八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > rz.thehandofoberon >



小说: rz.thehandofoberon 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Conceded。 Go on。 You said you had a plan。〃
 〃That is correct。 My thinking is that Brand must not be allowed to reach the Pattern at all; that once he sets foot upon it the probability of disaster goes way up。〃
 〃And you do not think I can get there in time to block him?〃
 〃Not if he can really transport himself around almost instantaneously while you have to take a long walk。 My bet is that he is just waiting for moonrise; and as soon as the city takes form he will be inside; right next to the Pattern。〃
 〃I see the point; but not the answer。〃
 〃The answer is that you are not going to set foot in Tir…na Nog'th tonight。〃
 〃Hold on a minute!〃
 〃Hold on; hell! You imported a master strategist; you'd better listen to what he has to say。〃
 〃Okay; I am listening。〃
 〃You have agreed that you probably cannot reach the place in time。 But someone else can。〃
 〃Who and how?〃
 〃All right。 I have been in touch with Benedict。 He has returned。 At this moment; he is in Amber; down in the chamber of the Pattern。 By now; he should have finished walking it and be standing there at its center; waiting。 You proceed to the foot of the stairs to the sky…city。 There you await the rising of the moon。 As soon as Tir…na Nog'th takes form; you will contact Benedict via his Trump。 You tell him that all is ready; and he will use the power of the Pattern in Amber to transport himself to the place of the Pattern in Tir…na Nog'th。 No matter how fast Brand travels; he cannot gain much on that。〃
 〃I see the advantages;〃 I said。 〃That is the fastest way to get a man up there and Benedict is certainly a good man。 He should have no trouble dealing with Brand。〃
 〃Do you really think Brand will make no other preparations?〃 Ganelon said。
 〃From everything I've heard about the man; he's smart even if he is daft。 He just may anticipate something like this。〃
 〃Possibly。 Any idea what he might do?〃
 He made a sweeping gesture with one hand; slapped his neck and smiled。
 〃A bug;〃 he said。 〃Pardon me。 Pesky little things。〃
 〃You still think …〃
 〃I think you had better remain in contact with Benedict the entire time he is up there; that is what I think。 If Brand gets the upper hand; you may need to pull Benedict back immediately to save his life。〃
 〃Of course。 But then …〃
 〃But then we would have lost a round。 Admitted。 But not the game。 Even with the Jewel fully attuned; he would have to get to the primal Pattern to do his real damage with it … and you have that under guard。〃
 〃Yes;〃 I said。 〃You seem to have everything figured。 You surprised me; moving so fast。〃
 〃I've had a lot of time on my hands recently; which can be a bad thing unless you use it for thinking。 So I did。 What I think now is that you had best move fast。 The day isn't getting any longer。〃
 〃Agreed;〃 I said。 〃Thanks for the good counsel。〃
 〃Save your thanks till we see what es of it;〃 he said; and then he broke the contact。
 〃That one sounded important;〃 Random said。 〃What's up?〃
 〃Appropriate question;〃 I answered; 〃but I am all out of time now。 You will have to wait till morning for the story。〃
 〃Is there anything I can do to help?〃
 〃As a matter of fact;〃 I said; 〃yes; if you'll either ride double or go back to Amber on a Trump。 I need Star。〃
 〃Sure;〃 Random said。 〃No trouble。 Is that all?〃
 〃Yes。 Haste is all。〃
 We moved toward the horses。
 I patted Star a few times and then mounted。
 〃We'll see you in Amber;〃 Random said。 〃Good luck。〃
 〃In Amber;〃 I said。 〃Thanks。〃
 I turned and headed toward the place of the stairway; treading my tomb's lengthening shadow eastward。
 Chapter 13
 On the highest ridge of Kolvir there is a formation which resembles three steps。 I sat on the lowest of these and waited for more to occur above me。 It takes night and moonlight to do this; so half of the requirements had been met。
 There were clouds to the west and northeast。 I was leery of those clouds。 If they massed sufficiently to block all moonlight; Tir…na Nog'th faded back to nothingness。 This was one reason why it was always advisable to have a backup man on the ground; to Trump you to safety should the city vanish about you。
 The sky overhead was clear; however; and filled with familiar stars。 When the moon came up and its light fell upon the stone at which I rested; the stairway in the sky would e into being; sweeping upward to a great height; taking its way to Tir…na Nog'th; the image of Amber that rode the night's middle air。
 I was weary。 Too much had occurred in too brief a time。 Suddenly to be at rest; to remove my boots and rub my feet; to lean back and rest my head; even against stone; was a luxury; a pure animal pleasure。 I drew my cloak together before me against the growing chill。 A hot bath; a full meal; a bed would be very good things。 But these assumed an almost mythic quality from that vantage。 It was more than sufficient simply to rest as I was; to let my thoughts move more slowly; drifting; spectatorlike; back over the day's happenings。
