八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > alistairmaclean.nightwithoutend >



小说: alistairmaclean.nightwithoutend 字数: 每页4000字

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ter sub…zero temperatures above。 But there was no help for it: if it would take us a week to reach the coast; and in all optimism I couldn't count on less; rationing would have to start now。
 In a matter of a couple of hours the thermometer reading had risen with astonishing speed…these dramatic temperature variations were monplace on the ice…cap…and it was beginning to snow when we emerged from the hatch and moved across to where the tractor lay。 The rise in temperature flattered only to deceive: the south wind brought with it not only snow but a rapidly climbing humidity; and the air was almost unbearably chill。
 We ripped off the covering tarpaulin…it cracked and tore but I was no longer concerned with preserving it…and our guests saw for the first time the vehicle upon which all their lives were to depend。 Slowly I played my torch over it…the dark shroud of the arctic night had already fallen across the ice…cap…and I heard the quick indrawn hiss of breath beside me。
 〃Drove it out when the museum attendant wasn't looking; I suppose。〃 Corazzini kept his voice carefully expressionless。 〃Or did you just find it here…left over from the last ice…age?〃
 〃It is a bit old;〃 I admitted。 〃Pre…war。 But all we can afford。 The British Government isn't quite so lavish with its IGY expenditure as the Russians and your people。 Know it? It's the prototype; the ancestor of the modern arctic tractor。〃
 〃Never seen it before。 What is it?〃
 〃French。 A 10…20 Citroen。 Underpowered; narrow…tracked as you can see; and far too short for its weight。 Lethal in crevasse country。 Plods along fairly well on the frozen ice…cap; but you'd be better with a bicycle when there's any depth at all of new…fallen snow。 But it's all we have。〃
 Corazzini said no more。 As the managing director of a factory producing some of the finest tractors in the world; I suppose his heart was too full to say any more。 But his disappointment made no difference to his drive; his sheer unflagging determination。 For the next few hours he worked like a demon。 So; too; did Zagero。
 Less than five minutes after we had started work we had to stop again to rig up a canvas screen; lashed to aluminium poles brought up from the runnel; round three sides of the tractor: work had been impossible in that snow and knife…like wind that lanced through even the bulkiest layers of clothing…and most of them were now wearing so many that they could move only with difficulty…as if they were tissue paper。 Behind this screen we placed a portable oil stove…the very illusion of warmth was better than nothing…two storm lanterns and the blow…torches without which we could have made no progress at all。 Even with this shelter; practically everyone had to go below from time to time to rub and pound life back into his freezing body: only Jackstraw and I; in our caribou furs; could stay up almost indefinitely。 Joss was below all the afternoon: after spending a couple of hours trying to raise our field party on the tractor's emergency radio he gave up and went doggedly back to work on the RCA。
 Our first job; the removal of the hoped canvas hood; gave us some measure of the difficulty of the task that lay before us。 The hood was secured by only seven bolts and nuts; but these had been in position for over four months now; were frozen solid and took over an hour to remove: each set had to be thawed out separately by blow…torch before the heavy wrenches could get the nuts to turn。
 Then came the assembly of the wooden body。 This was in fifteen prefabricated pieces; three each for the floor; sides; roof and front…the back was only a canvas screen。 Each set of three pieces had to be brought out singly through the narrow hatchway before assembly; and it was the devil's own job; in that numbing cold and flickering semi…darkness; to locate and line up the bolt…holes in the wood with the matching holes in the connecting iron cross…pieces。 It took us well over an hour to assemble and fit the floor section alone; and it was beginning to look as if we would be here until midnight when Corazzini had the idea…and a brilliant one it seemed at the time…of assembling the various sections in the parative warmth and brightness of the cabin; sliding the plicated piece out vertically into the food and fuel tunnel; sawing a long narrow slit through the snow roof; which was no more than a foot thick in the middle; and hauling the sections up from below。
 After this we made rapid progress。 By five o'clock the entire body shell was pleted and with the end in sight less than a couple of hours away; everyone worked more furiously than ever。
