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For Mr。 Jarvis was a celebrity。
By profession he was a dealer in animals; birds; and snakes。 He had a fancier's shop in Groome street; in the heart of the Bowery。 This was on the ground…floor。 His living abode was in the upper story of that house; and it was there that he kept the twenty…three cats whose necks were adorned with leather collars; and whose numbers had so recently been reduced to twenty…two。 But it was not the fact that he possessed twenty…three cats with leather collars that made Mr。 Jarvis a celebrity。
A man may win a purely local reputation; if only for eccentricity; by such means。 But Mr。 Jarvis's reputation was far from being purely local。 Broadway knew him; and the Tenderloin。 Tammany Hall knew him。 Long Island City knew him。 In the underworld of New York his name was a by…word。 For Bat Jarvis was the leader of the famous Groome Street Gang; the most noted of all New York's collections of Apaches。 More; he was the founder and originator of it。 And; curiously enough; it had e into being from motives of sheer benevolence。 In Groome Street in those days there had been a dance…hall; named the Shamrock and presided over by one Maginnis; an Irishman and a friend of Bat's。 At the Shamrock nightly dances were given and well attended by the youth of the neighbourhood at ten cents a head。 All might have been well; had it not been for certain other youths of the neighbourhood who did not dance and so had to seek other means of getting rid of their surplus energy。 It was the practice of these light…hearted sportsmen to pay their ten cents for admittance; and once in; to make hay。 And this habit; Mr。 Maginnis found; was having a marked effect on his earnings。 For genuine lovers of the dance fought shy of a place where at any moment Philistines might burst in and break heads and furniture。 In this crisis the proprietor thought of his friend Bat Jarvis。 Bat at that time had a solid reputation as a man of his hands。 It is true that; as his detractors pointed out; he had killed no onea defect which he had subsequently corrected; but his admirers based his claim to respect on his many meritorious performances with fists and with the black…jack。 And Mr。 Maginnis for one held him in the very highest esteem。 To Bat accordingly he went; and laid his painful case before him。 He offered him a handsome salary to be on hand at the nightly dances and check undue revelry by his own robust methods。 Bat had accepted the offer。 He had gone to Shamrock Hall; and with him; faithful adherents; had gone such stalwarts as Long Otto; Red Logan; Tommy Jefferson; and Pete Brodie。 Shamrock Hall became a place of joy and order; andmore important stillthe nucleus of the Groome Street Gang had been formed。 The work progressed。 Off…shoots of the main gang sprang up here and there about the East Side。 Small thieves; pickpockets and the like; flocked to Mr。 Jarvis as their tribal leader and protector and he protected them。 For he; with his followers; were of use to the politicians。 The New York gangs; and especially the Groome Street Gang; have brought to a fine art the gentle practice of 〃repeating〃; which; broadly speaking; is the art of voting a number of different times at different polling…stations on election days。 A man who can vote; say; ten times in a single day for you; and who controls a great number of followers who are also prepared; if they like you; to vote ten times in a single day for you; is worth cultivating。 So the politicians passed the word to the police; and the police left the Groome Street Gang unmolested and they waxed fat and flourished。
Such was Bat Jarvis。
* * *
〃Pipe de collar;〃 said Mr。 Jarvis; touching the cat's neck 〃Mine; mister。〃
〃Pugsy said it must be;〃 said Billy Windsor。 〃We found two fellows setting a dog on to it; so we took it in for safety。〃
Mr。 Jarvis nodded approval。
〃There's a basket here; if you want it;〃 said Billy。
〃Nope。 Here; kit。〃
Mr。 Jarvis stooped; and; still whistling softly; lifted the cat。 He looked round the pany; met Psmith's eye…glass; was transfixed by it for a moment; and finally turned again to Billy Windsor。
〃Say!〃 he said; and paused。 〃Obliged;〃 he added。
He shifted the cat on to his left arm; and extended his right hand to Billy。
〃Shake!〃 he said。
Billy did so。
Mr。 Jarvis continued to stand and whistle for a few moments more。
〃Say!〃 he said at length; fixing his roving gaze once more upon Billy。 〃Obliged。 Fond of de kit; I am。〃
Psmith nodded approvingly。
〃And rightly;〃 he said。 〃Rightly; rade Jarvis。 She is not unworthy of your affection。 A most panionable animal; full of the highest spirits。 Her knockabout act in the restaurant would have satisfied the most jaded critic。 No diner…out can afford to be without such a cat。 Such a cat spells death to boredom。〃
Mr。 Jarvis eyed him fixedly; as if pondering over his remarks。 Then he turned to Billy again。
〃Say!〃 he said。 〃Any time you're in bad。 Glad to be of service。 You know the address。 Groome Street。 Bat Jarvis。 Good night。 Obliged。〃
