八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.dictatorofcrime >



小说: mg.dictatorofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃So Castenago wants to see us;〃 Murk was saying。 〃I told you we'd be hearing from him soon enough。〃
  〃Yeah;〃 put in a crook。 〃But he didn't say anything about giving us the cut we asked for。〃
  〃Why should he?〃 demanded Murk。 〃Treban is only the go…between。 Castenago is going to talk to us; personal。 Don't worry about us getting ours。 I'll make him boost the ante; if anything。〃
  〃How'll you do that; Murk?〃
  〃By playing up this Shadow business。 Maybe His Nibs is worried。 Those monkeys of his met up with The Shadow last night; and didn't do a thing about it。 We're the guys Castenago needs。〃
  There were mutters of doubt。 Murk's followers hadn't forgotten what happened to their pals in Miami Beach。 They were figuring that Murk was playing into Castenago's probable argument that less money would be satisfactory; if each man received a larger share。 Maybe there would be larger shares; if thugs met up with The Shadow。 Larger; for those who survived。 Understanding the grumbles; Murk silenced them。
  〃That's only the line I'm going to hand Castenago;〃 he assured。 〃What we asked for; with a bonus later; when we nick The Shadow。 When we get the dough; we can forget the bonus。〃
  IN the pleased responses; The Shadow caught references to 〃a million bucks;〃 which indicated that Castenago had promised a straight ten percent to Murk for knocking off Durez and bringing the funds back to the dictator's treasury。
  It wasn't surprising that Murk had settled for so little。 A million dollars was probably far beyond any of his crooked dreams。 Besides; ten millions wouldn't have been worth ten cents; had he stayed in the United States after his crime; or even fled to any country other than Centralba。 Murk was marked; safe only through Castenago's aid。
  〃Get ready; guys;〃 declared Murk。 〃We're due at the palace soon。 We'll
  sneak out and give a flash to Treban。 He'll flash back from his office when everything's ready。 The gatomontes will be along the route; signaling if its clear。
  〃Treban says we'll have an hour before the council meeting。 Castenago wants to have a session with us first; and let his regular stooges wait。 An hour's enough。 It won't take us long to sell our idea to Big Chin Face。 I'm
  telling you; Castenago is worried!〃
  The partition had closed。 The Shadow was returning upstairs。 Margo had finished her first course; and the next was waiting; so Allard told the waiter to serve it and bring the rest along。 As soon as the waiter had hurried away; The Shadow said to Margo:
  〃I'll stay about twenty minutes。 After that; if anyone asks you; just say that I'm still around。 I found those fellows; and they're going to the presidential palace。 Somebody has to do something about it。〃
  Margo gained the impression that 〃somebody〃 was The Shadow; and that Allard intended to inform him of the brewing trouble。 She still believed that Lamont Cranston had e to Libertad and had established contact with Kent Allard。
  Twenty minutes later; Allard was on his way and Margo was finishing her desert alone。 As she left the table; she saw Treban approaching; and walked straight past him; looking toward the roulette players as though expecting to see Allard among them。
  Treban cocked his head; looked at the table that Margo had left; and promptly went back to his office。 Margo hoped he wasn't going to call Castenago。 Allard hadn't had much time yet to contact Cranston。
  Margo wouldn't have worried had she been able; at that moment; to see them both…Allard and Cranston; rolled into one personality: The Shadow。 He was in the back room of the little shop which he used as headquarters; and had just finished putting on his cloak and hat。
  Something rolled from the shelf; and The Shadow caught it before it fell; to turn his flashlight on it。 The thing was a hollow wooden egg; that broke open slightly; to show a smaller egg within it。
  A novelty of Japanese manufacture; popular years ago in America; and probably something new today in Centralba。 The Shadow laughed softly as he replaced the wooden egg upon the shelf。
  It made him think of the ing situation: a game within a game。 Perhaps it would have been better had The Shadow let the wooden egg fall to the floor。
  He'd have remembered; then; that there were still more eggs within it; a whole nest of them; that would have cracked apart; down to the smallest egg that formed the tiny core。
  When Luis Castenago played a game with a game; there were apt to be games inside that game; and many of them。
  The Shadow was to learn!