 Most of them were unskilled; ham…handed and pletely unused to any physical work at all; far less work of this cruel; exacting nature; but my opinion of them was rising all the time。 Corazzini and Zagero especially; were tireless; and Theodore Mahler; the silent little Jew whose entire conversational range so far had been limited to 'Yes'; 〃No'; 〃Please' and 'Thank you'; was indefatigable; pletely selfless and unplaining; driving his slight body to lengths of which I would never have believed it capable。 Even the Senator; the Rev。 Smallwood and Solly Levin did what they could; as best they could; trying their best to hide their misery and their pain。 By this time everyone; even Jackstraw and myself; was shaking almost uncontrollably with the cold so that our hands and elbows rat…tat…tatted like machine…guns against the wooden sides of the tractor: and our hands themselves; through constant contact with metal were in a shocking state; puffed and bleeding and blistered; the mittens continuously filled with lumps and slivers of ice that never melted。
 We had just installed the four collapsible bunks and were fitting the stove…pipe through its circular hole in the roof when someone called me。 I jumped down and all but knocked over Marie LeGarde。
 〃You shouldn't be out here;〃 I scolded。 〃It's far too cold for you; Miss LeGarde。〃
 〃Don't be silly; Peter。〃 I could never bring myself to call her 'Marie'; though she had asked me to several times。 〃I have to get used to it; don't I? Would you e below for a moment or two; ptease?〃
 〃Why? I'm busy。〃
 〃But not indispensable;〃 she retorted。 〃I want you to have a look at Margaret。〃
 〃Margaret…oh; the stewardess。 What does she want?〃
 〃Nothing。 It's I who want it。 Why are you so hostile towards her?〃 she asked curiously。 〃It's not like you…at least; I don't think it is。 She's a fine girl。〃
 〃What does the fine girl want?〃
 〃What in the world's got into you? Why…oh; forget it。 I'm not going to fight with you。 Her back hurts…she's in considerable pain。 e and see it; please。〃
 〃I offered to see it last night。 If she wants me now why doesn't she e and ask me?〃
 〃Because she's scared of you; that's why;〃 she said angrily。 She stamped a foot in the frozen snow。 〃Will you go or not?〃
 I went。 Below; I stripped off my gloves; emptied the ice out of them and washed my blistered; bleeding hands in disinfectant。 I saw Marie LeGarde's eyes widen at the sight of my hands; but she said nothing: maybe she knew I wasn't in the mood for condolences。
 I rigged up a screen in the corner of the room remote from the table where the women had been gathering and dividing out the remaining food supplies; and had a look at Margaret Ross's back。 It was a mess; all right; a great ugly blue and purpling bruise from the spine to the left shoulder: in the centre; just below the shoulder blade; was a deep jagged cut; which looked as if it had been caused by a heavy blow from some triangular piece of sharp metal。 Whatever had caused it had passed clean through her tunic and blouse。
 〃Why didn't you show me this yesterday?〃 I asked coldly。
 〃I …1 didn't want to bother you;〃 she faltered。
 Didn't want to bother me; I thought grimly。 Didn't want to give yourself away; you mean。 In my mind's eye I had a picture of the pantry where we had found her; and I was almost certain now that I could get the proof that I needed。 Almost; but not quite。 I'd have to go to check。
 〃Is it very bad?〃 She twisted round; and I could see there were tears in the brown eyes from the pain of the disinfectant I was rubbing on none too gently。
 〃Bad enough;〃 I said shortly。 〃How did you get this?〃
 〃I've no idea;〃 she said helplessly。 〃I just don't know; Dr Mason。〃
 〃Perhaps we can find out。〃
 〃Find out? Why? What does it matter?〃 She shook her head wearily。 〃I don't understand; I really don't。 What have I done; Dr Mason?〃
 It was magnificent; I had to admit。 I could have hit her; but it was magnificent。
 〃Nothing; Miss Ross。 Just nothing at all。〃 By the time I had pulled on my parka; gloves; goggles and mask she was fully dressed; staring at me as I climbed up the steps and out through the hatch。
 The snow was falling quite heavily now; gusting in swirling ghostly flumes through the pale beam of my torch: it seemed to vanish as it hit the ground; freezing as it touched; or scudding smoke…like over the frozen surface with a thin rustling sound。 But the wind was at my back; the bamboo markers stretched out in a dead straight line ahead; never less than two of them in the beam of my torch; and I had reached the crashed plane in five or six minutes。
 I jumped for the windscreen; hooked my fingers over the sill; hauled myself up with some difficulty and wriggled my way into the control cabin。 A moment later I was in the stewardess's pantry; flashing my torch around。
 On the after bulkhead was a big refrigerator; with a small hinged table in front of it; and at the far end; under the window; a hinged box covered over what might have been a heating unit or sink or both。 I didn't bother investigating; I wasn't interested。 What I was interested in was the for'ard bulkhead; and I examined it carefully。 It was given up entirely to the small closed doors of little metal lockers let in flush to the wall…food containers; probably…and there wasn't a single metal projection in the entire wall; nothing that could possibly account for the wound in the stewardess's back。 And if she had been here at the moment of impact; that was the wa

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