八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > johngardner.rollofhonor >



小说: johngardner.rollofhonor 字数: 每页4000字

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 Why; I ask myself; should the authorities begin to take an interest at that time of night?〃 Bond shrugged; indicating that he had no idea; and; in any case; it was nothing to do with him。
 The cars came to a halt。  〃I do hope you've given us the correct frequency; James。  If you haven't Well; I've already warned you of the consequences; consequences for the entire world; my friend 〃That's the current EPOC frequency。  Have no doubt; Dr Holy;' he snapped back。
 Holy winced at the sound of his real name; then nodded as he leaned forward to open the door。
 Bond was left with the Arab boy; who watched him with alert bright eyes; a small Walther automatic clutched in his right hand。  The safety catch; Bond noticed; was off。
 Simon; Holy and the German; Rudi; were joined by Rahani and General Zwingli … a little procession walking spryly towards the hangar。 Rahani's men were everywhere; Bond now saw; spread out; half concealed by what cover they could find; with a full armament of carbines and automatic weapons。  There were even two guards on the small door inserted in one of the great sliding doors of the hangar。
 The door was opened; and the party stepped inside。
 Two minutes later; Simon came out; walking quickly to the car。
 〃Colonel Rahani wants you inside。〃 His manner was one of indifference; the attitude of a man who does not wish to bee involved with anyone outside his own tight radeship。  Bond recognised the psychology。  He had studied the whole subject of terrorist mentality and he knew they had e to some cut…off point。
 Simon was not willing to have any kind of relationship with Bond now。
 It could be; he thought; as they walked the few paces towards the hangar; that this really is the end。  They've decided I've talked; and there can be no trust from now on。  Curtain time … the fiction meeting the reality。
 The little group of senior men stood just inside the door; and it was Tamil Rahani who greeted him。〃
 〃Ah; mander Bond。  We thought you should see this。〃 He gestured towards the centre of the hangar。
 About forty men sat close together on the floor; held in a tight knot by three tripod…mounted machine guns trained on them; each with a crew of four。
 〃These are the good men from Goodyear。〃 He split the Good…year; as though trying a pun。  〃They will remain here until our mission is pleted。  They will be quickly dispatched … all of them … if one person makes an attempt to break out。  They are being fed and looked after by the other team。〃 He indicated four men placed between the guns。 〃It is unfortable for them。  But if all goes well; they will be released unharmed。  You will notice there is one lady。〃 From the middle of the group; Cindy Chalmer gave Bond a wan smile; and Tamil Rahani lowered his voice。
 〃Between ourselves; mander Bond; I think the delightful Miss Chalmer does not have much chance of surviving。  But we want no bloodshed yet; not even your blood。  You see; it was SPECTRE'S intention that you should be put with this group of prisoners once you'd fulfilled your mission。  The representative from SPECTRE did not trust you from the start; and is not at all happy with you now。
 However。  。  。〃 His lips drew back; not into a smile; but rather in a straight thin slash across his face。
 〃However; I think you can be of use in the airship。  You can fly; can't you?  You have a pilot's licence?〃 Bond nodded; adding that he had no experience of airships。
 〃You'll only be the copilot。  The one who sees to it that the pilot does as he's told。  There'll be a nice irony in it; if by any chance you have doubled on us; mander Bond。  e!〃 They returned to the cars and drove swiftly over the few hundred yards to the office building。 Inside; around forty of Rahani's trained men from Erewhon were sitting around; smoking and drinking coffee。
 〃Our handling team; mander Bond。  They have learned by simulation。 At Erewbon。  It was something we did not show you; but they are very necessary when we weigh out the airship before takeoff and; to a great extent; when we get back from our short excursion。〃 The only man who was out of place sat at a table just inside the door。  He wore a navy blue pilot's uniform; and his peaked cap lay on the table in front of him。 One of Rahani's men sat opposite; well clear of the table; with an Uzi machine pistol ready to blow the man's stomach out should he make a fuss。
 〃You are our pilot; I presume?〃 Rahani smiled politely at the man; who looked at him coldly and said he was a pilot; but he would not fly under duress。
 〃I think you will;' Rahani said confidently。  〃What do we call you?〃
 〃You call me Captain;' the pilot replied。
 〃No。  We're all friends here。  Informal。〃 Rahani added in a manding snap: Your first name。
 The pilot realised it would be foolhardy to remain too stubborn。
 He cocked his head on one side。
 〃Okay; you can call me Nick。〃
 〃Right; Nick 。  。  。  〃 Tamil Rahani carefully explained what was going to happen。  Nick was to fly the airship; just as he would have done under normal circumstances。
