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ur boots。 But for now; I can't tell you from…〃
〃Okay。 I get it。 How about the third time he walked out to the body?〃
Cal shrugged。 〃He walked there when I was there; but we had tarps down by then。 I guess he went out to the body more than once before you two got there; because it seems that we've got three trails of his prints from the road to the body。 But even that's hard to say for sure because no trail is plete。 We got prints over prints; and we got soft ground and hard ground; and grass。〃
〃Right。〃 We all studied the pins; the arrows; and the notations。
I said; 〃There was a man and woman out there also; wearing civilian shoes。 I could get you the shoes; but what I'm interested in is Colonel Kent。 I think he visited the scene earlier; probably in uniform; with the same boots he wore later; somewhere between; say; 0245 and 0330 hours。〃
Cal Seiver thought a moment; then replied; 〃But the body wasn't found until 。。。 what time? 。。。 0400; by the duty sergeant; St。 John。〃
I didn't reply。
Seiver scratched his bald head and stared at the diagram。 〃Well 。。。 could be 。。。 I mean; here's something that doesn't make sense 。。。 here's St。 John's bootprint。 Orange。 That's a definite。 The guy had a wad of gum on his sole and it printed。 Okay 。。。 so here we have St。 John's bootprint; and it seems to be superimposed on a bootprint that we think is Colonel Kent's。 Kent had very new boots with clear tread。 So 。。。 I mean; if St。 John was there at 0400 hours; and Colonel Kent didn't arrive until the MPs called him at what 。。。 after 0500 hours; then St。 John's bootprint on top of Kent's bootprint wouldn't make sense。 But you have to understand that while we can ID the impressions of most footwear if the medium is good…snow; mud; soft soil; and such…it's not as precise as fingerprints。 And in this case; where we have two good prints; we can't say for certain which was superimposed on which。〃
〃But you have St。 John's noted as being superimposed on Kent's。〃
〃Well; that's a judgment call by the tech。 Could be a mistake。 Probably was; now that I see it。 St。 John was there first; so he couldn't have walked over Kent's 。。。 but you're saying you think Kent was there before St。 John found the body。〃
〃I'm saying it;〃 I replied; 〃but you will not say it to anyone。〃
〃I only give information to you two and to a court…martial board。〃
Cynthia said to Cal; 〃Let's see the plaster impression of this spot。〃
〃Right。〃 Cal looked at some sheets of typed paper on the bulletin board and matched something to something; then led us to a distant corner of the hangar where about a hundred white plaster casts of footprints sat on the floor; looking like the evidence of Pompeii's populace heading out of town。 The casts were numbered with black grease pencil; and he found the one he wanted; hefted it up; and carried it over to a table。 There was a fluorescent lamp clamped to the table; and I turned it on。
We all stared at the cast a few seconds; then Cal said; 〃Okay; this bootprint is St。 John's; heading toward the body。 This little mark at the edge is the direction of the body。 Okay; also heading toward the body is this bootprint; which is Colonel Kent's。〃
I looked at the two bootprints。 They were superimposed side by side; the left side of Kent's left boot overlapping the right side of St。 John's right boot…or St。 John's overlapping Kent's。 That was the question。 I didn't say anything; and neither did Cynthia。 Finally; Cal said; 〃Well 。。。 if you 。。。 do you see that indent there? That's the wad of gum on St。 John's boot; but it wasn't touched by Kent's boot or vice versa。 You see; we have two military boots of the same make; same tread; and the prints were made within hours of each other 。。。 and we have intersecting and interlocking tread marks 。。。〃
〃Do you need a deerstalker cap for this?〃
〃A what?〃
〃Why did someone put the shorter pin on Kent's print on the diagram?〃
〃Well; I'm not an expert on this。〃
〃Where is the expert?〃
〃He's gone。 But let me give it a try。〃 He changed the position of the lighting; then shut it off and looked at the cast in the shadowy overhead light of the hangar; then got a flashlight and tried different angles and distances。 Cynthia and I looked as well; this not being an exact science but more a matter of mon sense。 In truth; it was nearly impossible to say with any certainty which bootprint had been made first。
Cynthia ran her finger over the places where the two bootprints intersected。 With a smooth sole; you could easily tell which was deeper; but even that was not proof that the deeper one was made first; given the fact that people walk differently and are of different weights。 But the deeper print is usually first because it presses the earth or the snow or the mud; and the next footstep is walking on pressed earth and will not sink in as far; unless the person is a real lard…ass。 Cynthia said; 〃St。 John's print is a hair higher than Kent's。〃
Cal said; 〃I've seen Kent; and he weighs about two hundred pounds。 How about St。 John?〃
I replied; 〃About the same。〃
