八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > mg.dictatorofcrime >



小说: mg.dictatorofcrime 字数: 每页4000字

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  Dropping his cloak from his shoulders and removing his slouch hat; The Shadow picked up a cap that the cabby had neglected to take when he bolted。
  Police certainly wouldn't question an empty cab; driven by a man who wore a uniform cap; when it came to the northern barricade。 The Shadow would simply claim that he was answering a call from Golden Beach; a few miles north; along the strip of land that separated the ocean from the bay。
  Again; The Shadow laughed; this time in anticipation of a task that might amend the opportunities that freakish luck had turned to crime's advantage。
  THE roadster was making rapid time along the beach road leading north。
  Nayre was insistent upon speed; and Margo wasn't in a mood to disagree; not while the pressure of a cold gun muzzle was so constant。
  Nayre had a casual way of easing pressure and applying it again。 Sometimes he shifted the muzzle; so that Margo wouldn't merely imagine that she felt it。
  How many miles they'd gone; Margo couldn't guess。 She was just beginning to think about the speedometer; for future reference; when Nayre gave another nudge with the gun。 Coolly; yet with a tone of politeness; he said:
  〃Turn in there。〃
  By 〃there;〃 Nayre meant a sand road at the left of the highway。 Margo applied the brakes and made the turn。
  As she did; she saw a building that looked something like an office; though it was in ramshackle condition。 It was topped by a sign that could be read in the moonlight; even though the painting was faded。 The sign read: FIVE DOLLARS AND UP。
  Nayre told Margo to stop the car as they rounded the building。 Obeying; the girl saw another ancient structure; that looked something like an airplane hangar。
  Nayre turned off the ignition; but left the key in the lock; though it wasn't any help。 As he opened the door on his side; he beckoned with his revolver and said:
  〃e along。〃
  At least; the sand was thick underfoot; and therefore soft to her bare feet; as Margo walked to the old office building; Nayre keeping close beside her。 There; Nayre knocked; and the door was opened by a dull…faced man who held a lantern。 Nayre didn't introduce himself。 He merely questioned:
  〃Where's Brady?〃
  〃Over at his cottage;〃 the man drawled sleepily。 〃Want me to get him?〃
  〃Yes。 Hurry。〃
  Hanging the lantern on a beam; the dull…faced man took a dim flashlight in its place and departed。 Margo could scarcely see the flashlight's beam in the moonlight。 She was watching the man walk over toward the beach; when Nayre's revolver supplied another reminder。 Again; his order was brief:
  〃e inside。〃
  The room they entered was an office; as Margo expected。 Nayre motioned her to a cushioned chair; the only one of its sort; and sat down on the desk。
  Pocketing the revolver; Nayre eyed Margo quite steadily。
  〃If you don't know who I am;〃 he said; 〃my name is Colin Nayre。 I came in with the bunch from Centralba。〃
  Margo nodded。 Nayre quizzed:
  〃And your name?〃
  Margo gave it; wherewith; Nayre furnished a reassuring smile。
  〃Sorry I had to inconvenience you; Miss Lane;〃 he declared; 〃but I was in a big hurry。 There was a lot of shooting going on; and the police seemed to think that I'd taken a hand on the wrong side。〃
  〃Which side was that?〃 queried Margo。 〃I really don't know very much about it。〃
  〃Let me explain what happened;〃 suggested Nayre。 〃A crowd of crooks showed up and grabbed the cash that we'd brought in from Centralba。〃
  〃And you sided with your friends; of course。〃
  〃Yes; with my friends。〃 Nayre's clear eyes took a meditative expression。
  〃If you can call them such。 Anyway; they're all dead; Jose Durez and his friends。 I suppose I'll e in for blame; because they lost their cash before they died。〃
  QUITE apparently; Nayre was watching for Margo's reaction。 Inwardly; she was rather shocked to learn that murder had been acplished。 However; Margo was able to feign indifference。
  She asked Nayre if he had a cigarette; remarking that she'd left her own in a pocket of her bathing robe。 Nayre produced cigarettes; gave Margo one; and took another for himself。
  〃You've heard about this Centralba business;〃 said Nayre dryly; 〃or you wouldn't take it so indifferently。 Tell me: does it strike you oddly?〃
  Margo nodded。 She admitted that she couldn't understand why a dictator like Luis Castenago had allowed an opponent of Jose Durez's caliber to go free; with his friends; and take along the profits from their previous concession。 Her stress of the word 〃friends〃 caught Nayre's attention。
  〃I suppose you're wondering why I was tied up with Durez and his crowd;〃
  remarked Nayre。 〃The answer is simple: I wasn't。 To answer another question that may be in your mind; I'm not a double…crosser; and never was。〃
  〃Then how…〃
  〃How did I get mixed in it?〃 interposed Nayre。 〃Very easily。 I was the man who organized the presidential guards under the old regime; when Centralba really was a republic。 I mean when Francisco Peridor was president。〃
