八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > johngardner.rollofhonor >



小说: johngardner.rollofhonor 字数: 每页4000字

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 They passed through into the long room with its map of the Eastern seaboard of eighteenth…century America; Boston with Bunker's Hill and Breed's Hill to the north; Dorchester Heights jutting out to enclose the harbour; and the townships of Lexington and Concord inland。  For no apparent reason; Bond recalled hearing Americans pronounce Concord with a shortened second syllable so that it sounded like Conquered。  Jay Autem Holy was smiling down at the board; with its movable open rectangle; and all the games paraphernalia set at the players' places。
 Bond noticed the smile and the look; and in that second saw; for all the man's brilliance; the chink in his armour revealed。  His interest in strategy and tactics had bee an obsession … an obsession with winning。  Holy was interested only in winning。  To lose was the ultimate failure。  Like an over…indulged child; to win was necessary; otherwise he could not live with himself。  Had he lost some internal Pentagon battle when he disappeared all those years ago?  Bond wondered; steeling himself。
 This fanatical Games Master was now issuing rapid instructions。
 Bond prepared to win the American Revolution; and so put Jay Autem Holy at a psychological disadvantage。
 The rules were simple enough。  Each player took a turn; which was divided into four movements: Orders; Movement; Challenge and Resolution。 Some of these moves could be made in secret by marking the location of troops; or material; on a small duplicated map of the playing area; a pile of which rested in front of each player。
 When we transfer the whole thing on to puter there will be a more ingenious method of making the unobserved moves;' Holy told him with all the pride of a small boy showing off a collection of toy soldiers。
 The playing area itself; on the grid of the large map; was marked out in hundreds of black hexagonals。  Each player had counters which represented the number; strength and type of unit … black for a piece of cannon with horses and crew; green for five men; blue for ten; red for twenty; and so on。  There were also counters overprinted with a horse; denoting mounted troops; and special counters to represent arms caches and the rebel leaders。
 In good weather men could move five hexagonals on foot; seven on horseback; and cannon only two。  These moves were restricted by bad weather; woodland or hills。
 Once Orders had been noted; the player moved and then challenged; either by ing within two hexes of an enemy counter or by declaring that he had sight over five hexes; thereby revealing any hidden moves。
 After the Challenge came the Resolution in which various strengths; fatigue; weather; were taken into consideration; and the oute of the Challenge would be noted; one or the other player losing troops; material; or the action itself。
 As each turn; at the beginning; covered a time…scale of one day and the whole episode lasted from September 1774 to June 1775 … Bond realised they could be at it for many hours。
 〃Once we get it on puter; the whole business bees faster; of course;' Holy remarked as they began their Orders phase … with Bond playing the British。  He remembered what Peter had told him: that his opponent almost expected the British to make the same moves and mistakes … as they had in history。
 As Bond recalled it; the garrison mander had been hamstrung by the length of time orders took to reach him from England。  Had he acted decisively in the first weeks and months; this opening period could have had a very different oute。  While Independence would almost certainly have followed eventually; lives as well as face might have been saved。
 Bond opened by showing patrols going out of Boston to search the surrounding countryside。  He also made secret forays in order to gain control of the high ground at Bunker's and Breed's Hills; together with the Dorchester Heights; at an early stage。
 He was surprised to find how much faster the game moved than he had expected。
 〃The fascination for me;' Holy observed as Bond took out two arms caches and around twenty revolutionaries on the Lexington road; 〃is the juxtaposition of reality and fiction。  But; in your former job; this must have been a constant problem。〃 Bond secretly took three more cannon towards Breed's Hill; and a section of thirty men in a final move to the top of Dorchester Heights; while showing more patrols on the ground along the Boston Concord line。  〃Yes。〃 Be truthful; he thought; 〃Yes; I have lived a fictitious life within a reality。  It is the daily bread of field agents。〃
 〃I trust you are living in reality now; friend Bond。  I say that because what is being planned in this house can also change the course of history。〃 Holy revealed two strong bodies of the Colonial Militia along the road; attacking the British patrols so fiercely that Bond lost almost twenty men and was forced to withdraw and regroup。  Secretly; though; he still poured men; and weapons on to the dominating ground。