 So much。。。 but now; at least; I had some answers to some of my questions。 Not all of them; certainly。 But enough to slake my mind's thirst for the moment。。。 I now had some idea as to what had been going on during my absence; a better understanding of what was happening now; a knowledge of some of the things that had to be done; of what I had to do。。。 And I felt; somehow; that I knew more than I realized; consciously; that I already possessed pieces that would fit the growing picture before me; if I were only to jiggle them; flip them; rotate them properly。 The pace of recent events; particularly today's; had not allowed me a moment's reflection。 Now; though; some of the pieces seemed to be turning at odd angles。。。
 I was distracted by a stirring above my shoulder; a tiny effect of brightening in the higher air。 Turning; then standing; I regarded the horizon。 A preliminary glow had occurred out over the sea at the point where the moon would ascend。 As I watched; a minute arc of light came into view。 The clouds had shifted slightly also; though not enough to cause concern。 I glanced up then; but the overhead phenomenon had not yet begun。 I withdrew my Trumps; however; riffled them; and cut out Benedict's。
 Lethargy forgotten; I stared; watching the moon expand above the water; casting a trail of light over the waves。 A faint form was suddenly hovering on the threshold of visibility high overhead。 As the light grew; a spark limned it here and there。 The first lines; faint as spider webbing; appeared above the rock。 I studied Benedict's card; I reached for contact。。。
 His cold image came alive。 I saw him in the chamber of the Pattern; standing at the designs' center。 A lighted lantern glowed beside his left foot。 He became aware of my presence。
 〃Corwin;〃 he said; 〃is it time?〃
 〃Not quite;〃 I told him。 〃The moon is rising。 The city is just beginning to take form。 So it will only be a little longer。 I wanted to be certain you were ready。〃
 〃I am ready;〃 he said。
 〃It is good that you came back when you did。 Did you learn anything of interest?〃
 〃Ganelon called me back;〃 he said; 〃as soon as he learned what had happened。 His plan seemed a good one; which is why I am here。 As for the Courts of Chaos; yes。 I believe I have learned a few things …〃
 〃A moment;〃 I said。
 The moonbeam strands had assumed a more tangible appearance。 The city overhead was now clear in outline。 The stairway was visible in its entirety; though fainter in some places than in others。 I stretched forth enough to slake my mind's thirst for the moment。。。
 Cool; soft; I encountered the fourth stair。 It seemed to give somewhat beneath my push; however。
 〃Almost;〃 I said to Benedict。 〃I am going to try the stairs。 Be ready。〃
 He nodded。
 I mounted the stone stairs; one; two; three。 I raised my foot then and lowered it upon the fourth; ghostly one。 It yielded gently to my weight。 I was afraid to raise my other foot; so I waited; watching the moon。 I breathed the cool air as the brightness increased; as the path in the waters widened。 Glancing upward; I saw Tir…na Nog'th lose something of its transparency。 The stars behind it grew dimmer。 As this occurred; the stair became firmer beneath my foot。 All resiliency went out of it。 I felt that it might bear my full weight。 Casting my eyes along its length; I now saw it in its entirety; here translucent; there transparent; sparkling; but continuous all the way up to the silent city that drifted above the sea。 I raised my other foot and stood on the fourth stair。 If I'd the mind; a few more steps would send me along that celestial escalator into the place of dreams made real; walking neuroses and dubious prophecy; into a moonlit city of ambiguous wish fulfillment; twisted time; and pallid beauty。 I stepped back down and glanced at the moon; now balanced on the world's wet rim。 I regarded Benedict's Trump in its silvery glow。
 〃The stair is solid; the moon is up;〃 I said。
 〃All right。 I am going。〃
 I watched him there at the center of the Pattern。 He raised the lantern in his left hand and for a moment stood unmoving。 An instant later he was gone; and so was Pattern。 Another instant; and he stood within a similar chamber; this time outside the Pattern; next to the point where it begins。 He raised the lantern high and looked all around the room。 He was alone。
 He turned; walked to the wall; set the lantern beside it。 His shadow stretched toward the Pattern; changed shape as he turned on his heel; moved back to his first position。
 This Pattern; I noted; glowed with a paler light than the one in Amber … silvery white; without the hint of blue with which I was familiar。 Its configuration was the same; but the ghost city played strange tricks with perspective。 There were distortions … narrowings; widenings … which seemed to shift for no particular reason across its surface; as though I viewed the entire tableau through an irregular lens rather than Benedict's Trump。
 I retreated down the stairs; settled once again on the lowest step。 I continued to observe。
 Benedict loosened his blade in its scabbard。
 〃You know about the possible effect of blood on the Pattern?〃 I asked。
 〃Yes。 Ganelon told me。〃
 〃Did you ever suspect … any of this?〃

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