He paused and whistled a few more bars; then nodded to Psmith and Mike; and left the room。 They heard him shuffling downstairs。
〃A blithe spirit;〃 said Psmith。 〃Not garrulous; perhaps; but what of that? I am a man of few words myself。 rade Jarvis's massive silences appeal to me。 He seems to have taken a fancy to you; rade Windsor。〃
Billy Windsor laughed。
〃I don't know that he's just the sort of side…partner I'd go out of my way to choose; from what I've heard about him。 Still; if one got mixed up with any of that East…Side crowd; he would be a mighty useful friend to have。 I guess there's no harm done by getting him grateful。〃
〃Assuredly not;〃 said Psmith。 〃We should not despise the humblest。 And now; rade Windsor;〃 he said; taking up the paper again 〃let me concentrate myself tensely on this very entertaining little journal of yours。 rade Jackson; here is one for you。 For sound; clear…headed criticism;〃 he added to Billy; 〃rade Jackson's name is a by…word in our English literary salons。 His opinion will be both of interest and of profit to you; rade Windsor。〃
〃By the way;〃 said Psmith; 〃what is your exact position on this paper? Practically; we know well; you are its back…bone; its life…blood; but what is your technical position? When your proprietor is congratulating himself on having secured the ideal man for your job; what precise job does he congratulate himself on having secured the ideal man for?〃
〃I'm sub…editor。〃
〃Merely sub? You deserve a more responsible post than that; rade Windsor。 Where is your proprietor? I must buttonhole him and point out to him what a wealth of talent he is allowing to waste itself。 You must have scope。〃
〃He's in Europe。 At Carlsbad; or somewhere。 He never es near the paper。 He just sits tight and draws the profits。 He lets the editor look after things。 Just at present I'm acting as editor。〃
〃Ah! then at last you have your big chance。 You are free; untrammelled。〃
〃You bet I'm not;〃 said Billy Windsor。 〃Guess again。 There's no room for developing free untrammelled ideas on this paper。 When you've looked at it; you'll see that each page is run by some one。 I'm simply the fellow who minds the shop。〃
Psmith clicked his tongue sympathetically。 〃It is like setting a gifted French chef to wash up dishes;〃 he said。 〃A man of your undoubted powers; rade Windsor; should have more scope。 That is the cry; 'more scope!' I must look into this matter。 When I gaze at your broad; bulging forehead; when I see the clear light of intelligence in your eyes; and hear the grey matter splashing restlessly about in your cerebellum; I say to myself without hesitation; 'rade Windsor must have more scope。'〃 He looked at Mike; who was turning over the leaves of his copy of Cosy Moments in a sort of dull despair。 〃Well; rade Jackson; and what is your verdict?〃
Mike looked at Billy Windsor。 He wished to be polite; yet he could find nothing polite to say。 Billy interpreted the look。
〃Go on;〃 he said。 〃Say it。 It can't be worse than what I think。〃
〃I expect some people would like it awfully;〃 said Mike。
〃They must; or they wouldn't buy it。 I've never met any of them yet; though。〃
Psmith was deep in Lucia Granville Waterman's 〃Moments in the Nursery。〃 He turned to Billy Windsor。
〃Luella Granville Waterman;〃 he said; 〃is not by any chance your nom…de…plume; rade Windsor?〃
〃Not on your life。 Don't think it。〃
〃I am glad;〃 said Psmith courteously。 〃For; speaking as man to man; I must confess that for sheer; concentrated bilge she gets away with the biscuit with almost insolent ease。 Luella Granville Waterman must go。〃
〃How do you mean?〃
〃She must go;〃 repeated Psmith firmly。 〃Your first act; now that you have swiped the editorial chair; must be to sack her。〃
〃But; say; I can't。 The editor thinks a heap of her stuff。〃
〃We cannot help his troubles。 We must act for the good of the paper。 Moreover; you said; I think; that he was away?〃
〃So he is。 But he'll e back。〃
〃Sufficient unto the day; rade Windsor。 I have a suspicion that he will be the first to approve your action。 His holiday will have cleared his brain。 Make a note of improvement number onethe sacking of Luella Granville Waterman。〃
〃I guess it'll be followed pretty quick by improvement number twothe sacking of William Windsor。 I can't go monkeying about with the paper that way。〃
Psmith reflected for a moment。
〃Has this job of yours any special attractions for you; rade Windsor?〃
〃I guess not。〃
〃As I suspected。 You yearn for scope。 What exactly are your ambitions?〃
〃I want to get a job on one of the big dailies。 I don't see how I'm going to fix it; though; at the present rate。〃
Psmith rose; and tapped him earnestly on the chest。
〃rade Windsor; you have touched the spot。 You are wasting the golden hours of your youth。 You must move。 You must hustle。 You must make Windsor of Cosy Moments a name to conjure with。 You must boost this sheet up till New York rings with your exploits。 On the present lines that is impossible。 You must strike out a line for yourself。 You must show the world that even Cosy Moments cannot keep a good man down。〃
He resumed his sea