 Up to Geneva and along the lake front。  After that he would change course; cutting straight over Le Richemond Hotel … 〃Where the Summit Conference is in progress。  You will stay over the hotel for approximately four minutes。〃 Rahani spoke like an officer used to being obeyed。  〃Four minutes at the outside。  No more。  Nothing will happen。
 Nobody will be hurt as long as you do what you're told。  After that; you will bring the airship back here and land。  You may then leave unharmed。〃
 〃Damned if I will。〃
 〃1 think you will; Nick。  Someone else will do it if you don't。  This gentleman here; for instance。〃 He touched Bond's shoulder。  〃He's a pilot; without airship experience; but he will do it if we give him enough encouragement。  Our encouragement to you is that we kill you straight away; here and now; if you don't agree。〃
 〃He means it; Nick;' Bond interrupted。  In a couple of minutes you'll just be a lump of meat。  Useless to anyone。
 Best do as he says。
 The pilot thought for a moment; recognising his inescapable position。
 〃Okay。  Okay; I'll fly the blimp。
 〃Good; Nick。  And thank you; mander Bond。〃 Rahani went on in a level voice; 〃Now I'll tell you what we have in store for mander Bond。  He is to be your copilot。  You will tell him now about the differences between flying an aircraft and handling an airship。  We shall give him one round of ammunition for his automatic pistol。  One round only。  He can wound or kill only one person with that; and there'll be five of us on board; five; not counting mander Bond and yourself。  Bond here will do exactly as I tell him。  If you try to be clever; I shall tell him to kill you。  If he does not kill you; one of us will do it for him; and force him to take over。  If he still resists; then we'll kill him too; and manage the best we can。  I understand that this airship is filled with helium and ballasted so that it will stay up; unassisted; for some time; and is difficult to crash。  Yes?〃
 〃Guess you're right。〃
 〃Well; mander Bond will look after you; and we'll all have a pleasant trip。  How long will it take?
 Half an hour?〃
 〃About that。  Maybe three…quarters。
 〃mander Bond; talk to your pilot。  Learn from him。  We have things to get on board the gondola。  He gave Bond a hard knock on the shoulder。 〃Learn; and do as you are bidden; eh?〃 Bond lowered his head as he sat down; letting it e near the pilot's; his lips hardly moving。  〃I'm working under some duress as well。  Just help me。  We have to stop them。〃 Then he said aloud; 〃Okay Nick; just tell me about this ship。〃 The pilot looked up; puzzled for a moment; but Bond nodded encouragement; and he began to talk。
 Around them; Rahani's men were carrying equipment out of the office。 Among the hardware was one powerful shortwave transmitter and a micro。 Bond listened attentively as Nick told him that flying the airship was more or less the same as handling an aircraft。
 〃Yoke; rudder pedals; same flight instruments; throttles for the two little engines。  The only difference is in trimming。〃 He explained how the two small balloons; fore and aft in the helium…filled envelope; could be inflated with air; or have the air valved off。  〃It's more or less the same principle as a balloon; except; with the air…filled ballonets; you don't have to bleed off expensive gas。  You just take on or dump air。  The ballonets take care of the gas pressure; give you extra lift; or allow you to trim up or down。  The only tricky bit is knowing when to dump the pressure as you e in to land; positioning the blimp; so that the ground crew can grab at the guy ropes。  You need to bleed it all off at that point; like dumping ballast; so nobody gets lifted off the ground。〃 It was all technically straightforward; and Nick even made a little drawing to show Bond where the valves lay; above the forward windshield; and how the ballonets were filled with air from scoops below the small engines。
 He had hardly finished when Simon came over; glancing at his watch。 They looked up; to find the office almost deserted。
 〃You're both needed at the ship。〃 He held up one round of 9mm ammunition; and Bond saw that it was one of his original Glaser slugs。
 〃You get this when we're aboard。〃 His eyes showed no sympathy。 〃e along; then。  We've got to show the flag。  One joy ride around the lake。〃 Over at the airship; Rahani's men had prepared themselves to take up the strain on the forward guy ropes hanging from the great pointed sausage of the airship; which at the moment remained tethered to its mooring mast。
 As they reached the ship; they could see the others were already on board the curved gondola; which seemed to hang under the great gleaming envelope。
 Nick climbed up first through the large door which took up a third of the gondola's right…hand side。  Bond followed; with Simon taking up the rear and pulling the door closed behind him。
 Tamil Rahani sat next to Holy at the back of the gondola。  In front of them they had arranged the transmitters linked to the puter。  The Arab boy sat directly in front of Holy; with General Zwingli across the narrow aisle from him。  Bond went forward; taking his place on Nick's right。  Simon now hovered between them。
 As soon as he

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