〃Well;〃 said Seiver; 〃it really depends on how hard they came down。 Relative to their other prints on the diagram; and considering the flat impressions of both prints; neither was running。 In fact; I'd guess that both were walking slowly。 So if Kent's print is a hair deeper; you'd have to guess that Kent's print was made first; and St。 John walked over Kent's print later。 But that's just a guess。〃 He added; 〃I wouldn't send anybody to the gallows on that。〃
〃No; but we can scare the shit out of him。〃
〃Can you get the latent…footprint guy back here tonight?〃
Cal shook his head。 〃He's off to Oakland Army Base on assignment。 I can get someone else flown in by chopper。〃
〃I want the original guy。 Get this cast on a flight to Oakland and have him analyze it again。 Don't tell him what he thought the first time。 Right? He's not going to remember this one out of a few hundred。〃
〃Right。 We'll see if we get the same analysis。 I'll get on it。 We may have to put it on a mercial flight out of Atlanta to San Francisco。 I may go myself。〃
〃No way; pal。 You're stuck at Hadley with me。〃
〃Right。 Okay; I do want a latent…footprint team from Gillem。 I want them out at the rifle range at first light。 They're looking for more of Colonel Kent's bootprints。 Have them look alongside the road; out further on the range; around the body again; and near the latrines and so on。 I want a clear diagram showing only Kent's prints。 Better yet; feed everything into a puter program; and be prepared to show it by noon tomorrow。 Okay?〃
〃We'll do our best。〃 He hesitated; then asked; 〃Are you sure about this?〃
I gave him a slight nod; which was all the encouragement he needed to roust people out of bed and get them back to Hadley at dawn。 I said; 〃Cal; the FBI might e around tonight or early tomorrow。 They have jurisdiction over this case as of noon tomorrow。 But not until then。〃
〃I hear you。〃
〃Work out some kind of early warning signal with the MPs outside; and alert Grace so she can stuff the disk she's working on。〃
〃No problem。〃
〃Thanks。 You've done a good job。〃
Cynthia and I went back to Grace Dixon; who was making a neat pile of printouts on her desk。 She said; 〃Here's the last one。 That's all the diary entries that mention Bill Kent; William Kent; Kent; and so on。〃
〃Good。〃 I took the stack and leafed through it。 There were about forty sheets of paper; some with more than one dated entry; the first going back to June of two years ago; and the most recent was just last week。
Cynthia mented; 〃They saw a lot of each other。〃
I nodded。 〃Okay; thanks again; Grace。 Why don't you put the disk in your secret place and go get some sleep?〃
〃I'm okay。 You look like hell。〃
〃See you tomorrow。〃
I took the printouts with me; and we made the long walk across the hangar and exited through the small door。 It was one of those still nights where the humidity hung in the air; and you couldn't even smell the pines unless you were on top of them。 〃Shower?〃 I asked。
〃No;〃 Cynthia replied。 〃Provost office。 Colonel Moore and Ms。 Baker…Kiefer。 Remember them?〃
We got into my Blazer; and the clock on the dashboard said ten thirty…five。 That gave us less than fourteen hours to tie it up。
Cynthia saw me looking at the clock and said; 〃The FBI guys are probably yawning and thinking about turning in。 But they'll be all over the place tomorrow morning。〃
〃Right。〃 I put the Blazer in gear; and we headed away from Jordan Field。 I said; 〃I don't care if they get credit for solving this case。 I'm not into the petty crap。 I'll turn this all over to them at noon tomorrow; and they can run with it。 But the closer we get to the perpetrator; the less dirt they have to dig up。 I'll point them in Kent's direction and hope that's as far as it goes。〃
〃Well; that's very big of you to let them wind it up。 Your career is sort of winding up; too。 But I could use the credit。〃
I glanced at her。 〃We're military。 We just take orders。 In fact; you take orders from me。〃
〃Yes; sir。〃 She sulked for a minute; then said; 〃The FBI are masters at the public relations game; Paul。 Their PR people make the Army Public Information Office look like an information booth at a bus station。 We've got to finish this ourselves; even if it means putting a gun to Kent's head and threatening to blow his brains out unless he signs a confession。〃
〃My; my; aren't we assertive tonight。〃
〃Paul; this is important。 And you're right about the FBI digging up unnecessary dirt。 They'll leak the contents of that diary to every paper in the country; and to add insult to injury; they'll say they found the disk and cracked it。 These guys are good; but they're ruthless。 They're almost as ruthless as you。〃
〃Thank you。〃
〃And they don't care about the Army。 Talk about Nietzsche…the FBI philosophy is; 'Whatever makes any other law enforcement agency or institution look bad makes us look better。' So we have to wrap it up by noon。〃
〃Okay。 Who's the murderer?〃
〃No。 Are you?〃
I shrugged。 〃I like the guy。〃
She nodded。 〃I don't dislike him; but I'm not overly fond of him。〃
It was funny; I thought; how men a