八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.dictatorofcrime >



小说: mg.dictatorofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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  The climber was The Shadow!
  Boldly; almost openly; he was trying to reach the darkness of the balcony above; but to manage it; he would have to swing outward; into plain sight; should anyone else stare upward。 The police by the cab might miss sight of him; they were close to the wall and still talking to the driver。 But Margo's friend by the hedge had a perfect angle from which he could spot The Shadow。 Margo's own stare up to the balcony certainly wasn't helping matters。 If she kept it up a few moments longer; the cop would probably wonder what she was looking at。
  The one thing to do was get her mind off The Shadow; and carry the officer's attention; too。 So Margo tossed away the cigarette; kicked off her slippers; and tightened the bathing cap。
  She walked to the springboard; stepped to the far end of it and poised; preparing for a swan dive。 Her eyes raised and automatically she saw the lighted windows; where Durez and his friends were entertaining their guests。
  She even caught the sound of their rising voices。
  Margo never took the swan dive。 She was frozen where she was by the sudden thing that occurred in the rooms above。 Light and gaiety ended together。 With a single blink; the windows were blotted with an absolute darkness that seemed; by its very pall; to smother the babble which ceased as the blackness came!
  With that blot that foretold immediate crime; Margo lost her last chance to spot The Shadow; as he swung out to pull himself up over the balcony rail!
  THE last moment of light in the third…floor suite showed a scene that could not be viewed from below…one which presaged the horror that was to be when the illumination ended。
  On tables and chairs in the center of the room were the coffers that had e from the armored truck; open for inspection by the bankers。 The smaller coffers were by far the heavier; for they contained gold; in coin。 Gold from the treasury of Centralba; stored up through years: governmental proceeds from such modities as oil; bananas; and mahogany。
  The former president; Francisco Peridor; who still called Centralba by its old name; had done well for his people。 All the results of his economics had reached the hands of Luis Castenago; the present dictator。
  These funds in gold; plus the American currency that swelled from the larger chests; were payment from Castenago to Durez; and others; who had fattened on private concessions; now the dictator's property。
  But Durez and the rest were more than satisfied; as their laughter told。
  Their mirth had simply increased when they saw the two American bankers stare in awe at so much wealth; particularly the gold。
  Then the scene of pelf was vanished in a trice! Not even the gold could glitter in the blackness that came when the lights went off。 The blackout could mean but one thing: a threat that produced absolute silence。 Someone was after the spoils that Castenago had yielded!
  In the pitch…darkness; men trembled。 Durez and his associates; fresh from a land where death could occur at the mere snap of a dictator's fingers; had thought themselves safe in this healthier clime where law had prevailed。
  True; they had heard that criminals could strike in such cities as Miami; or the Beach; but they had been jesting on that very point when they mentioned the terrorism that prevailed in Centralba。
  Jests were over。 The menace was here。
  A voice spoke from the doorway。 Its rasp was crimeland's edition of a dictator's harsh demands。 The tone belonged to Murk Wessel; big con man; who had switched from his more subtle specialty to outright banditry because of the profits involved。
  〃Anybody that moves gets croaked!〃 assured Murk。 〃That dough is going out of here; and nobody stops it! Savvy?〃
  This wasn't like Centralba; where the military police stepped up in daylight and marched their victims off to prison; with the promise of a mock trial that would mean a firing squad at dawn。
  Here; things happened in the darkness; where accusers didn't even show their faces。 Men of crime didn't believe in trials; even of the mock variety。
  Death's promise was immediate。
  The stir that followed made all hearers shudder; thinking that some of their fellows had foolishly moved。 But the motion came from Murk's confederates。 They were groping for the coffers; and they reached them。 There were slams as the lids went shut。 Lugging their burdens; the crooks started out。
  Even then; Murk's raspy tone was adding reminders。 There was no telling how many more of his tribe stood present。 Durez and his rades still trembled; as did the bankers。 Each felt sure that a gun had been trained upon him just as the lights vanished; and that its muzzle still threatened death。
  TWO men in the room were steady。 They were two members of the Beach police force; the pair that Murk hadn't seen go out。 They weren't budging for the present; because the time wasn't quite right。
  They wanted to get at the crooks when the exodus started; so they were gauging their wait for Murk's voice。 It wouldn't do to start shooting while helpless men were involved。 Besides; the police felt they could count on support。
  They were thinking of the private dicks who had e with the bankers。
  They didn't guess that those two supporters had already sold out to Murk; and had guns ready; not for the crooks; but for the police themselves。 This was a set…up made to crime's order; and it went even deeper。
  Murk revealed its depths when he spoke again。
  〃Some light out there in the hall;〃 he ordered。 The light came; enough to show guns but not faces; for Murk and the two men with him had their backs to the wall。 〃Now; let's look this over。 Good!〃 Murk turned; very slightly; muffling his face。 〃e in; the rest of you。 You're needed。〃
  It wasn't a bluff。 Two men eased in from the hallway; along which the precious coffers had departed。 They were experienced gunzels; these; for their crouch; the handling of their revolvers; proved it。 If Murk had shouted his intention; it couldn't have been more plain。 He was doing things as they weren't done even in Centralba。
  Murk intended to follow up his gigantic robbery with an absolute massacre!