  IT was a very swift and easy trip to the presidential palace; for The Shadow took short cuts; through narrow passages between buildings and even across plazas。
  Last night; there had been gatomontes lurking among the buildings; and merrymakers thronging the plazas; making both courses difficult。
  This evening; the gatomontes were watching the streets; to make sure that a certain car ing from the casino was neither followed nor intercepted; while the plazas were deserted because there was no fiesta。 In fact; The Shadow didn't have the slightest bother; until he reached the palace itself。
  There were soldiers; palace guards; around the fountains above the great marble steps。 They had hired a strolling marimba player to entertain with his music; and the mellow notes of the instrument were blending with the tinkle of the illuminated fountains。
  There was too much light for entry by that route; but the presence of so many soldiers pleased The Shadow。 It meant that there would be less inside the palace; and probably none around their own headquarters; the presidio。 So The Shadow skirted the palace; scaled the low roof of the rear building; and took a look at a large courtyard within。
  The yard was a cement parade ground; very dim in the darkness behind the palace。 Footsteps would clatter a warning if they arrived there; so The Shadow calmly stretched to the nearest window of the palace and gradually worked it open。
  Once inside; he worked his way through darkness; with the occasional use of his tiny flashlight。 He took a look from a side window to make sure that no cars had yet arrived; bringing the members of Castenago's so…called 〃council。〃
  Seeing no cars; The Shadow took his time。 He was quite sure that Castenago and Wessel would prolong their business meeting to the limit。
  However well Murk's offer impressed Castenago; the dictator would try to chisel on the price; because if he didn't; Murk would try to raise it。 If they did e to terms; Castenago would want Murk to detail just how he would go after The Shadow; and in turn; Wessel would have to stall over that particular question。
  With fifteen minutes still to go before the hour when the regular council met; The Shadow had enough time; indeed; too much。
  The Shadow was playing for the perfect moment。 It would e when Castenago was ready to end his present conference; to make ready for the next。
  Bold though it seemed; The Shadow intended to hold one group until the other arrived; thus placing Murk Wessel & Co。 on exhibit for the members of the Centralban national council。
  It was something that Castenago would never wipe off; and the stroke was possible。 The Shadow intended to acplish it by a system of swift surprise。
  Through the almost…deserted palace; which he knew quite well from Peridor's information; The Shadow reached the elevator leading up to the council room。 He'd seen a few secretaries; like Estaban; but had easily glided from sight behind the filigreed pillars and fancy doors so prevalent throughout the palace。
  The Shadow made a quick search with his eyes; to make sure that no one was near the elevator passage; then pressed the button that brought the silent car。
  Stepping into the elevator; The Shadow waited while the door slid shut。
  The car started its upward trip; and during the ride; the cloaked invader produced his automatics。 He was at the very front of the elevator when it stopped; and as the door slid aside; he made a quick twist through the opening into the lighted council chamber As he came; The Shadow issued a sinister laugh that left no doubt as to his identity。 There were figures about the great table; but all were turned away except one: Luis Castenago。
  It was straight for the thick…necked dictator that The Shadow directed one bulging gun; giving it an upward gesture。 The move brought Castenago to his feet; hands half raised; making it impossible for him to use the knee buttons that would summon aid。
  Meanwhile; The Shadow's other gun was circling the table; ready to explode if a single person defied him。 The piercing burn of the eyes beneath The Shadow's hat brim were meant for all to see。 Rats like Murk Wessel couldn't take a chance; now that The Shadow had cowed Castenago in the tyrant's own lair。
  The Shadow knew。 Yet; with such knowledge; his next laugh faded on his lips as frightened faces met his eyes。
  The game had gone one layer deeper。
  These men with Castenago weren't Murk Wessel and his brood of murderers。
  They were dignified Centralbans; half a dozen of them; some with dark…bearded faces; others with sallow countenances that had taken a curious pallor。
  They didn't exclaim; 〃The Shadow;〃 as crooks would have。 The name they uttered was:
  〃La Sombra!〃
  RIVETED; The Shadow understood。 He had broken right into the middle of a bona fide council meeting。 Stooges or not; these were the men who represented the law in Centralba; and The Shadow had mistakenly disclosed himself in a manner that would cause them to regard him as an armed malefactor。
  These were the very men to whom The Shadow had intended to reveal Castenago's masquerade; by unmasking the dictator as the real head of a group of international murderers。
  How neatly had Castenago called the turn! The smile on his evil lips was an answer to the simple riddle that The Shadow had already solved。
  Castenago had called the council meeting early。 The Shadow hadn't seen the cars; because they had e and gone。 Positive that Kent Allard was The Shadow; sure that the mysterious crime…hunter would

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