八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.dictatorofcrime >



小说: mg.dictatorofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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he Casino Internacional。
  From his window; Pierre Treban saw them and merely shrugged。 They would soon give up hope of gathering a crowd of music…lovers in the garden。 People in the casino were too intrigued with the melody of the spinning roulette wheels。
  Treban forgot certain persons quartered downstairs in the casino。 Murk Wessel and his crew had no roulette wheel; and they were sick of playing poker with chips that were based on a million dollar I O U。 They recognized a tune that was nothing but discord to the ears of Treban; who thought that all music began and ended with opera。
  〃Get a load of that!〃 exclaimed Murk to the others。 〃Those monkeys are banging out the 'Sidewalks of New York'! Maybe some tourists taught it to them。
  Let's find out what else they know。〃
  Poking from the hide…out; Murk gave a low whistle that stopped the music。
  Murk beckoned; and a lone mariachi approached; a bit doubtfully。 Murk didn't see the figure that simultaneously emerged from a car parked in semi…darkness。
  It was the cloaked shape of The Shadow。 From the car; Margo Lane and John Smith watched the black…clad form blend with the darkness of the shrubbery。
  Both were pleased。
  Murk gestured the mariachi into the storeroom; indicating that he could bring in the other musicians。 The mariachi saw the light from the air chamber and strolled curiously toward it。 Murk grinned; deciding to let the fellow get acquainted with the rest of his audience。
  Stopping on the threshold; the mariachi saw the other crooks around the card table; and turned questioningly toward Murk; who told him to step inside。
  Murk followed; and slid the panel shut。
  The musician's glance had shown him vague blackness entering the outer door。 Looking about; he noticed the panel move。 A gun muzzle was ing through; indicating that The Shadow was reversing the trick of the portrait frames。 This was the signal for the mariachi to take the all…important plunge。
  He whipped off his bandanna headgear; revealing a shock of straw…hued hair above his dark…tanned face。
  〃You chaps should remember me;〃 he said in English。 〃I'm Colin Nayre! We met in Miami Beach。〃
  With a loud growl; Murk Wessel gestured his pals back to their seats; and turned to the ex…mariachi。
  〃What's the gag; Nayre? Spill it!〃
  〃No gag;〃 returned Nayre bluntly。 〃I just don't like to be double…crossed; any more than you do。〃
  〃Yeah? Who double…crossed you?〃
  Nayre gave Murk an almost contemptuous glance and turned to the others; as though seeking corroboration。 Addressing the entire throng; he said pointedly:
  〃There's only one double…crosser in Centralba。 He'd get by anywhere。 He gave me the run…around; and now you're getting it!〃
  Murk snapped back into style。
  〃You mean Castenago made a deal with you to knock off the Durez crowd?〃
  〃What else?〃 retorted Nayre。 〃I was the right man to handle it。 The trouble was; I knew Castenago so well; that I was waiting for the cash first。
  Finding that I wasn't a sucker; he called you fellows into it。 I came back here to square accounts with Castenago。 Maybe I can get him to settle yours; too。〃
  The thing didn't entirely register with Murk。
  〃A funny way to start out;〃 he gruffed; 〃helping The Shadow the way you have。〃
  Nayre gave one of his pleasant laughs。
  〃Helping The Shadow! That's funny! All I've been doing is chucking bombs at The Shadow; figuring that if I get rid of him; Castenago will pay up plenty!
