八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.dictatorofcrime >



小说: mg.dictatorofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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  ESTABAN; small and sallow; stepped right up to the desk and bowed。
  Castenago was watching Allard's face intently; to see if it showed surprise at the secretary's sudden appearance。
  Not a flicker came。 The Shadow had already observed the silence of Castenago's private elevator; and had known that at any time someone might step surreptitiously into the room。
  It was typical of Castenago; to have things fixed that way。 In an emergency; he could have an assassin dispose of an unwanted visitor by ing from the noiseless elevator; cross the heavily tufted floor; and deliver a knife thrust in the back。
  Probably Castenago had secret push buttons beneath the desk; where he could press them with his knee to summon such creatures as Estaban; or others more formidable。
  Since Castenago's own chair faced the elevator; he alone could see the solid door slide open。 His plans; The Shadow took it; would be so well arranged that Castenago wouldn't even have to signal。 The mere pressure of the correct knee button would bring the proper person for whatever he wanted。 In this instance; Castenago had merely required his secretary; Estaban。
  Despite his crude exterior; Castenago used subtlety in everything he did。
  The Shadow considered that point while Estaban was conducting him downstairs。
  Castenago hadn't needed to bring the secretary; for he had let Allard e upstairs alone。
  Unquestionably; the dictator was trying to impress the point that a slinky assassin; or a pair of hefty gatomontes; could have entered in place of the frail secretary。 In brief; Castenago could have done with Allard as he chose。
  Murder; arrest; or safe…conduct from the palace…all were the same to Luis Castenago; dependent purely upon his policy; or even his whim。
  Unquestionably; the demonstration hid a deeper purpose。 Analyzing the case; The Shadow saw what it could be。 Castenago was assuming; of course; that Allard might be The Shadow。 He wanted Allard to be at the casino this evening。
  Therefore; it was logical that Murk Wessel and his fellow crooks would be absent from their luxurious hide…out。
  That prospect fitted perfectly with what The Shadow had told Peridor:
  namely; that Castenago and Wessel would have to hold a get…together。 It also jibed with Castenago's mention of a council meeting; a perfect cover…up for a parley between the dictator and Murk's outfit。 Foreseeing such arrangements; The Shadow intended to act accordingly。
  The driver of Allard's car gave a sudden start。 Though it was broad daylight; he fancied that he had heard a faint echo from the distance。 A strange sound; no louder than a whisper; but it was grimly mirthful; matching the mysterious laugh attributed to La Sombra!
  Anxiously; the driver peered toward the smoking cone of Lotomoro and hoped that the reviving demons of Indian lore would be content within their sulphurous abode!
  IT was still daylight when Kent Allard arrived at the Casino Internacional。 A mild play had started at the roulette tables; and Pierre Treban; the dapper manager of the casino; was on hand。 He gestured Allard to a place; only to receive a negative headshake。
  〃I came to find out if the casino had opened;〃 said Allard。 〃Also to learn if my friends could dine here。〃
  〃As you see; senor; it is open; and we serve dinner on the terrace。〃
  〃Good! May I telephone the hotel?〃
  Treban bowed toward a far door; saying that it was his office and that a telephone was available there。 So The Shadow went there; called the hotel; and spoke to Margo Lane。
  Using Allard's tone; he asked her to tell the others that the casino was open。 Then; formally; he added:
  〃I should like to have you dine with me; Miss Lane; here at the casino。 If you wish; I can e back to the hotel to meet you。〃
  〃That won't be necessary;〃 assured Margo。 〃I'll e to the casino。 Where will you be? At the roulette table?〃
  〃Not this early。 Suppose we meet in the gardens。〃
  The call was finished and The Shadow was opening the office door; when Treban appeared。 What the dapper man said convinced The Shadow of what he had already guessed: that the office telephone was tapped。
  〃Ah; Senor Allard;〃 spoke Treban。 〃So you have called your friends。
  Perhaps; while you await them; you would like to see our gardens。〃
  Escorted by Treban; The Shadow started his tour of the extensive gardens。
  It was only too plain that Treban was conducting him through the finished sections keeping strictly away from places where workmen were planting new shrubs。 Amidst his polite gesticulations; Treban kept glancing at the sun。
  He was trying to stall until sunset; when the workers quit; but his scheme failed。 As Treban pointed to a gorgeous bed of poppies; Allard looked the other way; through a miniature forest of thin bamboo that screened the rest of the garden。
  〃Look; senor。 So beautiful…〃
  〃Very beautiful。 Too beautiful to be kept waiting。〃