  It drilled home to Durez and his patriots。 It even gripped the trembling bankers。 Most of all; it stirred the two local officers。 Quickly; their hands went to their guns。 They hadn't any idea that they were slated to be shot in the back; that their own actions would be the signal for a plete slaughter。
  That was recognized by only one person opposed to crime; and his response was singular。
  He laughed。
  Strange that a laugh should have changed the case entirely; but that was because the laugh itself was strange。 It came as a mocking challenge to all men of evil; a taunt that they recognized as a threat of doom to themselves。
  Sinister was that mirth from the doorway to the open balcony; where its author was visible only as a wavering shape against the slight moonlight reflected into the room。
  It was the laugh of The Shadow!
  Murk's rasp was the lead tone in a chorus of snarls as crooks; one and all; wheeled toward the spot where The Shadow had entered。 Even the traitorous private detectives betrayed their hands。 They swung from the officers they covered and aimed for the balcony; too。
  Guns volleyed with a thunder that rattled the windows; blasting straight toward the weaving target that the killers saw。 Blackness swayed; but remained。
  Again; The Shadow laughed!
  The phenomenon produced a panic。 Crooks were springing about; madly seeking the door; prepared to bowl Murk Wessel from their path。 The Shadow could have picked them off with rapid shots; right then; if the two police officers hadn't flung themselves into the tide。
  Durez and his rades; revolutionists by choice; were flinging themselves forward; too。 Yet The Shadow could have overe those handicaps。 The real trouble came from another source。
  A door slashed open; throwing a flood of light into the room。 It was a connecting door; and the man who flung it wide was Colin Nayre; the only person absent from the conference。
  THAT path of glow across the room showed the target that Murk's crew had riddled; but hadn't hurt。 The thing was a hanging curtain at the balcony door。
  In entering; The Shadow had drawn it out so that the wind could stir it。 He had been moving from the doorway when he laughed。
  At present; The Shadow lacked his former advantage。 Nayre's opening of the connecting door caught the cloaked fighter in the worst possible position。 The Shadow was dodging across the room; hoping to outflank crooks before they reached the hallway。
  Murk's harsh shout was scarcely necessary; for the rest saw The Shadow; too。 Madly; they aimed for him as he wheeled back from the light。
  The Shadow was gone; but guns were ripping; cutting a wide swath through the only area where he could be; shots aimed from three to six feet from the floor; sure to catch a whirling target; wherever he might be。
  The throats of guns had shouted crimedom's cry; with bullets to back it:
  Death to The Shadow!
  THIS time; there was no responding laugh as the echoes of the volley faded。 Instead; the bursts of guns were everywhere。
  The two policemen; relieved of the traitors who threatened them; were springing upon the crooks; shooting as they came。 They were yelling for others to get clear; and the bankers were heeding their advice。
  Durez and his patriots were not。 They were thinking of their gold; and forgetting something else: namely; that Murk had given the order for their death。 Grabbing for guns; the Centralbans were getting them from the muzzle end; with bullets as stingers。
  An odd thing was happening deep in the room。 The two private…detective traitors had turned and were looking at a figure on the floor。 It should have been dead; but it wasn't。 The Shadow was ing up; alive; and they knew why。
  He hadn't whirled away; he had taken a headlong dive; ahead of the barrage!
  Rolling on the floor; The Shadow had been below the ra

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