  〃So you stayed when Castenago took over?〃
  〃Yes。 Peridor suggested it。 He said that Castenago's election was legal; which it happened to be; the way they run elections down there。 The first man who gets to the polls has the privilege of counting the votes; and Castenago had his men first; everywhere。
  〃Castenago wanted me to keep my job as captain of the guard; and when Peridor advised it; I did。 I hated it the longer it continued; and was ready to quit when the Durez faction bobbed up。 When everything smacked of revolution; they suddenly showed up at the presidential palace; bringing Peridor with them。
  A really fine gentleman; Francisco Peridor。〃
  Nayre was staring into space; so ardently that Margo felt sure she could reach the door without him noticing her departure。 The opportunity tempted her;
  but she didn't take it。 Nayre had spoken frankly; and said enough to convince her that he was quite as decent a chap as she supposed。
  Therefore; she wasn't worried; and by remaining; she might learn some real inside facts that Lamont Cranston would like to know。
  Facts for The Shadow!
  〃Peridor was grand;〃 declared Nayre; in a tone of recollection。 〃He told Castenago that he sided with the Durez faction because they wanted reform in Centralba。 It amazed me; the way Castenago listened and the promise he offered。 He said he would institute every reform that Peridor wanted; if Jose Durez would leave the country and take his friends with him。
  〃Of course; they hedged; until Castenago became generous。 He insisted on that one point: they would have to leave; as a token of good faith。 So they began talking terms regarding their concessions。
  〃He granted everything they asked; provided that they get out。 So they did; and I had to e with them; because; by then; Castenago classed me as a member of their group。
  〃Funny; isn't it?〃 Nayre shook his head。 〃All during the Clipper trip; Durez and his crowd were congratulating themselves on how they had outsmarted Castenago。 They were talking about using a chunk of that ten million dollars to smuggle arms into Centralba and start a real revolution。
  〃They wanted me in on the deal; and I had to listen; though I didn't like it。 Then; when they arrived here; they were knocked off by a bunch of American crooks。〃
  Nayre tamped his cigarette in an ash tray and rose from his perch on the desk。 Looking at Margo again; he saw sympathy in her gaze。
  〃Frankly; Miss Lane;〃 he said; 〃I can't say that I'm sorry。 Durez and his friends got just what Castenago would have given them had it not been for Peridor; the only honest man in Centralba。 I can only state that I had no hand in it。〃
  Margo nodded; indicating that she believed everything that Nayre had said。
  He was still watching her; intently; when an interruption came。 The door opened and a stolid man with a weather…beaten face stepped into the dilapidated office; extending a hand to Nayre。
  〃RATHER quick notice; Nayre;〃 he greeted。 〃I didn't think you'd be needing me so soon。〃
  〃There's been trouble; Brady;〃 Nayre returned。 〃Durez and his crowd were wiped out by a lot of crooks; who took their money。 I couldn't afford to stay about and argue with the police。〃
  〃They're after you?〃
  〃I'm not sure。〃 Nayre turned。 〃By the way; Brady; I'd like you to meet my friend; Miss Lane。 She brought me out here。〃
  Brady gave Margo an impersonal stare; and nodded。 He didn't seem to regard it as remarkable that Nayre had been chauffeured by a young lady fresh from a swimming pool; as Margo's ultra bathing costume indicated。
  Indeed; Margo received the impression that Brady wouldn't have been surprised if Nayre had shown up on a dolphin piloted by a mermaid。
  Evidently; the two were old friends; and Brady had been expecting Nayre's arrival in Miami。 For the present; that point was merely indicated by their mutual accord。 Brady; in his stolid way; was more interested in Nayre's statements concerning the police。
  Stepping to a radio cabinet; Brady pressed the switch。 He struck a very appropriate broadcast; a news program; that was suddenly interrupted。
  〃Flash!〃 came a voice。 〃Miami Beach police are seeking the perpetrators of the most stupendous crime in years。 Tonight; unknown criminals raided the Equator Hotel; murdered Colonel Jose Durez; with three other members of his faction; and took coffers containing ten million dollars which the dead men brought from Centralba。
  〃Police believe that a tip…off enabled the criminals to acplish their work。 Though the murderers escaped by water; from Miami Beach; the authorities are still searching for a man named Colin Nayre; who disappeared with them。
  Evidence indicates that Nayre could have informed the local criminals of every move that Durez intended…〃
  It was Nayre who interrupted the broadcast; by snapping off the switch。
  His face seemed frozen as he looked toward Brady; who said nothing。 It was Nayre who finally spoke。
  〃They've figured it all out;〃 he declared glumly。 〃Just as I expected: I'm
  the goat!〃
  〃Lucky you told me to

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