  With that; Allard started by path around the bamboo thicket。 Treban shouted after him; causing a group of workmen to look up。
  The Shadow saw their faces; those of Murk Wessel and kindred rats; before they could duck away。 However; he ignored them; turning at Treban's shouts; he was in time to score again。
  Treban was trying to shoo the phony workmen toward the casino。 He stopped when Allard looked his way。 Hurrying up; Treban inquired:
  〃You saw someone; senor?〃
  〃I thought I saw Miss Lane。〃 The Shadow glanced about。 〃Yes; there she is。〃
  He'd timed things neatly。 Margo had actually arrived in the garden。
  Hurrying to greet her; The Shadow was there ahead of Treban。 In an undertone that suited Allard; he said:
  〃Keep watching those workmen; but don't let Treban notice。 Try to see where they go。〃
  Treban joined them; and kept watching Allard to make sure he didn't look the wrong way…which made it easy for Margo。 Suggesting that Margo might like to see the flowers; Treban conducted them on another short tour through the finished part of the gardens。
  Finally; they arrived back in the office。 Treban left them in order to reserve a dinner table。
  Allard's gesture stopped a question that was on Margo's lips。 The Shadow knew that the entire office might be wired to pick up conversation there。 He proffered a cigarette; then lighted his own。 He strolled to the wall and examined a framed floor plan of the casino。 He'd finished when Treban returned to conduct them to a secluded table on the terrace。
  There; Allard's nod assured Margo that she could speak。
  〃They went into a little door at the inner corner of the wing;〃 said Margo。 〃But they didn't look like natives。 They reminded me of American mobsters。 Are they?〃
  〃Very probably。 Some ugly customers followed me when I left the casino last night。 That's why I wanted to check among the workmen。〃
  〃But what would foreign crooks be doing here?〃
  〃That's what I'm going to find out。〃
  THE waiter had arrived to take the order。 The Shadow gave him a steady look and decided he was all right。 Probably Treban was playing safe; hoping to lull any suspicions。
  Margo saw Allard draw a gold piece from his pocket and drop it on the table。 The coin flipped over; it had two heads。 That was the way with all gold coins in Centralba。 Castenago's image was stamped on both sides。
  〃If I like the dinner; this goes double。〃 Apparently; Allard thought the waiter had stepped away。 〃What's more; we'll dine here again tomorrow night; and call for the same waiter; if he proves a good one。 I like discreet waiters:
  the kind who never remember what they see or hear。〃
  Margo caught the idea and helped by giving an embarrassed gesture。 Allard looked up to see the waiter。 Pocketing the gold piece; as if for future reference; Allard let it clink against another in his pocket and exchanged smiles with Margo。
  The waiter bowed in a manner that indicated he would be utterly discreet。
  He went away as soon as the order was given。
  〃That fellow won't say a word to Treban;〃 assured Allard。 〃But keep an eye out while I'm gone。〃
  〃You're going to look for those crooks?〃
  〃I'm going to find them!〃 Allard's manner was emphatic。 〃From what I saw of the floor plan; I won't have any trouble getting to the place where you saw them go。〃
  The Shadow had no trouble; despite the fact that he was making his excursion as Allard; not as a figure cloaked in black。
  It was dark outside and the gloom had pervaded the casino; except where brilliant chandeliers shone upon the gaming tables。 Moreover; the coolness that always came from nightfall had brought a great many more players to the place。
  It was easy for Allard to sidle through the edges of the throng and reach the pillars that supported the surrounding balcony。 There were promenades behind those pillars; dimly lighted and deserted。 Easing along; The Shadow paused briefly at each pillar; until he reached the door he wanted。
  It led to a passage; where The Shadow reached a side stairs。 Going down; he picked his way about; through the passages and rooms on the floor below; using his tiny flashlight in the probe。 He was narrowing the quest to a room shown on the floor plan; which had been marked 〃respiradero de mina;〃
  signifying an air shaft。
  Much too large for an air shaft; the marked room had struck The Shadow as a likely hide…out for Murk Wessel and the other fake workmen。
  Halfway across a storeroom; The Shadow halted; then took a swift turn toward a cloth…covered bulk in the corner。 The thing was a shrouded roulette table; reserve equipment for the gambling hall upstairs。
  Crouching; The Shadow was gone from sight when a metal partition slid open at the end of the room。 Pierre Treban stepped into sight; plain against the light behind him。 He was ing from the so…called air chamber。
  Letting Treban go by; The Shadow approached the partition and slid it open; just a crack。 Through the space he saw Murk Wessel and the other crooks; sitting on the edge of cots under a hanging lamp。 They'd just begun to discuss the news that Treban had brought them。
  〃So Castenago wants to see us;〃 Murk

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