  That's the way I was supposed to knock off Durez and his friends…with bombs。
  〃The trouble is; Castenago thinks I'll toss one his way; so he faked a story that I helped The Shadow escape。 The Shadow never will; not while I carry this!〃
  Lightly; Nayre tapped his guitar; indicating that he had a bomb inside it。
  That touch convinced the crooks。 They believed the very logical yarn that The Shadow had devised for Nayre to tell them。 Murk put a shrewd question。
  〃How about us working together; Nayre? Got any ideas about making Castenago e through with the dough he owes us both?〃
  〃That's what I came here for;〃 Nayre answered。 〃I used to be the captain of the palace guard。 I can get into the place without Castenago knowing it。 But I can't demand a showdown all alone。 Castenago can summon aid too easily。
  〃With you chaps; it's the other way about。 You have the numbers; but you can't reach Castenago。 You had your chance last night; but he bluffed you。 If you helped him trap The Shadow; he certainly didn't pay you for it。〃
  〃No; he didn't;〃 growled Murk。 〃He said he'd talk about that later; on any terms we wanted。 We're waiting to hear from him after the banquet。〃
  〃You wouldn't by any chance be hearing from The Shadow; instead?〃 Nayre's query was artful。 〃Castenago would be sure of saving a million dollars; that way…〃
  Nayre didn't have to finish。 The mobsters were on their feet; demanding that Murk line up with Nayre。 Silencing the outburst; Murk gruffed a suggestion。
  〃Slide outside; Nayre;〃 he said。 〃Get rid of those mariachis。 We'll be along; and you can show us the way。〃
  AFTER he was sure that Nayre had gone outside; Murk turned to his crew。
  Shrewdly; Murk had guessed that his hold on his outfit was slipping。 He had a way to tighten it。
  〃It figures this way;〃 stated Murk。 〃We're going to get ours…double! We go to the palace with Nayre and put the heat on Big Chin Face。 We'll get our dough; and so will Nayre。 But when Nayre lams along with us; we'll rub him out and keep his gravy; too。
  〃Don't worry about the getaway。〃 Murk was waving his hands to silence questions。 〃Remember that proclamation telling that flier; Allard; to get out of Centralba? If Castenago thinks Allard is The Shadow; it fits right with what Nayre said。 Castenago wants The Shadow to knock us off; and call it quits。
  〃The Shadow isn't going to find us here; because we'll be at the palace。
  Before he wises to what's happened; we'll get to the airport and take that plane ourselves。 All tuned up and gassed; that ship; just waiting for us to take it。 We can buy up a banana republic for ourselves; with our dough and Nayre's。〃
  Murk Wessel was turning toward the sliding door。 It had gone tight shut。
  Outside; a swift…gliding figure reached the courtyard; where Nayre was waiting alone。 Briefly; The Shadow told Nayre what he had overheard。 It fitted even further with The Shadow's well…laid plan。
  The counterthrust was on its way; directed by The Shadow!
  CASTENAGO'S palace was ablaze with light when Nayre and his new panions circled it。 The dictator had declared a special fiesta in honor of Francisco Peridor; but; as usual; there was a catch。
  Citizens; stationed around the palace steps; had greeted Peridor's arrival rather coldly; then had turned themselves into a clique favoring Castenago。
  It would spread all through Libertad that Castenago was honored and Peridor disowned。 Within a few days; no one would be shocked to learn that Peridor had died。 If he didn't accept the invitation to suicide; Castenago would take a hand。
  Very easily; in Peridor's case。 Probably; the system would be another bomb blast; that no one would ever attribute to Peridor's protector; Luis Castenago。
  Meanwhile; Castenago; with Peridor seated at his right; was doing everything to honor his esteemed guest。 Having called for the best of wine; Castenago sampled the bottle that arrived。 For the first time; his face registered disapproval。 He turned to the shaky servant who had brought the wine。
  〃This is not the best!〃 stormed Castenago。 〃Fool! Why didn't you bring what I ordered?〃
  〃He would not let me。〃 The servant's quivering tone was low。 〃He said that he must speak to you; alone。 El capitan; the former one。 He is in the wine cellar。〃
  Castenago smiled at the reference to Colin Nayre。 He excused himself from the table and stepped through a curtained doorway; where he found two gatomontes。 He told them to follow him; and on the way to the cellar; Castenago beckoned to another pair。 They would be sufficient to handle Nayre。
  As for The Shadow; he wouldn't even be about。 Castenago had two reasons for his supposition。 First; The Shadow wouldn't have allowed so crude a summons from the wine cellar。 Again; The Shadow was banking on trapping Castenago when Murk Wessel was present。
  It didn't occur to the dictator that Nayre might have arranged that latter point。
  Pacing the wine cellar; Nayre was listening to a growl that came from behind a big cask set beneath shelves of bottles。 Murk Wessel was arguing that the scheme wouldn't work; and his panions; also hidden; were echoing his sentiments。
  Coolly; Nayre responded that it would。 He reminded them that this cellar wasn't a trap; for they could go out the way they came in…by the loading entrance。
  Castenago had neglected that means of entry to the palace; because it led only to the wine cellar; which was always locked。 He'd overlooked the fact that the rule didn't apply on banquet nights; when he sent a servant to the cellar with the key。
  Still arguing that Castenago would e; Nayre suddenly motioned for silence。 A door opened above a short flight of steps and Castenago peered down into the dim cellar。 He saw Nayre; costumed as a mariachi; except for the bandanna headgear。
  Without looking around; Castenago gestured for his gatomontes to wait; pair by pair; in the passage behind him。 Bluffly; the dictator stepped down into the wine cellar。
  Promptly; Nayre produced a revolver and covered him。 Castenago merely smiled。 If Nayre assassinated him; nothing could block the double death warrant that the dictator had already signed for Peridor and Mariquita。 He'd lull Nayre; Castenago would; and then summon the gatomontes to capture the fool。 Castenago still believed that Nayre had e alone。
  He lost that idea; when five men slid out from behind the wine casks。 Murk Wessel; as mander of the squad; used proper tactics。 He dispatched two gunners to cover the door that Castenago had entered; and kept the other two in reserve。
  Nayre turned to Murk and gestured for him to do the talking。

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