 The Battle of Bunker's Hill … if it ever came … would be pletely reversed; with the British forces in a strong and dominant position; defending instead of attacking under the withering fire of the entrenched Militia。
 〃One hopes that any change can only be for the good; and that lives are not put at risk;' Bond said after a pause。
 〃Lives are always at risk。〃 The Master of Endor found himself losing four caches of weapons and ammunition in a farmhouse on the far side of Lexington。  He realised that Bond had also begun to move his forces on Concord。  He shrugged。  〃But; as for your own life; I know there is no point in threatening you with sudden death。  Any threat to your person is of little importance。
 〃I wouldn't say that。〃 Bond found himself smiling。  〃We all like life。 The thought of being separated from it is as good a lever as any。
 The date on the calendar easel showed them almost at the end of December; and the weather was against both sides。  All either of them could do now was consolidate openly; or by using the clandestine option。 Bond decided to divide his forces; encircling the road between Lexington and Concord; while his remaining troops continued to fortify the hills and heights。  Jay Autem Holy appeared to be playing a more devious game; sniping at British patrols and; Bond suspected; moving forces on to the high ground already occupied by the British。  They played; turn after turn as the weather grew worse and movement was constantly restricted。 Throughout this phase; the Master of Endor carried on a conversation that appeared to have little to do with the simulated battle。
 〃Your part in our mission。  。  。  he took out five of Bond's men 〃 。
 is of exceptional importance; and you will undoubtedly have to use much fiction and illusion to acplish it。〃
 〃Yes。  I've been giving it a lot of thought。〃
 〃Have you given thought to the way governments mislead their gullible peoples?〃
 〃How do you mean?〃 Bond now had sizeable forces on all three sections of ground overlooking Boston。
 〃The obvious; of course; is the so…called balance of power。  The United States does not draw attention to the fact that it is outnumbered in space by Russian satellites … not to mention things like the fractional orbital bombing system; in which the Soviets hold a monopoly of seventeen to zero。
 〃The figures are there for anybody to see。〃 Bond would soon have to make a serious challenge from the high ground; as Colonial forces struggled upwards in increasing numbers; restricted by both the climb and the weather。
 〃Oh yes; but neither side makes a big thing about figures。〃 Holy scanned the board; brow creased。  〃Except when Russia takes umbrage at the deployment of Cruise and Pershings in Europe。  Even when she can more than adequately match them。  But James; what is the real conspiracy here?  The British government ties up many policemen controlling anti…nuclear protesters。  Yet nobody says to these well…meaning people; 〃If it happens; brothers and sisters; it's not going to happen with the big nuclear bang。  Cruise and Pershing are only for rattling。
 What could occur would be ten thousand times worse。
 They do not stop to tell the worthy ladies at Greenham mon or the marchers in London。〃
 〃Nobody tells the protesters in the United States either。〃 Bond watched as his opponent edged even larger numbers of men towards the waiting British guns; and fought a small skirmish along the constant battlefront of the country between Boston and Concord。
 〃And yet; if it came; James; what would happen?〃
 〃Your guess is as good as mine。  Certainly not the big bang and the mushroom cloud。  More like the bright lights and a very nasty chemical cloud。〃
 〃Quite 。  。  。
 I challenge from this hex。〃 Holy's arm moved out; to an area between Concord and Lexington; where British troops were now much thinner on the ground。  〃No; it will be neutrons and chemicals。  A lot of death; but little destruction。  Then a confrontation in space; with the Soviets holding the big stick up there。〃
 〃Unless the United States and NATO have done something to equalise things。  That's what is going on; isn't it?〃 Why this?  Bond asked himself。  Why talk to me about the balance of power; and the place nuclear weapons play in that balance?
 Then he recalled the sound advice always given in classes on interrogation … listen to the words; ignore the orchestration that makes the banal words seem more intelligent; the clever; soaring strings that take your mind from the cheap potency of simple; emotional ideas。
 By now it was late January in the game and; at a Challenge; Bond had to reveal there were British forces ringing the far side of Concord。  Jay Autem Holy started to cut them apart with his Colonial Militia; sniping across the winter landscape。  Bond saw how addictive this kind of exercise could bee。  You could almost feel the cold and fatigue which played havoc with men's strength and fighting ability。
 You even heard the crack of musket fire; and saw the blood staining the dirty snow in some farmer's field。
 Dr Jay Autem Holy was not really talking about the lopsided balance of power。  He was talking about the need to end the whole system which controlled that balance。
 〃Would the world not be a better and safer place if the real strength w

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