it imperative to use caution in such a meeting。 Not only for your safety; senor; but for mine; and; particularly〃…his stress was heavy…〃for the safety of our good friend Peridor。〃
  Very cute of Castenago; sugar…coating everything in such smooth style。
  Noting Allard's nod of acknowledgment; the dictator's thick lips stretched a smile above his undershot jaw。 His eyes held their fixed glitter; as he added:
  〃I am holding a council meeting this evening。 A usual session; but there is no way of knowing how long is will last。 One hour…two…perhaps more。
  Which is why I wish to have you available; senor。 I shall call the casino immediately after the council meeting。〃
  Castenago arose。 He stiffened into a Napoleonic pose。 When standing; he matched to an absolute degree the life…sized portraits in their gilded frames。
  Perhaps he was practicing for another picture; which would portray him issuing a decree。 The Shadow had risen; also。 He; too; was standing stiffly; until Castenago said:
  〃The audience is over。 My secretary; Estaban; will escort you to your car; Senor Allard。〃
  ESTABAN; small and sallow; stepped right up to the desk and bowed。
  Castenago was watching Allard's face intently; to see if it showed surprise 

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